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Double Alchemy: Climax

Page 11

by Susan Mac Nicol

  “He will be the human vessel,” said Rupert quietly. “The one the Witchfinder intends possessing on the forty-ninth day. The process of cleansing him has already begun. That is why he seems different.”

  Taliesin nodded as did the others. “The young man is calling him Rowan. He is spindly indeed. I had not thought to see a strange specimen of human so tall and thin. He looks like some sort of strange insect you would find in the woods, hiding under foliage.”

  The others chuckled grimly at Taliesin’s words.

  “This is good,” muttered Nicholas. “We have found them. Our Warlocks will be very pleased.”

  The red mist around their hands slowly drifted down back into the book and when it was finally gone, the Withinners looked around the circle at each other and nodded their heads in deference to each other.

  “We did well.” Taliesin sounded smug. “I think our reward should be to stay in this place a little longer before being revoked. I could do with time away from my own home.”

  Attilius spluttered in laughter. “The last time that happened, you ended up very much in the disgraced favours of your Warlock for putting your manhood where it didn’t belong!”

  The others sniggered as Taliesin regarded his colleagues angrily.

  “Will I ever be rid of that cursed story?” he snarled as the others chuckled loudly at his discomfort. “I did not know that everyone knew about that indiscretion. Quinn has been rather indiscreet it would seem.”

  “Quinn didn’t tell us.” Nicholas smiled. “Percy knew, so I found out and told the rest of them. I knew one day we could embarrass you with that story.”

  “Except for me.” Rupert bowed slightly. “But I am now aware of the story and have yet another thing to vex you with when next we meet.” He cocked his head and sighed. “I am being revoked. I had better get back to my own time and let Justin back in his. Farewell friends, until we meet again.”

  One by one the Withinners were revoked by their Warlocks, and soon Quinn, Percy, Magnus and Justin stood together again in the library.

  Quinn regarded everyone with a broad smile. “I have to say that was a great success. Thank you all. We have a place to find these men now. Those seven trees sound distinctive and the name ‘Weathers’ gives us a clue. I am sure with our resources we can find this secret cottage in the woods. When we find the place, I’d suggest Daniel goes to get the bits we need. That way we don’t jeopardise any surprise advantage we have by alerting him to magyckal activity in the area. I’ll tell Daniel to find this Rowan person and get something personal, hair or blood, from him to do the ritual. Percy, you start working on the ritual we need to defeat this bastard.”

  Percy nodded. “Sounds like a good plan.”

  Quinn nodded. “Also have someone keep eyes on them. I want to know where they are at all times. Then when we’re ready to perform the ritual, we can get closer to them. I have a feeling they’ll stay close to home, waiting for their turn to shine. But we’ll get to them first.”

  He frowned. “And have a word with that Withinner of yours will you, and tell him to zip it about my personal life. I know they like to needle Taliesin but I don’t quite fancy that story about he and Cade getting it on being spread everywhere!”

  Percy chuckled, as Magnus grinned beside him. “I’ll tell him that. Sorry about that. Nicholas is a bit of a gossip.”

  He nodded at the other Warlocks and disappeared upstairs on his mission.

  Justin nodded at his friend. “I’m glad I could help. If you need any more help to get these bastards, you make sure and let me know.” He smiled. “I need to get back to Tibet. There’s a lady waiting for me there and I don’t want to disappoint her.”

  “Thanks Justin. Let’s not make it so long next time. When you’re about next, let me know. We can have a few tequilas together like last time.”

  Justin chuckled. “God, last time, that nearly killed me! But I appreciate the sentiment, old friend. I’ll be in touch.”

  He invoked his Withinner and in minutes, Rupert had taken him back to his woman.

  Quinn was left standing alone in his basement. He sat down at his desk and regarded the Book of Shadows curiously. It had certainly been a worthwhile trip to Valensia to obtain the book, which had proven a rich source of material to get them the success they’d had so far. He picked it up idly, turning it in his hands. As he did so, the red mist slowly lifted off the book, coating his hands with the cold and damp substance. He frowned as he lifted his hand, seeing the slight speckles of red on his skin. He laid the book down and went over to the basement bathroom to wash his hands. The residue, probably blood, had been left behind by the Withinner’s activities, he guessed. He put the book back in its cabinet and locked it and went upstairs to find Cade. His lover sat outside on the patio, a glass of wine on the wrought-iron table beside him, jotting down notes in his study papers. The late April sun shone down on his dark hair and Quinn smiled at the sight.

