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New Jersey Boy

Page 6

by MA Lee


  “Come on Maddi, I haven't seen you in forever,” Mariah whined, as she sat on my back porch with me. We had just gone swimming at the country club and were now laying out on beach towels tanning ourselves. The bright yellow sun smiled down on us as we sat inhaling the sweet scent of a summer afternoon.

  Yesterday evening after I had arrived back home from seeing Ryan, I had walked into my home to find a large package from the University of Kentucky but a large stack of small envelopes from various other schools I had applied to. In my gut, I knew that was a bad sign. Rejection letters always came in small envelopes. I had learned that the hard way as I had found myself rejected from most of the colleges I had applied to over the last year. My GPA was fine, but my only extracurricular activity had been the tennis team and the school newspaper. As great as that sounded, it didn’t compare to the millions of other clubs and sports and good deeds other people had participated in. I was a great candidate for other programs as I had been told from my school counselors and the universities themselves, but the journalism program was a difficult one to obtain a spot in because the programs were small and only accepted a few students each year.

  I had gone straight to bed, refusing to look at the mail until I felt mentally prepared to do so. Now, as I sat on my back patio overlooking the miles of grass and beautiful green wooded areas, I didn’t want to think about university acceptance or rejection letters. I didn’t want to think about moving away. I didn’t want to think about where my friends would end up once we all began the next chapter in our lives. And, I definitely didn’t want to think about growing up. All I wanted to do was sit in the sun and enjoy my time being young. Soon enough, I would have to worry about real life, but for now, I was going to enjoy living in my pretend bubble.

  Feeling a slight shove, I quickly moved away from my own thoughts and back to the moment with Mariah.

  “Sorry,” I giggled, as she gave me a sad, puppy dog face. “I was in my own world,” I admitted.

  “Yeah, I know,” Mariah said, as she playfully rolled her eyes. “You have been lost in that crazy head of yours lately. What is going on?” she asked.

  Sighing, I closed my eyes and threw my head back. The sun felt so good against my skin and I loved the warm sensation radiating through me.

  “You are so right, I have been lost lately,” I admitted, my eyes still closed as I basked in the sunlight. “To be honest, a lot is going on right now.”

  I weighed the idea of whether I should tell her about Ryan or not. It was kind of fun keeping him my dirty little secret, but at the same time, it was killing me not being able to tell someone my feelings and fears and emotions all wrapped up in his amazing smile and rock hard abs. I knew Mariah would just die from her head exploding if she knew that I had been spending time with a sexy boy who I barely knew.

  “So tell me what is going on,” Mariah urged. “Come on, that is what friends are here for. You know, to listen as you spill your juicy gossip or emotions or stuff like that,” Mariah said as she waved her hands around for dramatic effect. She was trying so hard to be serious but Mariah just wasn’t capable of being serious.

  Laughing to myself, I couldn’t help but open my eyes and turn my head to look at her. She was so beautiful with her golden tan and sandy blond hair. “If I tell you something, you have to swear to keep it a secret, I am serious,” I urged.

  Handing me her pinky finger, Mariah offered me her promise. “I promise. Now spill the dirt,” she said as we locked pinkies and shook.

  “Okay. So, you know that boy I met at the restaurant a few weeks ago?” I asked helping her visualize the scene as I began to unfold the details.

  Shaking her head, Mariah let me know she knew exactly who I was talking about. “Yeah, Reagan told me about him after you left the party,” she said as her eyes gained that undeniable twinkle that told me she was paying attention and hanging on my every word.

  “Well, Reagan also gave him my number. His name is Ryan and he is from New Jersey. He has been spending a few weeks here as he visits his grandparents and helps them move to New Jersey with his family. Anyway, he called and we have met up a few times,” I continued as I bit my bottom lip, trying to contain the smile that was threatening to give away just how much I liked Ryan.

  Raising her eyebrows and cocking her head to the side, Mariah scoffed. “So, how many is a few times?” she questioned.

