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Passions Wild And Free

Page 41

by Janelle Taylor

  He struggled to clear his wits, but it was difficult. He gazed at the woman kneeling beside the cot and was amazed by her actions. “You making a practice of saving my life, woman?” he asked.

  “You would have done the same for me, partner. If not for you, Marsh Logan, neither of us would be alive tonight. You’ve taught me so much and done so much for me. You inspired this courage and determination which saved you back there. I couldn’t have done this without your training. I was able to rescue you and avoid recapture only because of what we’ve done together. If you weren’t so damn special, I wouldn’t have broken you out of jail and become an outlaw.”

  “Don’t give me the credit, woman,” he argued softly.

  “I have to, Mr. Logan. You taught me stealth, persistence, patience, and prowess. You’ve shown me what it is to put someone else’s life before your own. You allowed us to be friends and partners, even if I am only a woman. I depend on you, I trust you, I learn from you.” When she saw his look of skepticism, she coaxed, “There’s no reason to be embarrassed about your capture and condition; it happens to the best of us. I know it must be hard to feel vulnerable and helpless. But if you were right and perfect all the time, Marsh, you wouldn’t be human. Can you get some soup down?”

  Marsh was touched by her words and mood. He felt the same way. He tried to smile as he nodded. He knew he must look a mess, and he felt awful. He hated being unable to take care of her, and hated always endangering her. Never had he met a woman, or man, so compassionate and so unselfish. This time, she had risked all to save his life, and he would repay her generously.’ He watched her prepare his meal and return to his bed. She gently placed her sleeping roll beneath his head to raise it. Then, she fed him the nourishing soup as if he were a sick child. Even if he had been able to help himself, he would have allowed her to do this task which made her happy. It was strange: Half the time, he was angry and humiliated at being helpless; the other half, he didn’t seem to mind at all. His pride was as bruised as his body was, but she made it easier to endure his weakness.

  “Where did this come from?” he inquired between spoonfuls.

  She told him what she had done upon their arrival and saw him about to protest her perilous conduct. “Don’t scold me, Mr. Logan. We have to eat, and I was careful. I used all those skills you taught me. You finish this soup and get more rest. That’s an order, partner.”

  Marsh was too weak and fuzzy-headed to disobey. He thanked her after he finished, and soon fell asleep. Randee did the same.

  By Tuesday at midday, Willard Mason had sent word to every sheriffs office within three days’ travel of Fort Worth, telling them the posters were fakes and to destroy them. He had the governor’s office issue a statement saying Marsh Logan was a special agent for the Texas authorities and was not an outlaw, which Willard published in his newspaper and sent to all others in the area to do the same.

  Willard knew he was destroying most of Marsh’s cover, but it was the only way he could end this perilous situation involving Storm Hayden, and keep his friends alive. He cleared up the episode about the jailbreak, explaining it had been necessary to prevent an illegal and erroneous hanging. Since there was no evidence against Foley Timms yet, all the man received was a reprimand and a personal warning from his superior. Willard reported in the newspaper how the gang was responsible for the false posters because Marsh Logan was hot on their trail and about to unmask them. He wrote of how Marsh had been framed and nearly killed. He warned everyone to destroy those fake posters and to leave the special agent alone to complete his mission, which would benefit all Texans. Afterwards, all Willard Mason could do was hope Randee and Marsh got the news and realized it was safe to come out of hiding, if they were alive and well.

  In the shack, Marsh was awake again. He felt a little stronger, but his body ached all over and his mind wouldn’t seem to unfog completely for any length of time. Randee hovered over him, forcing soup and water into him and tending his injuries. Most were healing, but his cracked ribs gave him terrible pain when he breathed and moved. He knew he had no choice but to remain abed until he was stronger. What use was he to anybody, especially to them, in this sorry state?

  His head cleared for a while today and he stayed awake longer each time he roused, but it was difficult. He realized he must be terribly weak because he couldn’t stay awake for more than twenty minutes. He figured it would be a week or two before he could ride. He wondered what was happening away from this secluded cabin. And he wondered what he should say to this woman he loved.