  Cade looked up as Quinn kissed his warm, sun-drenched hair. “Are you all Warlocked out, then, Quinn?” Cade smiled. “Has everyone gone home? Did you have any success finding who you were looking for?”

  “I am, they have and we did. Percy is on his way there as we speak to see if he can find the human that intended taking on Hopkins. Once he does, he’ll try and get something from him that we can use to hopefully stop this Witchfinder crap for good.”

  He sat down next to Cade on the sun lounger, stretching his legs comfortably in front of him as he leaned back and turned his face to the sun.

  Cade reached over and ran his hands through his hair. “I love it when you have sunlight on your hair,” he murmured. “It goes all golden and shiny. “

  Quinn chuckled. “I’m glad you like it. I live to please you.”

  Quinn closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth on his face then started when a pair of warm lips came down on his, kissing him fiercely. He reached up, pulling Cade down onto his lap as Cade wrapped his arms around his neck. Cade’s mouth tasted of wine and sunshine and for a while Quinn lost himself in his kisses. When he finally let him go, Quinn watched as Cade stood up and with a cheeky grin, he reached up and pulled his tee shirt off to reveal strong shoulders and abs. Then he slipped out of his trousers and stood naked before Quinn. Quinn lost his breath at the sight of his lover’s taut, firm body and the evidence of his horniness jutting out from the curls at his groin. Cade regarded him with one eyebrow raised.

  When Quinn found his voice it was husky. “Well, you are quite the man slut. What have I done to deserve this kind of attention?” He was extremely uncomfortable in his jeans, his cock ready to give something a pounding. He took a quick look around the garden to make sure it was private. Thanks to the high walls and tress, it looked fairly secluded. He hadn’t actually done it in his back garden yet so this would hopefully be a first. Cade chuckled softly as he leaned down and unzipped Quinn’s jeans, reaching in and grasping him. Quinn leaned his head back against the lounger, closing his eyes in pleasure.

  “I figured you needed a little relaxation after a hard day Warlocking,” Cade whispered as he stroked him gently. “I hope this lounger takes both our weight,” he murmured as he proceeded to climb on top of Quinn, straddling him as he gasped in delight. “I’m just never sure whether the quality control sticker on these things actually means what it should—”

  His words were cut off as Quinn’s greedy tongue slipped wetly into his lover’s mouth, and both men forgot all about the quality control of loungers as they moved together. Cade lowered himself onto Quinn, taking him inside. Quinn groaned loudly, the slick heat of being inside Cade causing incredible sensations in his groin.

  Quinn’s hands gripped Cade’s hips as he rode him, causing unbearable friction and making him gasp. The warm sun shone down on his bare legs and his chest and he found it extremely erotic being so free, naked and bared to the mercy of the elements.

  Quinn opened his eyes to find Cade staring down at him with such an expression of lust in his
silver eyes that Quinn almost came there and then. Bright sunlight directly above pierced Quinn’s eyes with flashes of colour and pain and he closed his eyes again. Quinn’s hips thrust upward to meet Cade’s movements, and for a while it was as if time was forgotten and the only sounds were deep sighs and grunts of satisfaction as two men made love in the sunshine.

  Quinn’s hand was around Cade’s cock and he moved it in tandem with their hip movements, slow, enticing strokes that made Cade moan loudly. Finally Cade sighed deeply and Quinn knew his lover was on the verge of coming. He felt it in the swelling of Cade’s cock, the subtle shift of the velvet muscles that held his own cock tight and in the deep breaths Cade took as he gave way to his orgasm. Quinn wasn’t far away himself and he tried valiantly to hold off until after Cade had climaxed. The feeling of contracting and clenched muscles rippling around Quinn’s cock would make it all the more worthwhile.

