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William Manchester

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by American Caesar, Douglas MacArthur, 1880-1964

“I Remember Mac.” Newsweek. April 19, 1948.

  “Japan: MacArthur Magic.” Newsweek. December 9, 1946.

  “Japan: Signals of Economic Storm.” Newsweek. April 14, 1947.

  “Japanese Emperor Honors MacArthur.” Hartford Courant. October 1, 1975.

  “Japan Without MacArthur.” U.S. News and World Report. April 20, 1951.

  Jarrell, A. E. “The Lessons of Vietnam.” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings. January 1974.

  “Jeeps, MP’s and Japanese Cops Make a Daily Parade of MacArthur’ Trip to Work.” U.S. News and World Report. March 19, 1948.

  “Job for an Emperor.” Time. August 27, 1945.

  Johnston, George. “MacArthur—A Great American Soldier Does a Great Job in Southwest Pacific.” Life. July 5, 1943.

  “Joint Chiefs of Staff and MacArthur, as U.S. High Command, Again Get Powers over Civilians as Well as Armed Forces.” U.S. News and World Report. July 14, 1950.

  Kahn, E. J., Jr. “Letter from Korea.” New Yorker. April 21, 1951.

  Kaplan, Abraham. “American Ethics and Public Policy.” Daedalus. Spring 1958.

  Kennan, George F. “America’s Administrative Response to Its World Problems.” Daedalus. Spring 1958.

  “Keystone.” Time. March 15, 1948.

  Killigrew, John W. “The Army and the Bonus Incident.” Military Affairs, XXVI. 1962.

  Kirchwey, Freda. “Into a Russian Trap?” Nation. August 12, 1950.

  ——. “MacArthur’s Private Preserve.” Nation. July 28, 1945.

  “Kisses, Tears, Cheers, All Say ‘Mabuhay!’ ” Life. July 14, 1961.

  Kluckhohn, Frank L. “MacArthur of the Philippines. ” New York Times Magazine. October 29, 1944.

  Knapp, Robert P., Jr. “Of War, Time, and Generals.” Reporter. January 13, 1966.

  Ladejinsky, W. I. “Trial Balance in Japan.” Foreign Affairs. October 1948.

  Lampert, James B. “Fellow Graduates.” Assembly, Association of (West Point) Graduates. Spring 1964.

  “Last Word, The.” Time. August 14, 1950.

  Lauterbach, Richard. “Letters to MacArthur.” Life. January 14, 1946.

  Lawrence, David L. “A Salute to Courage.” U.S. News and World Report. April 27, 1951.

  Lawrence, William. “Truman—Portrait of a Stubborn Man.” New York Times Magazine. April 22, 1951.

  “Letter from Tokyo.” Time. April 16, 1951.

  Liebling, A. J. ‘The Rubber-Type Army: A Postscript.” New Yorker. April 28, 1951.

  Lindley, Ernest K. “MacArthur’s Excursion into Politics.” Newsweek. April 24, 1944.

  MacArthur, Douglas. “Duty, Honor, Country.” Vital Speeches of the Day. June 15, 1962.

  ——. “A Fourth of July Message.” Life. July 7, 1947.

  ——. “General MacArthur Protests Post Editorial,” Saturday Evening Post. July 30, 1949.

  ——. “General MacArthur Replies.” Fortune. June 1949.

  ——. “General MacArthur’s Tribute to American Industry.” Collier’s. July 11, 1942.

  ——. “Life with Enthusiasm!” Reader’s Digest. August 1962.

  ——. “MacArthur Makes His Reply.” Life. February 13, 1956.

  ——. “Modern Trends in Trench Warfare.” Concessional Digest. April 1934.

  —. “Our Confiscatory Tax System via Karl Marx.” American Mercury. January 1958.

  ——. “Reverberations!” World Tomorrow. June 1931.

  ——. “Text of MacArthur’s Statement in Reply to Charges Made by Truman in His Memoirs.” New York Times. February 9, 1956.