  Randee returned from her bath at the stream and smiled at .Marsh. “Would you like me to wash you off a little?” she offered. “I’m sure it would refresh you greatly. However, my bearded lover, a shave is unwise with those facial injuries. We don’t want any wayward whiskers getting into these healing cuts.”

  “If you help me, I can make it to the stream.”

  “You would pass out before you reached the door and injure yourself again. That would be bad for me. Let me tell you, partner, you’re heavy when you’re out cold.”

  “It’s my bullheadedness that weighs so much.”

  “I see we’re feeling better today, joking a little bit. Good. That still doesn’t mean you can get up and dance around. After that jarring ride I gave you, it’s a wonder you survived. Stay in bed a few more days. Your body’s trying to heal and it needs your cooperation.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied, yawning as his eyelids grew heavy.

  Randee did not tell Marsh she was lacing his soup with laudanum which she had taken from the ranch house. Now that he was getting stronger, she felt she needed it to keep him abed to heal properly. He was so stubborn— yes, bullheaded— and would be up too soon to get back to their task. She knew he was worried about their safety, and about what she had done to rescue him. Until the matter was cleared up, they were both fugitives.

  Hours later, Randee pan-bathed him and helped him eat more soup, rabbit this time, which she had snared. She assisted him with sitting up for a while, until the drug sent him back into dreamland.

  Wednesday, Randee allowed Marsh to get up twice and walk to the door and back a few times to get his circulation moving. She almost felt guilty when he commented on how weak and shaky he was. She vanquished it by telling herself she was only doing what was best for her love, letting him heal and keeping him out of danger. If she let him get back on the trail now, he would be placing his life in jeopardy.

  Thursday morning, she let him walk outside for a while and get fresh air and a little more exercise. That night, she helped him to the stream to wash off, which enlivened him until he devoured the last of the soup with its medication.

  As Randee watched him sleep, her eyes lovingly traced every line on his handsome face. The bruises had. changed colors, indicating they were getting better. The swelling around his eyes and mouth had lessened. The small breaks on his face were closing up nicely and shouldn’t scar. She teased her fingers over his chest, enjoying the silky feel of the moist black hair which curled around them. Her heart fluttered wildly and her body warmed with desire. She loved this man and wanted to spend her life with him. Would she be given the chance?

  Friday morning, Randee did not tell Marsh he was devouring the last of the biscuits and gravy and coffee. She watched him enjoy the meal as she planned her trip to the ranch for more supplies. She should have gone last night while she had the cover of darkness, but hadn’t thought of it! When he asked why she wasn’t joining him, she smiled and said she had eaten before he awakened— which wasn’t true, and she hoped he didn’t notice her growling belly as she sipped coffee. She waited for him to succumb to the laudanum before she left the cabin.

  Surely no one was searching for them in this area, so Marsh would be safe for a few hours. She had to fetch supplies, and she could not let him stop her. She left the chestnut mare hidden in the woods near the house and covered the rest of the distance on foot.

  She quickly gathered what she needed
and was about to leave when she heard horses approaching. She looked out the window and nearly fainted; it was Brody Wade, her stepfather, and several men! She hid the bundle and concealed herself behind a sofa near a side wall, as there was no way she could sneak out of the house and risk capture.

  Brody and Payton Slade entered the house, talking. Randee listened closely to their revealing words, shocked by her discoveries.

  Brody was saying, “As I told you, Mr. Slade, the lawyer from Austin told me Randee inherited everything. Lee Carson changed his will two months ago, from your wife to his niece.”

  Payton responded, “Randee and me are very close, Sheriff, so that ain’t a problem. I just want to look around. Any news on her?”

  “That business about arrests and jailbreaks has been cleared up. Seems it was a stupid mistake over fake posters. The governor sent out word he was innocent, claimed the man is an agent working for him. It was in all the newspapers this week. Those false posters have been called back, and Hayden—I mean Marsh Logan—has been exonerated.”

  “No charges against my stepdaughter for bustin’ him outta jail?”

  “None. She had no choice. Marsh Logan is a free man. As soon as he hears the news, he’ll turn up some place. So will Randee.”

