Book Read Free

Picture Trails

Page 5

by Piper Frost

  “Maybe Jimmy slipped us something before we left. I don’t remember any of these pictures.” He chuckles, and scrolls through a couple. “And I never drive like that.”

  “Well one of you drove. I didn’t pay too much attention, there were too many chicks here last night for me to worry about you two.” I wink at Annie and she rolls her eyes.

  “So we left together,” she mumbles, pulling out her notepad to take notes.

  “Who have you interrogated today?” I laugh, seeing all her chicken scratch.

  “You, Jimmy, and Kate.”


  “Okay, cool cool.” I bite my lip, remembering how much of a good time that friend of hers was. “So, Jessica and Ashley were there. Maybe they can tell you more?”

  Annie scowls at the mention of the girls. “I don’t know if I want to see them hang all over Able just to get answers,” she mumbles quietly then gasps and looks up at us. “Sorry. I didn’t mean that.”

  Yeah she did.

  “So can we end this now? It was alcohol’s fault. We’re sober today. Back to ourselves. Awesome roommates.” He holds up his hand for a high five but she leaves him hanging so I lean over and slap his hand, getting a scowl from him.

  “You two are awesome roommates,” I agree. Would be even more awesome as a couple, but I feel like if I push it further right now he might actually punch me.

  “Yeah,” Annie says, putting her notepad away. “Thanks, Corben. I’m ready to go. Bro-house smells like shit and it’s not helping the hangover.”

  “Funny,” I say, rolling my eyes. “I haven’t shit yet today so it should smell like roses.”

  She scowls at me and Able chuckles.

  “Later, dude. And clean up your yard before you get another eviction notice.” He waits for Annie to stand then lets her lead the way to the door, but he opens it for her.

  The man’s got it hard. And as they walk down the sidewalk to her car and he wraps his arm around her shoulder, I start to see that she’s in the same boat. She just doesn’t know it yet.

  “So, home finally? I could use a nap.” I open her car door then get in the driver seat. “Unless you want to go drag racing.” I grin.

  “Oh uh,” she mumbles, checking her phone. “We’re actually going to head to Ashley’s house.” She taps the address into her GPS and grins over at me. “But I didn’t tell her you were coming. You can stay in the car if you want.”

  “You embarrassed to be seen with me, southern girl?” I chuckle.

  “Naw.” She giggles. “But girls are annoying when they fall over themselves to impress you.” She rolls her eyes and leans back on the passenger seat.

  “Not everyone can resist this Porter.” I reach over and pull the hair from her lip. “It takes a special kind of woman. Like my super awesome roommate. You sure we can’t just skip it and go home? Maybe take a nap on the couch after we eat Jimmy’s cookie dough.”

  “How are you hungry?” She laughs, ignoring my comment about resisting me. “I could use a nap. But I just want to talk to Ashley, okay? And maybe a couple others just to fill in some blanks. Then we can nap, absolutely.” She reaches over and pats my knee. “You’ll survive, princess.”

  “I don’t know. You don’t get this good looking with only a couple hours of sleep.” I smile over at her. “But if we have to go there, we gotta stop at Teddy’s. He's got my headset and I want it back.”

  “On the way home, fine.” She moans. “Okay fine, I’m a little hungry too.”

  “I knew you would be.” I whip into the parking lot of Del Taco. “Drive thru or go in?” I look at her.

  “Go in. I don’t like fast food in the car.” She grins at me. “Still smells like new leather.”

  “Still smells like new leather,” I mock her accent. “So, you finally decided we can all know you’re from the south? I hate to say it, but Corben knows where you came from. He’s probably pretty disappointed you faked not having an accent this whole time.”

  “Screw Corben,” she mumbles, her brows furrowed. “I let it slip the whole time?” She looks over at me with a confused look on her face.

  “Like a landslide.” I grin and get out, jogging around to her side. When she gets out, I squat down for her to get on my back. “You ever ride a wild bull?” I grip her thighs tight.

  She laughs hard and wraps her arms around my shoulders. “I told you I wasn’t allowed to even look at a bull.” She laughs. “But I used to ride show horses when I was younger.”

