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Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version)

Page 21

by Ben Winston

  A man in the back interrupted this time. “That sounds a little ominous; what terms?”

  “Well, in the case of the medical profession, a person would have to agree to never charging anyone for their services, as well as serving a term in a place the Empire needs you for five or so years. For that the Empire agrees to pay all expenses incurred by the medic, including additional education to maintain up-to-date knowledge of your selected profession,” Solna explained. “Any professions that require advanced knowledge have the option of state funding with something like those terms, but for a shorter period. In some cases the option to continue service to the Empire is offered but not in all. Of course there is also the option of service to your sponsoring house as well.”

  “We’d need a sponsor?” Someone asked.

  “Yes, but since you already have one, that shouldn’t be much of an issue,” Sean answered this time, winking at Solna.

  “We do? Who is it, and uh... why do we actually need one?” A heavily muscled man asked. He was surrounded by two adult women, and three young ladies. He was also loaded with baggage. The women only had small bags on shoulder straps.

  “Excuse me, Admiral; I would like to answer this one, if I may?” Solna asked her commander.

  “Of course, Commander.”

  Solna smiled at the big man. “You are used to a democratic system of government. Ours is more feudal. In order to do just about anything, you will need the approval or sponsorship of the house you belong to. However, think of it this way, all the benefits and rights you have can be accessed through your House. Your House is the ‘local’ Imperial representative.”

  “You mean like the Empire is the Federal government and the House is like the state government?” One of the big man’s ladies asked.

  Solna nodded, “Yes that would be a good comparison. However, unlike your old system, in ours one’s House is the only governmental presence normally available to the general public. Just so you know, Her Imperial Majesty, Princess Ariel Parker-Moran in her capacity as House Matriarch has agreed to sponsor all of us.”

  A woman now right in front of Solna was the first to catch what she said. “Us?”

  Solna nodded. “Long ago I renounced my rights to my original house since I didn’t agree with how it was governing the people. Recently, I petitioned House Parker for citizenship, and it was accepted. By Imperial law I am now a citizen of Earth.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Moran-Parker Household,

  Henderson, Nevada

  Ariel had a really great relationship with her adoptive parents. Luke and Karen felt she had been the perfect daughter. A message on their answering machine the morning after Las Vegas was leveled told them she was okay and unharmed. She told them that her cell phone had been a victim of the catastrophe and she would call them when she could.

  That had been a month ago. It wasn't unusual for Ariel to not call for a month, but considering the circumstances, they'd expected her to. Karen had a sixth sense when it came to her daughter, and right now it was driving her crazy.

  She had called Ariel's old roommate; Brenda was close to panic because she had not been able to reach Ariel since the disaster.

  “Brenda, honey, I'm very happy that you are such a good friend to my daughter. Ariel left a message for me the morning after the meteor to let me know she was okay and would call again as soon as she could. She also told me that her cell phone had been destroyed,” Karen explained.

  Brenda wasn't ready to calm down yet. “But, they have her listed as missing presumed dead! I checked the address she gave the school when she moved, and there's nothing left!”

  “If she had been there, they should have found her body by now, shouldn't they?” Karen asked.

  “There wasn't actually much left of that whole area. On the news they said something about a vacuum created by the meteor's size and the speed it was traveling. It sucked up just about everything. They're finding bodies and rubble as far away as Kansas and Oklahoma. I know something's wrong, Mrs. Janis, I can feel it.”

  Karen was starting to get a little frightened as well. “If she was hurt, then how could she have called me the next morning to let me know she was okay?”

  “I honestly don't know Mrs. Janis, but if she was okay, why hasn't she let the authorities know? Why hasn't she replaced her cell phone? The meteor was a month ago, why hasn't she called you since then?” Brenda asked, making some very good points that Karen just couldn't argue with.

  “Have you told your parents you're okay, sweetheart?” Karen asked, trying to change the subject before she panicked as well.

