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William Manchester

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by American Caesar, Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964

  115 Whitney 44 (back to text)

  116 RG 4; Beck 119, 123; Lee and Henschel 72, 156; James II 98; Pogue II 251; Huff 79 (back to text)

  117 Beck 119, 124-25; James II 98; RG 4; MacArthur Reminiscences 139-40; Huff in Saturday Evening Post 9^2/1951 (back to text)

  118 Beck 123; Robert E. Sherwood 509 (back to text)

  119 Beck 125; Hunt Untold 258; Whitney 47; RG 4; RG 2; WM/Romulo 10/18/1977 (back to text)

  120 Burns Roosevelt 208-09; Whitney 47; Hunt Japan 65; Lee and Henschel 293; Beck 136; Willoughby and Chamberlain 49-50 (back to text)

  121 Lee Pacific 284; MacArthur Reminiscences 143; Huff 51 (back to text)

  122 William L. White 103-04, 112—13; Huff 51-52; Beck 132 (back to text)

  123 Beck 133; William L. White 108, 112-13; Huff 53 (back to text)

  124 Beck 133 (back to text)

  125 MacArthur Reminiscences 142; Wainwright 5; James II 98-99 (back to text)

  126 James II 98-99; Whitney 48-49; Toland Sun 286; Willoughby and Chamberlain 48 (back to text)

  127 Huff 54; Beck 144; Lee and Henschel 72, 83 (back to text)

  128 Willoughby and Chamberlain 48; Huff 55-56 (back to text)

  129 Considine Magnificent 61; Newlon 1; MacArthur Reminiscences 143; Willoughby and Chamberlain 49; Hunt Japan 68 (back to text)

  130 MacArthur Reminiscences 141; Richards 71; William L. White 5 (back to text)

  131 William L. White 136 (back to text)

  132 “Promise Fulfilled,” T 10/30/1944; Lee and Henschel 72-73; James II 101 (back to text)

  133 Bulkeley 17 (back to text)

  134 Hunt Japan 69; Willoughby and Chamberlain 50 (back to text)

  135 William L. White 131-32; Bulkeley 18 (back to text)

  136 Beck 137; Bulkeley 16 (back to text)

  137 William L. White 134 (back to text)

  138 Ibid. 135; James II 102-03; Huff 63-65; William L. White 128-43; RG 4 (back to text)

  139 Toland Shame 273; William L. White 143; WM/Bunker 4/20/1976 (back to text)

  140 Huff 65-66 (back to text)

  141 Beck 152-53 (back to text)

  142 Eyre 90-91 (back to text)

  143 Quezon Fight 298-300; Beck 155; Willoughby and Chamberlain 54 (back to text)

  144 James II 106; Huff 70; Toland Sun 86; Kenney Know 87-89 (back to text)

  145 Lee and Henschel 159; Beck 157 (back to text)

  146 Beck 157-59; Toland Sun 287 (back to text)

  147 James II 506-07; Beck 158; MacArthur Reminiscences 145 (back to text)

  148 Beck 158 (back to text)

  149 Ibid. 159; Huff 69; WM/Bunker 4/20/1976 (back to text)

  150 Huff 69-71; Hunt Japan 72 (back to text)

  151 Huff 72; James II 108 (back to text)

  152 Huff 71 (back to text)

  153 Lee and Henschel 160-61; Hunt Japan 71, 81; Huff 72-74; Johnston in Life 7/5/1943; James II 108-09; Toland Shame 277; Gavin M. Long 86; Archer 105 (back to text)

  154 Hunt Japan 76; NYT 3/18/1942; Falk 23 (back to text)

  155 Beck 167; Pogue II 251; James II 110; Friend 229; London Times 3/21/1942; Kelley and Ryan 141-42; MacArthur Reminiscences 145; Hersey 311; Rovere and Schlesinger 22 (back to text)

  156 WM/Romulo 10/18/1977; MacArthur Reminiscences 145; Friend 246 (back to text)

  157 James II 108-09; Hunt Untold 272; Huff 75; Kelley and Ryan 142 (back to text)

  158 Hunt Japan 74; Huff 76; James II 109; Hersey 306; NYT 3/21, 3/22/1942 (back to text)

  159 Hunt Japan 75; James II 110; Toland Shame 276; Whan 115-16 (back to text)

  160 Beck 167, 169; Arnold 331; James II 197; RG 4; Kenney General 27-29 (back to text)

  161 Beck 169 (back to text)

  162 Lee and Henschel 163 (back to text)

  163 James II 195; Lee and Henschel 73; Romulo Fall 317 (back to text)

  164 Hersey 308; NYT 3/24/1942; James II 110; Huff 77—78 (back to text)

  165 Wainwright 75; Willoughby and Chamberlain 65; NYT 3/26/1942 (back to text)

  166 Hunt Japan 78 (back to text)


  1 Griffith 8; Willoughby and Chamberlain 206 (back to text)

  2 “Australia’s MacArthur,” T 3/30/1942 (back to text)

