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This Night's Foul Work

Page 29

by Fred Vargas

  ‘That’d be nice.’

  ‘He’s still taking a nap,’ reported Bastien.

  In the cockpit of the helicopter, as it circled in the sky above the place where the cat was sleeping, Froissy prepared sandwiches of duck liver and green pepper paté. All four munched in silence, taking as long as possible, as if to suspend time. If you have something to do, anything can happen.

  ‘He’s off again, he’s trotting along,’ said Bastien.

  Estalère, having stopped his bike, was listening to the instructions over the radio as he gripped the handlebars. He felt he was in some ghastly horror film. But the determined onward journey of the little animal encouraged him more than any other thought. The Snowball was heading for some unknown destination, without hesitating or weakening, crossing industrial zones, bramble patches, fields, railway tracks. Estalère admired the cat. It had been six hours now since it had begun its odyssey and they’d gone about eighteen kilometres. The police cars were moving slowly, halting for long stretches at the side of the road before making for the next point identified by the helicopter, and getting as close as possible to the route of the cat.

  ‘Off you go again,’ Adamsberg was saying to the cars. ‘Go towards Palaiseau, on the D988. He’s heading for the Ecole Polytechnique, south side.’

  ‘He’s going to get an education,’ said Danglard, starting the engine.

  ‘Nothing but cotton wool in that little head.’

  ‘We’ll see about that, Kernorkian.’

  ‘The speed we’re going now, we could stop off for a drink.’

  ‘No,’ said Danglard, whose head was still aching from the amount of wine he had drunk in the basement the day before. ‘Either I drink to get drunk, or I don’t touch the stuff. I don’t like just having a glass. Today’s a non-drinking day.’

  ‘I get the impression that the Snowball likes a drink,’ said Kernorkian.

  ‘Yes, he’s a bit inclined that way,’ agreed Danglard. ‘Have to keep an eye on him.’

  ‘If he doesn’t drop dead on this trek.’

  Danglard checked the dashboard. Four-forty p.m. The time was dragging, making everyone feel nervy and at the end of their tether.

  ‘We’re going to refuel at Orsay, then we’re back,’ announced Bastien over the radio.

  The helicopter moved off quickly, leaving the little red dot behind. Adamsberg had the feeling briefly that he was abandoning the Snowball in his quest.

  At half past five, after seven hours on the move, the cat was still going strong and determinedly heading south-west, though stopping to rest every twenty minutes. The procession of vehicles followed it from stop to stop. By eight-fifteen, they were going through Forges-les-Bains on the D 97.

  ‘He can’t hold out much longer,’ said Kernorkian, who was encouraging Danglard’s pessimism. ‘He’s clocked up thirty-five kilometres on his little paws.’

  ‘Shut up! He’s still moving, so far.’

  At eight-thirty-five, with darkness now fallen, Adamsberg came back on the radio.

  ‘He’s stopped. On a minor road, the C12 between Chardonnières and Bazoches, about two and a half kilometres from Forges. He’s in a field, north of the road. He’s off again. No, he’s turning round and round.’

  ‘He’s going to drop dead,’ said Kernorkian.

  ‘Give it a rest!’ cried Danglard, exasperated.

  ‘He’s hesitating,’ came Bastien’s voice.

  ‘Perhaps he’s going to stop for the night,’ suggested Mordent.

  ‘No,’ said Bastien. ‘He’s looking round for something. I’m going down.’

  He brought the helicopter down about a hundred feet, hovering over the cat which was sitting still.

  ‘There’s a big hangar over there,’ said Adamsberg, pointing to a long roof of corrugated iron.

  ‘Used-car dump,’ said Froissy. ‘Seems to be abandoned.’

  Adamsberg clenched his fingers on his knees. Froissy silently passed him a mint, which the commissaire accepted without query.

  ‘Well,’ said Bastien, ‘if you ask me, there are dogs in there, and the cat’s frightened. But I think that’s where he wants to go. I’ve had eight cats myself.’

  ‘Go towards the used-car dump,’ said Adamsberg to the cars. ‘You can reach it via the C8 where it meets the C6. We’re landing.’

