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Sacrifice (Revelations Book 1)

Page 10

by Mia Bishop

Nico nodded and motioned to the empty stools next to him. "Have a seat. Lobo, a drink for the little Striga and water for Abby."

  Abby clasped her throat to hold down the urge to gag and curled her lip, but Chloe nudged her without taking her eyes off of Nico. "People will think something is up with you if you don't at least pretend like you’re drinking."

  It made sense. But the change in Nico's demeanor and the weird change in Chloe's eyes still perplexed her. When Chloe finally broke eye contact with Nico he lurched forward rubbing his head. "Damn it, Chloe!"

  "What?" She cooed innocently.

  "You know what! I don't like you using your powers on me."

  "Yeah, sorry. I just wanted Abby here with me and I knew you'd flip out."

  "Damn right I'd flip out."

  The emotional roller coaster she seemed to be riding lately needed to stop. One minute Nico was fine with her being here and the next minute he was back to being an asshole about it. But his words were starting to sink in. Chloe had used some sort of charm on him to get him to mellow out. Abby’s life would be a lot easier if she could have a gift like that. Instead she was stuck with blood lust and a serious case of sun-phobia. She pretended to sip her water as Chloe and Nico continued their argument.

  "Nico, you know how my mother is. I never get to do anything and you are the same way with Abby. By the way, you aren't her father so maybe you could lay off the million and one rules you've got for her. She did her hunting, we've watched every movie from the past three decades, and this one horse town has only one place to hang out. Like it or not, Lobo's is all we've got."

  Lobo piped up from behind the bar, "We have two horses now. Not just one."

  "Oh shut up," Chloe growled through clenched teeth.

  "Look, Chloe—"

  "No, you look, Nico. She's part of this town. You can't save the world and not be a part of it. Isolating her might just deteriorate her humanity and then where will all of us be?"

  "Chloe, I get where you’re coming from, but you have to take into consideration she's a monster."

  Abby’s nostrils flared as she dug her nails into the palm of her hand, but Chloe took it a step further. The young Striga grabbed her drink and took a calm sip before tossing the clear liquid in his face. "So is Lobo, so are the Striga!" As Nico wiped the liquor from his face Chloe added. "So are you!"

  Her muscles quivered to hold herself in check while running down a mental check-list of all the ways she’d proven herself to not be a monster. She hadn’t attacked anyone, lived on the smallest amount of blood possible, obeyed every order given to her and yet here she was still not good enough to be in the company of humans. There was a limit to how much she could take and once again being called a monster pushed her over the line. She shoved her water aside and slid off the bar stool and mustered up a carefully controlled voice refusing to let her anger and resentment bleed into her tone, "I'll be outside."

  She pushed past the patrons and opened the door only to run into a well-dressed woman carrying a bag almost as big as herself. "Sorry, excuse me," the woman whispered, "I'm looking for an inn or motel?"

  Abby shook her head and pointed to the bar. "Ask the man behind the counter, I can't help you." She finished making her way outside and stomped down the stairs with her arms crossed. The night air was crisp and reminded her just of just how cold the desert could get at night. Absently she kicked at the dirt. Tonight had gone just as she expected.

  Nico's voice interrupted her brooding. "You could stick out your bottom lip some more to make this pity party even more pathetic."

  "Shut up, asshole."

  "Ouch, such harsh words. What's got you so riled up? I'm the one with a drink in my face."

  "You deserved it."

  "Because I called you a monster?"

  "Yes." She spun around. "I thought we were past that."

  "We are, you’re right. I shouldn’t have called you a monster.” He took a sharp intake of breath and held it for several seconds before blowing it out slowly. “You’re good with me. I trust you with me, and I do think you have good control over yourself.” His sidelong gaze slid her way and an emptiness settled in the pit of her stomach. “It doesn't change the fact that if you get hungry enough you might just take a bite out of some helpless child. Would you want that on your conscious?"

  "There are no children in the bar, Nico. Chloe is right, I am bored. I want to be around people. I might not remember my old life but I remember what comfort feels like. I miss it."

