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Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version)

Page 44

by Ben Winston

  “That's the missile compliment of a destroyer!” Gr'eis said. “Fired with the speed of a mass driver. I'd not like to go up against an unknown number of the things even in something as large as the Divine Light. Hell, in this case, it would only mean I'd be easier to hit!”

  “Well, I do hope it is possible, even though we don't have all that many of them, the more they can do the better off we'll be,” Ariel added.

  “We can do this,” Tara said. “We can do this and a little more!”

  “Care to explain, my dear?” Cr'ale asked.

  Tara bowed deeply to Cr'ale. “Of course, Majesty!” She stood and pointed to the items as she explained them.

  “St'ilits idea is valid and I'll be incorporating it into the software update I'm going to send out. First thing, the droids will modify the pod as we can see here. That way, if needed before all the modifications are complete they can still fight,” Tara said.

  “Okay, so what are all the mods you're planning here?” Ariel asked, grinning.

  Tara stuck her tongue out at her, winked and kept going. “Now, yes, it's going to add mass and present as a larger target. So, I'm going to give them a larger target; or maybe I should say... more targets.

  “I'm ordering the droids to install a holo-substantive generator on the pods as well as adding a reload replication module onto the rear of each pod. The Droids can use the replicators on the pods to build the parts for the add-on module, then they can move the replicator from the control module into the reload module.”

  “Wait... what's a holo-substimijigger?” Luke asked.

  “Basically it's camouflage. In addition to projecting the image of a floating ball of ice, it also attracts and holds enough ice particles in the image so it scans as one too. It won't stand up under close inspection, but it ought to be good enough for a long distance scan,” Tara said. “Now; the new module. Basically, we'll make it a stand-alone unit, but physically attached to the pod for stabilization. It'll have its own power unit, and take reload requests from the main control unit.

  “Because of the size of the missiles, it'll still take some time, but it'll be faster than before; especially once the unit begins to fire. The separate power unit means more energy can be used in replication which means faster reloading. I need to get the software update written and sent, but that shouldn't take very long at all since most of the code is already there, it just needs to be reordered.”

  “I suppose you want to run away right now and do it too, don't you?” Ariel said.

  “Very much so, please?” Tara asked like a little girl at the door to a candy shop.

  Cr'ale burst out laughing, and Ariel got up, kissed her on the cheek, and let her leave with Denise in tow. That left a very distracted Kaitlin, as well as the rest of the people that had come to dinner.

  “Oh, Ariel, I meant to tell you earlier. I've had to promote Hs'ean to my, well, she's yours now, Chief of Staff. You will need a new commander for the third fleet,” Cr'ale said. “Hs'ean was the most senior of our officers qualified for the position.”

  Ariel looked at Hs'ean, who very subtly nodded toward Captain Gr'eis. Ariel winked at Hs'ean, but played it out. “Well, I suppose I'll need a list of Senior Captains as well as your recommendations, Admiral. However, I'll let you fill the holes in your staff.” She leaned over and whispered something to her mother, who grinned, nodded and left the table for the kitchen.

  “How many other senior positions will be needed, Grandfather?” Ariel asked.

  “Hs'ean has the list of military positions to be filled. But I'll be looking for new people to fill several very important civilian positions that have been left vacant by the war. However, I would like to look within for most of those posts.

  “For some, such as the new leader of the Dolian Republic, I will have to look elsewhere. That entire planet has been enslaved for so long that I doubt any of the people remember what freedom really is,” Cr'ale commiserated.

  “I think that might be the case on more than that one planet, Sire,” Gr'eis replied. “My home world of Spirefall was ruled by Altrov's rancid brother-in-law. I know of at least twelve other worlds in that area of space where there are no free men. However, I do think you should let them participate in the creation of their own laws.”

  “No,” Ariel said. “I disagree.” She took a drink of wine to clear her palate. Her comment had obviously surprised everyone at the table.