  The warmth of the sun, the sheer eroticism of the moment out here in the air with Cade’s scent in his nostrils—Quinn revelled in the sensations, the act of sex and love playing out on a garden chair between two people who were each other’s universe. Quinn felt the most alive when he was inside Cade, the act of intimacy and trust reaching into his heart and warming it.

  Cade’s mouth opened in a moaning cry as Quinn’s hands played their final, teasing symphony. Cade arched back as streams of come shot over Quinn’s stomach and groin, wetting his hand with sticky warmth. Quinn’s groin flooded with extreme prickling heat and he too gave a loud shout as he gave way to his own intense release, clutching Cade’s hips tightly. Cade leaned down, his mouth finding Quinn’s as he shuddered beneath him.

  They lay coupled together in the sunlight, a slightly chill wind blowing now and making both of their skins tingle with goose bumps.

  “I have to say, I really enjoy making love outside. We should do it more often.” Quinn said lazily.

  Cade kissed him. “You’re welcome. It does make a change from the kitchen, the bathroom, the lounge, the bedroom, the entrance hall…” He grinned. “Is there anywhere in this house we haven’t made love now? Apart from your ‘sacred’ place?”

  Cade was referring to his basement library.

  Quinn chuckled. “I think we’ve christened every room in the house, including the laundry room, if you recall. That poor washing machine will never be the same again.”

  Cade burst into laughter, obviously recalling the rather acrobatic session on the washing machine which had been in its fast spinning cycle at the time, adding a level of sheer decadence to their session. Quinn grinned, loving the sight of this man sitting on top of him, butt naked. He had never loved anyone like he did Cade. Not even Adam. Cade shivered as the chilly wind softly caressed his skin and he swung his legs over Quinn, standing up and reaching down to pick up his clothes off the ground. Quinn lazily pinched his backside as he bent down and Cade jumped up.

  “God, that hurt! Don’t be such a damn bully. I’m going inside; it’s getting too cold out here.”

  Quinn watched languidly as Cade strode inside. He didn’t really feel like moving but he supposed he’d better. He stood up with a sigh, feeling a sudden rush of blood to his head, making him dizzy. Frowning, he held onto the back of the lounger while his balance steadied. He felt the familiar tickle beneath his nose and cursed as he saw a drop of blood drip onto the white plastic of the sun lounger. Quinn reached up a hand and wiped it away with a muttered expletive.

  What the hell had brought that on? He hadn’t had a nosebleed for some time. Please don’t say he was going to get one of these every time he exerted himself having sex. If that was the case, he’d almost have a permanent trickle.

  He grinned at that thought and gathered up his jeans and disappeared inside to find Cade.

  Chapter 14

  Cade sat bolt upright in the bed as Quinn screamed loudly beside him, thrashing about the bed in a paroxysm of limbs and blankets. He reached over to him, his heart thumping as he tried to catch hold of Quinn’s arm and calm him down.

  “Quinn, for God’s sake wake up.”

  Quinn was muttering names over and over again, the name of Honour Whitebrook, the little girl who’d been killed by the Witchhunters Alliance together with her family and another familiar name.

  “Edward, God, Edward! Don’t ask. Don’t ask me to do that.”

  Cade switched on his bedside light then reached out firmly and shook Quinn violently, seeing his eyes open. A chill traversed his spine. His boyfriend’s eyes had gone totally black again, face twisted in a vicious snarl that made him hardly recognisable as the man he loved. Quinn’s arm reached out, grabbing his and gripping it so fiercely that he cried out in pain. Sweat glistened on Quinn’s body and he sat up, his breath coming in deep, wrenching gasps. Cade pulled his arm free, leaning over to clasp Quinn’s face in firm hands to make him look at him.

  “Quinn! Calm down and look at me. Look at me!”

  His commanding tone seemed to get through and his lover’s eyes finally focused on him, even through their inky blackness. Quinn leaned back against the headboard, heaving a shuddering sigh as he passed a hand over his face.

  “Cade? What happened?” Quinn looked disoriented and confused. Cade reached out a tender hand and caressed his face, feeling it slick with sweat.

  “You were having a nightmare again.” He watched Quinn helplessly as he sat back, his face drawn and pale, his nose already starting to trickle blood.

