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Sacrifice (Revelations Book 1)

Page 16

by Mia Bishop

  She smiled, but deep down it hurt. It was painful to think just when they had found each other, and figured out what they meant to each other, the world might swallow them up and deny them a future. Tears pooled at the corners of her eyes. "I want that too."

  Nico's grin was triumphant but it was a façade, it covered the fear they both felt. He pulled her closer and kissed her so softly she wasn't sure he'd actually kissed her at all, but as soon as his arms wrapped around her waist and she was pinned flush against him, her body came alive with desire.

  He deepened the kiss, his tongue danced with hers as they both worked at removing the other’s clothes as quickly as possible. She wasn't bothered by the cold air against her flesh but she was acutely aware of it. It was a stark contrast to the heat emanating from his body pressed against her. Fire and ice. Polar opposites. That is what they were. The living priest and the soon-to-be-dead vampire.

  Her thoughts started to cloud her mind, she had the urge to push him away and save him from the sin he was about to commit. But she wouldn't do it. She couldn't. They were way past sin anyway, not that she believed in sin as a punishable offense anymore after everything she'd learned in the past month. Sin seemed more like an abstract concept, less black and white than what was taught in Sunday school.

  He laid her back on the bed and the rough feel of his cheap sheets brought her back to reality. Nico kissed down her neck, nibbling slightly at the ticklish spot behind her ear. Abby wiggled beneath him. He whispered against her neck, "No more thinking, Abby. I want you. Hell, I need you and no matter what’s going through your head right now I don't regret being with you."

  Her voice cracked, "You won't?"


  She bit her lip. "Promise."

  "I swear it." He pulled back to look into her eyes. "You mean the world to me. I could lose everything else but as long as I have you I'll keep fighting."

  She could barely comprehend what he was saying. He'd never been so open about his feelings. They'd just begun to embrace whatever it was between them, even if she couldn't put a label on it yet. In the stillness of the moment she could hear the beating of his heart, the way it quickened every time he touched her, but even more alarming was the way it slowed when they locked gazes and her world stopped spinning for a few seconds.

  More was being left unsaid and yet fully understood at the same moment. She would never expect to hear the words 'I love you' come out of his mouth, but she knew the words he'd just said were as close to those three words as he might ever get. Life was hard, living was a bitch, but with him she'd found her solitude- her peaceful place. And she wasn't alone, he'd found that in her too.

  Abby wrapped her arms around his neck and rose up to meet his lips with hers. Her mouth moved with his, inviting him to take more. His hand roamed her body, cupping her breasts, caressing her nipples until they peaked under his rough touch. She moaned as he nudged her legs apart and settled between them.

  Abby lifted her hips and sucked in a breath as Nico slid the head of his cock through her glistening sex. She hitched a breath. “Condom.”

  He chuckled. “We’ve been through this, you don’t have any biological functions, I’m pretty sure we are safe.” She arched a brow and he nodded. “Right, until we are sure, better to be safe than sorry.”

  Biting her lip as he fumbled with the nightstand drawer she nudged him with her knee. “Came prepared, did you?”

  He laughed and nodded. “Never know when I might find a sexy, sort-of vampire in my bed.”

  She was grinning, watching him sheath himself before settling back between her legs. It was a silly accommodation to ask for, but on the off chance she could be turned back to human she didn’t want to risk anything and the added view of watching him didn’t hurt either.

  He leaned down to kiss her as he pressed into her. “You're looking smug about all of this.”

  “I like when I have you all to myself.” Shrugging she added. “So, yeah, I’m feeling pretty happy.”

  His hips worked their magic, driving him deeper at a steady pace. “I should have pulled my head out of my ass long before now.”

  She moaned in response, his hand made quick work of exploring her body as he pistoned his hips. Her core tightened and warmth radiated throughout her body. He was murmuring something she couldn’t understand. She knew it was some sort of praise, but her thoughts were scattered. All she could focus on was how her body ached for him, how the blood pulsed in his veins. She focused on the primal things. How she felt, how her body responded to him. How he claimed her. Her chest tightened as Nico’s heart beat faster. She scored his back with her nails, the roar from his lips left her even more satisfied. He was hers.