  “I'm sorry for disagreeing with you, Captain. But I don't believe any planet should have their own legal system until the Empire can set the guidelines for such. If we simply allow them to make their own rules and laws, then we will not be fixing the problem that is at the root of this war.”

  Cr'ale asked. “What do you see that as being, Dear?”

  “This might be a long-winded explanation so bear with me. It may seem, on the surface that slavery, greed or any of those other things are the reason for this war. But that simply isn't true. The reason for this war is a mistake made centuries ago. Meaning to do well, it was proclaimed that each house, and in some cases, some planets, are to be considered autonomous and not subject to the laws and dictates of the Empire.

  “That was the mistake. Now I'm not saying we need to get into the center of everyone's business, instead I believe we, at the Federal level of the government, should set the guidelines around which the laws of each house should be built. Yes, there should be a certain amount of autonomy given to the houses, but the only way we can truly protect our people is if we have the ability to over-rule any unfair or unjust law.

  “If slavery is illegal everywhere within the bounds of the Empire, then that is it. No slavery. However, as you have already said. Grandfather. Indenturing is allowed within reason. Guardians will function as a type of circuit adjudicator in addition to their other duties.

  “It's well past the time we need to do away with the old kingdom boundaries. It's time we started seeing ourselves as one people, not Dolian's, Hyperionese, or Tegran's or anyone else. We are all the Empire. We are all equal.

  “We really need to consider getting rid of the peerage completely. Break it down to planets, districts, regions and so forth. A feudal system of government is okay, but it tends to create different classes of people and the largest is usually the lowest class. They are also the ones that do the work and are also the poorest,” Ariel said and paused to take a drink.

  “It doesn't have to be like that you know,” Karen said. “You can still have a feudal system of rule, which, yes while creating 'classes' of people, they are more social instead of economic in nature.

  “Hereditary office is actually one of the most effective ways to decide on a ruler. As an heir is born, he or she can be raised and taught how to be a good, fair, and impartial ruler. Granted, it gives the child little choice in the matter, but there are solutions for that as well.

  “The best and safest way for the children to be taught is through fostering. The children are given over to another ruler for training for a time, then passed on to someone else. This tends to keep rulers honest and they remain the tool of the people and not the other way around.”

  Cr'ale was listening intently. He actually understood a lot of what Ariel said and found he agreed with it, but in an Empire this size the houses were needed. “Ariel, I can see your point and I do agree with a lot of what you just said. However, I also have to insist that, as your beautiful mother has said, the feudal system is the best option in this situation.

  “Perhaps, though, a restructuring would be needed. However, I do think that first, we need to save our people and win this ridiculous war,” he said, smiling at Ariel. “And that my dearest Granddaughter, I have no doubt in my mind at all, you will do as quickly as possible. Now, might I inquire as to where my quarters are? I find I'm far more fatigued from the trip than I had expected.”

  Ariel held onto his hand. “Could you wait a moment longer, Grandfather?” Karen had returned to the table while Ariel had been talking and deftly handed
a closed case to Ariel under the table.

  “Why certainly, My Dear! I'd do anything for you,” Cr'ale said, winking at her.

  “Suck-up!” She teased him quietly as she stood, released his hand and walked to the other end of the table were Captain Gr'eis was sitting.

  “Captain, please stand,” Ariel asked, and Gr'eis stood, looking a little bewildered.

  “Senior Captain Gr'eis de Spirefall, on behalf of our Emperor, Cr'ale the First, Supreme Leader of the Empire of Stars, I hereby promote you to the rank of Admiral of the Fleet. Further, I am charging you with the command of his Majesty's 3rd Imperial Fleet; both to be effective immediately,” Ariel intoned.

  The look of shock on her face said it all. “Hi.. Uh, Highness?”

  Ariel grinned. “Yes Admiral?”

  “My Lady, I cannot be promoted to a flag command; I am not of noble birth,” Gr'eis explained.

