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Paris (The Adlers Book 4)

Page 7

by Avery Gale

  “Paris, you have no idea how happy I am to hear you are safe.” Trinity shook his head in disbelief. Hell, he felt like he’d been dropped into the middle of some damned sitcom. What a complete cluster fuck.

  “Safe? Hell no, I’m not safe. This place is a damned obstacle course.” There was a stark difference between the little hellion’s words and expression. Evidently, she’d surfaced enough from the second round of adrenaline to regain some focus. “Why… how… wait a minute… what made you think I wasn’t safe?” Trinity watched her eyes clear as her brows drew together in concentration.

  “Your heart rate and respiration spiked and stayed off the chart long enough to indicate a problem, so the control center at the club called me. I’ve been watching your monitor on my laptop. You’ve been all over the place, sweetness. What the hell is going on up there?” Trin could hear the thread of amusement in Ian’s voice, but he doubted Paris would notice. “Trinity, do you need any extra manpower?” Paris rolled her eyes, but Trin saw the corners of her mouth twitch. “Or perhaps you’d like to bring Paris to Club Isola, I believe we have an empty apartment.”

  “I admit, having her captive on an island holds a certain appeal.”

  “My only concern is what sort of mischief Paris and Callie could find.” Ian paused, and Trin would bet the man was grinning ear to ear. “We’ll continue to monitor Ms. Adler’s autonomic responses, but since it seems you have things under control… Well, except for the overly aggressive table. I’d suggest you move the offending piece of furniture before it hurts someone else.” By this time, Evan was chuckling again, and Paris was blushing so deeply, Trinity could feel the heat from several feet away. “Evan, I’d suggest you have your maintenance staff lock up their saws—just as a precaution.”

  Trinity heard a phone disconnect before Seth was back on the line, trying valiantly to keep from laughing as he signed off as well.

  Chapter Nine

  Evan watched Paris’ meltdown with barely constrained amusement, grateful she’d found a safe way to expend the adrenaline overload. His new sister-in-law was hiding some dark secrets, and from the thunderous look on Trinity’s face, the man fully intended to uncover them all. Evan had detoured through the clinic on the way to check on a post-op patient and to pick up something to settle Paris down, but it looked like she’d found a far more entertaining way to work through the backwash of adrenaline. There was still a crash coming, but a toe-curling orgasm and a few hours’ sleep would be the best things for her.

  Studying Paris carefully, it was easy to see the youngest of his extended family was fully aware she was in trouble for trying to leave. The truth was, he understood better than she knew. The desire to protect those you love is a powerful motivator, and for a submissive, it was an almost overwhelming need. Subs were the world’s most selfless peacekeepers—willingly sacrificing their time, money, and often their safety to make sure everyone around them remained happy.

  One of the things Evan always admired about Ian McGregor was his dedication to protecting the submissives at Club Isola. He intervened to advocate for them when he knew they would never speak up for themselves. Ian had told him once, no matter how poor a man was, he could always give his partner the most valuable gift in the world—the confidence to use their own voice. It was a lesson Evan had never forgotten.

  Evan and his brother pledged to rebuild their bride’s confidence, which had been shaken to the core by the events leading up to her releasing the research that had put her dead center on the radar of a dangerous group of pharmaceutical companies known as The Consortium. The ever-evolving group had also targeted Joelle Morgan, so their wide circle of friends had been well-prepared to advise them about protecting London. Brandt and Ryan Morgan, Joelle’s husbands, had teased Evan and Eli that they’d soon learn all the challenges of marrying a brilliant chemist.

  Looking at Paris, he couldn’t help but wonder what challenges Trinity would face, trying to contain her fiery spirit without suppressing it. Trin was fighting to keep his frustration from steamrolling the little hellion, a struggle Paris sensed, judging by the way she was fidgeting. Paris was enough like London, Evan could practically predict the moment she was going to flip from defense to offense.

  3… 2… 1…

  “I don’t know why you’re so angry. I was doing you all a favor. If I leave, you won’t have to deal with David and his mother, and let me tell you, dealing with Nancy Lamb is not for the faint of heart. She will probably live forever because Satan and all the minions in hell are afraid of her.”