  “Shit, I can’t be a show horse. But I can be a bucking bronco.”

  I start spinning, acting like I’m going to fling her from my back but she holds on tight and I hold on tighter, loving every second of her laughter. And when my hand accidentally shifts to her ass, I don’t move it. I can’t or I’ll drop her. When we get to the door and an old woman looks at us like we’re young punks, I burst into laughter and let Annie down, having to sit on the curb before I puke from all that.

  “You couldn’t be a bucking bronco.” She laughs. “Broncos don’t care if you fall off or not. You were all about keeping me safe.” Sitting next to me and nudging me, she sighs. “You always do that, you know?”

  I groan while my stomach rolls. Apparently my hangover isn’t as mild as I thought.

  “Do what?” I ask, pushing my face into her neck, trying to stop my spinning head and stomach by calming myself with her smell.

  “Keep me safe. Take care of me.” She lays her head on top of mine and sighs. “Like a few weeks ago when I was sick and you did all my laundry and cleaning so I could focus on not failing my final.”

  “What’re friends for.” I inhale deep, getting that calm feeling I was hoping for. “You take care of me too. Like now. I could puke all over you and you’re not pushing me away.” I chuckle.

  “Only because I could puke all over you too so we’re kind of even.” She pats my cheek. “But I’m very, very hungry. Like, I could eat an entire hog, hungry.” She sits up straight, making my head bob up. “So let’s go. Before I decide to start eating body parts.”

  With a roar, I jump to my feet. “Zombies!” I scream as she scrambles to her feet. I chase her through the doors and she almost wipes out but I grab her hips, pulling her back against me and something just changes. I feel like I was just punched in the chest with an overwhelming need to be with her. Forever. I’ve kept my feelings under control this long. And it’s going to have to stay that way. Our laughter dies down and I forget to let her go. “Careful.” I clear my throat, letting my hands slip from her. It takes a minute for her to move away, but she does, and skips to the counter. “Whatever your heart desires. It’s on me.” I grab my parents’ credit card. Thank god for my parents.

  “It’s on—” She grabs the card. “Liam Porter.” She quirks an eyebrow at me. “I’ll make sure to FaceTime your dad and thank him.” She winks then turns to the cashier. “Can I have four tacos, an order of mini churros, a large Mt. Dew, and some jalapeño poppers.” She smiles then looks back at me. “You want anything, princess?”

  I hip check her out of my way but reach out, not letting her get too far. I order an Oreo shake I know she loves. I think they’re gross but she loves them so I’ll do what I normally do and pretend I'm too full and she’ll eat it.

  “Whoever finishes their tacos last owes the other.” I quirk my eyebrow at her as we sit down with our food.

  “Owes them what?” She laughs, taking a huge bite. “Are you going to drink that?” She nods at my shake.

  “I thought I was but I don’t think I can.” I pass it to her. “And just owes the other person. Like you gotta do the dishes next time it’s my turn. Or help me cheat on my physics test next week.” I grin before shoving half my taco into my mouth.

  “I’m not helping you cheat, dork.” She takes a huge drink of the shake and moans this sexy as hell noise. “But I’ll help you cram so maybe you won’t fail it.” She pops a popper into her mouth.

  “Sure, but that won’t count. You’ll owe
me something else then.” I finish off my second taco while she’s focused on the shake and poppers. I wonder if a replay of last night is something I could request. Sober this time so I can remember it.

  “I don’t like owing people anything,” she says then glances up at me and bats her eyelashes “I also don’t like losing.” She pops another popper in her mouth and completely ignores her tacos.

  “You’re definitely going to lose.” I nod to her tacos and bite into my third. “I’m already coming up with my favor.”

  She slowly picks up her taco and shoves it so far into her mouth she almost fits the entire thing in one bite.

  “Sho goo,” she mumbles through a full mouth, then moans and chews while trying not to laugh.

  “Jesus, you’re going to choke. I swear to god if you die by taco I’ll kill you.” I break my taco in half and start shoving.

  She’s trying to race, but she’s not going to beat me. She has a big mouth, that’s obvious, but I’ve got speed eating down to an art. By the time I swallow the last of my taco, she’s still trying to shove hers into her mouth.