  “What’s goin’ on between those two?” Payton inquired, his tone and expression lewdly suggestive.

  Brody caught signs which he didn’t like. “I wouldn’t know.”

  “I thought you said you two was to marry soon. Ain’t you a mite curious about what they been doin’ out there alone? Randee’s a beautiful woman, a mighty temptin’ one.”

  “I explained how Randee hired him to help her track down the killers of Lee and Sarah Elizabeth Carson. I don’t have anything to worry about where’s he’s concerned. She loves me.”

  “You best worry where I’m concerned,” her stepfather disclosed. “Randee’s ma lost our baby a while back an’ ain’t doin’ too well. Me an Randee will probably marry an’ settle here if Dee don’t make it. I’ll give you a warnin’, Sheriff, me an’ Randee love each other, so don’t interfere in our private business. ‘Course, we didn’t know it till after I was strapped with her ma. If her ma don’t live, Randee will want me over you or that drifter.”

  “What are you talking about?” Brody asked coldly, suspiciously.

  “That’s why Randee left home, ‘cause she was pinin’ for me. When I find her, she’ll be mine. I plan to sell my place in Kansas an’ move here, even if I have to give up her ma. You the one who sent that packet of information to Dee?”

  “What packet?” Brody asked deceitfully, riled by his mistake.

  “I got this package with newspaper clippin’s about the ‘ raid an’ an offer to buy the ranch. ‘Course I won’t sell it for any price. Strange thing, there was a letter from Sarah Elizabeth enclosed. I wonder how a dead woman wrote a letter about Randee being in New York.” He chuckled. “That girl is a real surprise. She was just trying to lure me here an’ let me know where she is. Real clever, ain’t she?”

  “Yep, she’s very clever,” Brody concurred. “What did your wife say about you coming here to chase after her daughter?”

  Payton grinned at the other man. “Dee ain’t too smart; she don’t know nothing about me an’ Randee. Naturally I didn’t tell her about the packet, an’ she don’t know where I am or what I’m doin’. I want to look around a bit, see how much damage was done to the house. When I get finished here, I’ll plan a way to locate Randee an’ get her back. She’s probably scared an’ ready to come home to me.”

  After they talked a while and Payton went upstairs, Brody motioned to his man near the open door. He whispered, “I want this crazy bastard ambushed and killed today. If he thinks I’ll let him walk in and take everything, he’s dead wrong. Now I know what drove Randee from Kansas; the man’s loco and mean,” he murmured.

  Two days before, Brody had received a shocking and baffling reply to his query to the Nebraska authorities. The response said that Storm Hayden was not and never had been wanted there. Apparently the man was Marsh Logan, a U.S. Marshal, as he and Willard Mason had claimed. Thank goodness, Timms hadn’t killed an agent and brought suspicion down on them! But if Logan had filed a report with his superior, as he had claimed to Timms, it would have caused trouble for them by now. Obviously Logan had been bluffing. Brody wondered ’ how much Randee knew about Logan and his assignment… .

  Randee remained hidden until the group left, then gathered her bundle and hurried back to the cabin. Willard Mason was still alive, and he had cleared up that Storm Hayden mess. They were free! Safe! Brody was going to have Payton killed before tonight, so her wicked stepfather would be out of hers and her mother’s lives forever! No doubt Payton had lied about her mother’s condition, and was probably planning to kill Dee the moment he returned home to sell out in Kansas. With his death, her mother would be safe until Randee could reach her. She was glad the lecherous bastard was going to pay for his sins, and she did not feel guilty about not warning him about his lethal peril.

  Another thing, Brody had read her mail and sent a warning home, unaware of what he was doing until today. How very thoughtful of the insane Payton to inform the very man who would destroy him. At least Brody was about to do one good thing: rid the world of a demon like Payton Slade. Recalling what she had put in the letter to the land company and what she had told George Light, maybe she still had Brody fooled, even if he knew she had helped Marsh Logan escape.

