Book Read Free

Picture Trails

Page 9

by Piper Frost

  Paige checks her phone at the same time and squeals. “Hey Uncle Grant’s here for my lesson.” She hops to the door and slides her shoes on with a huge smile to her face.

  “You're going to kill yourself with those planes,” I mutter. I don’t like the thought of her piloting a plane but she, and everyone else in this family, doesn’t see a problem with it. I’m shocked, too, that dad’s even letting her train with Grant with all the dumb shit I’ve known him to do.

  “Yeah, yeah. Remind me not to cart your ass around either when I finally get my license.” She slams the door behind her.

  I spend the rest of the night watching re-runs of home movies from when I was a little girl and wake up with a jolt at two a.m. when Able comes stumbling in through the door of our house. A house just on the outskirts of my parent's property. Close enough to the ranch to be close to work but far enough away we feel like we have some privacy. Which is needed when everyone in town uses your parents' house as their own.

  “You’re home late,” I say as he wraps his arms around me and lies on top of me on the couch. He smells like he’s been at a bonfire all night. Delicious. And warm. “Did you have fun?” Tonight was a sort of bachelor party for Able. He refused to have one but from what my mom told me, the guys weren’t going to let him get away without one so they started a bonfire by the lake and were planning a huge ‘guys only’ party. I’m happy he’s made such good friends out here.

  “Yeah,” he mutters with his face pushed into my hair. “I’m happy I’m home.”

  “Awe,” I croon. “Did princess drink too much and party too hard with the old folk?” I pet his hair and run my other hand down his back.

  “Your Uncle’s are crazy, add my dad.” He shakes his head a little but shifts, like we’re going to sleep here.

  “We get an entire weekend of that, babe,” I say, laughing. “Come on. Let’s get to bed. I have to be up early tomorrow morning.” I try to roll us off the couch but he groans and holds onto me tighter.

  “Let’s camp out. On the couch.” I think he just drooled on me, and when he slurps like he has no control of his mouth I groan, shoving him again. “Annie, snuggle me.” He holds me tighter and I groan.

  “Fine,” I mumble. “But if you drool on me again I’m out.” I resign to sleeping on the couch tonight and set the alarm on my phone before curling into him. His snores echo in the room before I can close my eyes for the night.

  God, I pray this week goes well.


  By the time my wedding day comes I’m a ball of nerves. The week hasn’t gone too terrible. Able’s family, for the most part, has fit right in. Aside from his aunt Megan who’s terrifying to be around, everyone else feels like they’re already family. His uncle Jack and my uncle Bo are best friends now and Bo’s wife Kinlee has snagged Jack and his wife Jenny for a new magazine cover she’s working on. Able’s mom and my aunt Kaydence have hit it off. I think Able’s mom has baby fever because Kaydence has been carting around her newborn everywhere and Able’s mom hasn’t been able to leave the two of them alone. Able’s dad and uncle Chase have been at the tattoo shop a ton with Uncle Tommy and Uncle Grant. Their wives, Affton and Carter, seem to be the only two who aren’t nervous around Able’s aunt Megan. It’s a circus around here, but somehow it’s working.

  As for my mom? She won’t leave my side. I think she’s more nervous than I am for this whole weekend. Able’s dad, Liam, and my mom talked for hours last night after the rehearsal dinner about their tattoos, showing off their favorites and bonding. I think it made my dad a bit nervous, to be honest. Able’s dad is a force. He owns any room he steps into, even halfway across the country when the room is filled with people he just met.

  Today is wedding day. And as excited as I am for it, I also feel like I could vomit. I haven’t seen Able since last night. He snuck over around midnight to kiss me goodnight but his dad and Tommy found him, so it didn’t last long before he was being carted away again. Once I see him it’ll be perfect, but until then I’m going to be a ball of nerves.

  "Are you sure it’s not too...simple?” I glance at my aunt Affton who designed the dress exactly as I asked for. I wanted short with no lace and only a little bit of bling to it. Simple. I don’t want it to drag on the ground of the barn. I know these grounds too well to know that even after an entire day of cleanup, my sibling couldn’t have cleaned up all the animal shit. And the last thing I want is my dress to have that on it.

  “It is not simple at all. Suits you perfect.” She smiles dotingly.

