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Double Alchemy: Climax

Page 24

by Susan Mac Nicol


  A few days later Quinn got the break he was waiting for. His mobile rang in the early hours of Tuesday afternoon.

  It was Percy. “I’ve got some news for you on that Collector.”

  Quinn was immediately alert. “Tell me. Have you found him?”

  Percy’s voice was grim. “Her. It’s a woman. She’s a witch, believe it or not. We managed to track her down a few days ago but I wanted to make sure she was the one we were looking for before I told you. She’s been watching Cade for about two weeks now. There’s photos of Cade all over her house in Richmond, along with other various magyck paraphernalia which doesn’t look as it’s meant to do good. What do you want me to do?”

  Quinn wanted nothing better than to get down to wherever this Collector was and sort the problem out personally. But he had a partner now for this sort of thing. He sighed heavily.

  “It’s a witch. If I do anything, Valensia will kill me.” He looked up as Cade walked into the room, raising his eyebrows at his last comment. “Send me what you’ve got and I’ll ask her to sort it out. This is her bailiwick. She’ll want to handle it herself.”

  “I’ll get it all emailed over to you. Tell Valensia this is one of the nasty little buggers, the ones who don’t give a damn about the Fey they take the powers from. It’s been a long while since we saw one of these, so I imagine she’ll want to make an example of this one.” Percy’s voice was grim.

  Quinn nodded. “I’ll let her know. She can be pretty…inventive…when she wants to be.”

  Quinn. I am glad you found the person who wished to hurt Cade.

  Quinn thought his Withinner sounded tired.

  “Where’ve you been, Taliesin?” he murmured as Cade watched him talk to himself. “You’ve been very quiet. I was actually worried about you.”

  I had a few things to resolve of my own. There has been some trouble this side. But I am unharmed and managed to keep you away from it all. You did not need the distraction.

  Quinn frowned. “Withinner, that sounds a bit ominous. Is everything taken care of now?”

  Everything is fine. Do not worry.

  “Good, I’m glad you’re all right. But you really need to talk to me if you need anything. Think about it.” He put down his mobile and looked across at Cade. “We found that Collector we think was stalking you. I’m going to ask Valensia to deal with it as it’s a witch involved and it’s more than my life’s worth to rain on Valensia’s parade.”

  Cade looked at him with narrowed eyes. “Will it be over then? Once Valensia’s ‘handled’ the situation?”

  Quinn sighed. “For now, at least until another one rears its head. But to be honest, they aren’t very prolific; it takes a lot of time to become a collector and we know about most of them anyway and watch them, the ones who don’t maim their victims. So we’ll just have to keep an eye on things.”

  He sat down at his computer and checked his email. Percy’s message had come through so he forwarded it to Valensia’s email address. He picked up his phone and dialled Valensia’s number. It rang a few times then he heard her curt voice answer.

  “Valensia? It’s Quinn.”

  “Darling, to what do I owe the pleasure of you calling me for a change?”

  Quinn rolled his eyes at Cade. “I have some information to share with you. I thought you’d rather manage it instead of me doing something about it. We’ve found the Collector—but she’s a witch.”

  Valensia was silent on the other end of the phone. Quinn waited for her to respond. When she did he could hear the fierce determination in her voice. Knowing Valensia, he pitied the Collector.

  “Have you got the evidence? Knowing you, I imagine you have empirical proof that this person is who you think she is. Can you send it to me and I’ll take care of it?”

  “I emailed it before I called. It should be in your inbox as we speak. Can you let me know when you’ve dealt with the situation so I can tell Cade for sure that there’s no more danger?”

  “I’ll be in touch.” The witch rang off.

  Quinn looked at his fiancé. “Well, I think I can safely say that little problem will be resolved. You should feel a little safer now.”

  Cade nodded but Quinn saw the slight trepidation in his eyes. He reached over and took Cade’s hands in his. “Relax. I won’t let anything happen to you. Never again, I promise.”

  Cade nodded. “I trust you. It’s just it seems to be one thing after another with us, doesn’t it?”

