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Their Conquered Bride

Page 4

by Grace Goodwin

  The preacher tilted his head, but obviously decided he was in full control. “All right. The church will require ten dollars to register the license due to the expediency and… delicate nature of the ceremony.”

  I was about to choke the man for extortion but Ford just nodded his head and agreed like a schoolboy obeying the teacher. “Yes, sir. I’ll bring ten dollars to the ceremony.” Ford paused and looked down at the preacher with pleading eyes. “You won’t say nothing to embarrass my lady, will you? I don’t want that. I don’t want her to know I told you nothing. She’s a good girl, sir. On my word, she is.”

  “Very well.” The preacher pulled a watch from some hidden internal pocket of his robes. “I’ll be wanting my lunch first. I’ll meet you here at two o’clock.”

  Ford held out his hand and shook the man’s with exaggerated enthusiasm. “Thank you, preacher. We’ll be here.”

  I tipped my hat and followed Ford out of the tiny chapel. A quick glance at my own timepiece made me frown. We had three hours to convince our bride to marry Ford and accept me as well.

  Three hours.

  Short of seducing the woman, I wasn’t sure how the hell we were going to pull this off.

  Chapter Five


  The soft knock on the door drew my attention and I hurried to answer it before the noise disturbed my sisters who napped on the bed. We had all bathed and done our best to refresh ourselves, but unlike my sisters, I had been unable to rest. Being here, in this town, hours away from marrying my intended made my stomach twist in knots. Worse, fantasies about the two cowboys I’d seen earlier danced behind my eyelids every single time I tried to rest.

  I opened the door slowly, peeking around the edge. Dark green eyes met mine, and a smile so warm I forgot to breathe until the lack of air made me dizzy.

  “Miss Lizzie?” The cowboy I’d seen earlier, lusted after really, took his hat from his head and placed it over his heart. His dark hair had a crease in it and I ached to brush it away with my fingers. “You are Elizabeth from Omaha, aren’t you?”

  Unsure what to do, I opened the door a bit and stepped out into the hall, gently closing the door behind me. “Yes.” I tilted my head as the second man came into view, his dark eyes intensely focused on me as I tried to speak past the sudden lump in my throat.

  The green-eyed man held out his hand, palm up and I stared at it like an idiot. “I wasn’t expecting you until tomorrow, Lizzie, but I’m honored to meet you at last. I’m Samuel Ford Jenkins, but my friends call me Ford.”

  Oh, my Lord. My knees threatened to buckle right out from under me and I backed up against the door, holding onto the handle at the small of my back for support. “Oh!” I couldn’t breathe. This couldn’t be real. It was too incredible to be real.

  But it was. His smile changed from friendly to that of a man interested in more than a passing hello and he studied me. I knew my face was flushed, my breasts heaving quickly beneath my dress as I struggled to get enough air into my lungs. He was stealing every bit of it from this small hall.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t approach you properly when the stage arrived, but I was expecting you tomorrow, and well, you just surprised me, is all.”

  I sighed in relief when he finally broke the lock he had on my gaze and turned to the dark-haired man behind him. “This is Logan. He’s my closest friend and is going to help me look after you.”

  Logan stepped forward and held out his hand as well. Ford stepped back so they stood side by side, a wall of well-muscled male. His hand fell to his side and I realized I’d just been incredibly rude to my future husband.

  Straightening my shoulders, I stood and placed my hand in Logan’s large palm. “How do you do?”

  His hand closed over mine and I stilled as his thumb massaged the back of my hand, sending heat to pool low in my belly. “It’s a pleasure, Lizzie.”

  A deep, low voice sent chills up my spine. My sisters were the only ones to call me Lizzie, but from these men, while it sounded odd, I liked it.

  Ford cleared his throat and I forced myself to look away from the dark pools of Logan’s eyes. I shouldn’t even be looking at Logan; I should only have eyes for my intended. Pulling my hand from Logan’s gentle grip, I turned and looked up, way up, into Ford’s deep green eyes and said the first thing that came to mind. “I didn’t know your name was Ford. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  He shrugged, and his grin was charming. “Well, I don’t know. I was afraid you wouldn’t come. Samuel is a respectable name, and Ford is… well, it’s an oddity around here.” As he spoke the words, he stepped back and lowered his head to look at the hat he now twisted in his hands. His strange behavior made my nerves start to twitter in alarm and I nearly jumped when he spoke again.