  “A few,” I said, keeping my eyes down and away from hers. “It was supposed to be anything but a little summer fun. A fling. But…” I stopped talking and closed my mouth shut. I was afraid to say the rest of my own sentence for fear that it was true.

  Picking up where I left off, it was like Mariah had read my mind. “But, you like them,” she finished. Her eyes bore into me until I was forced to look at her again.

  “Mariah, I don’t know what to do,” I admitted, as I blew a rogue strand of hair away from my face. “I do like him, but it wasn’t supposed to be like that. This was just supposed to be a little harmless fun. Reagan said it would do be some good to let loose. He leaves soon and then I am left being hurt again. Why do I do this to myself?” I asked, throwing my hands up in the air.

  Patting my shoulder, Mariah tried to soothe me. “Maddi, it’s ok. You are allowed to like a guy. You don’t know, maybe you will be able to see him again.”

  I thought about her words and how ridiculous this all sounded. I would never see Ryan again. Plain and simple.

  “I have an idea,” Mariah almost yelled, as she jumped up. “I will call Reagan and we will do something tonight. Just the three of us,” she said with a smile beaming at me.

  Shaking my head, I wasn’t sure. “I don’t know, maybe I will just hang out at home tonight.”

  “The hell you will. You are going out with us and we are going to have some much-needed fun.”

  And, just like that my night was planned out for me. Oh hell, this wasn’t going as I had expected.


  Later that night, I found myself sitting in the back of Mariah’s Mustang convertible, top down, as we cruised down Main Street. None of us had a plan exactly, we just all knew we were going to hit the town looking sexy and enjoy whatever happened. With the music blaring, the wind blowing through my loose hair, and my favorite short shorts and black sequin top, I was starting to get into the summer mood.

  The air was cool and had a nice breeze that cut through the humidity that threatened to ruin my perfectly curled hair. Everyone in the small town was out and about, enjoying the calm summer night. Streetlights glowed down on us as we drove through the busy street. I couldn’t help but sit back and smile. I needed to take in moments like these because soon enough I would be off to some college and separated from my friends.

  My college letters still sat unopened on my bed. I had made up my mind; tonight whenever I returned home, I would sit down and open them up and finally figure out what my future held for me.

  “What are you doing back there, Maddi?” Reagan called from the front passenger seat. She turned in her seat to look at me.

  “I’m just enjoying the ride,” I yelled over the roar of the wind and car engines.

  “Are you hungry?” Mariah asked as she glanced in the rearview mirror to look at me.

  “Sure. I could eat,” I said.

  Nodding her head, Mariah began to turn her blue Mustang toward the local Applebee’s where everyone seemed to be hanging out. It was one of the only three restaurants in town and since it had an amazing happy hour and great food, it was always a hot spot on summer nights and weekends.

  As we pulled into the parking lot, Mariah navigated around parked cars until she found an open spot. Getting out of the car, we all looked at each other for approval. Damn, I had to admit, we all looked hot. Mariah had on a skin-tight red strapless dress with matching sandals and Reagan had on a short jean skirt and light blue halter top.

  As we strutted into the restaurant, it was hard to see anyone or anything. The lights w
ere dim and people were scattered everywhere. Waitresses rushed by us as we stepped through the door. The place was packed and loud.

  We found a seat in the bar area and began glancing at the menus that the busy waitress threw on our table as she passed by. When the restaurant was as hectic as it was tonight, you couldn’t expect friendly service.

  As I sat there among my friends and half the town, I suddenly became aware that someone was watching me. Looking through the greasy appetizers, my body began to heat and my legs tingle with a nervous energy. Looking up from my menu, I glanced around the room. Suddenly, my eyes met a gorgeous pair of blue eyes watching me from across the bar area. Offering a slight wave, Ryan sat with a large group of people who I assumed was his family. To his left, a man sat with the same dark as night hair and a wide smile. To his right, a woman was chatting with a little girl. Both females shared Ryan’s blue eyes and tan skin. It was clear this was his family. He was the perfect blend of both parents as was the little girl who had to be his sister.