  “I've left both of them several messages. Daddy is in Europe with his new wife, and Mother is in the Bahamas. I haven't actually spoken to either one, yet,” Brenda sounded sad, but resigned.

  “I'm sorry, Honey. Maybe they'll wake up one of these days and figure out they have a wonderful daughter.”

  “I'm not going to hold my breath, Mrs. Janis. If I ever have kids, I know I sure as heck am not going to ship them off to a school and forget about them!”

  The two women talked for a few more minutes. Karen did get Brenda calmed down; mostly by talking about Brenda's parents, and college life.

  When she got off the phone with Brenda, she looked over at her husband, Luke, who was sitting in his recliner reading the paper. It was a sign of how upset he was that he was reading the financial section. Karen knew he had heard every word of the conversation.

  “It says here that the heiress to the Parker fortune is still missing too. You know, I can't help but wonder if she has anyone that loves and misses her as a person,” Luke said, sadly.

  “Did anyone ever figure out who she is? You'd think at least one of the household staff would have talked by now,” Karen replied as she sat on the sofa and refilled both of their coffee cups.

  Luke grunted. “Household staff is missing as well. All that was left of the Mansion and estate grounds was a badly scorched garage at the rear of the property. You know, that would have to be one of the worst ways to die. Think about it, you're sitting down to dinner and all of a sudden, something sucks up your house, you, and everything.” He paused. “Some of those people were conscious when they finally fell back to Earth. They died from the impact.”

  Karen shuddered and was thankful that Ariel hadn't been one of them. “Why hasn't she called, Luke?”

  He put the paper down and joined his wife on the couch when he saw she was crying. “I don't know, Honey. But, we raised a wonderful kid. Watch, she'll call one of these days, and have some outrageous reason for not calling sooner.”

  “Do you think we should go out there?” Karen asked.

  “To Las Vegas? It's Friday, so we could go for a couple of days, but the question is why? What can we do that the rest of the city can't?” Luke asked reasonably.

  “Probably nothing, but I sure would feel better if I was doing something. Don't you think you could get a little time off? We haven't taken vacation yet this year. If we explained, surely they'd let you go, wouldn't they?”

  “If I filled him in, Grant would probably order me to go. He is Ariel's Godfather after all,” Luke replied. “Do you want me to call him?”

  Karen looked a little relieved. “Please? I'm just going crazy not knowing.”

  Luke kissed his wife, and got up to make the call. Karen grabbed a notebook, and began writing down everything she had discovered about her missing daughter.

  Luke was on the phone for a few minutes, but when he got back, he sat next to her again. “Grant was very upset about Ariel, he was also pissed that I hadn't told him sooner. He told me to take the company chopper. Since we loaned some of our trucks to haul supplies into Vegas, I'm supposed to write off the trip as a business expense. I called Wes Tran so he could get ready for us. He said he'll be ready when we get there. What's this?” He asked pointing to the list she'd made.

  “It's everything I've learned, heard of, or guessed from all the calls I've made. I figu
red it would be a good place to start.”

  Shocked Luke pointed to an item on the list. “Where did you hear this?”

  “Brenda told me this is the name of the lawyer Ariel had with her, why?”

  He grabbed his newspaper, and quickly scanned it, looking for something. “There! I thought I'd seen that name before! Alexis Moran was Estelle Parker's personal attorney and the executor of the Estelle Parker's Estate!”

  “So?” Karen asked. “Ariel knows someone who was semi-famous.”

  “Well, if there is one person that would know where our daughter is, it would be the last person to have seen her,” Luke said excitedly. “It might be a problem getting in to see her though. Even if we could get her phone number, she's pretty high-profile right now. Every Financial and Society reporter on the planet is trying to get the name of the heir from her.”

  Karen thought for a moment. “Let me call Brenda back. We should tell her we're coming anyway. Maybe she knows how to get hold of this Alex person.”

  Edward J. Farnsworth Jr. was in his office going over some paperwork when the intercom buzzed.

