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Paris (The Adlers Book 4)

Page 11

by Avery Gale

  The massive door was recessed inside what appeared to be a cave opening sheltered by massive trees. The entrance would be virtually impossible to see if you weren’t standing directly in front of it and any effort to use a drone would be negated by the island’s security. Club Isola’s proximity to the nation’s capital and Ian’s connections, had made it easy for him to secure a no-fly zone over the small isle. Trinity had laughed when he’d given her an overview of Jace Garrett’s well-trained staff and Ian’s computer wizardry.

  Walking through the enormous wooden doors, Paris stopped so suddenly Trinity had to wrap his hands around her shoulders and lift her off her feet to keep from running over her. “Sorry, Sprite, I should have anticipated this reaction. It always happens with newbies.” He set her gently on her feet, allowing her to step forward, exploring the vast reception area. The club wouldn’t officially open for several hours, but Paris was grateful they’d arrived early. Experiencing it in stages would make it easier to take in. Knowing her brothers were members was a bit weird, but she pushed that aside and focused on the bigger issue… her new mate was also a member… of one of the most exclusive kink clubs in the country. Holy hollyhocks!

  Chapter Fourteen

  Trinity could feel the mix of emotions coursing through his newly claimed mate and was relieved to know not one of them was related to fear. It didn’t take long to complete her security pass and input her fingerprints into the system, Ian assured them Jace set it up two days earlier before returning to New York for the opening of his wife’s latest screenplay. Holly, Jace, and Gage were currently on their way back to the club, and Trinity was anxious for Paris to meet her.

  Holly Mills-Garrett was so multi-talented, it was hard to keep up with her newest and latest accomplishment. Trinity admired the way Jace supported his wife’s goals while diplomatically trying to keep her from becoming over-extended. The two had met when she’d succumbed to the pressure and come to visit her aunt—Ian’s Administrative Assistant Extraordinaire, Daphne Craig. With Daphne out of the office, Holly was mistaken for her temporary replacement and put to work before anyone was the wiser. By the time the mistake was discovered, Jace and Gage had already fallen for the green-eyed beauty.

  Standing back, watching Paris take in everything around her, Trinity was surprised at how much her wide-eyed wonder reminded him of Holly. Desire and need clouding her bright blue eyes. Her thoughts streamed through his mind, but they were so fast and scattered he didn’t have a prayer keeping up. Smiling to himself, he zeroed his focus in on the two small scars marking her as his. The wonder of their mating was quickly becoming one of his most treasured memories. Feeling the exchange of their DNA, hers racing through his veins as she’d shattered around him was beyond anything he’d ever imagined.

  Callie and Abby flanked Paris, the three of them whispering, pointing, and giggling like old friends. The easy camaraderie between the trio made him chuckle. Shaking his head, Trin turned to Ian and asked, “Do you ever get used to it?” At the club owners confused look, he elaborated, “Does the new wear off? The joy of seeing the wonder in your sub’s expressions—or does it always feel like a punch to the gut?” Ian’s knowing smile told Trinity the man understood exactly what he was trying to say.

  “You learn to manage it, but I’m happy to tell you it never fades—if it’s the right woman.” Ian paused for several seconds before continuing, “I know shifters have unique abilities to recognize their mates, but I think it holds true for all true soul mates. Your remarkable lifespans make it easier for you because you are up to your ass in experience.” Trinity leaned his head back and laughed. Leave it to Ian to top off the Zen with a zinger of street-smart.

  Trinity finally managed to get Paris into their suite—no easy task considering Callie and Abby had planned to host a little margarita party by the pool. The last thing Paris needed was to be distracted by alcohol before her first club visit. Her siblings already warned him about her low tolerance to anything with liquor. When Ian announced he was postponing their little soiree, Abby rehashed a few colorful expressions referencing his mother’s marital status. Her muttering earned her several swats, which only made her more vocal.

  Leaning back against the door, Trinity watched Paris bounce around the room, her excitement and exuberance reminded him how inexperienced his new mate was and how important it was going to be to hold himself back. Teaching and guidance had to take precedence.