  Scooting his seat back, Ryan stood and began to make the short walk over to my table. Placing my menu down, my breath caught in my chest as I sat up straight. I wasn’t sure how Ryan could have this type of effect on me, but there was something about him that made my body feel like I was having an out of body experience.

  Noticing my change in posture, Reagan and Mariah followed my eyes to the beautiful boy walking to our table. It was as if the sea of people were parting for him as he seemed to be walking in slow motion.

  “Who is that?” Mariah asked as she stared at Ryan with her mouth wide open and her eyes bugging out of her head.

  “I know who that is,” Reagan teased as she nudged my side with her elbow. “That is the hot boy our Maddi has been seeing,” Reagan sang out as Mariah’s eyes widened in amusement and pure shock.

  Making his way to our table, Ryan stopped right in front of me. “Hey Maddi,” he said as he first looked at me and then smiled his charming smile at my friends who were now speechless. His presence seemed to have that sort of effect on females I was noticing.

  I glanced around Ryan and noticed his family was watching us intently. Smiling, I offered a slight wave to them as I was trying not to be rude.

  “Hi, Ryan. I know you have met Reagan, but this is my friend Mariah,” I said as I introduced the two.

  “Hey,” Ryan said as he smiled again. “I was eating dinner with my family and I saw you sitting over here,” he said.

  “That’s nice,” I responded. I wasn’t sure what else to say.

  Chuckling, Ryan smiled down at me with eyes that were hungry. From the way he licked his lips and kept his gaze focused on me, I felt like I was an item on the restaurant menu. “Yeah, I guess that is nice.”

  He stood there for a few more minutes before moving in and sitting next to me. As his body shifted to mine, Ryan placed his hand on my thigh and I swear I thought I was going to die from the heat flooding through my body. He leaned in and his lips almost grazed my ear as he began to speak. “My mom wants to meet the girl who has kept me busy the last few days,” he whispered. His words were not meant to sound seductive, but anything coming from those lips was beyond seductive.

  Nodding my head, I allowed Ryan to help me stand and walk me over to where his family now sat with wide smiles. I glanced back once at my friends who were urging me to go on. As we approached the table, Ryan’s mom stood and came around the table to shake my hand. “Hello Maddi, Ryan has told us so much about you,” she gushed as she winked over at her son.

  Following his wife’s lead, Ryan’s dad walked over and stood next to his wife. “Hi, I am Mark and this is my wife Karen. Ryan said you were pretty, but not this pretty,” he said as he nudged his son.

  I could feel my face blushing but as I looked at Ryan, I saw that his face was a deep crimson red.

  “Thanks, mom and dad,” Ryan seethed as he glared at them.

  “I know we are embarrassing you honey, but we just wanted to meet Maddi,” Karen said.

  Taking the hint that they had mortified their son, Mark and Karen sat back down at the table and went back to their dinner.

  Quickly turning me around, Ryan dragged me back to my table where Mariah and Reagan were waiting for us with wide eyes and knowing smiles.

  Pulling my seat out like a perfect gentleman, Ryan helped me sit back down. Leaning down so that his lips were only inches from my face, Ryan began to talk to me. As he spoke, all the sounds and faces from the restaurant seemed to disappear. “I want to see you tonight,” he spoke through partially parted lips.

  Somehow, Ryan could make the simplest of words sound so seductive and alluring, I knew I wouldn't be able to resist his demand.

  Giggling, I patted his arm. “It’s ok Ryan,” I said as I smiled at him. Turning to his parents, I made sure to turn on my charm. “It is very nice to meet you both. I appreciate you allowing Ryan to keep me company while he has been visiting.

  Nodding my head, I barely lifted my head so that his lips were now hovering on my cheek. To anyone else in the restaurant, we were just two people having a private conversation. But, to me and Ryan, we were having a very intimate conversation. “Ok, what time do you want to meet?” I asked, my voice barely audible, but somehow loud enough for Ryan to hear.