  And there it was. The posture shift to defiance. Evan laughed to himself because he’d seen it with each of the Adler siblings—the deeply ingrained the best defense is a strong offense mentality.

  “It’s not going to work, Paris. Don’t play that card, it’ll just piss me off.” The low pitch of Trinity’s voice had been known to scare pack kids into confessing everything from skipping school to criminal acts, but Paris simply pulled her shoulders back further and stared indignantly at the sheriff.

  As much as Evan would like to stay and watch the fireworks, he wanted to return to his wife even more. After London had a chance to rest, they’d be having a long chat about concealing how ill she’d been. Damn, he thought they’d been watching their new wife carefully, but it seemed she was more resourceful than they’d realized.

  Great Goddess, they were fools. Evan and Eli had both underestimated their mate, which itself was remarkable since she was one of the most respected vaccine researchers in the world. Damned stupid to forget how brilliant she is—a mistake we won’t repeat.

  “I know Trinity is going to tell you many of the reasons you are safer here than out on your own, Paris, but until he’s officially claimed you, I can still pull rank.” Paris spun toward him, hands planted on her curvy hips, fire flaring in her eyes. She was all big glares and attitude—five foot three inches of defiance. Yeah, Trin’s life is going to be much more interesting now.

  “What do you mean, pull rank?” She cast a furtive look at Trin before returning her scowl to him. “Trinity isn’t going to claim me. I’m a pain in his ass. Besides, I haven’t heard back from the committee for your pack’s school, so I’ve sent out a couple of resumes to schools in Texas. I always worried about living close to Austin, but I’m counting on Charlotte to keep him so busy he doesn’t have time to micromanage me.”

  Evan watched as Trinity’s entire body tensed. Oh yeah, the good Sheriff is a split second away from going totally apocalyptic.

  “Eli will be calling to set up an appointment to discuss the terms of your employment, Paris. Word on the street is you owned the committee, sweetness. They haven’t stopped singing your praises and were worried you would find another position if my brother and I didn’t get our asses home—their words, not mine. Eli was adamant the committee wait until he was available to handle the contract’s final details. He’s a hell of a negotiator, be grateful he’s advocating for you.” The relief in her eyes made his heart clench.

  Damn, Eli should have let the committee, or at least their dads, tell Paris how impressed they’d been with her passion for the special educational requirements of shifter children. She’d outlined the importance of teaching pack history as well as meeting their increased need for physical activity. She’d already developed a core curriculum that was better than any of the packages the group had reviewed. The members of the interview committee had been blown away by the recent graduate’s level of understanding of the inherent challenges of starting a new school. The compensation package she was going to be offered would make the offer impossible to refuse, and once she was mated with Trinity, they hoped she’d teach several generations of shifters.

  “Thank you… I mean thank you for telling me. I’m looking forward to talking to Eli. If everything works out, I’ll start looking for an apartment right away. If you have any recommendations, I’d appreciate the guidance.”

  “Accommodations will be a part of the salary package, sweetn
ess,” Evan smiled and shook his head. “We’d like for you to live here—in this house, I mean. It’s a win-win for everyone.” Evan wanted to smile at her surprised look. “London will love having you close; you’ll be a huge help to her when the baby comes. Perhaps you can help us keep her from working herself into exhaustion.”

  “You’re trying to tell me the two of you can’t control your mate?” For the first time since he’d arrived, Paris gave him a genuine smile.

  “We could, but I’d prefer she was speaking to me when our child is born.”

  “The struggle is real, new brother mine.” Paris nodded her head in apparent understanding, then snickered. “I feel your pain.”

  Yeah, she might understand where he was coming from, but there wasn’t a chance in hell she was offering any genuine sympathy. Brat. Evan watched her, relieved to see some of the tension drain from her slender form. Tipping his head in her direction, Evan addressed Trin,

  “Make sure she gets some sleep. I’m heading back to my wife—we need to have a chat about withholding information. She’s already racking up a long list of punishments for after the baby arrives.” As a physician, Evan knew paddling his wife’s luscious derriere wouldn’t harm the child nestled safely inside her womb, but as a man looking forward to becoming a father for the first time, he wasn’t willing to take any chances.

