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I Remember (Remembrance Series)

Page 21

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  I was overwhelmed by his declaration of love. There was a long period of silence before he finally asked, “Jordan, are you all right with everything?”

  “How am I going to live up to your family’s standards? I am just an everyday person, making a small salary. I don’t have much to offer,” I said nervously.

  “They had to work hard to get where they are, now. They may live in nice houses, but they are very down-to-earth people. They already love you because I do.” He paused for a moment. “You have given me more than anyone ever has. You’ve given me your heart.”

  His words made all my apprehensions toward the weekend, and his family, melt away.

  We were both quiet on the drive back to my office. As Gregory pulled up to the building’s entryway, he leaned over for a kiss. It was soft and a little shy, asking , “Are we ok?”

  My lips responded in accord with his. His lips trailed upward, toward my ear. He whispered, “I know I have given you a lot to think about, but I needed you to know everything. None of it changes who I am or how much I love you.”

  I opened the car door. “I know. Thank you for the wonderful lunch and for trusting me with your secret.” I hesitated for a moment. “Will your last name remain Riley or will it change back to Worthington?”

  “What would you like it to be?”

  I smiled. “Whatever you are happiest with.”

  His face was beaming, finally realizing that things were going to be just fine.

  “I love you, Jordan, more than you know.”

  “I love you, too. I’ll call you when I get off work.”

  I snuck in through the back stairwell, opening the door slightly to make sure the hallway was clear. No one was in sight and Caroline’s door was closed. No one even knew I was gone.

  On the drive home, my mind began to recap the day’s events. Before I could analyze everything, the phone rang. It was Gregory. “I was just thinking about you.”

  “I hope only good thoughts.”

  I laughed. “Of course. I was about to call you but you beat me to it. You gave me a lot to contemplate, this afternoon.”

  “I know and I am truly sorry about that. But I wanted you to know everything so you wouldn’t be shocked when you meet my family.”

  “Gregory, I didn’t fall in love with your last name. I fell in love with who you are. However, I do have a few questions.”


  “What kind of clothes do I need to bring for the weekend? Do I need dress clothes? I’ve never really been around anyone wealthy, before.”

  He laughed.

  “Pack what you normally wear on the weekend, but definitely throw in a swimsuit. As far as a dress, I can see what their plans are. Normally they just stay at home and grill out on the patio, if the weather is nice.”

  “Do you want to join Mom and me for dinner, tonight?”

  “I would love to, Jordan, but I am trying to finish up a project that needs to be completed by tomorrow afternoon. Could I have a rain check for next week?”

  “Sure. I’m home, so I need to go. Call me after you get home and have talked with your parents.”

  “Okay. I’ll talk to you soon, Babe. Until then, know I can’t stop thinking about you and love you.”

  “Same, here. Bye.”

  Mom smiled, modestly, as I walked through the door. “How was your day, Jordan?”

  “It was nice, thanks to two co-conspirators.” I mused.

  “I know you don’t like surprises, but Gregory and I had a long talk last night. He made me promise not to say anything.”

  “Mom, are you sure you are ok with me spending the weekend with Gregory’s family?”

  “The decision is up to you. I know he is anxious to introduce you. He has already asked if there is a weekend when we can all get together for dinner; so I can meet them, too.” Mom smiled and shook her head. “That boy is head over heels for you.”

  “What all did you talk about last night?”

  I had never seen my mom hesitant to talk before, and I watched as she struggled to choose the right words.

  “You know who he is, don’t you?”

  She nodded. “We discussed it last night. He was trying to find a way to tell you, but wasn’t sure how you would react.”

  I couldn’t believe my mother would keep this kind of secret from me. To my surprise, I raised my voice. “Mom, how could you?”

  “I promised I would let him reveal everything. He wanted to wait until this weekend. But, I suggested he might want to tell you now, so you wouldn’t have a bombshell dropped on you in a strange environment.”

  Mom was right; I needed to know ahead of time. “So what was your first reaction when he mentioned who he really is?”

  “I was surprised, but had suspected there was more to Gregory than he let on. He explained the reasons behind it and was sincere with his apologies for the deception. I had to forgive him.

  “Go have some fun this weekend.” Mom smiled and gave me a big hug.

  I was excited that Gregory wanted me to meet his family. But, I had reservations about how fast our relationship was progressing. We’d really only started dating a few weeks ago. Then, suddenly, my father’s words came back to me. “Love does not have a plan or a timeline. When it‘s real, you know.”

  The phone rang, interrupting my thoughts. “Hello?”

  His voice was very seductive. “Hello, Beautiful. I talked with my mother and they’re planning to stay at home this weekend; so, no need to bring a dress, unless you want to.”

  “That makes packing a little easier. However, I will need to drop a dress off at your place so I have one to wear to work on Monday.”

  He gasped loudly on the other end of the phone. “You’re staying through Monday?!”

  “Mom doesn’t return until Monday and she doesn’t want me to spend Sunday night alone. She trusts me.” I smiled to myself, knowing this is the scenario he’d hoped for.