  Marsh Logan, an agent for the governor … Was that true? Or had Willard Mason convinced the man to help them with a ruse? It would play right into their hands, as she could use it to further dupe Brody to get evidence against him. How could her fiancé fault her for working with a government agent? Of course, she would claim she had known all along, but had been sworn to secrecy. That would also explain why she had aided Marsh’s escape. It was perfect. …

  Randee observed her sleeping love and wondered how much to tell him. More so, when to tell him. Once he heard this information, he would be up and out of here, injured or not!

  For five days, Randee held her silence while she helped Marsh regain his strength and heal. She ceased giving him the laudanum and worked hard to restore his health to normal. She was ready to get this mission going again, to get it over with and see where they stood.

  It was shortly after dusk on Wednesday, the twelfth day after he was arrested and beaten. They had eaten early and were strolling around outside. She could tell he felt stronger and his ribs were better. She smiled and asked, “Are we still in pain, partner?”

  Marsh looked at her and grinned, then rubbed his sore jaw and side. “Only when I laugh or move or walk or eat,” he teased.

  “Then you shouldn’t do any of those things yet,” she replied.

  “Does that mean no more secret drugs, partner?”

  Randee blushed and inhaled sharply. “How did you know?”

  “I didn’t until my head cleared; then I figured it out. That’s one way to keep a drifter where you want him, but very sneaky, woman.”

  “Knowing you, Marsh Logan, it was necessary, or risk losing you to a relapse. I didn’t save you to let you get yourself killed before you were back at your highest peak of prowess. Ready to tangle with them again?” she inquired, hating to leave this peaceful place.

  Marsh stroked his freshly shaven face and gazed into her eyes. “Not tonight, woman. Tonight, I only want to tangle with a reckless vixen,” he murmured, pulling her into his embrace.

  She cautioned seductively, “Careful or you’ll reinjure yourself. You aren’t up to physical exertion this soon.”

  Brushing his lips over hers, he whispered huskily, “Oh, but I am up to this, Doc Hollis. In fact, it’s the only medicine I need to get me completely well again. You wouldn’t deny your loving patient what he needs, would you?”

  Randee grinned receptively, eager to surrender to him after their lengthy abstinence. Every night she had. dreamed of this moment, causing h
er passion to smolder more fiercely each hour. At his touch and smile, it burst into fiery need and her body glowed from within. It was so serene here, so romantic, their natures so close to the wildness that surrounded them. She surrendered uninhibitedly to his caresses and kisses, feeling weak herself for a change.

  Marsh knew she had unleashed her bridled desire and was as ready to ride love’s wild stallion as he was. His mind spun wildly, but this time it wasn’t because of medication; this woman was utterly intoxicating. His bold kisses and caresses were provocative, stimulating, pleasurable. Presently, the only ache he was conscious of was the one in his heart and loins, which would soon be sated. Marsh trailed his lips over the satiny skin of her face and throat, causing her to moan sensuously. Mercy, she was irresistible and tantalizing.

  She willingly yielded to his deft hands as they undressed her, then unclothed himself. Marsh’s touch was gentle, yet strong and confident as he skillfully explored her trembling body, and Randee responded with all her being. No shame or hesitation threatened to halt their actions. She cuddled against his hard body and enticed him to continue their heady journey in this sensual haven where stars twinkled overhead and night creatures sang to them and playful breezes tried vainly to cool their torrid flesh.

  Marsh’s lips traveled her shoulders before he lifted each feminine hand to spread kisses over them, hands which had tended him so gently and lovingly. The partial moon did little to lighten the tree-encircled area where they were standing on passion-wobbly legs. He watched the shadows dance over her face and body, and his fingers followed their delightful game. His troubles receded quickly and his thoughts were of Randee alone.

  Without unsealing their mouths, Marsh guided them to the lush grass, where they embraced and kissed each other feverishly. As if one entwined spirit, they worked together on increasing each other’s desire and on sating the other’s needs. Marsh’s tongue teased over her chin and down her throat, as if the carefree drifter he was reputed to be. But he knew his destination, and provocatively journeyed to her breasts. His mouth roved the taut peaks which revealed the intensity of her desire. As his lips traversed her torso, his hands moved lower and lower with titillating leisure. His fingers encountered another peak that seemed to beg for attention, which he eagerly supplied.


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