  ——. “Uncle Sam’s Military Heroes.” National Republic, XXIII, No. 5, September 1935.

  MacArthur, Douglas, as told to Rarnett R. Lester. “Can the Philippines Be Defended?” Christian Science Monitor. November 1, 1938.

  “MacArthur.” Fortune. December 1942.

  “MacArthur.” New York Times Magazine. December 28, 1941.

  “MacArthur.” Time. April 10, 1964.

  “MacArthur and Rhee.” Life. August 30, 1948.

  “MacArthur and Texas Hit It Off Just Fine.” Life. June 25, 1951.

  “MacArthur and the Censorship.” Harper’s. May 1944.

  “MacArthur and the Press.” Newsweek. April 6, 1942.

  “MacArthur and the Press.” Newsweek. February 9, 1948.

  “MacArthur and Yalta.” Commonweal. November 4, 1955.

  “MacArthur and Yalta.” Time. October 31, 1955.

  “MacArthur Behind MacArthur.” Christian Science Monitor. June 6, 1942.

  “MacArthur Candidacy, The.” Time. April 24, 1944.

  “MacArthur Fact and Legend.” U.S. News and World Report. April 16, 1948.

  “MacArthur for President Club.” Life. August 21, 1943.

  “MacArthur for Taft.” Time. September 17, 1951.

  “MacArthur Gamble, The. Life. April 5, 1948.

  “MacArthur Hearing, The.” Time. May 14, 1951.

  “MacArthur in ‘52 Campaign.” U.S. News and World Report. June 20, 1952.

  “MacArthur in Trouble.” New Republic. October 1, 1945.

  “MacArthur Is Home.” Life. April 2, 1945.

  “MacArthur Is Not to Blame.” Collier’s. September 16, 1950.

  “MacArthur of Australia.” Time. October 19, 1942.

  “MacArthur of Bataan.” New York Times Magazine. March 22, 1942.

  “MacArthur of the Philippines.” Time. December 27, 1941.

  “MacArthur of West Point.” Assembly, Association of (West Point) Graduates, Spring 1964.

  “MacArthur on Trusts.” Newsweek. March 1, 1948.

  “MacArthur on War.” Life. February 7, 1955.

  “MacArthur Points the Way.” Christian Century. September 19, 1945.

  “MacArthur Returns and Returns ” Life. February 18, 1972.

  “MacArthur Says Fall of China Imperils U.S.” Life. December 20, 1948.

  “MacArthur’s Back.” Time. February 19, 1945.

  “MacArthurs Detractors.” Life. August 21, 1950.

  “MacArthur’s Formula.” Newsweek. April 15, 1946.

  “MacArthur Sits It Out.” Newsweek. July 7, 1948.

  “MacArthur’s Legend.” Time. March 2, 1942.

  “MacArthur’s Men. ” Newsweek. November 29, 1943.

  “MacArthur’s Muscles.” Time. June 14, 1943.

  “MacArthur’s Mystery.” Newsweek. March 30, 1942.

  “MacArthur’s Own Story.” U.S. News and World Report. December 8, 1950.

  “MacArthur Speech, The.” Commonweal. February 25, 1955.

  “MacArthur Speech and Silence that Fed Presidential Boom: Obstacles and Political Capital for Last General on Drafters’ List.” U.S. News and World Report. February 13, 1948.

  “MacArthur’s Road.” Newsweek. February 8, 1943.

  “MacArthur the Workman.” Business Week. April 4, 1942.

  “MacArthur Upholds Disarmament and the Right of Self-Defense.” Christian Century. January 18, 1950.

  “MacArthur vs. Truman.” Time. April 23, 1951.

  “MacArthur vs. Truman.” Time. February 20, 1956.

  “MacArthur War Party.” New Republic. April 23, 1951-

  “MacArthur Watches Landing and Spends a Spirited Day Ashore.” Life. October 2, 1950.

  McCarten, John. “General MacArthur: Fact and Legend.” American Mercury. January 1944.