  “Excellent! You can help pave the way for others. So sorry, you're stuck with it. However, if you really want, I can always name you Duchess of the Centauri system. Personally, I think this whole practice of only promoting royalty is idiotic and has undoubtedly created resentment among our officers. Well, that practice stops here and now,” Ariel said.

  Cr'ale was the first person to stand and applaud Admiral Gr'eis. Followed closely by Hs'ean and the rest of the table. Ariel, too, stood back and clapped.

  The applause was ended by Cr'ale tapping his wine glass. “May I be the first to offer a toast. To Admiral Gr'eis; the finest Captain in our fleets, and now the newest Admiral. Salute, Admiral!”

  “Salute'” was echoed around the table as everyone toasted Gr'eis.

  “Now, as much as I would love to remain for the promotion party of these two wonderful women, I will retire for the evening. Thank you, Lady Karen and Lady Brenda for the excellent meal and to you Admiral Hs'ean for hosting us,” Cr'ale said as he bowed to each of the women in turn.

  “DL, please release all dampening and restraint fields. Majesty, it is always an honor to see you,” Hs'ean said and genuflected before him. Likewise, everyone at the table, except for Ariel got down on one knee.

  Ariel hugged him. “I'm so happy you're here and safe. Rest well, Grandfather!”

  “You know, the best night's sleep I've gotten in a long time was when I was here for the last visit. Of course, having Milady Alustria with me is a close second. I dare say once she can rejoin me, I may not want to get out of bed at all!”

  The guards looked scandalized, but everyone else just laughed. It was clear that Gr'eis wasn't used to being in the company of her supreme ruler, although exposure to Ariel over the last few weeks had acclimated her somewhat.

  Accompanied by his guards and Hanya, Cr'ale headed for the door. Right across from the Admiral was the 'Imperial Suite'. All super class capitol ships had one, and Divine Light was no exception. In fact, the quarters on the ship closely resembled the Imperial Suite on Aldus Forward.

  It was tradition for the quarters to remain sealed unless the Emperor was visiting the ship. It was also tradition, (as a sort of joke) for the Emperor to ask if there was some place for him to rest. Other than housekeeping and wait staff, (and then only after the Captain approved it) only the Emperor's hand print could open the door.

  Ariel turned to Hs'ean and Gr'eis. “Once you two figure out who the new Captain of the Divine Light is, let me know so I can approve it. I guess there are a bunch of other promotions that need to be made too, but assume that they're approved. I'll make it official once you've figured it out.

  “I'm going back to Cole and make that call to the leaders of the world and to the UN Secretary General. Please have whoever ends up in charge be ready to move the ship closer to Earth. We might have to move a couple of the smaller ones in case we can't get close enough for them to believe me.”

  Gr'eis nodded. “Do you think it'll really be that hard, Majesty?”

  Ariel smiled. “Gr'eis, nothing's changed between us. Unless it's a formal situation, I'm Ariel remember? As for the leaders of Earth, I think it'll be almost impossible to convince them. But when I finally do, they will either demand my immediate surrender or try anything they can to get their hands on some of our technology.

  “Just to make the obvious clear, under no circumstances is technology to be released to the inhabitants of Earth without my express permission. If any single government down there gains exclusive control of advanced technology, they will use it to take over the rest of the world and then try to use it against us. Remember, we are dealing with very immature governments who still think there is no such thing as 'little green men' no matter the proof put before them.”

  She turned to her Father. “Do what you need to do to increase the size of the 'Terran' Marine contingent to a Division. Make sure they take the Imperial oath though, as they may not be spending their entire career in this system.

  “Also, tomorrow, if you could contact some of your old friends in the Marine Corps and see if you can steal some of those troops. If you can, go to the Pentagon, offer to train some of their existing troops, but make damn sure they know that we'll be making the same offer to all other nations as well, regardless of if they are friendly to the US or not.

  “I'd like to tap the new influx of refugees but I think they're having a hard enough time as it is. Maybe when they're settled, we can post notices that we need all the able bodies that we can get. Would someone let me know when most of the Guardians have arrived? I'd like to speak with them before we send them out.”