  “I will call you when I get home. I heard there is a drive-in movie theater in the next town. My grandparents gave me directions. I want to take you there and see a midnight movie,” he said.

  Without thinking, I agreed to go with him. When it came to Ryan, there was no need to think or to pause.

  After Ryan returned to his table with his family, Mariah and Reagan wouldn’t stop talking about how adorable Ryan was and how sexy our interactions were. They weren’t going to let me live this night down, and even though I gave them hell for making fun of me, I hoped they never would.


  The summer wind swept through my hair as we drove along the nearly deserted highway. With the windows rolled down and the music blaring from the old speakers, Ryan drove his grandfather’s farm truck. With one arm wrapped around my shoulder and the other on the steering wheel, Ryan looked like he was meant to drive the old truck. Nestled up against him, I kept stealing glances of his face. I wanted to memorize the way his jaw slightly moved when he bit the inside of his lip. The way his hair swept over his eyes when he moved. The way his eyes seemed to dance as his smile lit up the entire space. And, I wanted to memorize the way I felt at home whenever I was in his arms. Not once in my entire life had I felt so comfortable with anyone else or simply just being me.

  The drive to Lexington wasn’t far enough I quickly learned as we began to pull into the drive-in parking lot. I had never been to one of these before, but it sounded exciting as if we were suddenly transported back into a fifties movie or something.

  Parking in the third row, we had a perfect view of the large screen. I loved how the black night sky provided the perfect backdrop for the outdoor theater. We made it with only five minutes to spare and I was glad for the few extra minutes I had alone with Ryan. Even though we were hidden in the cab of the truck, I didn’t want to talk through the entire movie. In fact, I had a couple of ideas of what we could do with our lips that didn’t involve any talking.

  “Is this ok?” Ryan asked as he pulled me over to him.

  “This is great,” I beamed as I watched as the projector light began to display the beginning of the movie.

  We sat silently for a while as the movie played before us. I had no clue what was happening or what the characters were saying. My mind was reeling as I sat in Ryan’s embrace. Nestling his mouth to my neck, Ryan began to slowly kiss me. Cold chills swept through me from his touch and I almost moaned from his sweet touch.

  “I don’t want this summer to end,” Ryan sighed as he continued to trail kisses down my neck.

  Placing my hands on his hard chest, I carefully pushed Ryan back until we were looking at one another. “I never expected to meet you, Ryan. I do
n’t want all of this to end either,” I said.

  My words were loaded with meaning and feelings I wasn’t sure if I was prepared to express. I cared for Ryan, more than I had ever cared for anyone else. But, I was scared too. I had fallen for him so fast and I had no clue what our futures would hold; if anything at all. In a matter of days, he would go back to New Jersey and I would go back to school.

  “Maddi, from the moment I saw you, I had to know you. Now that I do, I think I am in trouble,” he sighed as he broke our stare and looked out the window. I could tell he was in deep thought and from the pained expression on his face, this was difficult for him too.

  “I know what you mean,” I added as I looked at my now empty hands.

  “This doesn’t have to end,” Ryan began as he placed his hands under my chin and forced me to look up at him.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “I know I am going back home, but we can try to be together. Maddi, I am falling for you and I can’t just walk away from you now that I have you.”

  Have me?

  Falling for me?

  I was stunned by his admission and turned on at the same time. Ryan was falling for me and I was falling for him. Sure, when we started this fling it was only meant to be temporary fun. Neither one of us ever anticipated that we would fall for the other but here we are.

  “How will that work?” I asked as I took his hands that were still cupping my face and placed them in mine. Squeezing them, I tried to seek comfort.

  “We can call, text, and FaceTime every day. I can come and visit you on my breaks and you can come up to New Jersey and visit me,” he paused and leaned in and placed a kiss on my lips. Breaking away he continued. “We can do this, Maddi.”

  “Are you sure it will work?” I asked, even though my heart was screaming for me to shut up and just say yes.

  “I know it will. Maddi, I am falling in love with you. I can’t just leave and not be with you anymore. And… I think you are falling in love with me too.”


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