  Quinn grinned. “Life has certainly become more interesting for you since you met me.”

  Cade smiled. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, but sometimes the nice quiet life seems very attractive.” He turned and walked out of the study. “I have some swimming to do. I’m off to the pond.”

  “Be careful, please.” Quinn still had hidden fears about Cade at the pond, that one day he might not come back after swimming if the Sprites decided they needed him more than he did, which to him was inconceivable.

  “I will make sure my spidery senses are on full alert. I’ll see you later.”

  Cade disappeared down the staircase. Quinn turned his attention to his computer. He had a catch-up with Jomo later by video conference and still had a lot to prepare.

  Quinn. I have thought about it. May I speak with you?

  Quinn frowned. Taliesin asking permission to speak was a new one.

  “Of course.” He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. “Is anything wrong? It’s very unlike you to ask permission to talk rather than just putting your piece in.”

  There have been some happenings this side which have taken up a lot of my time lately. There was an uprising here in the villa—just a small, insignificant battle—and I needed to protect the community. You may have felt some strange feelings as I have been doing much magyck.

  “I thought something was afoot. I’ve been feeling pretty strange this side. Is everything back to normal now? You weren’t injured? I still seem to be in one piece.” He grinned.

  I am uninjured. Others were not. I had a lot of work to heal the wounded and we had many dead. Some good friends. I needed some solace time. I am sorry if I neglected you and Cade.

  “Hell, you deserve any time you need. I’m sorry to hear about the troubles. Do you need anything from me in this time? Do you need medicines, herbs or anything from here? If you do, tell me and I’ll invoke you.”

  Thank you. But I have no need of anything at the moment. Perhaps in a little time I will take you up on your offer.

  “Anything you need, old friend. Just let me know.” He frowned. “You heard we found the Collector?”

  I heard. I believe Valensia will do justice to her promise to deal with the situation. But you know that when one is destroyed, another one takes it place. It may take time but it will happen.

  “I know, Withinner. It’s the story of our lives.” Quinn sighed. “But we can only deal with them one at a time.”

  Cade is much stronger than you think. He is formidable. You are a very lucky man.

  “Talking of getting lucky, you seem to have had your fair share.” Quinn chuckled. “I try and blot it out but with the regularity you seem to be getting some, it’s getting a little difficult. I woke up the other night feeling extremely horny and had to stop myself ravishing Cade whilst he slept. He wouldn’t have appreciated that.”

  He frowned slightly. “At least I don’t think he would.” He thought he might pursue that avenue at a later stage. He quite liked the idea of starting something whilst Cade was asleep with a view to waking him up and carrying on with his warm and willing body.

  I do seem to have found myself a lady friend. She is most…accommodating. And buxom. With long dark hair and legs that are more than willing to wrap themselves around me.

  Taliesin’s voice was satisfied and smug. Quinn laughed loudly.

  “I am glad to hear you’re getting your itch scratched often. I can see I’m going to have to concentrate a little harder keeping
your urges at bay.”

  You are getting more than enough of your own that I can feel, came his Withinner’s dry response.

  I have been looking at the oddity of your eyes changing. I know it has happened since you were a boy but it is happening more often, especially when your emotions run deep. I believe it is simply something that has manifested itself more since the Unity we shared. It is a slight change in your body chemistry and will not harm you.

  Quinn sighed. “Rowan Kirkpatrick’s eyes changed in a similar fashion and Percy said it was because of some herbs he was taking.” He smiled softly. “Cade likes it, anyway; it turns him on and that’s good enough for me. I’m not really fussed about the why. It just makes things look different, that’s all, like auras around everything, in different colours.”

  Then it is of no consequence.

  Taliesin was quiet for a while then spoke suddenly.

  I am being summoned by the lady. I shall no doubt be “getting lucky” again. You may want to block it out.

  Quinn chuckled loudly at his Withinner’s words. He was relieved that everything was all right. He had been a little worried.

