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Tides of Mars (Omnibus Version)

Page 55

by Ben Winston

  “Terran Marines did that?” Ariel asked.

  “Yep. I don't think they even stopped to think that we are not all the same force. Anyway, their attack took the enemy commander by surprise. Especially when the Imperial troops jumped in to help. It didn't take him long to counter it though, so we had to pull back again. We're still holding the outer bunkers, although about half of them are craters now.”

  “Well, that's something. At least we're not fighting in the tunnels yet,” Ariel replied.

  “Our troops are making damn sure of that. All the bunkers in the first three outer tiers have been mined. If the position becomes untenable, they retreat and blow it. In two cases, they didn't get the chance to retreat first.”

  “Ariel, I'm sorry to interrupt, but Fleet is reporting a new inbound hyperwake. This time, they are coming in from galactic east. It's not the invasion we've been fearing, though. The Guardians on the frontier are reporting everything's quiet.” Cole replied.

  “Another Slaver fleet? Where are they getting all these ships?” Ariel asked rhetorically.

  “This wake is too large for a single ship, but it isn't fleet size. Until they emerge, we won't know who they are. Admiral Gr'eis is fully engaged with the slaver fleet and has nothing she can counter this with. If they are hostile, then they will roll right over us.”

  Ariel nodded. “When will they arrive, Cole?”

  “Within the next two hours, Ariel. We will have to end this as quickly as we can,” Cole replied.

  “We're too evenly matched at the moment,” R'Hea replied. “This is going to continue until that balance changes, one way or the other.”

  “Don't worry about the incoming ships, Ariel.” Hs'ean said, cutting into the channel.

  Ariel looked surprised. “Care to share the why on that, Admiral?”

  “I would if I could, Highness, but Princess Alustria joined us a few moments ago, grinning like it was her birthday. She said she wanted to surprise everyone, but not to worry about the incoming ships,” Hs'ean explained.

  Ariel grinned. “They're Ophuccian then. I guess that would explain the strange hyperwake.”

  “Not all of them are Ophuccian, Ariel. There are four ships that are of Imperial design. When our fleet was ready, they launched for Aldus Forward. Of course, they knew Cr'ale and I had already left, but they were going to assist the Regulan Guard fleet in defending the people of the planet. Unfortunately, they arrived a too late,” Alustria explained into the comm channel. “They did, however, arrive in time to save a few of the Regulan Ships that had been badly damaged. The ships were taken in for emergency repairs, and the crews treated for their injuries.

  “An additional million people made it off the planet before the slavers burned off the atmosphere. Those survivors are in stasis and have been taken back to the Cluster for the time being. The incoming ships are the Ophuccian war fleet, and the remnants of the Regulan Guard,” the woman finished.

  “Milady, you will never know how much of a relief that fleet is going to be,” Hs'ean said. “Instead of them joining the fight, I need them to take position around the planet. Ariel, that cruiser that is worrying you, is not the only one the slavers have. They have at least fourteen more out there, and until a moment ago, I had no way to stop them.”

  “What the hell would they need that many planetary assault ships for if they had planned on destroying the system? This isn't making sense,” Ariel asked.

  “Intel thinks that they counted on us stopping the Damascos ship and using the main fleet to tie up our ships. Then the assault cruisers would take the planet, and we'd lose by default,” Hs'ean explained. “Fifteen cruisers couldn't take a core world, but here they would have little to stop them.”

  “I was actually hoping that when Altrov died, the rest would run for the borderlands. I guess that didn't happen,” Ariel said wistfully.

  “No, it didn't. In fact, the general consensus is that the slavers have gotten better now that Altrov is no longer leading them,” Hs'ean said. “Which makes some sense considering the competency of the officers that defected.”

  “Okay, Admiral, please contact the Guardians in New York and the other cities and let them know what's happening with the slaver Cruisers so they can prepare the world leaders. We'll do what we can with this situation,” Ariel said.