  McEvoy, J. P. “General MacArthur Reports on Japan.” Reader’s Digest. May 1950.

  McKee, Oliver, Jr. “Army’s New Chief of Staff.” National Republic. November 1930.

  “Mac Rolls On.” Life. May 7, 1951.

  “Major General Arthur MacArthur.” Chautauquan, XXXIII. April 1901.

  “Making Milwaukee Famous.” Newsweek. July 28, 1947.

  “Man of the Hour.” Time. May 7, 1951.

  “Manuel Roxas,” Current Biography. 1946.

  Marshall, Charles Burton. “MacArthur Interviews.” New Republic. April 25, 1964.

  ——. “A Stomach for Soldiery.�
�� New Republic. October 3, 1964.

  Marshall, Jim. “Spearheads of Our Defense.” Collier’s. September 5, 1936.

  Marshall, Samuel L. A. “A New Strategy for Korea.” Reporter. March 3, 1953.

  ——. “Our Mistakes in Korea.” Atlantic Monthly. September 1953.

  Martin, Robert P. “The MacArthur Censorship.” Nieman Reports. April 1948.

  “Master MacArthur.” Newsweek. January 19, 1948.

  Menoher, Charles T. “The Rainbow. ” New York Times Magazine. April 27, 1919.

  Michener, James. “Australia.’ Holiday. November 1950.

  “Military Businessman, The ” Fortune. September 1952.

  Minger, Ralph E. “Taft, MacArthur and the Establishment of Civil Government in the Philippines.” Ohio Historical Quarterly, LXX. 1961.

  “Miss Jean Has Her Big Day.” Life. May 14, 1951.

  Mitchell, Donald W. “The Battle of MacArthur.” Nation. May 1, 1943.

  “Montgomery: He Fights in Piety.” Newsweek. July 5, 1943.

  Morton, Louis. “Egotist in Uniform.” Harper’s. November 1964.

  ——. “The Philippine Army, 1935–39: Eisenhower Memorandum to Quezon.” Military Affairs. Summer 1948.

  ——. “War Plan Orange, Evolution of a Strategy.” World Politics, XI. 1959.

  “Mrs. Douglas MacArthur—Her Kind of Clothes.” Vogue. April 15, 1953.

  Muggeridge, Malcolm. “Refractions in the Character of Kim Philby.” Esquire. September 1968.

  Mydans, Carl. “Memento of Twenty-five Years. ” Life. April 17, 1964.

  “Mysterious Voyage, The.” Life. October 30, 1950.

  “Navy Helps MacArthur, The.” New Republic. December 8, 1944.

  “New Door to Asia.” Time. May 9, 1949.

  “News and Comment from the National Capital.” (On MacArthur’s libel suit against Drew Pearson.) Literary Digest. June 2, 1934.

  “No Return.” Time. June 7, 1948.

  Norman, John. “MacArthur’s Blockade Proposals Against Red China.” Pacific Historical Review. May 1957.

  “Nor Would I Accept It.” Time. May 8, 1944.

  “ ‘No Substitute for Victory’—Lessons of the Korean War.” U.S. News and World Report. April 20, 1964.

  “Notes and Comment.” New Yorker. February 5, 1955.

  “Notes and Comment. ” New Yorker. April 18, 1964.

  O’Donnell, Kenneth P. “LBJ and the Kennedys.” Life. August 7, 1970.

  “Old Soldier, The.” Time. April 30, 1951.

  “Old Soldier Fades Away into New Glory, An.” Life. April 30, 1951.

  “ ‘Old Soldier’ MacArthur Passes the Eighty-Year Mark.” U.S. News and World Report. February 8, 1960.

  “Old Soldiers . . . New Problems.” U.S. News and World Report. March 26, 1954.

  “Old Soldiers Sometimes Buy.” Time. August 9, 1954.

  “Old Ways of War.” Time. December 11, 1950.

  “One or Many?” Time. May 31, 1948.

  “On the Record.” Time. March 31, 1947.

