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Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version)

Page 32

by Ben Winston

  “Thank you, Cole,” Ariel replied aloud for both messages. “Would you please set course for the Divine Light? These two selfish bitches really need a wakeup call.”

  Gillian snorted. “Man, you're really riding this power-trip aren't you? You know, you're still the same stuck-up, self-centered, little girl that has to hide behind others for protection. Fuck you, and fuck all of this, I'm still a free person, and a citizen of the United States of America. If you’re trained attack-dyke wants to kill me for that, then so be it. I don't want anything to do with any of you, and that includes the two of YOU!” The last was directed at her father and brother.”

  “Highness, I have an idea. May I have your leave to introduce Citizen Gillian to my roommate? I think they might like to know each other,” mKail offered.

  “Sure, just make sure she doesn't have an 'accident'. Last I heard, blatant stupidity wasn't a crime, although it often has its own punishments,” Ariel replied.

  As she stepped forward, Gillian shied away. mKail simply smiled at the woman. “Ms. Gillian, My Princess has commanded me to not let anything happen to you. What that means is that, for the time being, I must protect you from harm, not inflict it. However, there is someone I want you to meet. She is a friend of mine, and I think the two of you might hit it off.”

  “What do you mean?” Gillian said, skeptical about mKail's assurance of protection.

  “Simply put, she is a lonely, but nice, person that is far from home on her first cruise. She could really use a friend. I think the both of you might make really good friends,” mKail explained.

  Gillian got, a little shakily, to her feet. Instead of speaking she only nodded, while Francine looked at her quizzically.

  “Gillian, where are you going? Can't you see they're only trying to separate us! Don't leave me alone here!” Francine said fearfully.

  Gillian looked down at her mother, and suddenly saw a small frightened woman. “You're safe here, mother. Both dad, and the idiot savant are here to protect you. I know you don't trust them anymore, but the one thing I am absolutely sure of is that neither one of them will let anything happen to you.”

  With that, mKail led the woman back to the crew quarters.

  “Where is she going?” Francine asked, still looking at the hallway where her daughter disappeared.

  Ariel grinned. “mKail just took her to introduce her to someone that might give her a different perspective on all of this.”

  “She doesn’t need a different perspective!” Francine snapped, looking at Ariel. “You’re just trying to separate us so you can brainwash her!”

  David snorted, but Grant slowly shook his head from side to side as he spoke, “Franny, no one is trying to brainwash anyone, or separate the two of you for any nefarious reasons! Quit being so fucking paranoid!”

  “Yes they are! You are just too far up this bitch’s ass to see it!” Francine cried, almost panicking. “Who knows what that amazon bitch is doing to her right now?”

  “Jesus, Mom! Take a fuckin’ pill!” David said looking at his mother. “Here, I thought you got upset when they cancelled ‘90210’!”

  “Look, you need to calm down, Francine, or we will help you do so. There is no reason for you to be this upset.” Ariel said as she stood and stared down at the woman.

  “FUCK YO...”

  “ENOUGH!” Grant said slamming his fist onto the table. Francine shut-up and looked at him like he was an alien.

  “You need to get your head out of your ass, and start listening to the people around you. You will have respect for these people, and what they stand for, at least while I am here. This is fucking reality, not your Tuesday afternoon hen-pecking party!”

  Francine immediately shut up, and looked only at her hands, folded in her lap. “Grant, why are you doing this to me?”

  “Because I'm tired of your righteous self-delusions! Your version of reality is not what those around you have to conform to!” Grant finished. “Now get your head out of your ass and get with the fucking program here. I know you're not this damn stupid.”

  mKail reentered the room, alone, and returned to her place at Ariel's shoulder.

  Ariel looked at her friend, “How’d it go?”

  Grinning, and staring straight at Francine, mKail replied, “She’s all hooked up, and the brainwashing is underway!”

  Ariel looked at her sharply. “That is SO not funny!”