  “There’s something else you should know, Lizzie. I lied to you. I don’t feel right about it, now that I see you, but I did. What’s done is done.” He raised his chin and met my gaze, his eyes full of contrition. “I don’t have boys, not yet. I thought…” He cleared his throat. “Well, I thought you’d like me better if I could offer you more of a family. You went on so much about yours, well, I just…” He reached out and touched my cheek with his fingertips in a caress so tender I almost pressed my face to his hand. “I’m sorry I lied. I don’t have children. Not yet. I want pretty little girls with ribbons in their hair, and sons, strong, strapping boys. But I want them with you, if you’ll still have me?”

  And there it was, my future and my opportunity. As quickly as my anger flared, it died, for I’d been keeping secrets, too.

  He dropped his hand to his side and I cleared my throat. It was now or never. He’d seen my sisters when we got off the coach. I might as well tell him the truth now, when I had the upper hand and he owed me a favor. “I lied as well, Mr. Jenkins.”

  “Ford, sweetheart. Call me Ford.”

  “Ford.” His endearment warmed me like a hot fire on a cold winter morning. “I lied as well. I didn’t come alone. I couldn’t leave my sisters behind. I was hoping…” It was my turn to look contrite and I bit my lip as my nerves threatened to spill out of me and make my voice wobble. My future hung in the balance, my sisters’ safety and happiness, too. All would be decided in the next few moments. “My sisters, the women who were with me on the stage, well, I brought them with me, hoping it would be all right with you. I hoped you would help me look after them for a bit, until they get settled with husbands of their own.”

  Ford and Logan both smiled wide at my words. I would have been confused, had I a moment to gather my thoughts, but Ford’s words flooded me with relief and I was none too eager to question it.

  “Of course. They’re your family. Which means they’re my family now.”

  The weight of a thousand worlds lifted from my shoulders, a weight I’d carried for so long I didn’t realize how great the burden until it was gone. “Thank you!” I couldn’t contain myself; I leaped forward into his arms, smiling and filled with unbelievable relief and joy.

  His shocked stance cooled my enthusiasm and I worried that I’d overstepped my bounds, but when I tried to pull back, strong arms closed around me and pressed me tightly to his chest. I didn’t even think to struggle. This man was mine now, or would be soon.

  Fate was being kind indeed.

  He held me for a long minute and his scent filled my lungs as the long, lean strength of him heated my blood. I wanted to melt into him. His hand traced the long line of my spine through my gown and his deep voice rumbled in my ear where it was pressed to his chest. “I’ve got the preacher waiting to marry us, if you’re ready.”

  “Yes.” I nodded, tears welling in my eyes. This man would be my new home. His touch was gentle, even for a man of his formidable size, his eyes sharp with intelligence, and his soul kind, for he’d not batted an eye at agreeing to care for my sisters.

  If I were being honest with myself, I had begun to fall in love with him a little right there in the hallway of the hotel.

shifted behind us and I turned my head to meet his gaze. “You’d best gather your things, Miss Lizzie, and your sisters’, too,” he told me. “We’ve got business waiting at home, Ford. We need to get out of town before nightfall.”

  My heart sank a bit at his words, for I’d dreamed of a wedding night spent in a hotel room such as this, with a warm, soft bed beneath me as my husband made me his. My mind brought forth images of the loaded wagon I’d seen earlier and I frowned. “How far away is your home? You never told me that.”

  Ford squeezed my shoulder and stepped back to look down at me. “Not far, sweetheart. Not far.”

  I would have asked more questions, but he didn’t give me the chance. I opened my mouth to speak, but he covered my lips with a hot kiss, his firm lips coaxing a response from me that I was only too eager to give.

  The wanton devil inside me took control and I lifted my arms to wrap around his neck. I buried my fingers in his hair, eager to feel the soft strands glide over my skin as I pressed my breasts to his hard body.