  Osborne, John. “MacArthur and Asia.” Life. September 25, 1950.

  ——. “My Dear General.” Life. November 27, 1950.

  ——. “Tattoo for a Warrior.” Life. April 23, 1951.

  “Over the Mountains: Mountains.” Time. July 10, 1956.

  “Pacific Offensive, A.” Nation. March 28, 1942.

  Parrott, Lindesay. “And Now, MacArthur of Korea.” New York Times Magazine. August 20, 1950.

  ——. “MacArthur—Study in Black and White.” New York Times Magazine. April 22, 1951.

  “People.” Time. November 15, 1954.

  “People.” Time. January 24, 1955.

  “People of the Week.” U.S. News and World Report. August 9, 1957.

  “Personalities.” New York Times Magazine. August 3, 1947.

  “Philippine Lightning.” Time. March 12, 1945.

  “Philippines Are in the News, The.” Asia. May 1937.

  Phillips, Thomas R. “MacArthur the Soldier.” New Republic. April 18, 1964.

  “Plain Talk on Korea by the Boss.” Life. November 17, 1967.

  “Pledge to Victory, A.” New Republic. March 30, 1942.

  “Political ‘It’ and Glory: MacArthur’s Lure for Presidents.” U.S. News and World Report. October 20, 1950.

  “Politics: MacArthur is Willing.” Newsweek. March 15, 1948.

  “Politics: Maybe MacArthur.” Newsweek. November 24, 1947.

  Pontus, Dale. “MacArthur and the Filipinos.” Asia. October 1946, November 1946.

  Pratt, William V. “General MacArthur: A Service View.” Newsweek. May 1, 1944.

  ——. “MacArthur and the Battle of the Communiques.” Newsweek. January 8, 1945.

  “Press vs. MacArthur.” Newsweek. February 16, 1948.

  “Press vs. MacArthur.” Newsweek. March 1, 1948.

  “Prize of Pacific War, Manila Fell to MacArthur Like Ripened Plum.” Newsweek. February 12, 1945.

  “Promise Fulfilled.’ Time. October 30, 1944.

  “Prospect and Retrospect.” Time. March 31, 1952.

  Quezon, Manuel L. “The Undying Spirit of Bataan.” New York Times Magazine. April 4, 1943.

  “Rally to Me.” Newsweek. October 30, 1944.

  Rawlings, Charles A. “They Paved Their Way with Japs.” Saturday Evening Post. October 7, 1944.

  ”Real Story of MacArthur and the Russians, The.” U.S. News and World Report. October 28, 1955.

  “Reports from a Neglected Area.” Commonweal. December 3, 1946.

  “Response to MacArthur, The.” Life. April 30, 1951.

  Reston, James. “Memorandum to General MacArthur.” New York Times Magazine. April 22, 1951.

  “Return to the Philippines.” Life. February 19, 1945.

  “Reunion at the Waldorf.” Time. September 12, 1955.

  “Revival.” New York Times. June 8, 1947.

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. “The Eight Hundred and Seventh Press Conference, February 24, 1942.” In The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Washington, 1942.

  Roper, Elmo, and Louis Harris. “The Press and the Great Debate—A Survey of Correspondents in the Truman-MacArthur Controversy.” Saturday Review of Literature. July 14, 1951.

  Rostow, W. W. “The American National Style.” Daedalus. Spring 1958.

  Roth, Andrew. “MacArthur’s War with London.” Nation. September 9, 1950.

  Ryan, Cornelius. “MacArthur: Man of Controversy.” American Mercury. October 1950.

  Ryan, Cornelius, and Frank Kelley. “The Women Behind MacArthur.” Collier’s. September 23, 1950.

  “Salute to a Soldier at Eighty.” Life. February 8, 1960.

  Schnable, James F. “The Inchon Landing.” Army Magazine. May 1959.

  “Sentimental Journey.” Time. July 14, 1961.

  “ ‘Sergeant’ Discovers U.S., The.” Life. April 30, 1951.

