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Their Conquered Bride

Page 11

by Grace Goodwin

  The sheriff slapped his hand on Ford’s back. “Guess that takes care of that. I got a message for you and Logan from the rest of your boys. Someone by the name of Garrett.”

  Ford nodded. “He’s with me. What’s the message?”

  The sheriff grinned. “Seems he’s been delayed. Got himself hitched to a beautiful little thing, named Rebekah. Said they were all running a bit late, but to let you know they were all safe and sound.” I gasped, shocked at the news that Garrett had married my little sister! And with who? I knew these men, knew how they thought. Rebekah didn’t have just one husband now, but two. “What about my sister Judith, sheriff? Did Garrett say anything about her?”

  “Nope. Just Rebekah. Sorry I don’t have more news. Garrett said they’ll be arriving in a day or two.” With a congenial grin, he nodded to everyone in the room and bowed to me. “I’ll be heading back to town, Mrs. Ellison, unless there’s anything else I can do for you?”

  “No, thank you, sheriff.” I bowed my head in gratitude to him, but he just laughed. His gaze was warm and friendly, and I forced myself to turn away from the sight of the final remnants of paper turning black when he spoke. “I guess I’ll have to inform poor Mr. Jenkins that there’s no sign of his intended bride up in these parts.”

  With that, he nodded at Ian, put his hat back on his head and walked out of the house.

  Mrs. Ellison! I was free!

  Ford and Logan surrounded me, holding me between them where I felt safe and cherished and very loved. I heard the others scatter to give us privacy. When I knew we were alone, I felt myself begin to tremble, the shock of the sheriff’s arrival and the events of the past few minutes finally catching up to my body. It felt so good to be in their arms, to feel the press of their hard bodies, to breathe in their scents, to know I was truly theirs, forever.

  They held me in silence for several minutes, but I felt Logan’s growing impatience in the hard planes of his body and I knew I was in trouble. Ford’s words confirmed it. “Wife, I believe there are some things we need to discuss.”

  “Yes, there are.” Logan added, nearly growling in my ear from behind me. “Lying, Lizzie? Keeping secrets from your husbands?”

  I stiffened as Logan pulled away from me and I tried to defend my actions. I looked up into Ford’s eyes, hoping that at least he, as the more emotionally controlled man in my life, would try to understand my side of the story. “I didn’t know what to do. I was scared.”

  “I know. And so does Logan. But you should have told us of the situation. We know what’s best for you. You are our top priority. All this time you spent worried and upset about that worthless piece of paper when your only thoughts should have been on your husbands and how to build a new life here, with us. That document was a threat to all of us, yet you chose to keep it to yourself. You should have trusted us to take care of you.” Ford took my hand and led me out of the house as we followed Logan across the grass toward our much smaller home.

  My nerves sizzled with awareness. I couldn’t keep my eyes from the tense lines of Logan’s broad shoulders. Nor could my mind make sense of the difference between Ford’s gentle tone of voice and iron strength of his grip. I was free from Mr. Jenkins, forever. Shouldn’t that make them happy? I was nearly giddy with relief, but I knew Ford was right. If I had shown them the paper, it would have been destroyed already, and no threat to us. What if the sheriff had been on Mr. Jenkins’ side of the argument? Or had no love for Ford?

  Ashamed with myself, I worried what my men were going to do to punish me. I knew they wouldn’t truly hurt me, but the tense line of Ford’s jaw did not make me eager to learn what they had in mind. Once we were far enough away from the main house not to be overheard, I asked, “Where are you taking me?”

  Ford didn’t look at me as he picked up the pace. I was practically running to keep up with his agitated stride. Logan was even farther ahead.

  “You lied to us, Lizzie.”

  “I’m sorry.” And I was. I truly was. I could tell my lack of trust in them had hurt them more deeply than I cared to admit. They’d done nothing but take care of me and protect me from the moment they’d seen me. I should have trusted them. Why could I so easily give them my body, but not surrender my heart? Why was I still holding back?

