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Paris (The Adlers Book 4)

Page 17

by Avery Gale

  “Does Trinity know you’re helping Abby with her matchmaking project?” London’s teasing question made Paris grin. Her sister might think she was throwing her under the bus, but Paris knew very little escaped her mate’s attention.

  “Of course, he does.” Trinity’s deep voice sounded from over her shoulder, making Paris jump, but before she could tumble forward, he snaked his arm around her waist. “Oh no, you don’t, baby. My heart can’t take seeing you hurt again.” She giggled as he nuzzled the tender spot below her ear. After her fall at Club Isola, Trinity’s tough guy persona faded to the background unless her physical safety was at stake.

  “I’m happy you thought of Bliss. To be honest, I think she and Tony would be good together. But putting them in the same space is the extent of your help, understood? They are adults, and they’ll find each other if it’s meant to be.”

  Paris nodded, too distracted by the warmth of his breath wafting over her skin to speak. Damn, the man was potent. There were times he didn’t have to do more than wink at her, and Paris felt like she would melt into a puddle.

  “Oh, Goddess. Sap Alert. Get a room already.”

  London’s snark made Paris giggle, but before she could reply, the door burst open, her friends streaming into the room. The din of laughter made Paris’ heart dance with joy. Abby carried a pink bundle in her arms, and Paris couldn’t wait to meet India Garrett. She already knew the baby girl was nicknamed Indy in honor of Abby’s childhood nickname for her brother, Jace. The little girl’s jet-black hair and electric blue eyes made her the spitting image of Kalen Black, and Paris wondered if she’d inherit his voice as well.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” Abby giggled and shook her head. “You’ll find out as soon as she’s hungry, her voice is anything but angelic. I have no idea where she gets it, but she is loud.” Paris burst into giggles at Abby’s obvious sarcasm. They’d stayed in touch over the past few months. Abby had even agreed to visit the school before the end of the term to speak to the female students about the importance of science and math.

  As more guests arrived, the pile of gifts mounting, London was no longer fooled. By the end of the evening, Paris had laughed so hard, her sides ached. Looking around her, she sent up a silent prayer of gratitude. She was safe. Both Senator and David Lamb seemed to have lost interest in her after the District Attorney in California failed to take her case to trial. She was surrounded by friends, she had a job she loved, and a mate she loved more every day.

  Now… if Bliss and the Dom from Club Isola would show up and fall in love, things would be pretty close to perfect.


  Tony Dent followed a small car up the driveway, marveling the small bucket of bolts was moving under its own power. He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen a car with more dents and scrapes outside of a demolition derby. The light smattering of snow wasn’t enough to cause his rental any trouble, but the little car ahead of him was slipping side to side with alarming frequency. Whoever had braved this trek in that car deserved a fucking friendship trophy.

  When the car finally slid to a stop, he watched in amused horror as an enormous puff of black smoke billowed from the tattered tailpipe. Holy fuck, it wasn’t until the car shuddered to a stop, he realized how loud it had been. Jesus, Joseph, and sweet mother Mary, the driver’s ears had to be ringing. Stepping out of the truck he’d picked up at the airport, Tony’s attention was drawn to the jalopy’s driver. He’d missed her exit, but there was no missing the spectacular ass pointed his way. She was bent over retrieving a package from the backseat, oblivious to the strange man standing behind her.

  When she stood, he saw her eyes widen in surprise before flaring with something he was sure was sexual interest. The moment of barely restrained sensual awareness morphed to alarm when she took a step forward. Before Tony could move to her side, the woman’s arms were pinwheeling as she crashed to the ground. He was crouched beside her before she could scramble to her feet.

  “Oh, Goddess, this is so embarrassing. Just once, I’d like to meet someone and not fall on my tush. It’s humiliating… predictable, but still disconcerting. Being a klutz sucks, I tell you. I’ll bet you don’t have this trouble.”

  “Nope. Not unless I put my leg on backward. I have to admit, that makes navigating pretty damned challenging.” Her expression went from embarrassed to something close to awe in the blink of an eye.

  “You can put your leg on backward?” He didn’t detect anything other than interest in her voice, so he plunged ahead. Might as well put it out there and save it being an issue later.

  “Not really. I was teasing, but I do put one of them on every morning thanks to an IED on the other side of the planet a few years ago.”

  “Wow. I’m humbled. Your reactions were so quick and knowing you had such a devastating injury… and as a…. umm, teacher, I’m supposed to be graceful.” He hadn’t made it to her side in time to keep her from falling, but he’d been at her side within a fraction of a second.

  “Teachers are supposed to be graceful?” Poor little shifter doesn’t know Ian updated me on the Monroe pack’s secret.

  “Is your leg one of those high-tech ones? I’ll bet it allows you to do all sorts of things. I had a friend in college who lost her leg in a car accident. She went through several different prostheses before she finally got one she liked, but she hung in there.”