  "How much more comfort do you need? You have a roof over your head, food to eat, and you have a purpose."

  She glared. "I have a leaky roof over my head, and a hard cot to sleep on, which smells like mildew by the way. It's not big on comfort. I have food, yes, you feed me twice a week. Do you know how hungry I am and yet I don't complain, do I? Have I abducted any children to eat? No. I haven't. And I have a purpose..." She threw her hands in the air. "My purpose is to protect a town of people from demons and hope one day you don't kill me and open the Gates of Hell. Not much of a purpose, Father."

  Nico rocked back on his heels for a moment and shoved his hands in his pockets. "Well, it doesn't sound nearly as glamorous when you say it." He rubbed the back of his neck, "I guess I see your and Chloe's point." He sat down on the steps and patted the spot next to him. "Sit down for a minute."

  Abby sat down as instructed but stayed as far away from him as possible on the small wooden step. "What do you want?"

  "Well, for one I want to apologize." He held her gaze and instantly she wished he hadn't. His green eyes always did something to her, made her weak and wanton. "I'm sorry, Abby. We were getting to a good place and I didn't mean to upset you." He reached out and took her hand causing her breath to hitch. "I'm sorry about the conditions you live under, if I had known you were still hungry I would have fed you more often. You are welcome to join us in the bar and you can go spend time with Chloe, but I am responsible for you so don't think I won't be keeping tabs on you."

  "Yes, sir."

  He smirked. "You know I really hate it when you call me that. It makes me sound old. You do realize you’re not that much younger than me."

  Abby grinned. "I know, but it’s payback for all the times you called me a monster or creature.”

  Nico draped his arm over her shoulder and pulled her closer for a brief moment. "Touché. I guess you got me on that one."

  With a laugh he let her go and a shiver went down her spine. How was she falling for an arrogant ass who viewed her as a monster? Life wasn't fair, apparently un-life wasn't fair either. She stood up when he offered her a hand and helped dust off her pants. "I'm free to go inside then?"

  "Yes, but if I see any locals put the moves on you we are going to have to come up with a good reason to get you out of there. Deal?"


  "Because I am protective of those in my care. And you are in my care." He paused and lifted her chin up to meet his gaze. "I know I come off as harsh, Abby, and I know it's something you can't understand. I can't help but be cautious. I don't want there to be a day when the other shoe drops. For now, you are a good soul, but nothing in my life goes smoothly. One day you might turn and I can't let my guard down." His eyes bored deep into her soul. "Make no mistake, I want to let my guard down with you. But whenever I’ve done that in the past people get hurt. I don't call you a creature to hurt you Abby, I do it more to protect myself."

  She bit her bottom lip and looked up at him through her lashes. "Protect you from what?"

  "From you and how I might feel about you." He shifted uncomfortably after those words and cleared his throat. "I think that's enough soul searching for one night. Do we have a deal or not?"

  Abby nodded. "Deal."

  Everything with them ended in a deal. At least that part of the night had followed the usual course. Abby made her way back to her seat at the bar and smiled as Chloe gave her a curious smile. Then the Striga turned her attention to Nico and grinned from ear to ear. "She
can stay?"

  Nico picked up his drink and took a sip. "Yes, she can stay and you two can do whatever as long as no harm comes to anyone including her. You got that?"

  Chloe gave a quick salute. "Yes, sir."

  He shook his head. "Really wish you two would stop calling me that."

  “We wish you’d all stop treating us like we are children. Think about it Nico, you’re only ten years older than us, at most.” She shrugged. “Give or take. It doesn’t make you our elder.”

  He smirked at Chloe and gave Abby a once over as if sizing her “Don’t I know it.” Lobo snorted a laugh from behind the bar pulling Nico’s attention back to their earlier conversation.

  As soon as he went back to nursing his drink Abby found herself drawn into Chloe's newest pursuit. "We need to dance."

  "I just got permission to sit at the bar, I think dancing might be pushing it for Nico's tolerance."