  “It’s beautiful, Affy.” I smile back at her. “But I know it’s not traditional and now I’m worried people are going to—” she cuts me off with a finger in the air.

  “No you don’t. This dress is the most beautiful dress I’ve designed because it’s your vision come to light. If you walked around worrying about what other people thought all the time, your head would pop off. Now stop dissing my hard work.” She winks at me, fully knowing that’s not what I meant. I grin, hugging her.

  “It’s perfect,” Able’s mom whispers from the corner where she’s attempting not to cry. “My son better know he got the perfect girl. And if he ever mistreats you I’ll be the first to kick his ass.” She sniffles and my mom smiles at her then looks at me.

  “You picked a good man to marry, Annie,” my mom says. “Able knows what’s good for him, and that’s you. You’re good for everyone and I know I tell you almost daily, but I really am glad you’re back home. Even if you are all grown up.” She moves in for a hug and chuckles. “Alright, we gotta stop. I’m going to ruin my makeup.”

  A quiet knock comes at the door and my grandma peeks her head in. “It’s time, dear.” She’s smiling so bright it’s contagious.

  We head to the back door and I pause to take in the view. Almost two hundred people in their seats and a white runway pulled from my parents’ back door all the way to the altar at the entrance to the barn. My family and Able’s family...our family now...put in a lot of work over the last two days to transform this ranch into the most romantic place this state’s ever seen. I left the men in charge of hanging the paper lanterns and stringing lights throughout the grounds while the girls took on the smaller, finer details. And it’s perfect. Absolutely perfect.

  Able’s dad meets us as the back door and smiles at me then leans in for a tight hug.

  “Welcome to the family, Annie. Make sure you treat him good, but don’t be too lenient. I know he can be an asshole.” He quietly chuckles. “But his got a good heart, and it belongs to you.”

  “Thank you.” I swallow the knot in my throat and turn towards my dad, gripping onto his arm and watching Mr. Porter walk his wife and my mom down the aisle. “You ready, old man?” I try to joke with my dad but he looks down at me with tears in his eyes. Shit. “Don’t cry, daddy,” I whisper, biting back a tear. “It’s a happy day!” My body’s trembling but not with nervousness. Well...kind of with nerves. But more with sheer excitement and a little bit of emotion mixed in.

  “You’re my baby girl.” He smiles at me. “But you’re not a baby anymore.”

  “I haven’t been one in a long time either, dad.” I huff. “Let’s move it before you ruin the makeup mom worked so hard on.” I nudge him off the back porch and he clears his throat. “I’m proud of you, Annie. I don’t tell you that enough but I’m so proud of you.” He grins. “Dammit, the day you were born feels just like yesterday. I was so unprepared for you. I was scared shitless. But somehow you looked up at me with those big brown eyes and I knew we were all going to end up okay.”

  “I’d say we’re better than okay.” I smile. “The Kenshaws are pretty epic if you ask me.”

  “Damn right.” He chuckles. “We are, aren’t we?”

  As we walk down the aisle my eye catches Able’s and my heart flutters. He’s handsome as ever in his grey suit with crisp white button up shirt that my aunt Affton had to threaten him within an inch of his life to wear. That was a fun battle. I swear, if
he could have shown up here in a pair of torn jeans and a t-shirt he would have.

  But damn, he cleans up nice.

  We pass by my entire family as we make our way to the alter and there’s not a dry eye in the place. Even Uncle Grant, who’s usually cracking a joke about something, looks like his eyes are glassy.

  The soft music flows through the air and yet, with all these people around, all that seems to exist is me and Able.

  It’s always been me and Able.

  My dad stops and steps slightly in front of me when we get to the front. He takes my hand and puts it in Able’s and Able looks at him with more respect than I thought possible.

  “I have millions of ways to dispose of a body,” he whispers to Able. “Don’t you dare think about hurting my little girl.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it, sir. But you couldn’t catch me even if you pulled out one of those four wheelers, old man,” he whispers and grins.

  “Welcome to the family, son,” my dad says smiling then bends and kisses me on the cheek before sitting in the front row with my mom. I can’t look at either of them right now or I may end up in tears because watching my dad cry, even if it’s happy tears, is not something I ever want to see.