  ‘Good,’ said Justin, driving off again. ‘We’re going to meet up.’ Grouped round the helicopter in an uncultivated field, Bastien, the nine police officers and the doctor were peering through the darkness at an old hangar surrounded by abandoned cars, with vegetation growing thickly around the rubbish. The dogs had seen the intruders and were approaching, barking furiously.

  ‘Three or four of them,’ commented Voisenet. ‘Big ones.’

  ‘That’s why the Snowball won’t move,’ said Froissy. ‘He doesn’t know how to get past them.’

  ‘We neutralise the dogs and keep watching the cat,’ decided Adamsberg. ‘Don’t go too near him, though – we don’t want him distracted.’

  ‘He looks in a strange state,’ said Froissy, who was sweeping the field with her night-vision binoculars and had them trained on the Snowball as he sat about forty metres away.

  ‘I’m scared of dogs,’ said Kernorkian.

  ‘Stay back, then, but don’t shoot. We’ll just try and knock them out.’

  Three large dogs, apparently surviving in a semi-wild condition in the huge building, were by now charging at the police, well before they had reached the doors of the hangar. Kernorkian shrank back against the warm body of the helicopter, near the large reassuring bulk of Bastien, who was smoking a cigarette, while the other officers floored the dogs. Adamsberg looked at the hangar with its opaque broken windows and rusty half-open doors. Froissy started to move forward.

  ‘Don’t go far yet,’ said Adamsberg. ‘Wait for the cat to make a move.’

  The Snowball, now encrusted with dirt up to his neck, and looking thinner as his bedraggled fur clung to him, was sniffing at one of the unconscious dogs. Then he sat down and started washing one paw carefully, as if he had all the time in the world.

  ‘What the fuck’s he up to?’ said Voisenet, shining his flashlight across.

  ‘Maybe he’s got a thorn in his paw,’ said the doctor, a quiet, patient man, who was entirely bald.

  ‘I’m walking wounded, too,’ said Justin, showing his hand, which had been grazed by the teeth of one of the dogs. ‘But I’m not taking time off.’

  ‘It’s just an animal, Justin,’ said Adamsberg.

  The Snowball finished that paw, washed another, then set off towards the hangar, suddenly breaking into run for the second time that day.

  Adamsberg punched one fist into the other hand.

  ‘She’s got to be in there,’ he said. ‘Four men round the back, the rest with me. Doctor, come with us.’

  ‘Dr Lavoisier,’ said the doctor. ‘Like Lavoisier the chemist, you know.’

  Adamsberg looked at him blankly. He didn’t know, and certainly didn’t care, who Lavoisier the chemist was.


  IN THE DARKNESS INSIDE THE INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, EACH OF THE TWO groups moved forward in silence, flashing their torches across broken furniture, piles of tyres and bundles of rags. The hangar seemed to have been abandoned for about ten years but still smelled strongly of diesel oil and burnt rubber.

  ‘He knows where he’s going,’ said Adamsberg, as he focused his torch on the little round pawprints that the Snowball had left in the thick dust.

  Head down, and breathing with difficulty, Adamsberg followed the cat’s tracks very slowly, and none of the others tried to move ahead of him. After eleven hours of the chase, no one was now eager to reach their goal. The commissaire concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other as if he were wading through mud, hauling his stiff legs along with every pace. His group met up with the second team at the entry to a long dark corridor, lit only by a high window through which the moon was shining. The cat had stopped about
twelve metres along it, and was crouching in front of a door. Adamsberg caught its luminous eyes with a sweep of the torch. It was now seven days and seven nights since Retancourt had been brought to this burial pit, in which three dogs were somehow surviving.

  Adamsberg advanced heavily along the corridor, turning round after he had gone a few steps. None of the others had followed him. They were all massed at the end of the corridor, a frozen group, unable to face the last stretch.

  I can’t face it either, thought Adamsberg. But they couldn’t stay there, clinging to the walls, abandoning Retancourt because they were unable to bear the sight of her body. He stopped in front of the metal door guarded by the cat, which was now sniffing along the ground, unconcerned by the terrible excremental smell coming from it. Adamsberg took a deep breath and put out his hand to release the hook that secured the door, then pulled it open. Forcing himself to look down, he made himself see what he had to: Retancourt’s body, lying on the floor of a dark and tiny room, huddled against old car tools and petrol cans. He stood quite still, his gaze fixed on the sight, tears spilling freely from his eyes. It was the first time he had wept for anyone, except his brother Raphaël or Camille. Retancourt, his tree, his mainstay, was on the ground, struck down. Running the beam of the torch across her, he could see her dust-covered face, the nails on her hands already turning blue, her open mouth and her blonde hair, across which a spider ran.