  “Ariel, my people are in our style of ships. Since these ships are meant for war, and not the transportation of biological bodies, they are much smaller than Imperial ships of the same class. For example, one of our ships, of equivalent power to Divine Light, reads as a light destroyer. We have ships slightly smaller than what you would read as a fighter that have the destructive force of a heavy cruiser,” Alustria explained. “The slavers are in for a rude surprise.”

  “Which is why we had our asses handed to us back when we fought them,” Hs'ean said, chuckling.

  “Exactly,” Alustria confirmed. “They also carry what you would call 'Marine' assets, although, they cannot be seen or detected by current technology. So if you see an odd looking fighter craft suddenly entering the area, don't shoot at it please.”

  Ariel laughed. “I think we might have just figured out how to alter that balance, Colonel R'Hea!”

  “I agree, Highness, although I have no idea what you're talking about. I'll pass the word to look for the ship. It would help if I could pass out an image for the troops.” R'Hea replied.

  “Colonel, Ophuccians don't have corporeal bodies,” Alustria said.

  R'Hea looked confused. “Highness, I don't wish to disagree, but I have a couple of your people here with me. They sure look solid enough.”

  “Colonel, what you see is a genetic blank created for the sole purpose of interaction with us. If they wished, they could leave the body and wander around, invisible to everyone and everything.” Ariel said.

  “I see ...” R'Hea replied thoughtfully. “Can they influence corporeal objects?”

  “Absolutely,” Alustria explained. “However, we are finding it to be more uncomfortable to be outside a body for extended periods, and some of us have a hard time leaving. We feel that we are beginning to evolve back into bodies. It's a long explanation we can have at a later date, if you're really interested, Colonel.”

  “I would like that, but one more question; can you be hurt when you're ... uh, ... out of body? What precautions should we take out here?” R'Hea asked.

  “Energy weapons can kill us, but we can take a few hits before it happens. Any weapon that has a warping effect on local space will kill us outright if we're close enough to it. Also, we will be able to hear you, but communicating back to you will be difficult. It would be easiest to have one of us, in a body, close by. We can sense and communicate with each other,” Alustria explained.

  “Understood, and thank you, Highness,” R'Hea could be heard off to one side. “Elltee! Get Corporal Bryline in here, ASAMFP!”

  “Colonel, could you please ask General McCallister to get with Hs'ean to help warn the rest of the world about those Cruisers?” Ariel asked. “Now that Her Majesty has bailed our asses out of the fire, we need to make sure no one else panics over it.”

  “I'll pass that along, Highness,” R'Hea said.

  Hs'ean then gave Ariel a quick run-down on the rest of the battle taking place out in space. Ariel was delighted by the report on the missile platform performance. Gr'eis had been able to keep the slaver fleet in range of the pods for far longer than anticipated, and that extra time had taken a toll; especially on the smaller ships of the fleet. The larger capital ships had not escaped unscathed either, although most of the damage had been to their armor and shields.

  The Assault Cruiser that was descending to join the fight surprised everyone by opening two of the bays before landing. Instead of the expected infantry units - four Guardian Scout ships came out.

  “Ariel, we found four of the Rogue Guardians! They are coming out of the Cruiser!” Cole replied.

  “Wonderful, where are they going?” Ariel asked.<
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  “It's hard to tell yet, they seem to be attacking the shield, but I think that might be a ruse,” Cole replied.

  “Notify Colonel R'Hea and I think those are going to be our primary targets. Prepare to lift. We need to stop them before they land and start making mischief,” Ariel replied.

  “Colonel R'Hea acknowledged and bids us good hunting,” Cole replied. “Exterior troops are notified, and two snipers are shifting to cover the rear approach to the mesa.”

  “Excellent, let's go hunting!” Ariel said.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Free Trade Vessel FTS Merchant's Profit

  Sol Sector Entry Vector, Hyperspace

  Captain Argus Tyrr, Commanding.

  “Comm, please try to raise the Tides of Mars” Argus asked. “I'm sure they'd like to know we're coming. Besides, I don't fancy getting shot at by both sides while we're riding to the rescue!”