  Beads of sweat dotted his forehead and his thrusts got stronger and faster. The world around her spun, she licked her lips only to taste the salt from his skin on them. That single flavor was enough to make her moan. She lifted her knees up, wrapping them tight around his waist and squeezed to encourage him more.

  The sound of slick bodies meeting each other filled the air and every sting of his heavy balls slapping against her made her shudder. “Oh God!” It rolled off her tongue in a course of cries.

  Nico gave another grunt and as soon as her tight walls cinched around his thick cock he seated himself to the hilt, holding her quivering body against him as his body responded in kind. They both panted, his body was warm and she clung to him as her body and mind reveled in the moment. Her pussy clenched around his throbbing shaft. Nico shivered which only prolonged her pleasure as another wave washed over her.

  He fell back on the bed next to her and pulled her close. His lips were like fire against her forehead. She waited for him to say something but instead he laid there silent, stroking her hair until she drifted off.


  If the night before had been the epitome of pure heaven than this night was pure hell. Abby wiped a bloody hand over her forehead and sighed. Nico was almost done dispensing with a small band of low level raiders, which wouldn't be bad if it hadn't been the fifth group they’d encountered since the sun went down. Like her, demons mostly came out at night. They weren’t strictly nocturnal, but they did prefer to do their business at night.

  Nico explained it was because of their many centuries or longer locked up in Hell with no sunlight. They wouldn't burst into flames like she would but they were definitely sensitive to it. The only daylight attacks they had to worry about were from demons who'd been surface dwellers for a long time. Luckily for Dusk any surface dwelling demons were more than likely hiding from Lucifer rather than fighting for him.

  Except Rosa... She was a whole other story. Not human, but not demon. She was something else entirely and whatever Jack knew about her he wasn't opening up to anyone about it. Nico said it was probably something personal and Jack would talk when he was ready. That seemed to be the new comer’s M.O. He'd talk when he was ready. Abby was far less worried about Rosa who had yet to make a move, her focus was on Chloe and the effect Jack was having on her. After leaving several messages for Chloe at the Striga house her worry only intensified. Arveda returned Abby's call saying her daughter was ill and would not be leaving the house until it passed. She got the distinct impression Chloe’s illness was named Jack and it would pass when he left town.

  The hairs on the back of Abby's neck prickled and she spun around. A slobbering demon stood a foot away from her. It lunged before she could pull out her dagger and tackled her in the loose soil. She struggled and rolled with the Beast as it wailed at her. The sound nearly burst her eardrums and the stink rolling off the demon churned her stomach. It pinned her and gnashed its rotting teeth near her face. Abby threw her knee up, catching it in the groin and pushed it over as soon as its body crumpled from the pain. She drew her dagger and leapt on the creature. She thrust the blade into its neck and smiled at the sickening sound of flesh tearing. Rancid blood poured from the wound as it thrashed in its last moments of life. Abby sawed the dagger until t
he blade met with the hard bone of its spine. She stood up, grabbing the creature by the hair, and kicked the body to snap the bone and finish severing its head. "Got another one, Nico."

  He was still tossing heads into the large hole he'd dug but called over his shoulder. "I heard. Thought I might have to step in there for a minute."

  She rolled her eyes even though he wasn't looking at her. "I had it all under control." She tossed the head into the hole and took a seat on a nearby rock. "Was this the last of them tonight?"

  "I think so. Sun will be up soon. It's been a rough night, I think they’re just trying to tire us out."

  "They've done a good job. I feel like I could sleep for a week." Abby blew a strand of hair out of her eyes as Nico lit the fire. "What if the two of us aren't enough?"