  He stood leaning against the dark brick wall, while the cat, unafraid, went into the tiny room and jumped on to Retacourt’s body, lying down on her filthy clothes. The smell, Adamsberg thought. All he could smell was diesel, motor oil, urine and shit. Just regular animal and mechanical fluids. What was missing was the stench of decomposition. He took a couple of steps towards the body again, and knelt down on the sticky concrete floor. Holding his torch over Retancourt’s face, which looked like a dirt-encrusted marble statue, all he could see was the immobility of death. The lips were open and fixed, not reacting to the spider as it ran over them. He slowly stretched out his hand and laid it on her forehead.

  ‘Doctor!’ he called, beckoning him on.

  ‘He’s calling you, doctor,’ said Mordent, not moving an inch himself.

  ‘Lavoisier, like the chemist.’

  ‘Go on, he’s calling you,’ said Justin.

  Still on his knees, Adamsberg moved back to make room for the doctor.

  ‘She’s dead,’ he said, ‘and yet she isn’t dead.’

  ‘One or the other, commissaire,’ said Lavoisier, opening his bag. ‘I can’t see anything.’

  ‘Torches, please,’ called Adamsberg.

  The group gradually approached, Mordent and Danglard in front with their flashlights.

  ‘Still slightly warm,’ said the doctor, after a rapid examination. ‘She must have died less than an hour ago. I can’t find a pulse.’

  ‘She is alive,’ said Adamsberg.

  ‘Just a minute, mon vieux, don’t get excited,’ said the doctor, pulling out a mirror and placing it in front of Retancourt’s mouth.

  ‘OK’, he said after several long seconds. ‘Get the stretcher. She’s still alive. I don’t know how, but she’s alive. In a para-lethal state, subnormal temperature – I’ve never seen anything like it before.’

  ‘Seen what?’ asked Adamsberg. ‘What state is she in?’

  ‘The metabolic functions are operating at minimum level,’ said the doctor, still pursuing his examination. ‘Her hands and feet are freezing cold, the circulation’s very slow, the intestines have emptied and the eyes are unfocused.’

  The doctor rolled up the sleeves of Retancourt’s sweater and felt her arms. ‘Even her forearms are already cold.’

  ‘Is she in a coma?’

  ‘No. It’s a form of lethargy, below the normal vital thresholds. She could die at any minute with the stuff she must have been injected with.’

  ‘What?’ asked Adamsberg, who was holding Retancourt’s large arm in both hands.

  ‘Well, as far as I can tell, she’s been injected intravenously with a dose of sedatives strong enough to kill a horse.’

  ‘The syringe,’ whispered Voisenet.

  ‘She must have been hit on the head first,’ said the doctor, feeling under her hair. ‘There’s possible concussion. She’s been tied up tightly, hands and feet, the rope’s bitten into the skin. I think she was injected with the stuff here. She should have died almost immediately. But according to the dehydration rate and the excretion, she must have survived six or seven days. It’s not normal. I confess, I don’t really understand it.’

  ‘She isn’t a normal person, doctor.’

  ‘Lavoisier, like the chemist,’ said the doctor automatically. ‘Yes, I can see that, commissaire, but her size and weight alone wouldn’t explain it. I just don’t know how her organism managed to fight against the toxins, as well as hunger, thirst and cold.’

  The paramedics arrived, put a stretcher on the ground and began trying to transfer Retancourt on to it.

  ‘Gently,’ said Lavoisier. ‘Don’t oblige her to breathe more deeply, it could be fatal. Put straps round her and move her a centimetre at a time. Let go her arm, mon vieux,’ he said to Adamsberg.

  Adamsberg removed his hands from her arm and told the officers to move back into the corridor.

  ‘She’s channelled her energy,’ said Estalère as he watched the slow transfer of the large body on to the stretcher. ‘She must have channelled it into stopping that sedative invading her bloodstream.’

  ‘If you say so,’ said Mordent. ‘But we’ll never really know.’