  “Sprite. Come to me.” He’d already noticed how much more acute her hearing had become since their mating. She’d commented her eyesight had improved so much she’d happily flushed her contacts down the toilet. Trin watched Paris turn on the balls of her feet to return to him. The woman was grace personified, a trait that would serve her well once she learned to shift. Standing in front of him, her eyes dancing with anticipation, he watched as her pupils dilated, dominating the blue iris until only a thin halo of sapphire remained.

  “Perfect. I love the way your body responds before your mind has a chance to get in the way. It pleases me more than I can say to know you’re working so hard to learn and adapt to the lifestyle.” And it was true—he’d been damned impressed with her efforts, but he was going to start pushing her boundaries—so the jury was still out. “Strip.” The scent of her arousal instantly surrounded him, making his cock pulse against the metal teeth lining the front of his jeans. Damn, he needed to get out of his jeans before his cock was permanently marked by the fucking zipper.

  Paris leaned down, slipping out of her shoes, and setting them to the side. The cornflower blue sundress he’d picked out for her matched her eyes—until they darkened with desire. The sky-blue orbs turned a deep, crystal clear sapphire as she became aroused. With a flash of insight, Trinity saw her naked, on her knees in front of him as he held a sparkling diamond and sapphire collar in his hand. The picture in his mind was so clear it was as if he was watching the scene in the woods behind the clinic compound.

  Shaking off the vision, Trinity refocused his attention on the petite ball of fire currently hanging her dress over the back of a nearby chair. The white lace thong she wore framed her bare pussy perfectly, showcasing it as the work of art it was.

  Using his fingers, he signaled for her to turn around slowly, whistling at the sight of her bare ass bisected by a scrap of lace. “You are so fucking beautiful, swear to Goddess you outshine every other woman in the world. You glow from the inside out, it’s the damnedest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Paris had no idea how stunning she was. She’d admitted always feeling like the ugly duckling sister, making Trinity shake his head in wonder. After claiming her, he’d made her stand in front of the large oval mirror in her bedroom, while he stood behind her, recounting in intimate detail what he saw.

  “Your ass would make a Renaissance Master weep for joy, baby. Your breasts bounce perfectly when I’m fucking you, the sight of them moving in time with my thrusts is hot as hell. But it’s the glow from the deepest part of your soul that will always make you beautiful. The Great Goddess’s gift to you was a beauty that will never fade.” He wanted her to know she would always outshine every other woman in the world in his eyes. It wasn’t that he wouldn’t appreciate the beautiful women who would surround them later in the club. Trinity would always appreciate beauty, whether it was the toothless smile of a six-year-old, a sunset on the beach or a dew-kissed rose in the early morning light. But no one would ever be more beautiful than the woman standing in front of him.

  “Thank you, Sir.” Gratitude shone in her eyes, and Trin found himself looking forward to the day when she’d be confident enough in his love, she’d accept the depth of his feelings. How the hell do you expect her to know when you haven’t told her? The sudden realization was like being doused with ice water.

  Fucking hell, he’d never told her he loved her. He’d told her in great detail what he loved about her body and how much admired her strength, but he’d never said the three little words every soul on the planet longs to
hear. Closing the gap between them, Trinity framed her face with his hands, tilting her face up until he was all she could see. Her eyes fluttered shut as she anticipated his kiss, but he simply waited. When she finally opened her eyes, confusion clouding their previously bright blue depths, he shook his head.

  “I love you, Paris.” He wanted to kick himself at the surprise he saw flash over her heart-shaped face. “Don’t ever doubt how much I love you, baby. I’ll try to remember how important it is to put into words, but I want you to promise to remind me if you need to hear it.” He knew she’d been holding back telling him the same, but it hadn’t occurred to him why. She started to tell him several times, stopping herself each time, but her whispers while dreaming gave her away. How the hell could they be so connected, yet he’d missed such a critical piece of the puzzle?