  If I had truly fallen in love with them, I would have told them everything. I would have laid my ear over Ford’s beating heart and told him how scared I was. I would have held tightly to Logan and trusted my warriors to defeat my enemy. But I’d kept that part of myself from them. I hadn’t surrendered everything, and now they both knew it.

  Ford shook his head. “Sorry isn’t good enough, sweetheart. Not this time.”

  Chapter Twelve


  I wanted to take my wife over my knee and spank her until she couldn’t sit down for a week. I wanted to fuck her so hard she’d never get me out of her body. I wanted to hold her down until she screamed, and sobbed, and told me why she’d kept this secret from us, why she still didn’t trust us to take care of her.

  If I were honest, most of the anger churning within was self-directed. Logan and I had the most beautiful, most sensual, kind-hearted and loving woman for a wife, and she did not love us, did not trust us.

  We’d failed her somehow. As I pulled her along to the privacy of our small home, I tried to figure out what to do next. We’d spanked her, fucked her, and cherished her. She slept nestled between us every night, safe and warm and surrounded by two men who would die to protect her.

  It wasn’t enough. We’d conquered her body, but we hadn’t overcome her fears, hadn’t been able to win her heart.

  We reached the house and Logan left the door open, as he was already inside. Lizzie glanced up at me, a cloud of tears gathering in her eyes, but I shook my head. No, I was not going to let her go. Not now. Not ever.

  I did not force her across the threshold; this had to be her decision. I would never force her to accept us. Hell, if I could force her to love us, I would, but that had already proven impossible.

  In the rational part of my mind, I knew that we expected a lot from her. We’d only known her for a short time. Love often took months or years to grow.

  But I was a greedy bastard, I wanted it now. So did Logan.

  I could live without her love, for now, but I could not survive with my mind intact without her trust.

  Lizzie squared her shoulders and stepped inside our house. I followed her immediately, squinting blindly for a few seconds as my eyes adjusted to the dimly lit interior after walking in such bright sunlight.

  “Close the door, Ford.” Logan’s voice drifted to us both from a dark corner of the room and I kicked the door closed with my foot, not wanting to take my eyes off our bride, not for a single second. I had no idea what she was going to do.

  Silence built in the small room as I waited to see what Logan intended. I knew he was struggling, too, for the quiet went long, growing until it was more painful to my ears than a cannon shot on the battlefield.

  The stakes were higher here than on any battlefield we’d ever set foot on. There, I simply risked my life. Here, with Lizzie, I risked my future, my heart and soul. They were hers, had been since the first moment I set eyes on her when she climbed down out of that stagecoach.

  Logan held himself perfectly still, waiting, for God only knew what. To my surprise, Lizzie spoke first.

  “I’m truly sorry, husbands. I should have told you everything. I put our family in danger. I was foolish and scared, and I should have trusted you with the truth as easily as I trust you with my body.” She walked forward, into the center of the room, and began to unfasten the buttons of her dress.

  I watched, spellbound, eager to see her naked form, even as disbelief warred with the eager surge of my cock. We’d taken Lizzie’s pleasure many times, but she had never initiated our loving, never offered herself to us first. Not once.

  Her dress dropped to a pool around her feet, followed by her corset—no drawers for her
were allowed—until she stood naked and beautiful in the center of the room. She walked to the bed, head high like a queen’s, and crawled to the center, kneeling there, she faced us with her hands on her lap and her head bowed, waiting for whatever we chose to do. The long, elegant lines of her body was like a sculptor’s art, the curve of her hips so perfectly formed that I longed to grab those hips and hold on tight as I rammed my cock deep.

  Logan stepped forward as if under a spell, stopping to look at me. I met his gaze; mine, I was sure, was filled with as much surprise as his. I had expected Logan to throw her over his knee and spank her until she cried. I had expected her to yell at us, to plead, to fight us with words and, if necessary, fists and feet. After that, we would have seduced her with hands and tongue, fucked her until she screamed her release, until she couldn’t see straight, then slept with her cradled in our arms.