  Jess nodded. “Good plan. You know our hyperdrive system is gonna be scrap and slag by the time we return to normal space, right?”

  Argus nodded. “Yeah, but I figured it was a small price to pay to get these troops to a place where they could do some good. I just hope Chief Arness can keep it up for a couple of more hours. Once we drop out, he can jettison the whole damn thing. I'm just surprised the Anvil agreed to do this.”

  “Well, it's like they said at the meeting; we're the only ship big enough that could be modified to get here in this short of a time. What surprised me the most was the fact that we could fit this much into her. I had no idea the Profit was actually this big!” Jess replied. “When they suggested sending all three battalions and their equipment, I was wondering if we were going to have to strap some of it to the hull!”

  Argus chuckled. “The Profit is a lot bigger than she looks, a lot tougher too. The Dolians may be a bunch of slaving bastards, but they do know how to design a ship!”

  “Sir, I have Cole on the Tides of Mars. Her Majesty is currently otherwise occupied,” The Ensign manning the communications console said.

  “He'll do. Cole, this is Argus Tyrr aboard the Merchant's Profit,” Argus said.

  “Good afternoon, Captain. We're a little busy at the moment, but what can we do for you?” Cole replied.

  “Actually, I think I can do something for you. The bright lads on the Anvil strapped a singularity power core onto the ship and hooked into the hyperdrive. We'll be dropping out of hyper in about twenty minutes with a burned out hyperdrive, with three battalions of armored Marines and their equipment. Is there a specific place you would like us? Be sure of the location, as I don't think we'll be up for much shiftin' around,” Argus replied.

  “That was insane! Those cores are notoriously unstable!” Cole replied.

  “Aye, that they are; once we’re about to return to n-space. We're kickin' the big mother off before we translate. Then all we have to worry about is slowing down to sublight before we make translation. Don't worry, Cole. We'll be just fine. Now about those troops...” Argus said.

  “Even though you didn't make it down here before you left the system, do you know where Ariel's Estate is on Earth?” Cole replied.

  “Near Las Vegas, right?” Jess asked.

  “Yes, Commander,” Cole replied.

  “Okay, this isn't going to be pretty, or even graceful, but we'll be there. What's your status, so I can tell the Marines?” Argus asked.

  “We are under heavy attack. Major fighting on all sides,” Cole replied. “This is definitely a hot area.”

  “Understood, Cole. I'll pass the word. I'll try to do a high altitude fly over, and let them out there, because once we're down, I doubt the Profit is going anywhere until she gets some love.” Argus replied.

  “Understood, I'll coordinate with your navigator and suggest a safe landing area. We might have a few innocents for you to take on board for protection. They are all former slaves that are currently wandering around out in the desert,” Cole said.

  “Understood, Cole. We got a few things to do before we drop out, so we're gonna get to them. With luck, we'll talk to you soon. Merchant's Profit out.” Argus said. “Okay everyone, time to get rid of that bomb strapped to our asses. Engineering, stand-by to jettison the singularity power unit.”

  “Aye, and not a moment too soon in my book, Captain. The thing just feels evil, like it's awaitin' for the right time to kill all of us,” the temporary Chief Engineer replied. “We're ready when you are.”

  “Thanks, Chief,” Argus replied, grinning. He hit the buttons for the ship intercom. “Attention, all hands! We are going to be jettisoning the booster drive and switching back to our normal hyperdrive and power systems. Strap in, there's liable to be some bumpin' when she lets go.” He clicked off the intercom. “Navigation and helm, stand by to go to full reverse once we get that bitch off our backs.”

  Both stations acknowledged the order, but both young people looked very nervous.

  “Relax you two, the dangerous part is already past us,” He once again opened the comm to engineering. “Chief, give us a thirty count, and push it off. We'll be going to full reverse as soon as it's clear. We're only fifteen minutes out of Sol sector.”