  “I love you too, Master.” Trinity knew his heart skipped several beats at the honorific. Without hesitation, he pulled her against his chest, hugging her so tight he heard her squeak. Backing off enough to let her take a deep breath, Trinity felt a wave of pure joy unlike any other wash over him.

  “Hearing you say the words I know you’ve been afraid to speak out loud was a moment I will remember for the rest of my life, baby. And, to hear you refer to me as Master was a bonus, I assure you I’ve dreamed of hearing. I’m going to make certain you never regret belonging to me.”

  “Enough to make my last speeding ticket disappear?”

  “Not a chance, Sprite. Not a chance.”

  Fuck-a-dilly circus. She should have waited until right before he was ready to come to ask. She hadn’t called him Master to get out of the ticket, but Paris wasn’t one to let a potential opportunity slip by either.

  Damn, she could still hear Austin ripping her up one side and down the other about her latest run-in with the speed-obsessed man she was now mated to. Well, maybe she’d at least get a nice meal in jail. A sharp slap to her backside rocked Paris up onto her toes, making her yelp.

  “Hey, what the holy Hannah was that for?” When she tried to reach back to sooth the burn searing her abused cheek, she was surprised to find her hands already bound in front of her. When did he do that? Damn, I didn’t go that far on my mental road trip.

  “Oh, baby, you’ll find it will never take me long to secure you with some sort of bondage. I’ll always have something close at hand—always.” What on Earth had she been thinking, becoming the mate of a cop with a bondage kink? “Probably that I’m going to spend the rest of my life making certain your every licentious need is met. I’ll devote myself to your pleasure, Paris.” Oh, she didn’t doubt that a bit… Nope, not one bit at all.

  She only hoped she didn’t let him down in the end. He was so much more experienced… sexually and otherwise, she worried her youthful exuberance and learn on-the-fly spirit would eventually push him away. Despite her concern, Paris wasn’t willing to change who she was… not even for her hot mate. Having nine older siblings tended to make your self-esteem a sink or swim trait. She’d always credited her siblings’ strong personalities with the development of her own… and there had been a lot of times it was damned hard to stand out in the crowd.

  “Oh, but my sweet Paris—stand out you did. I’m going to spend the rest of my life, proving to you how truly remarkable you are.” Damn it, she was going to have to get used to this telepathy thing. Maybe London could help me learn how to shield at least some of my thoughts. Fucking hell, aren’t there some kind of rules about privacy? Probably won’t do me any good to Google it…and they’d just send someone to drop a net over me, anyway. Before she had a chance to register the fact he’d moved, Trinity had her over his shoulder and was stalking down the short hall.

  “I can walk, you know.” I’m noticing a pattern here.

  “I’m sure you can, but with all the nonsense racing through that beautiful head of yours, I have no damned idea how long it would take you to get there.” They were in the bedroom before she could respond, and Paris found herself giggling when he tossed her unceremoniously onto one of the largest beds she’d ever seen. With her hands bound, there was little she could do to stop herself from bouncing into the air like an out-of-control pinball. “I have to say, I never would have imagined the joy I’d feel having my sub giggle during a scene, but damn if it isn’t the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  Trinity surprised her when he leaned over to kiss the tip of her nose. The affectionate gesture warmed her heart. For a hard-ass cop, he could be surprisingly gentle, and she wondered how he got along with children. She’d assumed his towering height would frighten little ones, but now she considered how insightful most children were and believed they’d probably see right through his gruff exterior.

  “I’m going to help you shut down that busy mind for a bit, Sprite. You have an interview later, and baby, you are wound way too tight. You need to relax, and I’m going to help you get there. I think four or five mind-melting orgasms ought to do it.” Oh, Goddess in heaven, four or five of the soul-shattering releases she knew Trinity would give her would melt her bones. She’d be lucky to walk across the room, let alone down the long hall leading to the club. And she didn’t even want to think about climbing those stone steps leading up to the third floor. Callie had told her the top level of the club held various offices, including Ian’s and the conference room where she’d answer the FBI’s questions.

