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Dark Days Rough Roads

Page 35

by Matthew D. Mark

  The militia assault on the west side of the house had actually placed all of the militia into action. On the south side, David, Mike, Kevin, Diana and Dawn were firing on one militia member still by the empty neighbor’s house and also across the street at the nosy neighbors. There was militia located there as well. Diana was having a real hard time and had to stop. Her arm was too weak now and she could not load the rifle anymore. She had a pistol and saved it in case of any closer activity.

  The shots went back and forth between them and the militia, but there was no rush, no forward movement toward the Haliday house, just sustaining fire to keep everyone pinned down. The dirt and shrubs around them were torn to pieces now. If it hadn’t been for the fighting positions set up to provide cover and take the inbound rounds, it would have been far worse than it was.

  On the north end, Randy, Sarah and Blake only had a couple of people to contend with. They were firing at a sustained rate to keep the militia in place. There was no advancement being made and neither side was hitting anything with accuracy. This only lasted a couple of minutes. The man Haliday hit in the ass had made his way to his friend’s location. The militia fire was constant enough to keep everyone in place so they could not help out on the west.

  Haliday’s group at the south side thought they had seen someone sneaking up to the road and the ditches. They fired over to that location, but couldn’t tell if anyone was there or not. They too were only being fired on in order to keep them busy. It was just a ruse to keep everyone away from the west, but it worked. The firing died down almost to a complete stop. Everyone was now waiting. They were not sure what to expect. They prepared themselves for another rush.

  Almost on cue, the militia started firing methodically again around the entire perimeter. It sounded much different though, Mark listened to their firing and thought it was a ploy and called Haliday. Mark explained his thoughts to Haliday, “What do you think Roger?”

  “I’m with you, Mark,” he answered. “Pass the word, very light fire to let them know we are still dug in here. We’ll let them do it.”

  They both knew now that the militia was firing to keep them in check while they pulled out of the area. They wouldn’t pursue the militia. They didn’t have the troop strength to leave the house guarded and track down the escaping militia. They wanted to, but had to maintain their positions at the house.

  The militia was still firing, but only received a few shots in return. They used this time to gather their wounded and retreat. They were leaving their dead where they had fallen. Nobody knew this though. Had Mark or Roger known, they would have continued to assault the group. This went against everything they had ever learned and that had been ingrained in them during their time in the military.

  Haliday had not been able to get in the fight and do anything. It had happened so quickly he didn’t have time to get there. Now he had moved in closer and watched as the militia continued the retreat. He didn’t engage for one reason. He was far outnumbered and still behind their lines. He would wait it out and that’s exactly what he did. He called everyone and told them to cease fire unless they were being attacked. The militia was out of effective range now.

  The group sat there at the ready. It was a surreal scene. Light smoke drifted in some areas, muted light from clouds and a small sliver of moon, dark bodies moving in the night dragging people away. A group of very unique people were scattered about the property waiting for another fight.

  Almost an hour passed after the last round had been fired. Haliday sat there still. He had not heard any of the vehicles move out yet. He was worried they might launch an assault on one single location and he knew if they did it would be costly. He closed his eyes and he prayed. He heard an engine start. The damn deuce and a half. He heard another engine start as well. He warned the group, “If they come in vehicles, get the hell out of there.” That wouldn’t be the case though, they wouldn’t have to.

  The engine noises got quiet as the vehicles were leaving the area. Haliday called Rob on the radio. Rob answered, “Roger, you ok man?”

  “Rob, we took some serious shit with the fan on high and I have to tell you this. This damn family and these friends of ours put up a hell of a fight. We all made it through, some injuries but I’m not sure how bad yet.”

  “Look, Roger, I can probably get a nurse to you guys if you can hold on six hours or so.”

  “That would be great,” Roger answered back. “Look Rob, these guys are now heading back. I can’t tell you how many or what shape they are in. I can tell you this much. If they are stopped from reaching that damn airport, then that would be the best thing for everyone.”