  “I sure hope this works, Captain.” there was a soft click on the channel, then the Chief spoke again. “This is Chief Spannik to all hands, thirty seconds to singularity release. Make sure you're all strapped in.”

  Argus latched and tightened his harness and noted that Jess was doing the same at her station to his left. The rest of the bridge crew had strapped in when the Captain had ordered it.

  “Fifteen seconds.” the Chief said on the ship-wide. Then he counted down from ten, and the ship lurched like she had been kicked in the ass by a giant.

  The young Ensign at the Navigation console spoke up. “Booster drive unit is away and on course. We are clear to begin deceleration.”

  “Engineering reports all green, Captain. All the power units switched back flawlessly. Kinda like it was designed to do it!” the man said chuckling.

  “Helm, full deceleration. Navigation, engage our deceleration profile,” Argus ordered.

  “Sir, we have a problem. The mass readings I used to plot that profile were skewed by the singularity drive. We're going to hit translation at point eight-five-five light!”

  “Get us slowed down, Ensign. If we interface at higher than point six, we'll break phase-lock,” Argus said. “Helm, reverse course one hundred-eighty degrees and bring up our sub-light engines. Slowly increase power until maximum. Work with engineering to monitor the thrust to mass ratio. Navigation, this'll get us to shed speed, but it's going to play royal hob with your plot. Recompute the plot every ten seconds and make adjustments accordingly. Understood?”

  “Heading one eight zero, relative. Sub-light engines are coming online!” Helm reported.

  “Aye, sir!” the Navigator replied, but it was more like an afterthought as she was typing furiously on her powerful computer.

  “Attention! All hands! Due to singularity effects from the booster, our deceleration profile has us coming in too hot. So, we're gonna slow down a little faster than planned. Remain strapped in until I issue an all clear, because the AG fields are going to be all working on inertial dampening. Hang on, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!”

  “Captain, you are one scary-smart bastard!” Chief Spannik said over the comm. “If this actually works, I'm going to be doing paperwork for a year trying to prove it did.”

  “Spannik, the problem with all those acadamy tomes on Engineering theory is that they are theory. You keep an eye on the torsion readings let Jhonas ramp up our power without shredding the ship, and you'll see my point. Keep an eye on the reactor output – don't let it go over one-fifteen.”

  “Aye, will do. How much do we have to shed off the profile?” Spannik asked.

  “Only point two five. We'll know how well this works in thirteen minutes. Good luck!” Argus said and closed the channel.

  Moran-Parker Estate,

  Henderson, Ne
vada, Earth.

  Sol Sector. (Horon-A sector)

  “Highness, those Guardians seem to be trying to sneak off to the far side of the bluff. I've already got two of them on the ground back there,” R’Hea reported.

  “Yeah, I'm already on it. I think they're trying to get into the compound while all the fighting is concentrated out front,” Ariel replied.

  “That would make sense. Do you think they're going after the Emperor?” R’Hea asked.

  “That would be my guess. How they know exactly where he is has me wondering though. After all, he could have been on one of the ships, or we could have sent him off to Vega sector. I mean, how did they know he was here?” Ariel asked.

  “There are far too many ways to answer that, Ariel,” Cole said, entering the conversation. “Colonel, Captain Argus Tyrr will be arriving very shortly with three more battalions of Marines and all of their equipment. I tentatively gave him our coordinates for the drop, but warned him there was a battle here.”

  “How the hell did that Pirate get his ship back here this fast?” Ariel asked.

  “He used a singularity drive booster. When I spoke to him, he was about to eject it into hyperspace before beginning deceleration to n-space interface here,” Cole replied.

  “How long ago was that?” Ariel asked.

  “Seventeen minutes ago. Which means, if his original time line remains consistent, he should be returning to n-space any minute. Colonel, The Marines on board will be set to take instruction from you as soon as they complete transition. I'm sending you the data file on what's coming in. I would have given it to you sooner, but we were all busy at that moment,” Cole finished.

  Through the comm link, Ariel could hear one of her aides trying to get her attention. “Colonel! Look!”


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