  Within seconds, Trinity had her hands secured above her and her legs bound with straps he pulled from under the edge of the over-sized mattress. He’d pushed pillows under her ass, raising it enough she was certain he’d be able to see her tonsils from his position at the end of the bed.

  “You’re not quite that open, Sprite. But I must say, the view is fucking spectacular. Your pussy is shiny with the sweetest nectar in the world, the lips already engorged with blood flowering in invitation. It’s so easy to see why a woman’s sex has been referred to as a blossoming rose—the resemblance is remarkable. Someday I’ll take a picture so I can match the color—I’ll send you dozens of the spectacular blooms, so you know how much I appreciate the sight.”

  Her ass was raised enough, Paris couldn’t lift her head high enough to see him, but she could sense his every move. The first soft breath of air wafted over her clit, making her jerk against the restraints. “Easy, baby. I don’t want you bruising those pretty wrists or ankles.” Easy? Holy hell, he was lucky she hadn’t launched herself right off the bed. His tongue snaked out to trace a circle around the pulsing bundle and Paris moaned. “Damn, I love hearing the sexy sounds you make when I play with you. Your body communicates what you love without you needing to say a word—although I do love the words, as well.”

  Another circle with the tip of his tongue, followed by a soft bite to the swollen bud sent her over the edge in a release she was entirely unprepared for. Pinpricks of light exploded behind her eyelids, the wonder of it sending her over the edge again as he soothed the small bite with gentle laps of his tongue.

  “Two down, three to go. Open your eyes, baby. I want to be able to see the next one.” Paris struggled to lift her heavy lids but finally managed to meet his gaze. Looking at her mate, his shoulders barely fitting between her upraised thighs, eyes darkened by desire, sent a fresh wash of cream leaking from her opening. Paris could feel the warm evidence of her need skimming her intimate flesh as his eyes never left hers. Watching his nostrils flare added to the volcanic look in his eyes. Damn the man could almost make her come from a look alone.

  “I love your smooth pussy lips, baby. It makes you so sensitive and hides nothing from me. The deep blush of blood so close to the surface I can pick up traces of the coppery scent, it makes my cock so hard it feels like the damned thing may burst if I don’t sink it into your heat. Go again for me baby, so we can get to the fun part.” The fun part? I think you missed the start of this party, Master.

  Any thoughts other than blinding pleasure were scattered in the explosion of sensation when Trin thrust two fingers deep inside,
curving them forward until he pressed against the spongy spot deep inside sending her ass over teakettle into another release. Before she’d recovered enough to find her voice, he moved over her, thrusting so deep her swollen tissues burned so perfectly she fell over the edge again. Her mind was mush, but she heard him growl her name before his pounding thrusts sent her tumbling into a tunnel of brilliantly colored lights swirling all around her.

  Struggling to catch her breath, Paris surfaced enough to feel Trinity’s teeth scraping along the top of her shoulder. “Damn, you nearly pulled me over with you with the last one, Sprite. You tempt me in ways I never anticipated.” His words were spoken in such a seductive tone, Paris found her body pulsing to life once again. There’s no way I can go again. My brain has already melted in a pile of goo.

  “Oh, but you can—and you will.” Trinity canted his hips withdrew then slammed back into her tender channel. One thrust became a dozen, each one more devastating than the last until she was totally lost in the pleasure. His teeth clamped tight over the spot where he’d bitten her during their mating, launching her into an abyss of pure pleasure sweeter than Paris could have ever imagined existed. She heard a woman scream as Trinity shouted her name, but then the bright lights and colors receded until there was nothing but blissful silence.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Paris looked around the spacious conference room, wishing she could turn around and walk right back out. Holy shit! How many people did Ian McGregor invite to this little party? Ian must have sensed her unease because she watched in resignation as he pushed away from the long mahogany table he’d been leaning against, his gaze set on her, his intent clear. Ian wasn’t going to let her jettison back out the door—like the hulking man standing flush against her back was going to give her any avenue of escape.


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