  3 MacArthur Reminiscences 290-91; Gunther 41—42; Willoughby and Chamberlain 3; Watson in Saturday Review 9/26/1964 (back to text)

  4 Johnson 136; Hunt Japan 133; Willoughby and Chamberlain 17-18 (back to text)

  5 Johnson 136 (back to text)

  6 Toland Sun 447—48, 450 (back to text)

  7 Lee Pacific 62; “Promise Fulfilled,” T 10/30/1944 (back to text)

  8 “MacArthur and Politics,’’ New Republic 3/1/1943; “Making Milwaukee Famous, “ News-week 7/28/1947; Lee and Henschel 164; Beck 184-85; Lee Pacific 287-88; Robert E. Sherwood 961 (back to text)

  9 McCarten in American Mercury 1/1944; Pogue II 390; Lee and Henschel 163 (back to text)

  10 James II 184, 284; Baldwin Mistakes 69; Toland Shame 401-02; Frye 347-48; Stimson and Bundy 506-07 (back to text)

  11 Hunt Japan 83; Grattan 183-84; Robert E. Sherwood 96; Falk 22; Kahn 47-48 (back to text)

  12 MacArthur Reminiscences 153; “Generals’ Troubles,” Life io/4/!943; Sulzberger 221 (back to text)

  13 “MacArthur’s Men,” Newsweek 11/29/1943; “Promise Fulfilled,” T 10/30/1944; Hunt Japan 107—08; Willoughby and Chamberlain 206-07 (back to text)

  14 RG 10; James II 349; Robert E. Sherwood 594 (back to text)

  15 RG 2, Roosevelt to MacArthur 5/6/1942; James II 168; Lee Pacific 286 (back to text)

  16 RG 4; U.S. State Department Foreign Relations, 1942 I 902-06; James II 112; McCarten in American Mercury 1/1944 (back to text)

  17 “MacArthur at Helm,” News week 4/6/1942; “MacArthur’s Road,” Newsweek 2/8/1943; Comstock in Current History 5/1942; Grattan 183-84; Pogue II 251; Willoughby and Chamberlain 70; MacArthur Reminiscences 160 (back to text)

  18 Huff 103; Whitney 96; Lee and Henschel 165; Beck 182; Lee Pacific 285-86 (back to text)

  19 Romulo Fall 310, 322; James II 145; Meo 97-98; RG 4; Toland Shame 292; Toland Sun 29, 288 (back to text)

  20 Wainwright 83; Quezon Fight 318; Whan 119; Willoughby and Chamberlain 63 (back to text)

  21 Watson in Saturday Review 9/26/1964; Kenney Know 193-94; Rovere and Schlesinger 69 (back to text)

  22 James II 173; RG 10; Johnston Partner 101 (back to text)

  23 MacArthur Reminiscences 158-59; Johnston Partner 96; James II 134; RG 10 (back to text)

  24 Archer 113-14; Kenney Know 47; Lee and Henschel 160-61 (back to text)

  25 RG 4; Wainwright 86; Toland Sun 310-15; Whan 119; WM/Carlos Romulo 10/18/1977; Morison Coral Sea 63-64 (back to text)

  26 Burns Roosevelt 226; “Australia’s MacArthur,” T 3/30/1942 (back to text)

  27 Rovere and Schlesinger 22 (back to text)

  28 Kenney General 11; Burns Roosevelt 209, 284; Eichelberger/ungfe 248; Huff in Saturday Evening Post 10/6/1951 (back to text)

  29 Toland Shame 367; Toland Sun 302; Hunt Japan 80; Kodama 110 (back to text)

  30 Kodama 119; Toland Shame 367-68; John Slonaker, Army War College, Carlisle, Pa., 4/10/1978; MacDonald 402 (back to text)