  “Sir, there is a Mr. Grant Meyers of Meyers Trans-Central on line three. He says Phil Carlson referred him to you, and it was urgent he speak with you.”

  “I've heard of him. My father once told me that Grant Meyers was going to do big things. I've been waiting for his company to go public so I could by stock. Did he say what it was about?” Edward asked.

  After a short pause, Helen, his secretary/receptionist/assistant/savior replied. “He said it's in regards to Alexis Moran.”

  Why would Grant Meyers be looking for Alexis? “Thank you Helen, I'll take it from here.”

  He pushed the button for line three and picked up the handset. “Grant Meyers! What a surprise! What can I do for you today?”

  “Ah, well, first off, let me express my condolences on the loss of your father last year. I sent flowers, but I didn't really know him well enough to justify intruding. He was a good man,” Grant said.

  “Thank you, Grant, he told me the same thing about you. I've been waiting for you to take your company public so I could invest.”

  “Really? Huh, I hadn't even thought of doing that yet. I'll give it some thought though, thank you for the suggestion. Say, the reason I called is one of my people, Luke Janis is trying to find his daughter, Ariel Janis. She's my God-Daughter, so I promised him I'd do what I could to help.

  “Through contact with her friends, we've discovered that young Ariel had recently moved in with Ms. Moran. So, we're trying to get hold of her to ask if she knows where Ariel is,” Grant finished.

  Edward knew Grant was telling the truth for his part. However, it wasn't common knowledge that he was connected in any way to Alexis Moran, or the Parker Estate. “Grant, firstly, can I ask how you thought I would be able to help you?”

  “I actually don't know. This is one of those 'friend of a friend' things that I'm supposed to forget about as soon as I hang-up. Considering the spot Ms. Moran is in right now, I can certainly understand being hard to contact. In fact, if you can get a message to her, I'd appreciate it if you'd pass along my request. She doesn't even need to contact me at all, she can simply pass along the information and I'll forget this whole convoluted mess.”

  “Hmm, I can't actually confirm I know anything about her, but why don't you give me your phone number, just encase I might know someone that can help you,” Edward offered.

  “That's all I ask anyway, and I really do appreciate it.” Grant gave him his phone number, the hotel and room in Las Vegas for Luke Janis, along with their cell phones.

  “Thanks, I'll do what I can,” Edward said. “Just let me know when your stocks are available!”

  “I'll do that, and thank you for your help. Good day, Mr. Farnsworth.”

  “Good Day to you, Mr. Meyers.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Moran-Parker Estate

  Earth, (Sol III) Horon-A sector.

  “How are we doing on personnel?” Ariel asked as they ate breakfast.

  “All of the folks from Tanner construction have been moved, and the first of them are currently on their way out to Rhea,” George answered. “The first batch drawn from the general population will be leaving for the Divine Light late this evening. Those recruiters of yours are really good Highness, that shuttle is going to be as full as we can safely load it.”

  “The problem is, I'm going to need to return them to the Divine Light soon. Both Wendy and Taylor's ships will be ready soon, and they need to be getting back to finish their training,” Ariel replied. “So, I hope they found someone to replace themselves, or we're going to have bigger problems to deal with than available space on the shuttles.”

  “Ariel, you know the girls would never let you down like that. If I didn't know better, I'd think there was some hero worship going on there,” Alex said as her cell phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket, and silenced it without looking at the display. She never accepted calls during a meal. After setting it on the side table behind her, she turned back to her meal. “Speaking of hero worship; Betty, how do you do it? Every meal is better than the last. How can you continue to improve your cooking every day for years?”

  Betty blushed under the praise. Even with the added responsibilities of House Steward, Betty still insisted that she cook the food. However, she was gaining more of a staff; thanks to the efforts of Wendy and Taylor. In an effort to shift the conversation off of her, Betty turned to Ariel. “Ariel, have you heard how Nichole's doing?”

