Book Read Free

Picture Trails

Page 3

by Piper Frost

  “I don’t wear shirts with buttons.” Able cringes. “Not even to weddings. I’m strictly a t-shirt gu—”

  “You don’t own a shirt with buttons?” Annie asks, turning towards him. I smirk and watch him smile at her. The two of them are back to looking at each other like they’re the only ones in the room. I only know this because most of the time when we’re all in the room together they don’t even realize I’m here because they’re so wrapped up into their own world.

  “I think I have one. My Aunt Jenny bought it for me for my first job interview. The collar was so tight, my face was blue by the time I left that place. Didn’t get the job. Never wore a button up shirt again.”

  “Wow” she whispers. “All the guys I ever knew growing up only wore button downs.”

  “Flannel,” I interject. “That’s very different than the stuffy button up Able’s talking about.”

  They both turn and look at me like I have three heads.

  “The point is, Annie,” I stress, “is that you jumped his bones harder than I’ve ever seen you jump anyone’s bones. Able didn’t take advantage of anything but a good time offered to him by a sexy girl last night.” I wink at her. “A sexy girl he’s mad for, am I right, man?” I look at Able who’s seething from his spot.

  “No.” He stands. “Don’t listen to Jimmy. We’re friends. Just friends. And we’re gonna stay friends. Can we drop this yet?”

  “I just texted Kate, actually. She’s home waiting for us. I still have questions. Jimmy wasn’t at the party last night.” Annie stands and looks at me. “Thanks... I think.”

  “Hey, any time.” I take another handful of Cheetos into my mouth and nod at Able as Annie walks to the door.

  “Thanks for that, dick,” he whispers, following her.

  I’m not a dick. I just call it as I see it.

  I unlock the car and head for the drivers side, still rattled but trying not to be. Jimmy’s a stoner. He says weird shit all the time. We’ll talk to Kate and anyone else that can help me fill in these blanks then it’ll be fine. So fine.

  It has to be fine.

  “Hey, can I, uh, can I drive?” Able asks before I get to the door.

  I pause and look at him. He’s addicted to this car and I don’t get it. It’s a car.

  “Nah,” I say, shrugging and smirking at him. “Don’t you have a car to drive?”

  He scratches his head. “So you’re saying you want to drive separate?”

  “No,” I blurt. “I just’s my car.” I laugh. “And it’s not a race car. And every time you drive it you think you’re on a race track.” I pop open the door. “So no. My car.” I puff out a breath, hating that I feel awkward around him right now.

  He gets in and quietly chuckles. “You just look tense is all.” Grabbing my shoulder, he massages a circle right where all my tension builds up at the back of my neck and I almost melt into the seat. “No big deal.” He pushes my slipping hair behind my ear and I look over at his smile. “I just drive it better.” Shrugging, he faces forward.

  My mouth falls open.

  “Um, hi. Who’s got a perfect record? And who’s insurance is high because of the speeding tickets?” I start the engine and glare at him. He doesn’t drive better!

  “Faster is better, babe.” He grins and reaches over, squeezing my thigh, making sure to wiggle his fingers right where I can’t stand it because it tickles like hell.

  “Stop!” I screech. “I have to drive!” I shove his hand away, still laughing. “You’re a jerk.” He keeps touching me. Are we always like this? Maybe he’s always done this. Maybe I’m only now paying more attention to it because of...well...last night.

  “Did you know Tom Freedman moved back to California?” he asks casually, like we’re not dealing with a mini crisis here. “His girl cheated so he just up and left. Said fuck school and fuck all of us. He was a cool guy.” His fingers start fidgeting with my hair that’s slipping from my messy bun. “You’s slipping...just...hang on.” Turning he reaches with both hands and fixes my hair. “There. Still cute.”

  I look into his face as he’s so focused on fixing the bun I wasn’t even worried about when we left the house. Why did it have to be Able? What the hell brought me to my decision last night to potentially ruin a perfectly good friendship? And why does he keep touching me? And why do I suddenly care?

  “I kind of get it,” I finally say when he’s done. “Why stick around when you’re just going to be constantly reminded of what hurt you?”