  But this offering? Her complete and total surrender?

  I knew I was supposed to feel like the conquering hero, but seeing her there, bared to us and offering us everything, I felt like the conquered. Her surrender brought me to my knees.

  Logan reached for the hem of his shirt, yanking it off over his head in one smooth motion. I followed suit, and soon we raced to be naked, next to her. Inside her. It was time to claim our bride, to fuck her together, as we’d longed to do for days. After, she would never doubt exactly whom she belonged to again.


  “What are you doing, Lizzie?” Ford asked, but he was undressing, baring his body as Logan had already done. They stood at the foot of the bed gloriously naked, their cocks huge and hard, and I wanted them both. While Logan stood before me with his arms braced on his hips, Ford crossed his arms instead, not yet ready to trust me. The gesture did not indicate he was going to be fucking me anytime soon. It also seemed that neither would be spanking me.

  I swallowed down my nerves so I could answer him. I’d thought my motives obvious. “I’m… I’m giving myself to you, completely. To both of you.”

  His dark brow winged up. “Why?”

  I frowned and lifted my head to meet his gaze. “Why?” I repeated.

  “Why are you giving yourself to us?” His dark green eyes held doubts, ghosts that I’d placed there with my secrets, my lies. The sight nearly broke me all over again. I could not stand the thought that I’d caused these two men, my men, pain.

  “Because… because I… I love you.” The admission ripped my heart open. I was bare to them now, body and soul. I’d given them my body in the week we’d been married, but I hadn’t given them my love. Now, now I was ready to give them everything.

  Silence settled, thick and heavy in the room, my ragged breathing the only sound that reached my ears as I looked from Logan’s fierce expression to Ford’s unreadable face. Logan looked like he wanted to fuck me raw, punish me with his cock and his body until I surrendered completely. Ford, however, scared me more. Passion I could understand, but Ford’s coldness demanded more from me; he wouldn’t be satisfied with physical surrender. He would demand my mind and my soul. Logan would make me scream with pleasure, but Ford? Ford would deny me, Ford would make me beg.

  My pussy grew wet as my thoughts chased each other around and around in my mind. I wanted both. I wanted them both, so much. I looked Logan in the eye, so he would know I spoke from the depths of my soul. “I love you, Logan. Your love is fierce and wild and you push me to take risks. You make me feel safe and loved, you let me be myself.”

  I turned to Ford, my hands twisting in my lap as I looked at him, refusing to blink. “I love you, Ford. You seduce me with your words, you force me to face the truth, to see the world in new ways. You are the calm to Logan’s storm.” I looked down at my hands, unable to face the intensity of their stares or their silence for another moment. “When I’m between you, when you touch me, I feel like you love me, like the world is a perfect place, like I am perfect.”

  Ford’s arms dropped to his sides and he sighed. “You are perfect, sweetheart.” He took a step forward and I raised my chin to look at him. “And we do love you. More than you know.”

  “We’re going to fuck you now. Together,” Logan told me. “Do you know why?” he asked.

  “Because I belong to both of you.”

  “That’s right, love. You’re the one who makes us a family, who holds us together. You’re the center of our world. We’re going to have you between us, fuck you together. Then you’ll know Ford and I both love you. Both cherish you. Both take care of your every need.”

  Logan’s words were like a balm to my weakened confidence and relief was like a tidal wave that threatened to topple me from my place on the bed. They weren’t angry any longer. We were going to be a family forever.

  Ford’s next words caused my heart to speed behind my ribs. “You hold all the power, Lizzie. We might dominate you in bed, but you’re the only one who can bring us to our knees. When I heard about the proxy letter, that you were really married to that bloody arsehole, I saw red.”

  “You chose us when you burned that piece of paper, and you’ll take both of our cocks,” Logan stepped forward and settled his knee on the edge of the bed, already pushing my boundaries, always challenging me, “…right now.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I nodded, trying not to stare at the two large cocks nearly within reach. “Yes. I want both of you. Together.”