  Ariel nodded and couldn't suppress a smile. “Sean tells me that she's a natural fighter pilot, and has been amazing her instructors with what she can get her fighter to do. No one can touch her during combat drills. She's at the top of her class, and has been asked to speak in her classes about combat maneuvering. Sean's already had to promote her twice. She thinks that Nichole may end up replacing Tabitha as Wing Commander.”

  Although Alex had silenced it, her phone began vibrating on the table. Alex ignored it.

  “Alex, would you like me to intercept your calls for you during dinner?” Cole asked through hidden speakers.

  “I'd appreciate it, Cole. But I think it would be better if you acted like an answering service. Everyone knows I never take calls during meals and frankly, whoever that is, is really ticking me off.”

  After a short pause, Cole replied. “Alex the first message was left by Mr. Farnsworth's assistant, Helen. She asks that you please contact Mr. Farnsworth as soon as possible. It is in regards to an urgent matter involving a Mr. Grant Meyers of Meyers Trans-Central.”

  “That's my god-father as well as my father's Boss!” Ariel said. “I wonder what that's about? By the way, Cole, please remind me to call my folks later? I've been so busy, I keep forgetting to. I just hope Mom isn't freaking out by now.”

  “Who was the second call from Cole?” Alex asked.

  “Mr. Farnsworth himself. He said basically the same thing, but he also mentioned it was about Ariel, sounds like it's pretty urgent,” Cole answered.

  “It must be urgent. Edward knows I don't accept calls during meals,” Alex replied.

  If Uncle Grant's involved, and it's about me, something might have happened to my parents. Alex could you please make an exception this time and return the call? We'll all wait for you to finish.” Ariel said.

  Alex looked concerned too but she did nod in agreement. “Does anyone mind if I use the speakers for this? If it's that urgent, then I think we should all hear it.”

  Everyone agreed and Alex asked Cole to dial Edward's private, direct number.

  “Hello?” a man's voice answered.

  “Edward, this is Alex. What's going on that's so urgent? By the way, you're on speaker and Ariel can hear you.”

  “Good Morning Miss Janis. Please forgive the interruption of your morning. Late yesterday, I received a call from Grant Meyers. He was looking for Miss Janis on behalf of Luke Janis, one of his employees. He gav
e me all the relevant contact information, and I have had it verified as real. Mr. and Mrs. Janis are in Las Vegas at this moment looking for their daughter,” Edward replied.

  “Oh shit!” Ariel replied quietly.

  “Indeed,” Edward replied to let her know he'd heard her.

  “Thanks, Mr. Farnsworth. I'll give them a call immediately. I'm sorry you had to get involved in this mistake. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again,” Ariel said.

  “No need to apologize, Miss Janis. I understand completely,” Edward replied. “Have a good day, Miss Janis, Alex.”

  “We will, thank you, Edward,” Alex said as Cole hung up.

  “Well, I think I waited too long to call them. I just wonder how they figured out to call Mr. Farnsworth,” Ariel asked.

  “I don't know either; we've managed to keep your name out of the press for the time being, but eventually it'll become known,” Alex said thoughtfully. “Only one person could connect you to me.”

  “Brenda. Of course! She would be one of the first people Mom would call! But how did Uncle Grant end up calling Mr. Farnsworth? That's a bit of a stretch.” Ariel countered.

  Alex shrugged and picked up her fork. “I imagine it's one of those 'three steps' puzzles that'd give you a migraine trying to figure out.”

  “Three steps?” John, Betty's husband asked.

  Ariel nodded and answered since Alex had a mouthful of food. “There is a theory, mostly proven, that states that no matter who you are, or your standing in society, you are never more than three people away from any other person. Which means you know someone, who knows someone, who knows the President of the United States, or a famous actor or actress.”

  “I don't know anyone like that,” John said.

  A sudden coughing fit got everyone to look at poor mKail, who was choking on her food.

  Since Ariel was the closest, she gave the young woman a sharp thump to the back, which dislodged the food.

  “Are you okay, mKail?” Ariel asked.


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