  “Yeah.” Shrugging he looks out the windshield. “I guess. But like, what about your friends? He was close to his frat brothers. I mean, would you ditch me if something like that happened?”

  I glance over at him, furrowing my brows and seeing him waiting for my response.

  “We’re not a couple. So there’s no chance of you cheating on me because we’re not a thing. So that question doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Whoa.” He laughs. “Cool your jets, mama. I mean if you got cheated on, by some douchebag, then after I beat his ass would you just up and leave? I’m your friend. Probably your best friend. So you’d just ditch me?”

  “It’s not ditching,” I mumble. “I’m not staying here forever, Able. I'm going back home anyway. We both are. Right? After school?” On opposite sides of the country. In different worlds.

  “Yeah.” He’s still smiling but I can see his in deep thought. “It was hypothetical, Annie. I’d never cheat on you. No one would ever cheat on you. And if they did, they never deserved you to begin with,” he trails off and looks out the side window.

  “Yeah,” I laugh lightly. “I mean, I’d have to have a boyfriend first, before he’d have the chance to cheat on me. And that’s not happening so I think you’re good. You’re not getting rid of me just yet.” I shove his arm and park in front of Kate’s place.

  “Just yet,” he mutters before getting out. I look over the top of the car and see him stretch before he looks at me and smiles. “Lets go see Crazy Kate.”

  “Why don’t you like her?” I catch myself looking at the muscles in his arms and wonder what the hell’s gotten into me. This is Able! “She’s a good person.” I walk in front of him up the sidewalk.

  When he grabs my hips abruptly I yelp and he laughs, pulling me back against him but we keep walking. His warmth over my back makes my eyes start to close but upon realizing what I’m doing, I spring them open.

  He leans to my year and whispers, “She fucked three of her professors. Married professors. Kate’s a gem.” His lips smack over my ear then lets me go, falling a step behind with a satisfied smirk on his face that he made his point.

  “Everyone makes mistakes,” I whisper, glancing back at him as I raise my hand to knock.

  When there’s a knock at the door I smile, then remember Able’s tagging along with her and roll my eyes. I like him and all, but he’s in freaking love with her and it’s annoying. She’s way too good for him. He’s dated at least half the student body on this campus. Annie’s way too smart for him and he’s always tagging along like a little puppy. Although, she kinda does the same. But it’s different for her. ‘Cause...well, there’s just no way she’s into him like that.

  “Hello.” I smile when I open the door then shift my eyes to Able. “Able.”

  “Kate,” he mumbles walking in past me, and no surprise, goes right for my kitchen. All that guy does is eat, workout, and play video games.

  I kiss Annie’s cheek. “How are you feeling, drunky?”

  “Hungover.” She closes the door behind her and heads for the kitchen. No big surprise there. Can’t lose track of her puppy. “I’m making a Bloody Mary. You want one?”

  “You’re killing a hangover with more alcohol?” I follow her. “Okay. I’m down. Let’s ignore it’s only eleven in the morning. You two still smell drunk though.” I cringe when I enter the room and all I smell is liquor.

  “Yeah,” she says, then turns and leans against the counter after handin
g me my glass. “What happened last night, Kate?”

  “I’ll tell you what didn’t happen. Me and John didn’t hook up. Again. I swear he’s gay. Who wouldn’t be all over this?” I spin with my hands up.

  “Me. For one,” Able grumbles, grabbing Annie’s glass and taking a sip before gagging. “Tomatoes.”

  “What’d you think was in a Bloody Mary, idiot? And you’d never even have a chance with me. Girls like me and Annie don’t go for.” I curl my lip and gesture to him.

  He’s extremely attractive but he’s just not our type of guy.

  “Hey, don’t lump me into that. There’s nothing wrong with Able.” She takes the glass from his hand and brings it to her lips while he watches her like a hawk. Always watching her every move. Creeper.

  “Yeah, whatever. Anyway, last night was fun.” I shrug. “I mean, you got really, really trashed. So much so that you tried to fight what’s her name.” I snap and look at Able. He knows who I’m talking about. It’s his latest ex-skank.