  His tongue invaded my mouth, my soft gasp of surprise immediately followed by a moan I could not stop from escaping as he plundered, stroking in and out like I’d witnessed the night before, like a hard cock taking my mouth. As Ford explored my mouth, his hot hands landed at the small of my back, but I wanted them lower, cupping my ass, pulling me hard and rough against his cock.

  I wanted so much more than this kiss. And this man, at last, would give it to me. My husband.

  “We have to go, Ford.” Logan cleared his throat and Ford seemed to come back to his senses. Pity.

  Ford ended our kiss, but I couldn’t make my body stop shaking. He stared down into my eyes and I felt like I was drowning. “You are a wanton little witch, aren’t you?”

  His words acted like a bucket of ice-cold water and I bit my lip, pulling out of his arms completely, my spine stiff as I fought off tears. I looked down at the floor. When was I going to learn to control myself?

  “I’m sorry. I’ll wake my sisters and gather our things.” I turned to go back into my hotel room. I’d messed up already. I’d lost control, shown him that I was unclean.

  Tainted blood. Unclean. An unwanted bastard.

  My uncle’s harsh words circled in my mind like vultures picking at my soul, but Ford’s hand came to rest on the back of my head and he turned me around to face him with a commanding touch that kicked my bruised heart back into a fast race.

  “Don’t ever apologize to me, Lizzie. Not for enjoying my touch.” He stepped close and placed my hand over his heart where I could feel it racing to keep pace with my own. “Do you feel that? I want you so badly I can’t breathe, sweetheart.”

  Doubt clouded my vision for a moment, but then his rough thumb traced my bottom lip and just that quickly, I was his again.

  “Get your things, sweetheart. The preacher’s waiting and I want to make you mine as soon as possible.”

  God help me, I wanted that, too. I nodded and went to wake my sisters.

  Chapter Six


  As I escorted Lizzie down the boardwalk to the church, I was acutely aware of Logan keeping pace behind us with her two sisters. He was holding on by a thread, and that kiss in the hallway hadn’t helped matters.

  I felt badly about it, for taunting my friend for all of a few seconds, but I’d needed to know she could handle us both. I needed to know whether or not she had any fire.

  The truth was, she burned so hot I’d nearly lost control. I’d damn sure forgotten where I was, lost in the plush feel of her lips, the surprised innocence about it. About her. I’d forgotten everything, including the danger we would all face if we didn’t get Lizzie and her sisters out of town as quickly as possible.

  As we passed the stables, I looked up to find Garrett and Thompson watching us with eyes like a hawk’s. Garrett’s gaze inspected their chosen bride, as Thompson nodded to me and pointed at the saloon.

  So, the Jenkins boys were recovered and already drinking once again. That would make our escape easier.

  Evan and Daniel stepped forward from the front of the mercantile as we passed and I introduced Lizzie and her sisters. While the men tipped their hats for all three, they only had eyes for the sister named Judith. Ford handed off the women’s bags before we walked on to the church.

  Unable to resist touching her, I reached for her hand, pleased when she allowed my touch and did not attempt to pull away. I’d seen the darkness and doubt cloud her gaze when I’d called her wanton. I did not know what vile things had been spoken to her in the past, but once she was mine, she would not be allowed to think so poorly of herself or her passionate nature. As long as that heat was for me and Logan, there was nothing shameful. It was a gift we intended to take great pleasure in exploring.

  I held open the door of the small chapel and allowed the women to walk in first. Logan nodded as he took the door from me and we both confirmed that Thompson and Garrett had moved their positions to guard us from across the street in case the real Samuel Jenkins got wind of Lizzie’s and her sisters’ presence in town. This wasn’t Mohamir and death wasn’t a possibility, but we weren’t risking anything with Lizzie’s fate in danger.

  “Ah, Mr. Jenkins. Welcome back.” The preacher stepped forward and I shook his hand. When he did not step away, I remembered the ten dollars I’d promised and slid the money, discreetly, into his hand.