  Francine whimpered and withdrew more into herself, while Grant tried to convince the woman it was a joke. Luke rolled his eyes, and David tried hard not to laugh.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” mKail said. “Better than I expected actually. With your permission, Milady, I think Jergen needs to take the rest of the day to show Miss Gillian around, and so they can get to know each other better.”

  Bri'tell nodded. “I agree with mKail, Jergen can take the time she needs. We are over-strength right now. Besides, Jergen was due for down time anyway, once we returned to base.”

  Ariel smiled at him. “You know, we've heard from almost everyone here, but you haven't said anything Bri'tell?”

  He nodded. “I'm just a grunt. It's not my place to argue politics.”

  “No, it isn't our place to argue politics, Master Chief. However, even as Marines, we are still citizens and are entitled to our own opinions. We would like to hear yours,” Luke said.

  “Aye, Sir.” He paused to gather his thoughts. “Many years ago, about three decades after the unification, a good portion of our societies felt the same way as the ladies.” He indicated Francine and the absent Gillian with a nod. “So the Emperor adjusted policy, and allowed the senate more power in an effort to avoid military conflict.

  “It worked at first, but what no one had foreseen was that the Dukes, many of which used to be kings in their own small realms, had begun to change things further, giving themselves more and more power at the cost of less power for the Emperor. Now, the Emperor is little more than a figure head. His hands are tied by the senate who threaten boycotts, and trade embargos if he tries to force the nobles back into line.

  “So you ask, why should he bother, and what does this have to do with me? The Dukes are sadistic, power hungry, madmen that buy and sell other beings as slaves, including humans. They rape their planets, and sell most of the food produced, or fail to buy the needed amount to feed their populations. If anyone gets caught stealing, they and their entire family get sent to the slave markets.

  “Some of the young ones are sold to childless, well-to do parents that are willing and able to pay the high prices the Dukes are asking. Yes, there are other ways, up to and including cloning, to get a child, but slave babies are lower risk, and don't require dealing with shady doctors and scientists.

  “I got side-tracked. Back to what it has to do with you. That's the simplest question of all to answer. What it has to do with you is, every man woman and child on Earth, regardless of nationality is currently at risk of being whisked away to a slave house. I don't mean to be cruel Ms. Francine, but how would you feel if you were sitting in a cage, awaiting your turn on the block, and you had to watch Gillian or David being auctioned off?

  “The woman are stripped naked, and presented as Doxies first.” At Francine's look of confusion, he continued. “A Doxy is a slave used for prostitution. Because of his current body structure, Mr. David could also be offered as a Doxy. I mean no offense, Mr. David.” David nodded to him. “Strong men and women that don't sell as doxies are sold as general laborers. Mostly high risk mining or construction jobs that have high mortality rates. These men and women are considered to be the lucky ones. I've also heard rumors of underground fighting. Men and women forced to fight to the death for the amusement of others.

  “So what does it all have to do with you? Everything! This war that's coming is because of you. It's because we agree that no one has the right to own another intelligent being, or abuse them as they see fit. We believe that it's far past the time the power of the Empire is put back wh
ere it belongs,” Bri'tell finished. He blushed. “Sorry sir, you did ask to hear my opinion.”

  “That I did Master Chief, and thank you for it,” Luke said grinning. “Does that help Fran?”

  The woman sighed. “I'm not doubting you're word, Master Chief, but I just can't... this just isn't real for me.”

  Bri'tell shrugged. “It wasn't real for a lot of your fellow citizens from Earth, either, until the very end, as they were dying.”

  About this time, two women and a man entered the room. “Oh, excuse us, we thought you might be finished in here,” One of them said as the small group turned to leave.

  “Wait! Is it dinner time already?” Ariel asked.

  “1700 hours, Highness.”

  “Then don't worry about us, please, get your meal and have a seat,” Ariel replied, waving them in. “I think we might just join you!”

  One of the women elbowed the man. “See? Now you can tell your sister that you had lunch with the Princess! Let her try to top that!”