  Able takes my hand and looks down at me with a soft smile on his face.

  “You’re really pretty, Annie Porter.” He smiles wide upon saying it and I start to giggle. “Thank you for loving me. And never putting scorpions in my bed. Thank you for always being my awesome roommate extraordinaire.” His hand raises for a high five and I don’t deny him. “You’ve always been pretty, beautiful, hot, sexy, cute, all wrapped into one. My perfect girl.”

  I can feel the blush creeping into my cheeks as we step forward and the service begins. It’s kind of a blur, to be honest. I’m nervous and excited and antsy. I’ve been waiting for this day for years. I was never the little girl that planned her dream wedding and I didn’t even see it in my future when I left for college. But Able changed everything in my life. I couldn’t see a life here on the ranch without him.

  So by the time we’re pronounced husband and wife and our guests are cheering as we walk down the aisle I’ve forgotten all about the nerves of having such different dynamics of families all meshed together. I’ve forgotten to be nervous about how I look. I’ve forgotten to be nervous about something screwing up. Because with him next to me, it’s hard to be nervous about much.

  The drinks are flowing the minute we all make it to our seats in the barn and after some heartfelt speeches by a few of my siblings and one hilarious one by Able’s younger brother, the party takes off. It’s midnight before I even have a chance to stop and pee and find Able again. He and I tried staying together but the amount of people wanting to talk to us is insane! Who would have thought a wedding would be this exhausting?

  “Hey,” I say, sliding next to him and pecking a kiss on his cheek. “How’s it going?” He turns and starts to nuzzle my neck, sending goosebumps over my skin.

  “I can’t wait to get out of here and get you into our bed and between your thiiii....” A hand clamps onto his shoulder and he freezes.

  “Into a nice pair of sweats and in separate beds?” My uncle Bo asks and my eyes go wide with embarrassment.

  “Uh, yes. Exactly where I was going with that.” Able’s cheeks are as red as my roses.

  “Thought so.” Bo looks at me and winks. “You’re beautiful, darlin’. I gotta get Aunt Kinlee home for the night.” He moves in for a hug.

  “Thanks Uncle Bo,” I say, then hug Kinlee goodbye. “So you were saying?” I smirk at Able as the three of them walk away.

  “My face between your thighs and—”

  “That’s how diseases spread,” Grant says, popping up behind us. “Stay celibate. This wedding was fucking amazing. Knew it would be, I helped put it together. So yeah.” He nods, glancing around. “Don’t cash that check I wrote you for like two weeks, cool?”

  “Uh, sure?” I laugh and watch as Carter, his wife, walks up and smacks him on the back of the head.

  “Don’t listen to him.” She moves in for a hug. “He’s just a tight ass. You look beautiful, Annie.” She looks at Able and hugs him. “And you better take care of her. Treat her right.”

  “Till the day I die.” He smiles at me, pulling me a little closer. Carter makes this little sigh noise and excuses herself and Grant.

  When we’re finally alone again I reach up on my tiptoes and push my lips to Able’s neck. “So,” I whisper. “Wanna get out of here?” Because I do. I love these people, but I’ve just spent an entire day looking at this man in this suit and wanting to peel it off of him. It’s been torture not being able to touch him like I want to.

  I look into his eyes and can see that he’s ready to bolt, but before he can answer, there’s a shrill scream of laughter from the dance floor.

  “Yee-haw, baby!” Able’s aunt Jenny screams while Jack gallops around the dance floor with her on his back. “Buck, Jack!”

  “Fuck my life,” Able says in horror. It’s like a car wreck, he can’t look away.

  “Oh this is good,” I whisper, unable to tear my eyes away. Jenny’s got Jack’s tie backwards and is using it as reins and his face is beet red. She’s yelling for her bull to go faster and laughing while the dance floor clears for their antics. “Should someone tell her she’s choking him?”

  “Maybe he’s into that sort of thing.” My uncle Chase says, sliding next to us with a beer in his hand. My eyes go wide and Able snorts out a laugh.

  “How about we not talk about...that.” I laugh and he shrugs.

  “Facts of life,” he says then sighs. “We’re heading out, beautiful.” He wraps an arm around my shoulder and finishes his drink in one chug. “Baby’s gonna be up in about an hour and if we’re still here we’re never getting that devil back to sleep.”