  The ceremony was quick, just the way I wanted it. When the preacher asked Lizzie if she’d take ‘Mr. Jenkins’ to be her husband, I quickly corrected him and asked them both simply to call me Ford.

  As the entire thing was a bit out of the preacher’s usual, he simply shrugged and Lizzie agreed to take me, Ford, as her husband, to love, honor and obey.

  My cock grew hard as a rock as I watched her full lips mouth those three words and I had to force my mind to function as I took my own vows.

  I kissed my new wife as I had in the hallway of the hotel, exploring her mouth as I intended to explore her pussy, deep and hard and surrounded by her wet heat.

  Behind me, Logan prowled like a caged tiger, eager to mark her as well. But as fierce a soldier as Logan was, he knew when to wait. We had to get Lizzie away from this town before we could tell her the truth and introduce her to our ways. Soon enough she would understand that she didn’t belong to only me, but to Logan as well. Soon we would take her body between us and share her as we intended. Soon she would beg us to bring her pleasure over and over again.

  “You’re mine now, Lizzie.”

  “Yes.” Her eyes darkened at the heat in my voice and I wanted to rip her dress from her body and take her here, rut into her on the floor of this damn church like an animal.

  I thanked the preacher who shook his head. “I understand now, the need for expediency.”

  “What?” Lizzie turned to him, a confused expression on her face.

  I scowled a warning at the preacher as I signed the church ledger. I made sure to sign my real name, and instructed Logan, as witness, to do the same.

  Unless my new wife inspected my signature, she’d have no idea I wasn’t Mr. Jenkins until it was too late to annul the marriage. I would take her innocence within hours and nowhere near Hayes. I wanted to ensure there was no way Samuel Jenkins had a chance to steal what was now mine. Short of killing me and Logan, Lizzie would be safely out of his clutches forever.

  And if he decided to kill me?

  Well, the drunken sot was welcome to try.

  “Come along, sweetheart. I’d like to get you home as quickly as possible.”

  My near growl made her cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink and I pretended not to notice Logan adjusting himself as he followed us outside to a waiting group of men.

  Lizzie’s sisters halted dead in their tracks at the four large men waiting for them outside the church. Daniel, who had been carrying their bags, handed them off, Judith’s bag to Evan and Rebekah’s bag to Thompson.

  I lifted my hand and made the introductions. “Ladie
s, I’d like you to meet my friends. You’ve met Evan and Daniel. The other two are Garrett and Thompson. Lizzie, they will escort your sisters to the ranch and make sure they’re safe.”

  The ranch just so happened to be Bridgewater, but for the moment, the vagueness of the response was important. I needed the sisters to go off with the men knowing they’d be protected and arrive safely before us. The fact that none of us had been there before was the portion Logan and I would tell her about later. I had no doubt the men would inform Judith and Rebekah once they were away from town.

  Judith’s blue eyes flared wide and she turned to Lizzie with a fearful expression on her face. Lizzie, in turn, looked up into my face with a question in her lovely brown eyes. “I’m not sure about this, Ford. We are in a strange place, with new people. Why can’t they go with us?”

  I leaned down to whisper in her ear, sure she wouldn’t want the others to hear. “I plan on making you mine tonight. I assumed you wouldn’t want an audience to hear your cries of pleasure.”

  Her eyes widened and I watched as her cheeks turned pink. Grinning, I happily watched the rapid rise and fall of her chest as she digested my words. She pasted a bright smile on her face and turned to her sisters. “It’s all right. Go with them. I trust my new husband to see you are well taken care of.”

  Evan stepped forward and looked down into Judith’s shocked features. He bowed his head and held out his hand to the petite woman. “You have my word of honor, Judith, nothing will harm you while you are with us.”

  Judith looked at up him for a moment, leaned around him to inspect Daniel, who nodded. “On my honor, you will be safe and protected, Judith.”

  She turned back to Lizzie with a sigh. “All right. I suppose it is your wedding night.”

  Lizzie stepped back as if seeking my strength and I was only too happy to provide. I positioned myself at her back, placing my hand around her curvy waist. “Rebekah. You’ll be escorted by Garrett and Thompson.”


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