  Ariel took Francine by the hand and led her through getting food from the replication unit. Trying to be a smart ass, Francine asked for, and received a 6oz. fillet mignon and a small lobster tail with a side salad.

  As Fran was removing her tray from the slot, one of the women that had just came in gently touched her elbow. “Excuse me, but that smells wonderful! May I ask what it is?”

  With a bewildered look on her face, she replied. “It's, uh, Steak and Lobster with a side salad. I also asked for Blue Cheese dressing for the salad, and melted butter for the lobster. Uh, how did it just appear? Where did it come from?”

  “You might want to ask for ranch dressing instead of the blue cheese, Lieutenant. Blue cheese is something of an acquired taste,” Ariel said, winking at the woman. “Fran, the machine we got the food from creates it by taking different non-attached molecules and recombining them into whatever form is requested; in your case, Steak and Lobster.”

  The Lieutenant asked for a repeat of the last meal served, but asked for ranch dressing also. (She wanted to try the blue cheese dressing too) Ariel quickly told her how the lobster was eaten, before placing her own order, and returning to her table.

  “Cole? When will we be getting to the Divine Light?” Ariel asked through her com.

  “About thirty seven minutes from now.”

  “Good, I'm getting tired of trying to convince this idiot. I'm starting to wonder how Uncle Grant ever put up with her.”

  “Princess Ariel, My Queen sends greetings, and asks that I speak with you in private,” Hanya said.

  Francine and Grant both looked a little confused.

  “Hanya's people are telepathic and can communicate with each other over great distances,” Ariel explained before turning back to Hanya. “Certainly, Ambassador. Will my quarters suffice?”

  “That would be excellent, My Lady,” Hanya agreed, bowing slightly.

  “Okay, so why is she suddenly so formal?” Fran asked. “I thought she was one of your friends?”

  As Ariel stood, she replied, “Hanya is a friend, and can address me informally. However, when it comes to matters of state, she keeps to official address.” With that, she and Hanya left the room.

  As soon as both Hanya and mKail were in the room, and the door was closed, Hanya turned to Ariel. “My Queen says she is sorry for intruding on you so soon after her visit, but the Emperor has asked her to relay a message.”

  “Please give your Queen my thanks, and she is never an intrusion,” Ariel replied.

  Again Hanya bowed. “She tells me that Cr'ale believes the Dukes have come up with a new plan. It involves most of the slaver and smuggler factions, and a few that Cr'ale had counted as allies. Little information about their plan is known at this time, however, it does involve a great deal of money and slaves. Imperial Intelligence Corp agents have yet to penetrate their security.”

  “It is also believed that much of Baron Altrov's as well as Duke Ramses' and Baron Otwold's manufacturing facilities had been given to this project. That's enough industrial power to build a fleet of warships equal to the third fleet in just under two years. If they're building smaller ships, they could produce hundreds of thousands in that time period.”

  “His Majesty says he hates to rush you, but if you're going to get something going, you should probably do it soon, before whatever Altrov and his cronies are doing gets finished. Otherwise, one fleet might not be enough to protect you and Earth.”

  “The Kragen have begun moving. From all of our intelligence they are moving away from us for now. It appears that they have been moving for the better part of a year. Guardian patrols have reported that they have completely occupied the Uriquia sector of Delta Quadrant. For now they seem to be consolidating their hold, and setting up mining and supply facilities”.

  “If he survived, Guardian Shamiek should have reached the other galaxy three days ago. Let us hope that he not only survives, but is able to return to us with useful information before the Kragen once again threaten us,” Hanya finished.

  Ariel nodded. “I understand. Please relay back that the flight school and small ship facility are complete. Marine training base, and research station are nearing phase one completion. The first class for our secret weapons will begin training within the week. We should be able to begin operations within six imperial months.”

  “I do have two new guardians that are due to graduate. I can send them out to see what they can discover after they get their shields. Our scientists here think they can create a better cloaking system then the Dolian shipyards. I'll be ordering their ships upgraded while Sean and I get them graduated. Then I'll send them out.”