  “London is going to play you like a song. She once delayed being grounded for two years. I assure you our parents would have forgotten if Asia hadn’t come home from college and reminded them. Asia was ruthless about keeping track of those kinds of things. She has always been all about justice. I was convinced she’d become a big-time prosecutor.”

  Evan had seen her quick glance toward Trin at the mention of justice. Evan wanted to laugh out loud at the tension rippling through the room as his cousin stood stoic, arms crossed over his chest, watching Paris, just as the cat watches the canary.

  Evan left the medication he’d bought for her in case she had trouble sleeping but doubted she’d need it. It was easy to see Paris was running on fumes. No doubt she’d deliberately wound herself up to stay awake until she was well out of Trinity’s jurisdiction. She hadn’t expected the garage doors to be locked and probably assumed she’d be able to drive out the front gate as she had when her sister Brooklyn had been a clinic patient. Smiling as he drove through the tunnel, he wondered what creative punishment Trin would come up with for Paris.

  Paris watched the door close behind Evan, realizing she was once again alone with Trinity. A shudder quaked from her core at the unnerving thought.

  “Are you afraid of me, Paris?”

  Trinity’s question surprised and confused her. What had she done to make him think she was frightened? Could have been the fight you put up within the garage, Paris. Good grief, nothing like completely losing it in front of the man who already has reservations about you.

  “I asked you a question, Sprite, and I expect an answer. You’re already in enough trouble, there’s no need to add to it.” So much for him giving me a free pass.

  “No, I’m not afraid of you… well, not in the way you’re thinking.” She watched from across the room as he tipped his head to the side, regarding her and could almost see him taking in every nuance of her reactions. The more she tried to control her physical responses, the more exaggerated they became. Black dots danced in her vision, making her wonder what would happen if they merged together.

  “Breathe, baby.” The command came from directly in front of her, and Paris wondered how he’d moved so quickly. She tried to pull in a deep breath, but it was as if someone had piled concrete blocks on her chest. The room spun rapidly to the right before somebody with a wicked sense of humor turned out the lights.

  Trinity barely caught Paris before she collapsed into a heap. By the time he realized she wasn’t breathing and closed the gap between them, she was already going down. Her answer to his question hadn’t surprised him, though he suspected she was mystified by the way her body responded to him. As he walked down the hall to the master bedroom, he felt her stir and knew she was already coming around.

  “I can walk.”

  “I’m sure you can.” If she thought she was going to call the shots, she was in for a big surprise. He’d let her run rampant earlier because he’d known it was a safe way for her to blow off the full head of steam her fear had created and burn the adrenaline coursing through her veins, but she’d drained all his patience, and now she would deal with the consequences. “Forgetting to breathe is not acceptable behavior for a sub, Paris. I would have thought in all your reading, you would have noted a pattern.”


  “Don’t pretend like you don’t understand—it’s beneath you.”

  “Beneath me? What the hell? Put me down this minute, you big oaf. Boy, you take the cake, you know that. You lied about having to work. What would you say if I lied to you? Huh? What?”

  “You did lie to me, Sprite. When I left, I told you I’d see you in the morning. Do you remember what you said?” I swear if she lies, I’m not going to let her come for a fucking month.

  “I said, ‘okay.’ That’s not a lie.”

  “Swear to the Goddess, you would test the patience of a saint—and baby, I’m no saint.” Setting her on her feet, Trin took a step back, crossed his arms over his chest, and growled, “Strip.” Her eyes widened as her mouth dropped open, but her pupils dilated, and he could see her pulse pounding at the base of her throat, so he knew she was aroused rather than frightened. “Strip, or I’ll help you. And my assistance comes at a steep price.” Nodding to her clothing, he added, “And your traveling clothes will be in tatters when I’m done—though that plan does hold a certain appeal. Perhaps I should keep you naked until your job starts this fall?”