  31 James II 168; RG 4; Toland Sun 322, 346 (back to text)

  32 James II 157 (back to text)

  33 James II 162; Potter and Nimitz 14-15; Toland Shame 371-72 (back to text)

  34 Huff 81; Willoughby and Chamberlain 76-77; Falk 23; Flower and Reeves 128; Kodama 110 (back to text)

  35 James II, 201-02; Willoughby and Chamberlain 61; Johnston Partner 97-98 (back to text)

  36 Willoughby and Chamberlain 66; Johnston Partner 97 (back to text)

  37 Hunt Japan 89; Huff 80; MacArthur Reminiscences 154; Gavin M. Long 103; James II 191-93; Toland Shame 399 (back to text)

  38 RG 5; Willoughby and Chamberlain 88; Johnston Fighting ix (back to text)

  39 Hunt Japan 82-83; “The General’s Little Blitz,” T 10/4/1943;
Whitney 77 (back to text)

  40 Baldwin Battles 236; Whitney 77-78; Eichelberger/ungfe 38-39 (back to text)

  41 Hunt Japan 82-83; Gavin M. Long 136; Johnston Partner 98; Johnston Fighting 177 (back to text)

  42 Kenney General 4g; MacArthur Reminiscences 155; Willoughby and Chamberlain 76-77 (back to text)

  43 Johnston in Life 7/5/1943; MacArthur Reminiscences 154-55, 160-61; Kenney Know 236-37 (back to text)

  44 RG 10, MacArthur to Dudley W. Knox 8/21/1942; Arnold 336-49 (back to text)

  45 RG 4; Kenney General 27-29; True 10/1947; James II 197, 211 (back to text)

  46 Kenney Know 39; Huff 80; James II 198; RG 4 (back to text)

  47 Kenney Know 40-42; Kenney General 29-30 (back to text)

  48 Kenney Know 42; Kenney General 30 (back to text)

  49 Kenney General 52-53 (back to text)

  50 Gavin M. Long 107; Kenney General 52-53; Lee and Henschel 147 (back to text)

  51 Kenney Know 53; “Toward a Japless New Guinea?” T 11/16/1942; Johnston in Life 7/5/1943; Johnston Partner 102 (back to text)

  52 Kenney General 152, 163-64, 178-79, 184; Kenney Know 75—76, 115, 187 (back to text)

  53 Kahn 49-50; Johnston Fighting 137 (back to text)

  54 James II 204, 206; Vader 48-65; Luvaas 27 (back to text)

  55 James II 231; Falk 24; Johnston in Life 7/5/1943 (back to text)

  56 Johnston Fighting ix, 157-58 (back to text)

  57 Luvaas 100; Eichelberger/ungfe 99 (back to text)

  58 Lee and Henschel 91; MacArthur Reminiscences 189 (back to text)

  59 Kenney Know 102-04 (back to text)

  60 Johnston Partner 95; “MacArthur Mystery,” T 3/30/1942; Johnston in Life 7/5/1943 (back to text)

  61 McCarten in American Mercury 1/1944; Hersey 3 (back to text)

  62 New York Daily News 1/13/1942; McCarten in American Mercury 1/1944; James II 136; RG 10; Burns Roosevelt 211 (back to text)

  63 McCarten in American Mercury 1/1944; Pogue II 395-96 (back to text)

  64 James II 251; McCarten in American Mercury 1/1944; “The Hero as an Army,” T 6/1/1942 (back to text)

  65 James II 128; “MacArthur for President Club,” Life 8/21/1943; Mclntyre 198-99; Johnston Partner 106 (back to text)

  66 Burns Roosevelt 274; Wittner 82; NYT 4/24, 6/15/1942; Hersey 1; “Toward a Unified Command,” T 7/27/1942 (back to text)

  67 NYT 12/28/1941; “A Pacific Offensive?” Nation 3/28/1942; New York Herald Tribune 4/2/1942 (back to text)

  68 “MacArthur Mystery,” T 3/30/1942; NYT 6/14/1942 (back to text)

  69 “Hero-Hungry Nation Goes for MacArthur in a Big Way,” Life 3/30/1942; “Australians and U.S. Parents,” Life 4/27/1942; Johnston in Life 7/5/1943; “MacArthur for President Club,” Life 8/21/1943; Lee and Henschel 296; Johnston Fighting 51; NYT 5/11/1942 (back to text)

  70 Kelley and Ryan 48; Johnston Partner 105; Considine Magnificent 118 (back to text)

  71 McCarten in American Mercury 1/1944; Ashbury and Gervasi in Collier’s 7/14/1945; Rovere and Schlesinger 74; Pogue II 396 (back to text)