  “The mission will not be officially sanctioned, at least by you. Besides, neither Guardian will be of noble birth, so if they are discovered you have full deniability. We need up-to-date intelligence and surveillance so we can develop better plans, anyway,” Ariel said.

  Hanya nodded. “She's telling Cr'ale now.” It was only a moment before she cocked her head as if listening to something. “Cr'ale says that if neither Guardians are nobles then they absolutely cannot be captured. The Dukes must not discover that we know the Guardian gifts are not restricted to the nobility. He sends his love and wishes you good luck.” There was a pause before Hanya spoke again. “My Queen asked to remind you to tell the two Guardians that they can seek refuge, if needed, in the cluster. The sector that they will be operating in abuts the cluster, so it should only be a short jump from anywhere in that sector, to safety.”

  Ariel nodded. “Thanks for the reminder, I'll make sure they know before I send them out. Does either Cr'ale or the Queen have anything else?”

  “Ariel, we will be landing on the Divine Light in about five minutes,” Cole said.

  “Thank you, Cole. That gives us just enough time to change clothes,” Ariel winked at mKail, “You know how the Admiral likes uniforms.”

  MKail nodded. “Yes I do, especially yours!”

  Ariel chuckled as she began to get changed. “Go on mKail, I’ll be fine in here while you get dressed. We’ll meet you back in the common area.”

  Chapter Six

  Office of the Yard Administrator

  Primary Control Station

  Trinares Ship Yards

  Location: Unknown.

  Earl Enrick Feldspar, III. Facility Administrator.

  “I assure you, My Lord, we are ahead of schedule on every single project. Majordomo Ancor's innovation of tethering the slaves together for free space work has not only cut down on slave attrition, but the slaves seem to be working more efficiently,” Enrick told the visiting dignitary.

  “You haven't gotten soft on us have you, Enrick? The next thing you know, you'll be asking for approval to pay those wretches! We are getting rid of our societal leaches, we certainly won't want to start paying them again!” Duke Jangoroth said, chuckling.

  “Uh, no My Lord, that would put us way over budget!” Enrick replied in an attempt at humor.

  Jangoroth snorted and shook his head. “How about security? Have you had any trouble from nosey Guardians?”

  “No, My Lord. Our activities remain undiscovered. The reports filed by your loyal Guardians are as yet uncontested. Honestly Sir, why would anyone want to come looking here anyway?” Enrick asked.

  “You can't be serious. The empire is always searching for more resources. Because of that bitch, the Princess and the fictitious story about a war-like race at our gates, we are forbidden from expansion that way, and the Coalition of Kingdoms has us pretty much fenced in on the other. The Empire has been foraging closer to the galactic core, and they are reevaluating supposedly dead systems,” Jangoroth said.

  “Now that fucking Princess has blockaded the only remaining slave world we had, and we've been forced to increase abductions and kidnappings. That's brought more nosey Guardians, followed by the fleet.

  “The Baron has already wasted one of our AM demolition charges in an attempt to kill that bitch. However, now that our senile Emperor has announced his engagement to the Queen of the blues, I'm expecting him to call up our ships at any fucking time.”

  Enrick puffed up his chest with pride. “We've four full fleets ready for crews, and we're finishing up the fifth as we speak. We've even made sure the Carriers, Battleships and the Dreadnaughts have all their fighters on board. Even the AI's are ready for activation. As ordered, these are not loyal to the Emperor. They are loyal to the Senate, their Captains, and their crews, in that order.”

  “Excellent. I'll send for the crews as soon as I reach a place I can access the net. I'll also send word to the Baron. Rest assured, Enrick, I'll be sure to tell him the excellent work you've done here. Now, I believe you mentioned Dinner?” Jangoth asked as he finished his brandy.

  Flag Command Conference Suite

  Fleet Command Deck,

  Command Super Dreadnaught, I.S.S. Divine Light

  142 degrees north, 62 degrees west trans-solar orbit

  Sol System, Horon-A Sector.

  Fleet Admiral Lady Guardian Hs'ean commanding.


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