  "Well, we've always got the Striga. I think it's about time they start pulling their weight in this war. Not to mention Lobo, he's been patrolling to the south. And Jack..." Nico paused. "I don't know how much help an ex-prophet, or whatever Jack calls himself will be, but he seems to want to help and he's been through this once before."

  "Then why isn't he out here?"

  "I think he's trying to get to Chloe."

  Abby stirred the flames with her shovel. "What is that dude's problem? Can't he just leave her alone?"

  "You heard him, they have some sort of past together that Chloe can't remember. I wouldn’t give up if you couldn’t remember me."

  She glanced up at him. She couldn’t remember her past, what if someone somewhere felt that way about her? Would it change her mind and heart about Nico? Poking at the embers again with her shovel she pushed those bothersome thoughts to a dark corner of her mind and continued, "But his story is impossible. Chloe's the same age as me."

  "Is she though?" Nico met her gaze. "The Striga have amazingly long life spans and you know they aren't always honest. How can we be sure of anything they say?"

  "She wouldn't lie to me."

  "I suppose that's true. But if she can't remember Jack then what else can't she remember? I'm not saying Chloe is lying to you, I'm simply saying it could possibly be that her mother is hiding shit from her and from everyone else. Everyone except Jack. From the way he talked about Arveda last night it's clear I'm not the only person who has issues with the old hag."

  "He did seem to be less of a fan of hers than you. But how can we find out what’s going on?"

  Nico shrugged. "Maybe we're not meant to, Abby. Whatever’s going on is personal. I know she's your friend, but we've got to stay out of it."

  Abby shook her head. "I have a feeling it's more than just personal. I think it will affect us all."

  He cocked his head to the side. "Why do you say that?"

  "I don't know for sure. I just know when they were in the same room together I felt like something was about to happen.” She blew out a breath. “I don’t know. I can't put my finger on it."

  "Well, we’ll deal with it when or if it happens. In the meantime, maybe we should consider finding some more allies."

  "Like who?"

  He scooped up a clump of dirt and started burying the burning corpses. "Alexander, for one. He's mostly neutral but I know he doesn't want to see Hell unleashed on Earth. It's bad for his business. And then there is Lucas and his brethren. Maybe even the Personifications." He gave a shrug. "Then there's the Order. I really hesitate to bring in those psychos but if worst comes to worst we might need some Dark-Souls around."

  She helped cover the mess and then started packing up their gear. "I don't even want to know what this Order is. Every time I think I know all the bad things that go bump in the night you throw even more at me."

  "You'll never know it all, Abby." He smiled and gave her a wink. "Just wait until you meet the Dei Caduti. Never a dull moment when the Fallen enter the game."

  She heaved a sigh as they headed to the car. "Is that what this is, a game?"

  "Yep, since the dawn of time. We are all pawns in a sick little game of chess between the Almighty and his most beloved Angel. Whichever side wins will determine how the human race is remembered throughout history. We’re either soldiers who fight and win or we’re cattle who lose and are hauled off for slaughter."

  "That sounds awful."

  "It is. But we’re still here fighting, because that’s what mankind does. We fight until our dying breath."

  "So we’ll be remembered as warriors or cattle?” She wrinkled her nose. “That doesn’t sound like humans will get any sort of happy ending. Warriors usually die in battle and being cattle would just be terrible.”

  "That sums it up, the truth sucks, but in the end that’s what we are. All of us, not just you and me." Nico laughed. “But I'd take being called a soldier over being remembered as cattle. We fight to ensure future generations don't end up living that horrible fate."

  "I guess that's a good reason to fight. But if I don't find a cure then I fall into the category of demon don't I?"

  "Not in my eyes and not through your actions."

  She tried to smile. "You didn't always think so."

  "I'm human, Abby." He cupped her cheek and lifted her face to his. "I make mistakes, I'm judgmental, I'm rash, and I learn. I've learned to be better. I've learned to open my eyes and to accept that not everyone who is different is bad." She bit her lip and nodded but averted her gaze. "I’m sorry for the way I treated you. I was the monster, not you."