  “Shape of Things, The.” Nation. March 20, 1948.

  Sheean, Vincent. “MacArthur in Tokyo.” Holiday. December 1949.

  Shelton, Willard, “Notes from Capitol Hill.” Nation. August 19, 1950.

  Sherrill, Robert G. “Drew Pearson: An Interview.” Nation. July 7, 1969.

  Smith, Beverly. “The White House Story: Why We Went to War in Korea.” Saturday Evening Post. November 10, 1950.

  “Soldier’s Soldier.” Newsweek. March 9, 1942.

  “Some Ancestral Lines of General Douglas MacArthur.” New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, LXXII. July 1942.

  “Something About a Soldier.” Time. May 17, 1943.

  Sommers, Martin. “The Reconversion of Douglas MacArthur.” Saturday Evening Post. May 25, 1946.

  Splane, Russell. “Spusa.” Neu; Yorker. April 10, 1948.

  Stacy, Charles E. “Soldier—Statesman—Freemason: Douglas MacArthur: Controversial General.” Northern Light. November 1977.

  “Stars in His Eyes, The.” Newsweek. May 23, 1955.

  Stein, Harold. “The China Tangle.” World P
olitics. April 1954.

  Stimson, Henry L. “The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb.” Harpers. February 1947.

  Stone, I. F., “Behind the MacArthur Row.” Nation. September 29, 1945.

  ——. “MacArthur’s Political Foray.” Nation. April 22, 1944.

  “Stories of Governor Taft in the Philippines.” World’s Work, VII. 1903.

  “Summing Up MacArthur.” Collier’s. August 25, 1945.

  “Supreme, The ” Newsweek. August 20, 1945.

  Swisher, J. A. “MacArthur and Iowa Troops.” Palimpsest. July 1942.

  Timmons, Bascom N. “MacArthur’s Great Battle.” Collier’s. December 16, 1950.

  “Tokyo Death House.” Newsweek. January 28, 1946.

  “Toward a Japless New Guinea?” Time. November 16, 1942.

  “Toward a Unified Command.” Time. July 27, 1942.

  “Truman vs . . . . A Legislator? . . . General?” Business Week. December 20, 1947.

  Tucker, Ray. “The War After Last.” Collier’s. January 13, 1934.

  “Two Generals Speak.” Nation. August 31, 1957.

  “Two General Views of Humor.” Life. November 10, 1958.

  “Two Old Soldiers.” Time. December 29, 1952.

  “Uncle Sam’s Peacetime Plan for War.” Literary Digest. May 30, 1931.

  “Under MacArthur Management.” Time. January 14, 1946.

  “Unfading Old Soldier.” Time. February 11, 1952.

  “Unified Command Roles.” U.S. News and World Report. December 27, 1946.

  “Up From the Ranks.” Literary Digest. September 21, 1912.

  “U.S. Does a Job, The.” Fortune. March 1947.

  “U.S. Occupies Japan.” Life. September 10, 1945.

  Vandenberg, Arthur H. “Why I Am for MacArthur. ” Collier’s. February 12, 1944.

  Van Der Post, Laurens. “Japan: Journey Through a Floating World.” Holiday. October 1961.

  Van Fleet, James. “The Truth About Korea.” Life. May 11, May 18, 1953.

  “Verdict on the Victors, The: A Composite Japanese View.” Newsweek. August 12, 1946.

  “Victory! Mabuhay!” Time. February 12, 1945.

  Wain, Nora. “The MacArthur’ Carry On.” Saturday Evening Post. September 2, 1950.

  Ward, Robert E. “Origins of the Present Japanese Constitution.” American Political Science Review. December 1956.

  “War Plan.” Outlook. May 27, 1931.

  “Watch on Tokyo.” Time. October 1, 1945.

  Watrous, J. A. “The Boy Adjutant.” Putnam’s Monthly. December 1906.

  Watson, Mark S. “A Proud Hero in War and Peace.” Saturday Review. September 26, 1964.


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