  "Hey, you worked hard tonight. Slayed some demons and did all the heavy lifting, you deserve to unwind. Besides, Nico said we can do whatever as long as no one gets hurt." Grabbing Abby's hand, Chloe dragged her out onto the small dance floor and moved her hands to Abby's hips. "There you go. Move with the music."

  She couldn’t remember if she’d liked dancing at all but the beat of the music did give her some sort of familiar feeling. Maybe she had been a dancer? Maybe she was just a party-girl? Either way she swayed her hips to the music and took a deep breath. This was the most freedom she’d experienced in all the weeks she'd been with Nico. It hadn't escaped her that he was watching her like a hawk. She couldn't help but smile at the image in her mind of him just waiting for her to attack the entire bar. As he liked to remind her, she was a monster, and yet she had no desire to kill anyone in the room. Her only thoughts were on the music and Nico.

  After a couple of songs, a light tap on her shoulder made her jump and spin around to meet the gaze of a young, handsome man. He had to be around her age, sandy blond hair curled just above his shoulders and his eyes were slightly glazed over. He was lean muscled, with oil under his short nails. "Want to dance?"

  She smiled politely. "I am dancing."

  He shifted nervously. "I meant with me."

  Abby laughed. "I know. I was only teasing. Sure, I'd like that."

  His hands slipped around her waist as he pressed his body against hers. She was instantly aware of his intentions. He was rock hard and pressing his hips into hers as they started to move. "What's your name?"

  "Abby. You?"

  "I'm Jake, nice to meet you. Are you new in town?"

  She nodded. "Yeah, I'm staying with a friend."

  His gaze slid to the bar for a moment. "I saw you with Nico, I didn't think the old drunk had any friends."

  She smiled again but inside she wanted to jump to Nico's defense. She had an overwhelming desire to not make a scene. Jake’s arms tightened around her waist, he was grinding against her and moving his mouth dangerously close to her neck. She stiffened but kept moving. She wasn’t enjoying his hands touching her or the vice like grip his arms currently held her in. Beyond the personal space issues, she was getting tired of this idea that Nico was an old man. Hell, he was in his thirties, he wasn't dead. "He's not that old."

  "Maybe not, but he is a drunk."

  "You think?" She paused and glanced over to where Nico had been sitting but the bar stool was now empty. She muttered, "Maybe he's just trying to forget something."

  Nico's voice came from behind her. "Who's trying to forget what?"

  Abby beamed as relief flooded her when Jake’s grip on her hips lessened. "Nothing."

  The young man bristled. "Nico, what's going on?"

  Nico turned his attention on the oil worker. "Not much, just thought I'd cut in and steal Abby from you for a minute."

  Jake’s fists clenched. Something unsaid passed between the two of them. Whatever it was, Nico won out. "Fine. Abby it was nice to meet you."

  "Nice meeting you too." Abby barely got the words out before Nico had her in his arms. She gave him a playful smile. "Are you jealous?"

  A tense laugh quickly died on his lips as Nico started to move her across the small dance floor. "Of course not."

  She arched a brow. "Then why?"

  "Okay, maybe I just don't like seeing some man you don't even know putting his hands on you."

  "Afraid I'm going to eat him?"

  "No, it's just..." He shook his head. "It's nothing."

  "It's just what? Because cutting in on an innocent dance isn't nothing. Be straight with me, Nico."

  “There wasn’t anything innocent about that dance.” He muttered. She arched a brow and he cleared his throat. "All right, fine. Yes, I was jealous. Look at you. It hasn't escaped me that you're gorgeous."

  Abby blushed and shook her head.

  "You are, don't shake your head no at me."

  Sure she knew he physically responded to her, especially the night they spent on the couch, but he’d never said anything about it. He certainly never complimented her. A sly grin spread across her lips. She couldn’t pass up the opportunity to tease him a little bit. "I thought as a priest you weren't supposed to notice things like that."

  "I haven't been a priest for a long time and even priests have eyes, we aren't dead."

  "You admit you were jealous. You even said you think I’m gorgeous, and yet you still think of me as a monster?"

  "What can I say, I'm a walking contradiction." His grip tightened around her waist pulling her in closer as he dipped his head down to rest his forehead against hers. All the air seemed to disappear from the room in that moment. Her head spun from the nearness of him when his raspy voice whispered in her ear. "But for now, let's just forget all that."