  And have no fear that, if you need to invoke me to see Cade when he is away, that I will do anything untoward. I give you my word that I will not do anything to disappoint you again.

  “I appreciate that, old friend. Now go and get your leg over. It’s rude to keep a lady waiting.”

  Quinn grinned to himself at the conversation with his Withinner.

  “One day, mate, you’ll get caught talking to yourself like this and the men in white coats will definitely arrive to take you away.”

  He sat down at his desk and about twenty minutes later the door bell rang. He frowned as he stood up to answer the door. He saw the broad figure of his friend even before he opened it.

  “Jomo, since when do you ring the bell? Haven’t you still got your key?” His words were teasing and Jomo grinned faintly.

  “I was not sure whether I still had that privilege, old friend, after everything that has happened.” He stepped inside and Quinn moved forward to clasp his friend’s shoulder tightly.

  “I know it’s been a little crazy, but you are always welcome here, you know that. This door is always open to you. Come on in, let me make you some coffee and we can talk.”

  The two men went through to the kitchen and Jomo sat down on a bar stool at the island as Quinn made coffee in the machine. Once everything was bubbling and the strong smell of roasted coffee drifted through the air, Quinn sat himself down beside his friend and partner and regarded him thoughtfully.

  “I didn’t realise you were coming over today. But I’m very glad you did. I know we’ve talked and I’ve apologised to you about the state I got into when Cade left me.” He felt very uncomfortable saying these words—one, because it was a lie, two, because it dented his pride a little telling people Cade had left him, even though he knew it was the only option, and three, Jomo’s face looked as if he didn’t believe a word of Quinn’s story.

  The other man smiled softly. “Ah, yes, the separation. You know, I never quite believed that story. Yet I would never pry because you are a true friend and I know you must have a very good reason for the distorting of the truth.”

  Quinn swallowed, looking down at the tabletop guiltily.

  Jomo chuckled as he reached over a huge hand and covered Quinn’s with his own. “No mind. You are here now, back together and things are as they should be. That is all that matters. Are you going to pour me a cup of that lovely coffee or is it just going to turn to tar in the pot?”

  Quinn chuckled and stood up to pour the coffee into mugs, added milk and sugar for Jomo and brought the two mugs over to the kitchen top.

  “How is Ulinda? I haven’t seen her for a while. We need to get together for dinner. I’ll speak to Cade and let the two ladies organise something soon.”

  Jomo nodded. “Ulinda is wonderful. I am still singing for her and keeping her happy.”

  Quinn laughed. “I’m glad to hear it. So what brings you over this way then? Are you thinking of coming back here full time to work?”

  Jomo looked a little embarrassed. “I wasn’t, but if you want me to—”

  Quinn shook his head. “No, I was joking. I know you like working from home with Ulinda there and our Skype calls and conference facilities are more than enough for what we need to get done. I do miss your company though,” he said wistfully. “But I guess that’s what happens when we grow up. We get our own families to manage and things tend to drift apart.”

  “That will never happen,” Jomo said quietly. “We see each other often and talk often and we are still friends. I am always there for you, you know that.”

  “And I for you.” Quinn grinned and the two men sat back, the bromance moment behind them.

  Jomo smiled shyly. “I wanted to stop by and tell you that I am thinking of asking Ulinda to marry me and when she says yes, I want to organise the wedding for about eight to twelve months’ time, depending on what Ulinda wants. I want you to be my best man.”

  Quinn gaped at his friend. “Wow, that’s great news and of course I’ll be your best man. Who else would you choose?”

  He stood up and pummelled his friend on the arm before continuing. “Honestly, take it from a man who’s already there. It’s great being engaged and knowing one day you’ll get married. Then before you know it, babies will be on the way.”

  He felt a surge of envy at that thought. Dinner needed to be scheduled with Misty to introduce her to Cade. Quinn was a little nervous about the topic of discussion. Misty had told him chidingly she believed Cade would be fine with the idea of her carrying their child when they were ready.