  “I didn’t try to fight anyone. I wouldn’t do something that would get me kicked out of here,” Annie mumbles, drinking her concoction that tastes nothing like a Bloody Mary. But, there’s alcohol.

  “Uh, yeah you did.”

  “I really tried to fight someone?” She looks up at me and I nod, laughing.

  “Yeah. That one girl that keyed Able’s car. This girl.” I pull out my phone and open my pictures. “Aww, look how cute we are.” I turn my phone her way and show her our before picture. Before she got wasted. Able leans in and smirks.

  “Cute,” he says and I stare at him a minute. He really likes her. I almost feel bad for him.

  “This girl.” I find the picture of Able and that dumb girl hanging on him. “You were so drunk, I think you forgot she tried to run you over in the campus parking lot last week,” I tell him, turning the phone so he can see who I’m talking about.

  “Barb.” He rolls his eyes. “You didn’t try to fight her.” Chuckling he looks at Annie.

  “I swear,” I claim. “Able was all over her and...”

  Oh...oh no. Annie likes Able. How is this just hitting me now? I think I just wanted to avoid that thought. Oh, sad day. I pout but continue on my story.

  “And she was just being annoying. Annie tried to fight her.” I shrug, trying to blow it off because I don’t even think Annie realizes she likes Able. And once she does. Well, poor Able’s gonna lose his friend because she’d never date a guy like him. Oh well. I smile at Annie, waiting for her reaction.

  “I can’t believe...” She laughs. “How the hell did I get so drunk I don’t remember fighting her and f—” she looks at Able and stops mid-sentence. “Forgetting everything else last night too.” She shakes her head. “You have any more pictures from the party? Maybe it’ll answer all these questions.”

  “You two didn’t actually fight. But at one point you and Stacy Edwards acted like Able’s security and if Barb even looked his way, you tried to claw her eyes out. Didn’t you fuck Stacy Edwards too, Able?” I give him a shitty grin and he glowers at me, his arms crossed over his chest.

  “No, Kate, unlike you, I don’t have to sleep with everyone I meet.”

  “Hmm,” I coo at him so I don’t punch him, then hand Annie my phone. “Scroll. There’s a hilarious one of you doing a keg stand while Able tries to hold you up, hold his beer, and keep your skirt closed. It’s hilarious.” I sip my drink.

  “Oh my god,” she groans, grabbing my phone. I watch her face morph into embarrassment as she scrolls through the pictures and lands on the keg stand. “I’ve never done a keg stand before!” She keeps scrolling and her eyebrows push together. “Man, Able, that whore was all over you last night.” She zooms in and shakes her head, then glances over at him. “You want to see?”

  “See what?” He snickers. “She’s just some crazy girl. Which, Miss Priss, is why I ended it with her. Not because I suck at all relationships.” He pokes her side and she giggles, making me sigh.

  I don’t know how I didn’t realize it. I knew right away he was in love with her, but I didn’t see her falling for him. I don’t want her to. We’re supposed to date sexy twin brothers that wear suits and make millions. We’re going to have matching dogs and mansions. She’s not supposed to end up with someone like Able Porter!

  “I never blamed it all on you,” she whispers, handing my phone back to me. “So...” She pulls a pad of paper out of her purse. “What time did we leave the party?”

  My brows raise and I glance at Able. He’s got a look like he knows she’s crazy, but fully expects me to indulge.

  “Are you...taking notes. What is all this for? Did you lose something or something? Why are you trying to figure out what happened last night?” I look from him to her. She glances back at him and lets out a sigh.

  “We woke up together. In bed. And neither of us really...remember...what happened.” Her cheeks turn pink and Able is just standing there. Staring at her.

  I never thought I’d see the day. I really never, ever thought she’d fall for that cute face and those abs. She’s not a fuck buddy type of girl! What the hell is she doing!

  “You what?” I shriek when it all hits me. I fan my face and start to pace. Maybe I’m overreacting but he got to her. The slime ball. He made her think he’s actually charming. He’s not! He’s just sexy! Annie knows better than to fall for the guy who’s got nothing going for him but looks. “It’s okay! It’s fine! Who cares! You two were drunk. This doesn’t mean anything.” I’m still fanning and pacing.