  We talked for several more minutes before I had to go. “I hate to do this, but I need to get off so I can do a couple loads of laundry for this weekend.”

  “No need to apologize. I need to go, too. I just got home and need to eat before heading to bed. I have a long day, tomorrow.”

  “Gregory, you need to take better care of yourself.”

  “I know. I have some leftovers in the fridge that I can easily reheat. Did you want me to seek you out in our dreams, tonight?”

  I couldn’t help but giggle. “What do you think?”

  Hmm, “I don’t know about you, but it would be painful if I had to go a night without holding you in my dreams. Let me get off, for now. I’ll give you a call, tomorrow. Sweet dreams.”

  “They are as long as you are in them.”

  “Goodnight, my love, my Jordan.”

  “Goodnight, my heart.”

  Mom and I plundered each other’s closets, advising one another what to pack for the weekend.

  “How did Gregory tell you to pack?”

  “He suggested casual, similar to last weekend; but to include a bathing suit. Which suit do you think? I have a couple of one piece suits and a nice bikini, but don’t feel it would be appropriate.”

  “This one flatters your figure, yet is very modest.” She held up a navy blue one-piece with some ruching around each side of the waist and gold buckles on each strap.

  “Even though they said you didn’t need to bring a dress, you definitely want to pack one to wear to work on Monday and maybe a sundress wouldn’t hurt, with some sandals.”

  “Why are you suggesting all this? Do you know something I don’t?” I insisted.

  “Just trying to give some motherly advice, that’s all.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I think I’ll wait until tomorrow to pack. Right now I need some sleep.”

  I must have been more exhausted then I realized because as soon as my head hit the pillow, I began to dream of Gregory.

  My phone rang during lunch, the following day. “Jordan, you have a call
from a Mr. Riley.”

  “Thanks, Karen, please put him through.”

  “This is Jordan, how may I help you?” I couldn’t help but tease him.

  “Hmm, I can think of many ways you can help me,” he said passionately.

  My heart skipped a beat. “Hmm. How’s your project going? Do you have to work late again, tonight?”

  “I have a couple more things to do but might be able to wrap things up by the end of the work day. Why, did you have something in mind?” His voice was filled hopeful curiosity.

  “Maybe,” I replied.

  “How’s your day going, Honey?”

  “I’m trying to complete a couple of assignments for Caroline. Other than that, it has been rather pleasant.”

  “I miss holding you in my arms. Can I come over tonight?”

  My heart melted. “I miss you, too; but I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “I can take you and your mother out to dinner?”

  His attempts at persuasion were winning me over. “I could use your help. Plus, mom has been wondering when you were going to come by, again. What time were you thinking?”

  “I should be able to make it to your mom’s by 7:00.”

  “That works perfectly. I’ll give her a call to let her know to expect you. I need to go. See you, soon.”

  “I love you,” he said, softly.

  “I love you, too.”

  Caroline walked through the door as I hung up the receiver. “Sorry to interrupt your lunch, Jordan. I just wanted to check the progress of this month’s financial analysis?”

  “It should be done in a couple hours for your review and I can make any necessary adjustments prior to leaving tonight.”

  She smiled widely. “That’s wonderful news. You will need to make copies so we can give them to the doctors for their review over the weekend.”

  “No problem.”

  I was anxious for the day to be over so I could relax in Gregory’s warm embrace. Somehow, I managed to get everything done by the end of the day.

  I walked out with a few of the employees, wishing everyone a wonderful weekend. As the elevator stopped on the fourth floor of the garage, I stepped out and immediately saw a flurry of activity. In mid-step, though, everything disappeared-- except a tall man dressed all in white, including a crisp, white trench coat

  I stopped in my tracks, hesitant to move. But, he motioned for me to continue forward.

  He seemed familiar, somehow. He had an olive complexion, golden blonde hair swept back in a ponytail, against the lower portion of his neck, and the most opulent blue eyes I had ever seen.

  To my surprise, I was not fearful of this stranger bathed in an ethereal glow.

  As I approached, he held up his hand. “That’s close enough for us to talk, Jordan.”

  I was stunned. “How do you know my name? Do I know you?”

  His smile was endearing. “Please don’t be frightened. No harm will come to you. You don’t know me, but you have heard of me. I am here to help right your path.”

  “What are you talking about? What path? Who are you?”

  “Since your memory of this conversation will be sketchy, I think it is safe to say my name is Ramiel, though most call me, Ray.”

  It suddenly dawned on me. “You were at the cemetery the day of my father’s service. You sent the white arrangement with the angel wings drawn on the card, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. I knew your extra sensory ability would pick up on auroa of the card. It was my hope that would give you some peace of mind knowing your father was okay,” He responded very sweetly.

  I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that I had not been imagining things. “What sensory ability and what path you are talking about and why do I need help?”

  “I tried to step back and let your path flow naturally over the years. And each time it resulted in untimely consequences. I’m not supposed to interfere; but I cannot, in good conscience, let you take the same route, again. I’m here to guide you on your journey. To help you figure out where things went wrong in the past, by giving you visions and clues as to what happened.”

  “I am not sure I follow?”