  72 NYT 4/25/1943; “Something About a Soldier,” T 5/17/1943; Considine Magnificent 118 (back to text)

  73 Johnston Partner 95; Kahn 48; “Hero in New Guinea,” T 11/30/1942; Johnston in Life 7/5/1943; Johnston Fighting 177 (back to text)

  74 Whitney 100; NYT 4/25/1943; BBC film The Commanders (back to text)

  75 Willoughby and Chamberlain 64; “Something About a Soldier,” T 5/17/1943; McCarten in American Mercury 1/1944 (back to text)

  76 Whitney 92—93; Alfred Steinberg 115-16; “MacArthur’s Road,” Newsweek 2/8/1943; NYT 4/25/1943; Ashbury and Gervasi in Collier’s 7/14, 7/21/1945; Barbey 21-22; Hunt Untold 329 (back to text)

  77 Kenney Know 58; Huff 85; Archer 113; “MacArthur’s Road,” Newsweek 2/8/1943 (back to text)

  78 Whitney 547 (back to text)

  79 Whitney 100, 102, 547; WM/Mary Forde Thompson 2/19/1978; WMC/Mary Forde Thompson 3/6/1977; NYT 4/25/1943; Hunt in Saturday Evening Post 5/13/1944; Huff 82-83 (back to text)

  80 Hunt in Saturday Evening Post 5/13/1944; Archer 113 (back to text)

  81 Huff 83-84 (back to text)

  82 Ibid. 84 (back to text)

  83 Lee and Henschel 291; Hunt in Saturday Evening Post 5/13/1944 (back to text)

  84 Huff 82, 86; Barbey 9 (back to text)

  85 “The General’s Son: Little Arthur MacArthur Settles Down in Australia,” Life 8/3/1942; Hunt in Saturday Evening Post 5/13/1944 (back to text)

  86 Ibid.; Huff 85; WM/Laurence E. Bunker 4/20/1976 (back to text)

  87 Kenney Know 57-58 (back to text)

  88 “Hero in New Guinea,” T 11/30/1942; Johnston in Life 7/5/1943; Willoughby and Chamberlain 86-87; Luvaas 93 (back to text)

  89 NYT 4/25/1943; Johnston in Life 7/5/1943; Ashbury and Gervasi in Collier’s 7/14, 7/21/1945; Johnston Partner 102; Kahn 48 (back to text)

  90 Huff 9-10; Johnston Partner 102; BBC film The Commanders (back to text)

  91 Johnston Partner 100; NYT 4/25/1943; Johnston in Life 7/5/1943; “Summing Up MacArthur,” Collier’s 8/25/1945 (back to text)

  92 Luvaas 21, 65, 69; Johnston Partner 102 (back to text)

  93 Luvaas 121; Barbey 100; Arnold 344; Pogue II 389 (back to text)

  94 Barbey 24; Halsey and Bryan 154-55 (back to text)

  95 Kenney General 412-13; Hunt Japan 150; NYT 10/29/1944; “MacArthur’s Road,” Newsweek 2/8/1943; Durdin in New York Times Magazine 4/25/1943 (back to text)

  96 Whitney 93—94; Kenney Know 111-12 (back to text)

  97 Johnston Partner 100; WM/Bunker 4/20/1976; Durdin in New York Times Magazine 4/25/1943 (back to text)

  98 Willoughby and Chamberlain 85, 190 (back to text)

  99 Barbey 22; Robert E. Sherwood 623 (back to text)

  100 “Toward a Japless New Guinea?” T 11/16/1942; Hunt Untold 336 (back to text)

  101 Eichelberger/Jungle 22, 48; Whitney 83; Luvaas 32; Toland Sun 424; Pogue II 396 (back to text)

  102 Luvaas 31-32, 46; Johnston in Life 7/5/1943 (back to text)

  103 Eichelberger/Jungle 21, 57; Luvaas 64 (back to text)

  104 Luvaas 64-65 (back to text)

  105 LaFollette 270; “Toward a Japless New Guinea?” T 11/16/1942; Johnston in Life 7/5/1943; Luvaas 63-64; Eichelberger/Jungle 182 (back to text)