  Jomo grinned. “I hope to have Ulinda to myself for a little while before that happens. I cannot think of having a child just yet. I’m glad you have agreed to be best man. It means a lot to me.”

  “It would be an honour,” Quinn said quietly. “After everything we’ve been through together, everything seems to be coming full circle, just like it should.”

  The two men chatted for a while about weddings, work and women and finally Jomo drained the dregs of his umpteenth coffee and stood up.

  “I need to get off,” he apologised. “Ulinda and I have dinner plans and if I’m late, she will kill me. And then you wouldn’t get to be best man.”

  Quinn saw his friend off with the promise of getting in touch to arrange dinner plans and then closed the door behind him. He was pleased for Jomo and Ulinda and knew Cade too would be thrilled at the prospect.

  Chapter 29

  Daniel Wickman looked at his nephew across the Consortium table. The two men were seated together waiting for the rest of the Council members to arrive. Daniel was Quinn’s invited guest, preparing to give feedback on the latest developments within RAW, the Resistance Against Witchhunting organisation, and his double life as a trusted confidante of the Witchunters Alliance.

  Daniel was bone tired. His dual role was definitely starting to wear him down. Just that week he’d been asked to sanction yet another witch killing, one which had thankfully been stopped in time, but he was getting sick to the bone of narrowly averting tragedies.. Quinn had asked him to come along and give an update to the Council, along with the work he was doing with Quinn with the Praetorium and Valensia. For a human, Daniel thought wryly, he’d been drawn into the Fey world more than he’d ever thought possible. It was a side effect of having a witch for his late wife and a Warlock as a foster son. He sensed Quinn’s eyes on him, probing as only his nephew could, with a stare that seemed to bore down deep into his soul.

  “Daniel, are you ready for tonight?” Quinn’s quiet tones harboured a distinct concern. “I know you’re exhausted and I’m really glad you’re here, but it might get a little tough around the table. Barton Sinclair and his little helper Cavanaugh have been doing the rounds the past week or so trying to drum up support for their bid to oust me as Grand Master. Whilst I don’t think they’ve got much
, it will still be a fairly fiery debate, I can promise you.”

  Daniel grunted tiredly. “I know, I’ve heard the scuttlebutt around the cauldron. The Praetorium is no fan of him, I can tell you.” He smiled slightly. “In fact, there’s a current little bit of fun going on in the organisation. Some of the members pick the animal they’d like to turn him into and the weapon of choice to dispatch him with. My personal favourite is a warthog as it comes with a bow and arrow. I fancy me a bit of crackling.”

  Quinn chuckled and Daniel smiled. “Barton Sinclair stands no chance and he must know it. He’s just a big bag of wind who picks at a situation bit by bit in the hopes he can wear you down. He doesn’t know you like I do, or he wouldn’t even bother trying.”

  Quinn nodded. “Thanks for that vote of confidence.”

  Someone came into the room and Daniel’s jaw dropped. The most exotic-looking woman he’d ever seen glided in, her deep, warm red jersey dress clinging to her curves like cling wrap and her deep blue eyes assessing Quinn with a definite predatory look. Daniel wished a woman, any woman, would look at him the way this woman was looking at his nephew. He was sure of one thing: Cade would want to scoop her eyes out with a spoon.

  “Quinn, am I on time? I tried so hard to be fashionably late but it looks like I didn’t try hard enough.” She smiled and reached over to kiss Quinn on the cheek. Quinn nodded.

  “Valensia, glad you made it. Let me introduce you to Daniel Wickman, my uncle, and the man we have to thank for a lot of the intelligence we get from inside the WA.”

  Daniel took the witch’s hand and a tingle swept across his palm as she held it longer than normal.

  “I am indeed indebted to you, Daniel.” Valensia smiled as she regarded his face curiously. “You’re nothing like I thought you would look. I thought you’d be…taller?” She grinned slightly.

  Daniel’s heart skipped a beat. God, what was wrong with him, the woman must be nearly half his age! He was a fifty-two-year-old lecher and she could certainly be no more than thirty—or younger.


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