  “All things will be explained in due time. I’ve already given you glimpses to help set you on your destined course. The darkness is beginning to circle and your powers have only just begun to show themselves.”

  “Powers? Darkness?” I struggled to breathe as it dawned on me. “Is this the darkness of my dreams?”

  “I haven’t the time to explain further.” He reached into his coat, pulling out an envelope with my name on it and handed it to me. “A code is contained within this envelope to assist you until one of your sensory powers reaches full strength. I will send more your way when the timing is right and your memories return.”

  As I reached for the envelope, my hand touched his and I felt a sudden surge of warmth and compassion. In a flash, I was standing alone, by my car.

  I shook my head, trying to make sense of things. Had I just imagined that? I looked down and noticed an envelope with my name written in a fine golden script and angel wings drawn to the side, in my hand.

  I got into the car, locked the doors, and tore into the envelope to see what was inside. To my surprise it looked to be a toy magnifying glass along with a code:

  White = Pure of Heart

  Yellow = Trusting

  Red = Be Weary, Easily Swayed

  Black = Darkest Evil

  The note made no sense. Was someone was playing a trick on me? I shoved the items deep into my purse, started the car and headed towards the Interstate.

  Dinner at the new seafood restaurant in town was a wonderful treat for Mom and I. Our conversation was lively and I loved the fact that Gregory and my mom talked as if they were old friends. Once home, he helped me retrieve a suitcase from the closet. He came up behind me, breathing on my neck as I stared aimlessly at my piles of clothes. Leaning down, he kissed me just behind the ear

  I pulled a couple pair of shorts, shirts, and jeans, along with a sun dress, my swimsuit, some comfortable oversized pajamas and some shoes and laid them out on the bed. “So, what do you think?” I asked.

  He glanced at them. “They’re nice. Mind if I take a look?”

  To my surprise he started going through the discarded piles and pulled out my bikini bathing suit and some form fitting sleepwear. “I would love to see you in these,” he hinted, with a lascivious smile that sent a shiver through me.

  I flushed with embarrassment and grabbed them out of his hands. “I don’t think they would be appropriate for meeting your parents.”

  He gave me a disappointed look. “I still want to see you in them someday.”


  Gregory kicked off his shoes, removed his tie, opened the top few buttons on his shirt and stretched out on the bed, while I finished packing. He kept trying to sneak in the bikini, when he thought I wasn’t looking. I did relent and let him pack a pair of pajamas that were more flattering.

  “I’ll be back. I need to ask Mom where my vanity case is.”

  “No hurry. I’m not going anywhere,” he said, with reassurance.

  I’d only been out of the room for ten minutes when I returned to find him fast asleep.

  “Mom, we have a problem. You know how tired I was last weekend when I fell asleep at Gregory’s?”

  “Yes. Why?” Her face was puzzled.

  “Gregory’s asleep in my bed and I can’t get him to wake up. What should I do?”

  “He looked exhausted when he came here, tonight. Just let him sleep. You can either sleep in here with me or on the sofa.”

  I knew my disappointed look betrayed me.

  “What’s going on, Jordan?” Her tone pointed.

  I explained how Gregory had slept on the couch, while I slept in his bed, until I had one of my horrid dreams. “I couldn’t fall back to sleep until he snuggled with me and we both fell asleep, together. I assure you nothing happened and I trust him, completely.”

  She took a deep breath, trying to contain her emotions. “I trust your judgment. If you say he is safe, then you can sleep where you want. But, only if he stays on top of the covers and the door remains open.”

  “Yes ma’am.” I could easily agree to those terms.

  I finished packing, trying not to disturb Gregory’s sleep. He started to get restless, talking in his sleep. “I need you with me, Jordan, to know you’re safe. We’ve lost each other too many times in the past. We can’t let them destroy us, again.” I reached out, laying my hand upon his arm to let him know I was here, he shifted to the side and quieted.

  I freaked, wondering what he meant about losing each other in the past? Who was out to destroy us? Was this about the darkness or was this just a dream of his? I shook my head to dispel the notion and covered him with an afghan.

  I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt and changed in the bathroom before slipping into bed. His arm snaked around my waist pulling me close to him. I arched my head in his direction to note he was still asleep, as a soft snore escaped his lips. I settled into his embrace and started to drift towards unconsciousness, hearing him whisper, “I need you, always. Say you’ll be mine?”

  My dreams found him quickly and the magic of our minds allowed us peaceful tranquility.

  It was only the second time I had literally fallen asleep in Gregory’s arms, but I was amazed at how peaceful my thoughts were and how rested I felt.

  Gregory, thankfully, kept an overnight bag in his car, for when he was visiting with his parents and decided to stay over. Each of us took turns showering and getting dressed while the other ate breakfast.

  He was very apologetic to my mother for falling asleep in my bed. To our surprise, she was okay with things and admitted to monitoring us several times throughout the night.

  Gregory helped Mom pack her car before packing my things in his sedan. We hugged her tightly and then we were all off to our destinations.

  I followed Gregory down to his place in my car so I could get to work on Monday.


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