  “Thank you. I told you,” Able says to her.

  “For starters, sex can’t just not mean something,” she says. “And why’s it so bad I’m curious to find out what happened last night? It freaks me out not knowing where I was or what I was doing.” She’s rambling while jotting down something on the paper and Able sighs.

  Oh good God. The poor girl has no idea. Come to think of it, I’ve never known Annie to fall in love with anyone. She’s extremely level headed and believes the brain leads every action. I mean technically, yeah sure. But she’s going to analyze this until she figures out she’s in love with Able. Hearts suck.

  “I mean, you were with Able.” I shrug. “He always takes good care of you.” I give him a weak smile, because it’s true. He’s a big oaf but he does treat her good. “Not like you were with strangers. You were with your friends. Doing keg stands.” I try to chuckle but I am having an extremely hard time with this.

  “We just had fun.” He puts his arm around her shoulders. “No big deal. I’m just grateful I was with you and not Kate or it woulda been her I woke up with.” He cringes and I scoff while she gasps.

  Stupid idiot. This is why she doesn’t need to be with a guy like him.

  “See,” she says, stepping away from him. “This is why every relationship you’re in ends. You say the worst things!” She shakes her head and walks into the living room. “So, what time did we leave the party?” She’s still gripping the notepad and Able’s standing in the kitchen staring at her with his hand on his neck like even he’s scared of her realizing how he feels.

  “I left the party with John at eleven thirty and you two were still there.” With their foreheads pushed together, whispering on the front porch. I’m not telling them that part. “So sorry, I'm not sure what time you guys left.” I shrug and take my phone from the counter. “Able, look.” I turn to him and show him a picture of me in a jean jacket and only a bra and giggle.

  “Sick.” He pushes the phone down and scowls at me. “Put that shit away, Kate. No one wants to see that. No one.”

  I roll my eyes and think about how mean it would be of me to try and date him. But if I did that, Annie would surely never date him. She’d probably hate him. I don't think I could even go through with that plan, but it’s for her benefit.

  “You like it,” I mutter and Annie snatches my phone to see and guilt fills my gut. I don’t want to hurt her, but I should probably try and stop her from realizin
g she likes him.

  “Why’d you show him that?” She stares at the phone then looks at me. “And who took this?”

  “I did. For John. And Able likes it. You know he’s crushing on me.” I grin at him and he’s staring at me like my head’s a huge zit.

  “What the fuck?” Shaking his head, he walks away and I meekly look at Annie with a shrug.

  “He’s not.” She nervously laughs. “Not that you’re not pretty but he doesn’t...” She pauses and her eyebrows push together like she’s trying to figure out why it made her feel the way it did when I showed him that.

  I could tell her. But I refuse to be the reason she figures out what she’s feeling is more than friendship.

  “Hey, Annie!” Able calls from the other room. “Corben texted. He wants to know if we want to grab lunch. You hungry again? Kate’s house always gives me a headache. I think it’s the cheap perfume.”

  “Excuse you!” I squawk.

  “We should go before she murders you,” Annie says to Able after walking past me. “Thanks, Kate. I’ll text you later.”

  “You want to stay?” I grab her arm desperately. “He can go play with his friends alone. You two don’t always have to be together on your free time.” I roll my eyes.

  She grins after looking at Able and gives me a brief hug. “I’ll message you later on. Love you,” she says before sliding towards Able on her way to the door.

  “Able, I’ll be sure to tell Barb you had a great time Saturday when I see her in class tomorrow,” I tell him, watching him wrap his arm around her shoulders.

  “I’ll be sure to give Corben your phone number too,” he retorts and I scoff, slamming the door after they exit.

  We make it out to my car and Able steals the keys from me before I have a chance to offer for him to drive. My uncle Bo gave this car to me. It’s a nicer than most of the students here will ever be able to afford. Able just likes to see how fast he can get it before I scream at him to slow down.

  “One of these days you’re going to get put in jail for racing,” I say as he revs the engine.


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