  I knew what this meant. I knew that one of them would fill my pussy while the other filled my bottom with their cocks. They’d been preparing me, stretching me wider and wider with those plugs for just this moment. While I’d resisted their efforts before, now I understood why the plugs had been necessary. My men were being gentle, preparing me, for they wanted our final consummation to be perfect. It would be. With Logan and Ford it couldn’t be anything else.

  For the first time since I’d seen Emily with her men that night on the balcony, I wasn’t jealous of the passion I’d witnessed. That wild love was mine now, with these two men, my husbands. Mine. I didn’t need to envy another woman when the two sexiest men on the planet were naked and moving toward me.

  I licked my lips at the idea of sucking one or both of their cocks deep into my mouth. I stretched, lifting my arms over my head and I watched with satisfaction as my lovers’ eyes shifted to my swaying breasts, to the juncture of my thighs.

  I felt so small kneeling in front of Ford, so feminine. With each breath, I studied the broad expanse of his chest. Dark hair tickled my fingers and I leaned in to brush my lips over the soft skin. For a man so powerful and virile, his skin was incredibly warm and smooth. As I moved closer, his hard cock jutted out and nudged my belly.

  Glancing up at him, I saw the way his eyes had darkened. He was aroused, but he had yet to touch me. I knew he needed more than words, more than my simple declaration of love. I knew he wanted me to tend to him, to show him how much I longed to have him join the three of us. Together.

  Dropping down onto my hands and knees, I turned as Logan knelt on the bed next to Ford. Two large cocks were directly before me. Ford’s was thick and long, the dark crown red and eager. A pearly drop of fluid seeped from the slit in the middle. Logan’s was just as impressive, but he stroked it as I watched.

  “Show us, love,” Logan said, his voice rough. “Prove you are ready to belong to both of us.”

  The way the men looked down at me, with arousal keen in their faces and in every hard line of their bodies, I could feel my nipples harden. I was between them, right where I wanted to be. I was sheltered, protected. Cherished. I knelt before them and I wanted to worship them both.

  I took Ford’s cock in my hand in the tight grip he’d shown me and with a flick of my tongue, licked away his salty essence. He growled as I swirled my tongue around, then took him deep. He was silky soft and tasted divine. I closed my eyes and settled in to my task, pleasuring him.

  When his hands tangled in my hair, I knew he was correct. I did hold power over him. I was the
only one who could make him this desperate, out of control and needy. I was the only one to give him the pleasure his body desired. To fulfill every one of his carnal needs.

  “Don’t forget Logan,” Ford murmured.

  With one last suck, I pulled off Ford and swiveled to take Logan’s cock deep. He still held the base and I braced my hands on his muscled thighs for balance.

  I had no idea how long I went from one to the other, pleasuring them, tasting their fluid as it painted my tongue.

  “Enough,” Logan growled. I pulled back and looked up at him through lowered lashes. I’d pushed them close to the brink.

  Dropping to the edge of the bed, he held out his hand and I took it, letting him help me to my feet. He spun me about to face away from him. “Show Ford what’s his.”

  Tipping up my chin, I met Ford’s gaze, but he wasn’t looking at my face, but my body. Rolling my shoulders back, I thrust my breasts out for him to see. His nostrils flared at the sight and I lifted my hands to cup each one, making sure my pebbled nipples stuck out in invitation.

  Hooking an arm about my waist, Logan pulled me back so I was directly in front of him, then walked us both forward until my thighs met the edge of the bed. I stood directly in front of Ford, his eyes devouring me, tracing my body with his gaze when I wanted his tongue.

  With one large hand, Logan found his way up my belly to take a breast, playing with the nipple. My hands fell away at the sharp feel of his teasing and I dropped my head back onto his shoulder, giving them complete access to my body.

  While Logan played with my nipple, Ford reached forward, his fingers diving into my hot, wet core. “She’s dripping,” he growled.

  Ford’s eyes flared as he replaced one finger with two. I moaned and pushed against his hand, eager to feel his touch on my clit.


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