  “What do you suggest, Roger?”

  “You fight dirty Rob, dirtier than you have been. They have to come through that main gate. There are only two ways to get to it. From the east or from the west. You need to put as much of your firepower on those areas as you can. Put them on the roofs, put them in the windows, put them wherever you can.”

  “Make sure they have cover and make sure they hit them hard and fast. No heroes. No storming the convoy. Don’t use anyone as bait, don't do anything stupid. Brad will help you. Once you get these guys taken care of, the compound can be dealt with at another time. Once they realize they are on their own, things will change. You have about 30 to 45 minutes tops. Good luck, we’ll be thinking about you.”

  “Ok, thanks Roger.”

  Haliday waited a bit more. He listened intently for any signs of movement. He called in for a situation report from everyone. Everyone was able to either call in, or get word to someone with a radio who passed it on to Roger. The news was incredible. Haliday sat down against a tree, his eyes welled up. They had beaten the odds and did so without losing a single life in his group.

  He made his way back to pick up his M24 and the rest of the gear he had left behind. He called the group and told them he would be using the edge of the woods to reach the house. He reached the west side and called them and told them he was coming out of the woods and to hold their fire. He jogged in and made it to Mark’s position.

  He lay down next to Mark. “Mark, can you get the injured into the house? See about getting them stabilized and I’ll take over your position for you.”

  Mark said, “Roger, I’m good out here, get your people inside and taken care of.”

  “Mark, listen, you’re a part of this family now, too. No way in hell could this have worked without your help. Do me a favor, get our injured in there for me.”

  “You got it, sir.”

  “It ain’t sir. It’s Roger.”

  Mark called Alan, “You keep your eyes peeled 360 degrees. Let us know if you see anything.” Mark told Blake to meet him over by Diana’s hole. They met up with Diana, pulled her up out of the hole, and she moaned in pain. They ran her over to the house. Rich was keeping an eye out on the woods and Karen and Bev tended to Diana.

  Mark and Blake ran out and helped David up; they got him over to the house as well. Mark asked Alan how he was doing and Alan said he was fine for now. Roger crawled over to Kayla, “How you doing kiddo?”

  “Holy shit Dad. I mean what the hell just happened here?”

  He patted her on her back, “You did good kiddo. You did good. What happened was you fought for your life and ours.”

  He crawled over to Lisa next. “You doing alright?” he asked. She responded, but he didn’t understand her. Lisa’s words were scrambled.

  She said, “I guess so, I feel dizzy a dizzy a little dizzy, but might just hungry be.”

  “Nothing to eat in that hole?” he asked.

  “I forgot that, I guess I do, I think maybe, I can eat it.” She didn’t really make any sense. He put his hand on her shoulder to ask her again if she was ok. He pulled his hand back and it was wet with blood.

  “Mark, get your ass over here,” Roger said. Mark came running with Blake. “She’s hit or something. Get her in the house.” Mark lifted up Lisa and quickly ran to the house. He ran inside and y
elled for some help. Roger told Blake to get down and stay here. Blake asked if he could move the body of the militia man.

  “Ya, go ahead,” Roger said.

  Blake went to grab the body and yanked his hand back. “Damn, I cut my finger,” he said.

  Roger said, “Don’t move Blake.”

  Haliday grabbed his flashlight and took a chance and turned it on. “Damn it,” he said. He reached over and grabbed the foot trap that was still stuck in the dead mans body. He tossed it toward the front of the hole. “You gonna live Blake?” he asked.

  Blake said, “Ya, just a small cut.”

  “Grab your first aid kit and clean it out now. Put a band aid on it. I’ll be right back.”

  Haliday ran into the house. They had Lisa on the floor and on her stomach. Haliday dropped down and pulled out his knife. Get her jacket off. After they took her jacket off, Haliday cut her shirt open. He looked at Mark, “No offense man,” he cut her bra away and they all looked at the wound. Haliday barked out some orders.