  “You can’t do that. I have meetings to attend.”

  “Your meeting is with a Dom, darlin.’ Don’t think for a minute your nudity would so much as make Eli Monroe blink.” Sucking in a deep breath, Trinity savored the scent of her arousal. He reached for the buttons at the front of her shirt, but she shook her head and stepped back.

  “Fine. Damn. You are so stinking pushy. Did anyone ever tell you that?”

  “Not unless they were interested in paying for it. I’ll be adding swats for that comment. I want you naked in ten seconds. Every second after that doubles the number of swats you’ve already earned, so I would stop wasting time if I were you.” He made a point of looking at his watch as she scrambled to strip out of several layers of clothing. Hell, how had he missed the fact she was wearing so much. What the fuck? When she’d shed three shirts, two pair of leggings, a pair of jeans, and several pairs of panties—he intended to make disappear, Trin shook his head in disbelief.

  “Why?” He waved his hand at the pile of discarded clothing, knowing he wouldn’t have to explain further.

  “I didn’t know how much I’d need, and I hate checking bags at the airport. It… well, it slows you down.”

  “Slows you down or exposes you to more security cameras, making you easier to track?” Trinity was getting more pissed by the minute. If he didn’t get this over with quickly, he was going to be too mad to punish her. He’d never put a submissive at risk by carrying out a punishment when he didn’t have control over his emotions.

  “Well… there is that, but in my defense, I wasn’t running from you. I was running to protect you. You, London, and her husbands… and especially my niece or nephew.”

  Trinity watched her for several long seconds, before sighing. He knew Paris was telling the truth, and it frustrated him she hadn’t shared those fears before trying to run. It wasn’t enough to make him set aside her punishment, but it had calmed him enough, he was willing to reassess the scene he’d envisioned walking down the hall.

  Instead of the more impersonal option of bending her over the edge of the bed, Trinity engulfed her small hand in his much larger one, leading her to the seating area in front of the massive stone fireplace. Wi
thin seconds, he had Paris draped over his lap, her pert ass positioned in a perfect peak. Caressing the rounded globes to bring the blood to the surface to minimize bruising, Trin smiled when she relaxed over his knees like a limp ragdoll.

  “Your ass is spectacular, baby. It’s a fucking work of art, and I’m looking forward to seeing my handprints layered one atop another. Take these swats with dignity, you earned them by not trusting me. The next time you think about running, remember the sting of consequences.” A solid slap of his hand covered both cheeks, making her yelp in surprise. Before she could suck in a breath to sass him, he’d landed two more before stopping to admire the bright red outlines of his hands. Trinity was well aware of his own strength and would never give Paris more than she could endure, but the sudden tang of her arousal indicated her tolerance level was likely far beyond what either of them anticipated.

  “You are mine, Paris. I’d give my life for yours without a second thought. Anyone intent on hurting you will have to go through me—and that won’t be easy. Right now, there are two teams of men watching this facility—one with connections to Senator Lamb, the other seen talking to a man matching David Lamb’s description.” Paris jerked, arching her back so suddenly she would have rolled off his lap if he hadn’t anticipated the move. Several more swats finally settled her down enough, he could once again smell her sweet honey.

  Slipping his fingers into the gap at the top of her thighs, Trin let the calloused tips slide through her drenched folds. Using enough pressure to tease but not enough to push her closer to the release her body was begging for, Trin watched beads of sweat pop to the surface of her narrow back. His much darker hand was a sharp contrast to her pale ivory skin, making him wonder what color her fur would be when she shifted. Not all human mates made the change after mating, but Trin was convinced with Paris’ family history, his spirited mate would make the change.

  “I’m not sure this spanking has been the deterrent I’d hoped for—baby, you’re drenched. Your needy little pussy is clenching around my fingers, trying to pull them deeper. One stroke over your G-spot would send you over the edge, wouldn’t it, Sprite?” Her vaginal muscles were beginning to quiver, telling him she was seconds away from release. Pulling his finger from her, he smiled at her whispered curse.


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