  Tony blinked several times, trying to take in everything about the sweet woman staring up at him in excitement. He’d never met anyone outside the medical community with previous experience in prosthetics.

  “Can you swim with yours? How about skiing? Biking? Tessa could do it all, it was impressive.”

  When she finally paused long enough to take a breath, he wondered if she’d back off like all the others. He knew she’d misinterpreted his silence when the tone of her voice changed from excited to apologetic.

  “I’m sorry if I’m too forward, but you seemed open to talking about it… and I don’t get to talk to many adults. I guess I got carried away.” She cast her eyes down as her cheeks flushed the prettiest pink Tony had seen in a long time. I wonder if she knows she’s a sub?

  “Sweetness, I’m always open to talking about my new leg. And yes, it’s high tech. The man I work for is a techno genius, and I’ve been testing all his newest improvements to the prosthesis. He’s changing everything about them. Your friend is going to be thrilled when his products hit the market.”

  “Really? Oh, that’s terrific. Can you tell me anything about them, or is it a secret? I’d love to learn more. Are you going to Paris’ party? Oh. Are you, umm… friends?”

  For the first time, he saw a hint of hesitation. Interesting. She wants to make sure I’m not here to see her friend. Loyalty was a damned appealing trait, and Tony felt his cock stir as interest flared deep in his core.

  Holding out his hand to shake hers, Tony smiled. “Paris and I have mutual friends—that’s how I scored an invitation to the party.” And I’m suddenly very happy I decided to make the trip. “My name is Tony Dent.” When she placed her hand in his, Tony swore he felt a jolt of electricity race up his arm.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Tony, I’m Bliss Turner. Paris and I work together.” Bliss. For the first time in months, Tony was looking forward to a party. Tucking her hand into the crook of his arm, Tony led her up the stone steps. He wasn’t taking any chances she’d fall. Before they reached the door, she stopped suddenly, looking up at him hesitantly.

  “Are you okay, sweetness?”

  “Would you mind terribly if we sat for just a few minutes? I promised Paris I’d come, but I’m nervous about meeting her friends… they all sound so amazing, and I’m sort of a dork.” A dork? Oh no, we aren’t starting out like this, little sub.

  “You are not a dork. I’m enjoying your company, and I’d prefer you didn’t refer to my new friend in a negative sense.” Using the tip of his finger, he tapped the tip of her nose for emphasis. Sitting together on a rock ledge, T
ony was grateful they were protected from the crisp evening breeze. The cold didn’t usually bother him, but he was enjoying Bliss’s company and hoped warding off the chill would encourage her to stay outside longer.

  “I love the brisk night air. It’s energizing.”

  Laughing to himself, he realized she was probably more resilient to the cold than he was. Damn, she was intriguing. He’d never wanted to be in a long-distance relationship, but he might have to rethink things. Maybe—just maybe he’d found a woman who wouldn’t fuck him for the freak factor then walk away. Listening to Bliss marvel at the beauty of the darkening night sky, Tony grinned when he realized they were both looking at something beautiful. Her slender face was turned up to the heavens, but he was focused on her.

  He’d suspected Abby was matchmaking when she’d invited him, but decided to attend, anyway, needing an excuse to get away from work for a few days. He hoped there wasn’t a woman inside waiting to meet him because he had no intention of letting go of the one sitting beside him until they’d explored the attraction flaring between them. Laughing to himself, Tony couldn’t help but wonder. Hell, knowing Abby, she’d arranged for them to arrive at the same time—yep, the new mama was that good.

  The End

  Books by Avery Gale

  The Adlers





  The ShadowDance Club

  Katarina’s Return – Book One

  Jenna’s Submission – Book Two

  Rissa’s Recovery – Book Three

  Trace & Tori – Book Four

  Reborn as Bree – Book Five

  Red Clouds Dancing – Book Six

  Perfect Picture – Book Seven

  Club Isola

  Capturing Callie – Book One

  Healing Holly – Book Two

  Claiming Abby – Book Three

  Masters of the Prairie Winds Club

  Out of the Storm

  Saving Grace

  Jen’s Journey

  Bound Treasure

  Punishing for Pleasure

  Accidental Trifecta

  Missionary Position

  Another Second Chance

  Star-Crossed Miracles

  Dusted Star

  Lilly’s Choice

  The Wolf Pack Series

  Mated – Book One

  Fated Magic – Book Two

  Tempted by Darkness – Book Three

  The Knights of the Boardroom

  Book One

  Book Two

  Book Three

  The Morgan Brothers of Montana

  Coral Hearts – Book One

  Dancing with Deception – Book Two

  Caged Songbird – Book Three

  Game On – Book Four

  Well Bred – Book Five

  Mountain Mastery

  Well Written

  Savannah’s Sentinel

  Sheltering Reagan

  The Christmas Painting

  Taking Out the Mother of the Bride

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