  ‘Take the stretcher straight to the helicopter,’ Lavoisier ordered. ‘We’ve got to move quickly now.’

  ‘Where will they take her?’ asked Justin.

  ‘The hospital in Dourdan.’

  ‘Kernorkian and Voisenet, can you go to Dourdan and find a hotel for everyone to stop in tonight,’ said Adamsberg. ‘Tomorrow we’ll have to go through this shed with a fine-tooth comb. They must have left some traces in all this sticky dust.’

  ‘There weren’t any prints in the corridor,’ Kernorkian said. ‘Just those of the cat.’

  ‘They must have come from the other end. Lamarre and Justin, stay here to guard the exits until I can send some officers over from Dourdan to take over for the night.’

  ‘Where’s the cat?’ asked Estalère.

  ‘On the stretcher. Go and get it, brigadier – take care of it and help it recover.’

  ‘There’s a very good restaurant in Dourdan,’ said Froissy calmly, ‘La Rose des Vents. Old beams and candlelight, speciality seafood, excellent wine – they do sea bream in a pastry crust, if they can get it. Of course, it’s not cheap.’

  The men all turned towards their quiet colleague, stunned that Froissy could be thinking about food while one of the team was at death’s door. Outside, the revving-up of the helicopter indicated that Retancourt’s removal was imminent. The doctor didn’t think she would regain consciousness. Adamsberg could read it in his eyes.

  He looked over the exhausted faces before him, shining palely in the torchlight. The incongruous prospect of a good dinner in a high-class restaurant seemed as remote to them as it was desirable, in some other life; an ephemeral bubble in which the artifice would help to suspend the horror.

  ‘Right you are, Froissy,’ Adamsberg said. ‘We’ll meet up at La Rose des Vents and get some supper there. Come on, doctor, we’re going with Retancourt.’

  ‘Lavoisier, like the chemist,’ said the doctor.


  VEYRENC HAD NOT COME TO PARIS IN ORDER TO BECOME ABSORBED IN THE day-to-day affairs of the Serious Crime Squad. But at nine-thirty that night, having swallowed down his hospital supper hours before, he could no longer concentrate on the TV film. With an irritable gesture, he reached for the remote control and switched it off. Lifting his leg with both hands, he swivelled on the bed, grabbed his crutch and made his way slowly to the telephone in the corridor.

  ‘Commandant Dan
glard? Veyrenc de Bilhc here. What’s the latest?’

  ‘We’ve found her, thirty-eight kilometres outside Paris, by following the cat.’

  ‘The cat? What do you mean?’

  ‘The … cat … wanted … to … find … Retancourt. Get it?’

  ‘OK, OK,’ said Veyrenc, sensing that his colleague was stressed-out.

  ‘She’s more dead than alive. We’re on the road to Dourdan and she’s in a para-lethal state of suspension.’

  ‘Can you explain a bit what’s happened? I need to know.’

  Why, I wonder? thought Danglard.

  Veyrenc listened to Danglard’s account, which was much less coherent that it would normally be, and hung up. He pressed the wound on his thigh, exploring the degree of pain with his fingers, and imagined Adamsberg leaning over Retancourt, trying desperately to find a means of bringing his stalwart lieutenant back into the land of the living.

  The one who in the past had brought you back to life

  Lies now in sore distress, victim of deadly strife.

  Do not surrender, lord, to the call of despair,

  The gods may look kindly, if you venture to dare,

  And letting fall their wrath, will forthwith grant her breath,

  If with courage and strength you draw her back from death.

  ‘What, not asleep yet? Come on, time for bed,’ said a nurse, taking him by the arm.


  ADAMSBERG WAS STANDING BY RETANCOURT’S BED, HIS HANDS GRIPPING the sheets, but could still not see whether she was breathing. For all the injections, pumps and cleansing processes applied by the doctors, he could sense no change in her appearance, except that the nurses had washed her thoroughly and cut her hair, which had been infested with fleas. The dogs, of course. Over the bed, a screen was giving out weak vital signals. But Adamsberg preferred not to look at it, in case the green line should suddenly go flat.

  The doctor took him by the arm and pulled him away from the bed.

  ‘Go and see the others, get a bite to to eat, and think about something else. You can’t do any more here. She just needs rest.’


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