  106 Luvaas 16; James II 270; NYT 1/8/1943 (back to text)

  107 Toland Sun 426; Falk 24 (back to text)

  108 Toland Sun 438; Falk 24 (back to text)

  109 Kenney General 206; James II 294-95, 300; Kenney Know 91, 110; Luvaas 86 (back to text)

  110 James II 297; MacArthur Reminiscences 171-73 (back to text)

  111 Toland Sun 435 (back to text)

  112 Toland Sun 436; Baldwin Battles 238; Hunt Japan 80; James II 357; RG 4 (back to text)

  113 Falk 25; James II 332 (back to text)

  114 MacArthur Reminiscences 170, 189; James II 292, 387; Kirby 398 (back to text)

  115 Kenney General 147 (back to text)

  116 Hunt Untold 287, 301; Luvaas 66 (back to text)

  117 Rovere and Schlesinger 64; MacArthur Reminiscences 173-74; Halsey and Bryan 186 (back to text)

  118 Willoughby and Chamberlain 125; Hough and Crown 12 (back to text)

  119 Kenney General 289, 292; Kenney Know 106-07; Willoughby and Chamberlain 130; Whitney 105 (back to text)

  120 Hunt Untold 301; MacArthur Reminiscences 179 (back to text)

  121 James II 344 (back to text)

  122 James II 340-41; Halsey and Bryan 140; Johnston Partner 101; Barbey 120 (back to text)

  123 Hunt Untold 318 (back to text)

  124 MacArthur Reminiscences 166, 168-69; Gavin M. Long 141; Timmons in Collier’s 12/16/1950 (back to text)

  125 Willoughby and Chamberlain 107; Rawlings in Saturday Evening Post 10/7/1944 (back to text)

  126 Burns Roosevelt 382; James II 332; MacArthur Reminiscences 166; Luvaas 74 (back to text)

  127 Falk 30-31;
“Hero on Ice,” T 8/3/1942 (back to text)

  128 Hunt Untold 318; MacArthur Reminiscences 166-67; Alfred Steinberg 113; Willoughby and Chamberlain 105 (back to text)

  129 RG 10; James II 420 (back to text)

  130 Rovere and Schlesinger 65-66; Willoughby and Chamberlain 206 (back to text)

  131 MacArthur Reminiscences 187; Hough and Crown 12 (back to text)

  132 Rawlings in Saturday Evening Post 10/7/1944; MacArthur Reminiscences 188 (back to text)

  133 Barbey 153; Krueger 49; Willoughby and Chamberlain 19-20 (back to text)

  134 Barbey 153; Kenney General 360; Miller Cartwheel 326; Frierson 22; James II 382-83; MacArthur Reminiscences 188; Whitney 108-09; Krueger 49 (back to text)

  135 Whitney 107; “MacArthur and His Theater,” Life 5/8/1944 (back to text)

  136 NYT 3/1/1944; Krueger 49-50; “MacArthur and His Theater,” Life 5/8/1944; Frierson 31; Wright 18-19; WM/Roger O. Egeberg 10/18/1976; “Nor Would I Accept It,” T 5/8/1944 (back to text)

  137 Gunther 28-29; Luvaas 100-01; WM/Egeberg 10/18/1976 (back to text)

  138 Kenney General 359-60; Rawlings in Saturday Evening Post 10/7/1944; WM/Egeberg 10/18/1976 (back to text)

  139 Frierson 149; Barbey 154, 158; William L. Fechteler, cited in James II 387 (back to text)

  140 Barbey 158; MacArthur Reminiscences 189; Miller, cited in James II 381 (back to text)

  141 James II 330-31; MacArthur Reminiscences 185; Hunt Untold 325 (back to text)

  142 Churchill Revolution 37, 97; Hunt Japan 150; WM/Egeberg 10/18/1976 (back to text)

  143 WM/Egeberg 10/18/1976; Hunt Japan 154-55 (back to text)

  144 MacArthur Reminiscences 190; NYT 4/24/1944 (back to text)

  145 NYT 5/2/1944; Barbey 172 (back to text)

  146 James II 450, 452; Eichelberger Jungle 106-07; Willoughby and Chamberlain 186; WM/Egeberg 10/18/1976 (back to text)

  147 Kenney General 395; Barbey 173 (back to text)

  148 Kenney General 395; Eichelberger Jungle 163-64; Alfred Steinberg 125-26; Willoughby and Chamberlain 187 (back to text)

  149 Kenney Know 92-93 (back to text)

  150 WM/Wyman Parker 12/1/1977; Chicago Sun-Times 7/10/1950; Manila Star-Reporter 6/8/1945; Huff 95; James II 494-95 (back to text)

  151 WM/Egeberg 10/18/1976; WM/Bunker 4/20/1976 (back to text)

  152Toland Sun 483, 517; Manchester Controversy 140 (back to text)

  153 Archer 128; WM/Paul Horgan 4/5/1976; WMC/Paul Horgan 5/13/1976 (back to text)


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