  A flutter of nerves hit her and Abby’s voice cracked, "okay."

  His scent wasn't laden with alcohol as it had been when she first met him. She'd noticed it before but chalked it up to just getting used to the smell, but being this close to him she could tell he hadn't been drinking tonight. In fact, from the crisp smell clinging to his warm skin he might not have had a drink in days. She glanced at his glass still on the counter and sure enough the liquid was still full even though she could have sworn she'd seen him drinking from it. Something had changed with him.

  "You doing okay there?"

  "Huh? Yeah." She rested her head against his chest. "Sorry, I was lost in thought."

  "Good thoughts?"

  Abby shrugged. "More like confusing thoughts."

  "About me?"

  She did her best to play it off, but he'd hit the nail on the head. "Well, you are the most confusing person I know."

  "I just try to keep you on your toes." He dipped her and she held her breath. His mouth hovered dangerously close to hers. Heat pooled at her core and her mind swam with what it would be like to kiss him. Her body spoke volumes that her mouth and brain were incapable of saying. She saw it in his eyes as they watched each other. His eyes traveled over her and her skin warmed. There was no doubt that her face was flush as her unsteady breath caught in her throat when his eyes settled on her mouth. When he pulled her back up, his hand cupped her cheek and drew her closer. She could feel his breath against her lips. His mouth was a fraction of an inch away from hers and her tongue darted out to lick her bottom lip. His body became stiff as a board, his other hand fisted in the soft fabric of her t-shirt. "Abby..."


  Even his whispers were ragged as if it strained him to even say her name. "I want you."

  She leaned up hoping to entice him further. "Please don't stop."

  He squeezed his eyes shut and mouthed something to himself before he pulled back. "I can't. I can't do this with you."

  His words hit her like a wrecking ball demolishing a building. "You can't?" He'd pointed out long ago she had no real heart, but she knew it was a lie because at this moment it was breaking and you can't break something that isn't there. On top of the heartbreak, she was humiliated. In front of the entire bar he'd almost
kissed her, but pulled away.

  Stepping back, she collected herself. She could be the bigger person here. She could gather up what little bit of dignity she had and salvage this night. "I understand, Nico." Her voice stayed as steady as she could make it but a hint of hurt seeped into her words. "It's fine."

  She turned to leave but he caught her arm and spun her back to him. His hands gripped the sides of her head as his mouth crushed hers. A warm rush of fire filled her at the invasion of his tongue. His hand tilted her head upwards as he kept his mouth locked on hers. Seconds ticked by, her arms had wrapped around his neck. The bar had grown silent and the hairs on the back of her neck prickled as she imagined every eye in the building was trained on them in the middle of the dance floor.

  When he finally released her she staggered back a few steps. "What was that for?"

  "I'm pretty sure I made my intentions clear, Abby."

  "Well, you just said you couldn't do that with me."

  He shrugged and slid his hands in his pockets. "I guess I overestimated my willpower to resist you."

  She blushed and stood dumb-struck for a moment. "I guess so."

  Nico’s entire demeanor shifted. His chin was high, shoulders back, and a pleased-with-himself grin brightened his face. Giving her a playful wink he turned and started back to the bar.

  “Wait.” A tightness formed in her chest. What was going on here? “Is that it? You’re leaving?”

  She stiffened as he smiled at her. “I’m gonna finish my water, you and Chloe are going to enjoy yourselves.” She could feel a tick working in her jaw. He was brushing her off after their first kiss. She wanted to stomp and demand an answer to why he would kiss her like that and then pretend nothing had happened. Before she could protest he stepped up to her, one arm wrapping around her waist and jerking her flush against his hard body. “You and Chloe are going to enjoy yourselves, then when we go home we can pick up where we left off. I don’t think Lobo will appreciate it if I fuck you right here on the dance floor.”

  Her cheeks burned and she gave a coy laugh. “We could leave now.”

  Nico shook his head. “I’m enjoying making you wait.”


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