  “It’s a cute devil, though.” I nudge him and give Kaydence a hug before they slip out the side door to make a quick exit.

  “Let’s go practice making babies,” Able says, taking my hand and when we turn my uncle Tommy and aunt Affton are grinning at us.

  “Awww, that’s so cute,” Affton coos, drunk enough she has to hold onto Tommy to stand.

  “Took full advantage of that open bar,” I say laughing.

  “Yeah.” Tommy laughs. “I think I’m taking her home before it gets worse.”

  Everyone’s clearing out all at once, but it’s making it really hard for us to sneak out of here.

  “Thanks for coming,” I say quickly and try to shuffle them out the door without seeming too antsy. “Okay,” I grab Able’s hand. “Let's go,” I whisper.

  It’s all going as planned as we try to sneak to the back of the barn until we hear Able’s aunt Jenny over the speakers, tapping it and trying to quiet the room.

  "’Scuse me!” she’s yelling into the mic.

  “Oh no. No. Someone stop her.” Able’s trying to get us up to the mic but there’s still too many people here to move quickly.

  “Guys!” Jenny yells. “Annie!” she points at me. “Your mom and dad are siblings?!” She starts to laugh and the color drains from my cheeks.

  “No,” I say, shaking my head. “Someone get her down!”

  “Like, how’d you look so normal if they’re siblings?” She shrugs. “I’m so confused!”

  I watch Able’s parents almost pull his aunt’s drunk ass off the stage but I’m frozen in my spot. I find my mom across the room and give her an apologetic look but she’s too busy laughing to seem to care.

  “Shit,” I huff. Not that anyone in my family cares, but I don’t know if Able’s side was privy to that information.

  “It’s okay,” Able’s aunt Megan says and smiles at us. “I kill people for a living. Every family has one.” She winks and walks up to us, handing Able a briefcase. “There’s thirty thousand cash in there.” She kisses his cheek, then mine. “Beautiful wedding. See you when someone dies. Love you.” She smiles at him once more then takes her husban
d's arm and he gives us a wave before they walk out.

  Able stares at the briefcase then looks at me.

  “I...” I laugh. “I’m not sure if we should accept that. Will thugs be coming after us?” Thirty grand? Thirty grand! “Able, does your aunt really kill people for a living?”

  “I didn’t think so,” he mutters, staring at the suitcase. “Let’s get this the fuck out of here.” He grips my hand tightly and when we turn around his mom’s standing there with her eyes on the briefcase and his dad’s at her side looking like he doesn’t know what to say.

  “Gift from Aunt Megan?” he asks before rubbing his hand over his hair just like Able does.

  “Uh, yeah.” Able shrugs, trying to shift the briefcase behind him.

  “Are you going to keep it?” His mom quirks an eyebrow and stares at the briefcase.

  “Should I not?” He glances from me to them.

  “It’s fine,” he whispers and her eyes go wide.

  “Just...” She huffs and rolls her eyes. “Be careful with it. Don't tell anyone she gave it to you. And maybe deposit it in small amounts over time. And uh...” She tries to smile. “Don’t tell anyone you have it. Or who you got it from.”

  “Maybe we shouldn’t keep it,” I mutter. That’s a huge gift but they don’t look too certain accepting it is going to bring us luck.

  “My aunt would never do anything to hurt us.” He scowls at his parents then smiles at me. “She once gave me five hundred bucks when I was twelve. Told me not to tell my parents because they’re uptight. That was fifteen years ago. No one’s come to kill me yet.” He shrugs before chuckling. “We want to leave,” he tells his parents.

  “Of course you do,” my mom says walking up from behind us and brushing Able’s shoulder off. “The newly weds have to get home.” With my dad at her side, they stand next to the Porters.

  “I meant what I said, kid.” My dad looks at Able. “Acres and acres of land,” he whispers.

  “If you hurt this perfect girl I’ll be helping him,” Able’s mom speaks up and smiles at me.

  “Let’s take this money to Vegas, babe. We’ll triple it, buy some plane tickets, they’ll never find us.” He pulls me to his side and kisses my head. “The Porters and Kenshaws have merged families. We need out.”


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