  When the man half fell into her fighting position, the spike strip caught her in the back. She thought it was just him falling on her. After she got him out of the hole, she thought the pain was just a torn muscle or something. One of the spikes had caught her on her shoulder blade and hit a vein.

  Bev and Karen put some gloves on; they grabbed a large syringe and irrigated the gash. They opened a sponge with antiseptic agent on it and scrubbed the whole area. Bev used some quickclot on it and waited. The blood stopped oozing out. She put a bandage on it and taped it up. Haliday said, “Put her by the wood burner and cover her up.”

  He looked at Mark, “I’m sorry man, I didn’t know.”

  “I didn’t either. I don’t think she knew herself,” Mark said. “She’s supposed to eat every few hours too. I think we just got caught up in everything.”

  “Mark, you stay in here, I got the outside covered.” Mark started to follow Haliday outside. Haliday turned around; “Get the hell back in there.”

  “Roger, she’s in good hands, we might still have problems.”

  He looked at Mark again, “Get in there. You come out before I tell you to and I’ll shoot you my damn self.” Mark went back in the house and over by Lisa.

  Chapter 31

  Haliday did a check of everyone. They were all sitting tight and waiting. No one knew what to expect or if they should expect anything. Haliday made sure he talked to them individually as people, keeping things as personal as possible. He had to make sure they hung on to their humanity. They’d fight their own demons over time, but he knew how to help them with that. Start now and it would help in the long run.

  “Hey Blake, just think, two weeks ago you were asking people if they wanted fries with their order.”

  Blake’s response was quick; “You mean pick up or delivery?”

  Haliday thought, good, he has that contact with the past. “Of course I did Blake, get used to my screwing with you on a regular basis, pizza boy.”

  “Hey Kayla?”

  “Ya Dad?”

  “You mind running out to Starbucks for me?”

  “Oh, you’re a riot Dad, but I am craving some coffee.”

  Roger spoke to everyone, “Go ahead and bust open those thermoses. Crack open the hand warmers too. I’ll see if I can’t order up some hot food, but stay alert. Weapons checks too and let me know if you need ammo.”

  Mark was sitting next to Lisa holding her hand. She was very weak, but doing fairly well. The past couple of days they had had little food, expended a lot of energy travelling, and the stress from the assault and everything else combined with the injury had worn her down. She looked up at him. “I’m fine honey, I love you.”

  “I love you too,” he said.

  She said, “Go help the others. I’ll be fine.”

  Mark called out to Haliday. “Anything going on out there?”

  Haliday told him, “No, just some cold hungry troops.”

  Mark said, “Lisa is doing great. She wanted me to help out. You mind?”

  Roger thought about it a second. “Sure, come on out. I’ll see about getting these guys some hot drinks and food.”

  “I have an idea as well,” Mark replied. Mark went and put a stack of wool blankets over by the wood burner.

  Mark went outside and relieved Roger who went inside to check on everyone inside. He walked over to David who was being worked on by Rich and Bev. Bev had managed to flush his wound and get everything cleaned out. She even managed to get the bullet out which had stuck in his bone.

  She packed it and bandaged it. Haliday was thinking he might need to pay that doctor a visit or at least get the nurse over here as soon as he could. He had pain killers and antibiotics and some other meds stashed for occasions like this, but he had limited medical knowledge. He had taken some first responder training and that was it.

  Karen had put some water on to boil so she could make some hot coffee and cocoa for everyone and she had started a big pot of stew. She left the meat out so that Dawn, Diana and she could have some as well. Haliday could hear Diana telling her to make sure she left it meatless; she was actually a full blown vegan. They’d add the meat afterwards. Freeze dried beef cooked up fast.

  He walked over to Diana. “How bad is it?” he asked.

  Karen walked over and said, “It went through and broke her collar bone. We got it cleaned up and she’ll be fine.”

  Haliday reached into his cargo pocket and fished around. He pulled his hand out and offered it to Diana. “You’re an ass,” she said. He chuckled, took a big bite of jerky and then blew his breath in her face. “You’re disgusting,” she offered.