  She pauses, her eyes going wide, and before I know what’s happening, she’s almost tripping over the chair, trying to run to the bathroom. The door slams and I want to follow her but everyone’s staring at us and I’m not sure what the hell to do. I stand by the bathroom door, waiting for her to come out and when she does, her pink chinks and frown makes me chuckle.

  “Do you feel any better?” I ask and offer her the shake.

  “God,” she grumbles, taking it. “Thank god I carry a toothbrush around with me. My mouth tasted terrible.” She cringes and takes a drink. “Whose stupid idea was that?”

  “Yours.” I sip my drink. “Anyway. I won.” I wrap my arm over her shoulders and guide her out the doors while people giggle. Like they never puked in a fast food bathroom before. “So my favor. Hmm.” I tap my chin.

  “Able!” someone yells my name and I look across the parking lot seeing Barb.

  “Shit,” I huff.

  “Hey! So good to see you last night!” She’s shuffling toward us in heels and looks like she never went home to change from last night.

  “Kiss me. That’s my favor. Kiss me so she gets the hint,” I blurt quickly at Annie.

  Her eyebrows furrow at Barb and she turns in my arms, looking up at me. Her eyes flick to my lips and she pushes up on her tiptoes. Her lips push against mine and her body melts into me slowly as her arms wrap around my neck.

  I meant a peck. I meant just to ward off Barb. This is sending a clear signal from a mile away and I wasn’t expecting that. By the time I realize she’s actually kissing me and I go to wrap my arms around her, she pulls away. She scowls at Barb then pulls me to the car. I don’t even know what to say.

  “Hi, Barb,” Annie croons as we pass by. “Have a great day. We have to get home.” She reaches up and pecks my cheek again before handing me the keys.

  I don’t bother saying anything. I open her door and wait until she’s in. Looking at Barb, she’s shooting eye daggers at me and I can’t help but laugh. But I’m not laughing because of Barb. She freaking kissed me. Annie Kenshaw soberly kissed me.

  “Thanks,” I say, starting the car. “I think that worked. She looked pretty devastated.” I step on the gas and pull out of the parking lot on cloud fucking nine.

  I stroll down the stairs when I see Able. Annie said she was stopping in, but I didn’t know with him. And when my sorority sister said he was with her, I ran to the stairs faster than a whore in church. But now I’m casual as I try to prance down the stairs, hoping he notices me.

  “Oh hey.” I smile at her then look at him. “Hi, Able.”

  “Sup.” He nods and looks around.

  “So, what’s up?” I look at Annie but can’t keep my eyes from him long. He looks so good in that blue shirt. It matches his eyes. God and that stubble. Mmm. I’m not sure why he’s with Annie Kenshaw. But whatever. They’re roommates but no way he’d be into the brainiac.

  “Were you at the party last night?” She crosses her arms in front of her and doesn’t' even try to make herself comfortable. She sticks out like a sore thumb in sorority.

  “Um. Of course.” I snicker and roll my eyes. “I’m at every party Corben throws. In fact, half the student body wouldn’t be at his parties if it weren’t for me. So yeah. I was there. We took like literally six thousand pics together.”

  “Awesome, can I see them?” She holds her hand out like she expects me to hand over my phone.

  “’Scuse you?” I chuckle. “What’s wrong with your voice? Are you...deaf? You’re talking like you’re deaf.”

  “I’m...” she looks at Able then glares are me. “I’m not deaf. And there’s nothing wrong with my voice.”

  “No. You literally sound deaf. Doesn’t she?” I look at Able.

  “Uh, no. That’s kind of offensive, Ashley. What’s wrong with you?”

  “What? I’m just saying, she doesn’t usually sound like this. Like...a hick or something.”

  “Okay, so does she sound deaf or like a hick?” He folds his arms over his chest and I focus on the lines of muscles.

  “Both, I guess.” I shrug. “You just kind of sound stupid.”

  “Oh my god,” Annie huffs then looks at him. “I’m going to jail for murder.”