  Hs'ean nodded acceptance of her orders. “Ariel, if I may suggest, change into your formal robes of office, include your crown and baton, and use the Flag Bridge to make your calls. I know you care little for the formal trappings, but it does tend to make an impression when dealing with bureaucrats.”

  “That's an excellent suggestion, thank you, Sean,” Ariel said in agreement. “Now if you'll all excuse me, I need to prepare for the call. Thank you for hosting this dinner, Sean, and thank you Mother and Brenda for making it. Would the two of you like to help me get my war paint on?”

  Command Super Dreadnaught, I.S.S. Divine Light

  Fleet Combat and Command Bridge

  142 degrees north, 62 degrees west trans-solar orbit

  Sol System, Sol (Horon-A) Sector.

  Fleet Admiral Gr'eis, Commanding.

  “Good day, Ladies and Gentlemen, although for some of you, it is night. I have tapped into the Red Phone network as well as the telephone networks for those leaders that are not included in that network.

  “My name is Her Imperial Majesty, Lady Guardian Ariel Janis-Moran-Parker. I am Heir to the Throne of the Empire of Stars, as well as the head of the House of Parker which is the ruling House of this sector of space.

  “I will answer your questions in a moment, but before you hang up thinking this is some kind of elaborate joke, there is a reason I have called all of you this day. Currently, there is a revolution taking place in the Empire. Very soon, that war will spill over into this sector of space and we will no longer be able to keep your planet ignorant of the rest of the Empire.

  “The coming battle will most likely be visible from Earth. To this end, we are notifying you, as the leaders of your respective nations, before the general public hears of this and has a chance to panic. We are not threatening you and we will do everything in our power to keep the fight away from Earth.

  “However, we also realize that you have your own difficulties at the moment and do not want to hear of this. I'm sorry, but reality is never an easy thing to accept. As further proof of our identity, several of our local fleet of warships will be moving to positions that are visible from Earth.

  “We will be forwarding you the co-ordinates as soon as the ships are moved into position, however, our command ship, the Imperial Star Ship Divine Light, can be found at one-hundred forty-two degrees north, sixty-two degrees west, at an elevation of two hundred and twelve degrees with reference to Solar north.

  “We are also
undertaking several construction and mining projects within the bounds of our system. In addition to a small base on the far side of the moon, we are building a small city on Mars for research as well as for incoming refugees. Before anyone asks, yes we also have operations on Earth.

  “We have little doubt that once the United States identifies me, they will attempt to stop us. We will not allow that to happen, since part of the peoples we are trying to protect are those of the United States as well. Although we have other operations in other countries, our main installation is in the United States.

  “On Earth, my name is Ariel Janis, and I am the recent heir to my birth mother, Dame Estelle Parker. I currently reside outside of Las Vegas, Nevada in the United States. However, as you can see, I am not home at the moment. I would like to mention that my home, and the associated facility, are protected by a force field, as well as a battalion of the Imperial Royal Guard.

  “Now, back to the heart of the matter. Our house, which by Imperial law includes everyone on this planet, is loyal to the Emperor. The forces attempting to overthrow his rule call themselves 'Republicans'.

  “Don't let the name mislead you, they do not favor democratic rule, rather they would impose a tyrannical autocracy as a form of galactic rule, as well as enslavement without due process.

  “Currently all forms of slavery except indentured servitude are illegal in the Empire. The Empire, when formed, attempted to adopt a form of Democratic rule by allowing each member Kingdom and realm to send a representative to the Imperial senate. None of these men were elected by their people in a free election, but rather by the ruling body of the realm that signed the treaty.

  “If any of you believe that you would like to possibly receive an Ambassador from these 'Republicans' in order to get their side of the story then I am sorry, but I will not allow that at this point. Simply put, we are currently at war against these people. Thereby any act of friendship with them will be considered an act of high treason.


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