  Cade reached over to his bedside table and picked up a tissue, gently holding it under his nose. “This is crazy. What’s brought on this nightmare? You haven’t had one for a while. And your eyes have gone all antichrist again.”

  Quinn shook his head dazedly. “I don’t know, I can’t remember much about it. It’s just a blur. It might be because of that stuff from the book that I got on my hands earlier.”

  Cade stroked Quinn’s cheek. “You were calling names out again. That little girl, Honour, and another one I vaguely remember from somewhere. Edward?”

  Quinn’s body shuddered in disgust.

  Cade sighed. “Until you tell someone about why these people give you nightmares, you’ll never be free of them. You obviously bottle it all up inside. I want to know who they are. You told me you’d tell me about Honour one day. Well, I want to know now.”

  Quinn shook his head in despair. “I can’t. Please don’t ask me to.” He closed his eyes. Then he muttered. “I know, Taliesin. Easier said than done.”

  Cade ignored the conversation Quinn was having with his Withinner. He was used to them by now. But he was relentless. “You promised me you’d let me in, Quinn. I want to know why these names make you feel so guilty. Because that’s what it is that torments you: guilt. But I don’t know why. I can’t help you unless I know the whole story.” He waited for Quinn to breathe evenly then reached out and took his hands, holding them against his chest. “Whatever it is, I will still love you.”

  Quinn shook his head. “No, you won’t. You’ll think I’m a monster. And then I’ll lose you.” His voice was taut with fear and Cade’s heart broke at the look of sheer desolation in his lover’s eyes. He wasn’t used to seeing this level of vulnerability from Quinn.

  “I promise you that no matter what you have done or will do, I will always love you. Nothing will ever take that away.”

  Quinn studied his face quietly then leaned back against the headboard, propping his pillows up behind him. He took a deep breath as he readied himself to tell his story.

  “You know that Daniel leads a double life as the leader of RAW as well as being the front man in a lot of instances for the Witchhunters Alliance—the ones who hunt us down and kill us. Having him inside gives us valuable intelligence on what they’re doing and we’ve been able to stop a lot of witch and Warlock killings that way.”

  Cade nodded. He knew RAW was the Resistance against Witchhunters and that as a human, Daniel played a pivotal role in leading that organisation against the WA.

  Quinn sighed r
aggedly. “One day he was asked in one of the WA meetings to sanction a killing of an entire family of witches living in Sudbury, in Suffolk. He asked me what he should do. I told him to sanction it to give credence to his position in the WA and we’d stop it before it happened somehow. I had no intention of letting anyone die.”

  His voice became flat. “But due to unforeseen circumstances, we couldn’t stop it in time. Honour, her mother, her father and her little brother were massacred by the WA. Four people, Cade. Dying in agony because I gave an order to Daniel to sanction it.”

  Cade’s heart tore in half at the self loathing in his voice. “You said there were unforeseen circumstances. Surely you couldn’t help it?”

  Quinn was silent as Cade waited for him to speak.

  “I was the unforeseen circumstance. I got wind that someone in the WA suspected Daniel might not be who he said he was, and it would have meant his position in the WA would have been compromised. I couldn’t have that. Daniel was too valuable where he was. So I convinced them to postpone the rescue of the family, whilst I waited to see what evidence this person had. I finally got the evidence and was able to destroy it and the person holding it, to protect Daniel. But the delay was too much of a reach and we just missed being able to save Honour and the others, even though we tried so hard. But I had to have the evidence in my hands or all our plans would have been scuppered. Years of work getting Daniel where he was; it would have been for nothing.”

  Cade swallowed. “So the killings went ahead.” He felt bile rise up in his throat but tried not to show Quinn how disturbed he was at this story. Quinn needed him not to judge.

  Quinn nodded. “Yes. And in doing that, it strengthened Daniel’s position in the WA more than we could ever hope for. But at the cost of four witches’ lives, including two children.” His voice faltered. “What if subconsciously I did it on purpose? Let it happen and told myself I couldn’t have stopped it anyway. That’s the question I have to live with.”

  Cade had no idea how to react.


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