  “Who’d you kill?” I gasp and look between them. “Hey, do you guys know Steve Fury? He was at the party last night. I heard he killed a guy before. You were talking to him last night so doesn’t surprise me you probably killed someone too.” I scowl at Annie. “But that was when Able was busy.” I move toward him. “Remember.” I grin at him and he looks down at me confused. “You held my beer bong.” I grab my phone and flick to the picture.

  He’s holding the bong up, making sure I don’t choke. I even think his body’s kind of turned toward me. A clear sign you’re into someone.

  “Look how cute we are together.” I shove it toward his face.

  “Uh.” He jerks back and looks at Annie. “Cool.”

  “Mind if I take a look? I’m just looking for something.” She snatches the phone out of my hand and Able steps closer to see my phone. That’s so adorable he wants to see what’s on my phone.

  “Looks like you got sick last night too.” He softly rubs her hair when she frowns at him and I step closer.

  “I got sick last night too.” I pout, nudging him a little.

  “Bummer,” he mutters, keeping his eyes on the phone. “Shit.” He points. “Look at all those shot glasses. What the fuck.”

  “You guys got into a shot-off with Teddy. He’s notorious for like literally taking nine hundred shots in a night and not dying. You two tried to out-shoot him. That’s when you started puking in the sink.” I cringe at Annie, hoping she feels gross. Even though I puked in the same sink, but she looked ugly when she did it.

  “You can’t literally have nine hundred shots and still be alive,” Annie mumbles, swiping through the pictures. She stops on one of her and Able yelling at each other and looks up at me. “What the hell happened here?”

  “Oh, play live.” I reach over and hold my thumb on the phone.

  “No! Your music sucks!” he yells before the picture snaps.

  “He thinks your music sucks and you kept trying to take over the radio. I mean, frankly, he’s not wrong. I like what he listens to.” I smile at him and he looks at me confused. “Like, literally.”

  “Of course you do,” Annie mumbles. “And my taste of music is mature. Good. Not annoying.” She rolls her eyes as she starts flipping through the pictures again.

  Able starts to laugh and I want to melt at that sound. God, he’s perfect.

  “Look. I guess you won. You always do.” His hand grabs her hair and he wraps it around his fingers while they study the picture.

  “Oooh, let me see. “I push between them, hoping he pulled her hair, but he backs away and I see the picture of Annie’s stupid grin while she points to the screen on the radio a
nd it says Taylor Swift. “You look cute, Able.” I focus on his smooth smirk. “Do you like Taylor Swift?” I spin to face him but Annie pushes my phone at me.

  “I’ve seen enough,” she blurts, grabbing his arm. “Thanks for uh...that.” She heads for the door with Able on her heels.

  “Yeah. Sure.” I have no idea what the hell that was all about, but whatever. Able Porter was literally in my sorority.

  “What a waste of human life,” I mumble, sliding into the passenger seat when Able opens the door for me. I hate that girl. I hate her flirting. I hate her ignorance. I hate her.

  “Geez, Annie. Meow.” He chuckles and closes my door, clicking the remote start on his walk around the front.

  “You’re a nerd,” I say, adjusting the fan so it’s hitting me in the face. God, she makes me to mad.

  “Why’d you want to come here anyway? No one likes Ashley. Literally.” He leans over, coming toward my face and I jerk back, not sure what he’s doing, but I thought he was going to kiss me. He buckles my belt.

  “Thanks,” I mumble. I don’t want another kiss. He’s my roommate. I have...rules and shit.

  “I don’t know why. I have this obsessive need to talk to everyone that was there to figure out what happened.” Although it’s becoming rapidly clear. We drank a shit ton last night. More than I’ve ever drank before. I still don’t get how that much alcohol would make me do what I did with someone I’m not supposed to do that with though!

  “I can tell you what happened.” He pushes my chin a little until I look at him. “Alcohol. I know there’s that saying your actions when your drunk are your sober thoughts. But it’s not true, ya know.” He glances at me, pulling onto the road.

  “Yeah,” I whisper. Though everything I’ve read about being that plastered is the exact opposite of what he’s saying. It’s when you stop worrying about what people will think and just do whatever the hell you’ve always wanted to do.


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