  He grabbed a milk crate and put the pot of stew inside. He stuffed some rolls and plastic spoons and bowls on the side. He carried it outside along with an empty one and made his rounds dishing out the meal and a couple of words of encouragement and thanks. He collected the thermoses and took drink orders. After his rounds, he went back inside and set to filling the orders.

  He filled half the thermoses with coffee and half with hot cocoa. He grabbed an armful of the blankets which were nice and toasty now and delivered them outside. After making sure everyone was good to go, he went back over to Mark. “What do you think, Mark?”

  “It’s your call, Roger. We have about two hours until dawn.”

  Roger told him they would be waiting it out until then. He did have a little thing he needed to take care of. He went in the house and changed out his gear load. It was light, just a very few items he would need, and he would only be gone no more than 30 minutes he hoped. Rich asked him, “Where you going Roger?”

  “I’m going to pay the neighbor a visit.”

  After he walked back outside, he touched base with Mark. Mark looked at him, “Where you going?”

  “I’m going across the street for some tea and biscuits. I’ll be back very soon. Take charge here and make sure they don’t shoot me on my way back in.”

  Mark promised, “Won’t happen.” Haliday took off and made his way across the street.

  He went around to the back and made his way to the porch. He stopped and listened. He didn’t really hear anything. He pulled out a small telescoping mirror and raised it up and glanced through the window. He didn’t see anything, just a couple small candles glowing. He slowly reached up and twisted the handle of the door and it opened.

  He entered the house and moved at a snails pace, his .40 ready. He was in the large kitchen and slowly went down the hall, checking the rooms as he went. He found one closed and made a note of it. He made it to the front of the house and stopped by the living room. He saw two figures, one in a chair, and one on the couch lying down.

  The woman was on the couch and Lance was sitting in his chair. He had a bottle of whiskey by him. Haliday looked over at the woman, who was motionless. He watched Lance for a couple of minutes. Finally Haliday spoke. “Lance, what happened?”

  Lance didn’t turn around. He just spoke, “She’s dead.”
  “Who’s dead, Lance?”

  He pointed to the couch.

  “Is that your daughter, Lance?”

  “No, that’s my wife. I shot her.” He said it with no emotion at all.

  “Lance, you don’t look like you’re tied up in this crap. I mean, it looks like you’ve been here in that chair all night.” Lance didn’t speak. Haliday moved a bit closer with his pistol still aimed at the back of Lance’s head. He spotted the picture in Lance’s hand. It was his daughter’s graduation picture. On the table in front of Lance was an opened bottle of pills.

  Haliday moved over to the couch and dropped one hand down and confirmed the lady was dead. On the floor in front of Lance he saw a pistol laying there. He also saw an empty pill bottle on the floor. Lance looked at him. “She did it Roger, I told her to mind her business, to tell Nicole to get the hell out of that cult or whatever the hell it is. She wouldn’t listen. Neither of them would. I begged them both. My wife thought it was a good idea, broaden Nicole’s horizons. I didn’t think they would go this far.”

  “Lance, where’s your daughter?”

  “She’s in the bedroom. I put her to sleep in there.” Lance picked up the bottle of pills from the coffee table and emptied them into his mouth and washed them down with whiskey. He drank quite a few more swigs after that. “Roger, can you do me a favor?”

  “What’s that, Lance?”

  “Bury my daughter for me. She deserves it. She didn’t know any better. She was young, in love and caught up in a fantasy. They left her out there laying on the ground. My wife almost didn’t seem to care.”

  “I don’t care about my wife, or even me, but you’re a father. You understand. She always liked the tree house I built her. That would be nice over there. I’m sorry Roger, I really am.”

  Roger walked up, “I promise Lance, I’ll do that for you.” Haliday slowly retreated keeping his guard up. He heard the whiskey bottle drop and shatter. He continued on. He checked the closed room on his way out.


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