  Nico leaned down and lightly brushed his lips against hers. It only took that small gesture to sweep away her doubts. She raised up, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissed him back. "Thank you."

  "For what?"

  "For saying all that. For accepting me."

  He helped her into the car and came around to the driver's side. As he started the engine he looked over at her, causing her cheeks to blush. "No matter what, remember I will always come to my senses. It might take an hour or a day or a week, but eventually I'll do the right thing. I can't help my flaws, but I'll do my best to fix them."

  "I think you do a good job."

  "Thanks." He pulled the car back onto the main dirt road and headed back home. "I try."

  Abby rolled out of bed. The still of the house never bothered her, Nico was more than likely at Lobo’s making plans for their hunt tonight. She would get ready and meet him there and their night would progress like usual. It only took a quick glance around to find a note on the nightstand. Nico had gone to Lobo's, but not to plan out their hunt. He was trying to round up some help in keeping the demons at bay. She yawned and placed the letter back on the nightstand and headed for the bathroom. The hot water kicked in once she let the shower run for five minutes and as soon as the steam started to fill the room she stripped down and stood under the hot spray of water. Her body relaxed, any aches and pains from the night before had already healed but the feel of the warm water woke her body up enough that she almost felt alive again.

  It was easy to stand there and get lost in memories of the last night. Easy to let her body respond to images of Nico in her mind. Their demon hunting was exhilarating but it had nothing on what happened once they got home. Nico's scent still clung to her even after shampooing and using the scented soaps Meri had dropped off. Not that she minded it. She liked the idea that by scent alone everyone would know she was his.

  Abby dried off as soon as the water started to turn cold and wrapped herself in a towel. Grabbing another one to dry her hair she padded out to the fridge and pulled out a bag of blood. The rush of blood hitting her tongue when she sunk her teeth into the plastic sent a shiver through her. The first sip always did that, like a rush of adrenaline hitting her system. After a few minutes she headed back out and flopped on the bed. Her eyes caught the corner of one of the photo albums peeking out from under the bed. Snatching it up she started to flip through the pictures of family outings, church events, school dances, graduation... Everything seemed normal. Her parents were normal, church going people. Not anything close to what she'd imagine the leaders of a vi
cious cult might look like. As she was closing the book she brushed her hand over a bible verse glued to the back cover. Her fingers caught the edge, lifting it up just enough for her to see something else hidden behind the calligraphy.

  She ripped the paper off and gasped as she found four pictures of her parents and her. Unlike the other pictures these were not pictures of a happy family. Abby witnessed herself sprawled out on one of the tables in her parents’ hidden room. She was strapped down and covered in blood. There was no mistaking what was happening in these pictures. Her parents were clad in robes, classic if not a little cheesy, but it represented them in a truer light than the fifty pages of lies in the front of the book. At the last picture Abby muscles tensed and bile rose in her throat. In the photograph her mouth was open as if she were screaming, still strapped to the table and a demon was hovering over her. His forked tongue was licking at her neck as her parents held up their hands as if in praise. "No..." She whispered.

  There was no stopping the assault of memories as they came flooding back. One minute she was just Abby, newly made semi-vampire. The next minute she was Jane, the good girl, raised by good parents, in an upscale neighborhood, and her giant mastiff Moose who never left her side. She was five years old riding a pony for her birthday. She was twelve and blushing when the cute boy in class passed her a note. At sixteen she was petrified when her date for prom came to the door and was confronted by her loving father demanding she be back home by curfew. Eighteen when her mother cried when they'd driven her to campus and helped her unpack her dorm room... Tears slid down her cheek. She could feel, see, and remember it all.

  School had been great, she had friends, acing her classes, a member of the newspaper. She was dating a young man named Chris, he was a member of their church. Her parents had set them up and everything was going well. Chris was a little demanding but he always explained that he had his reasons. Abby accepted it, it made her parents happy. Then the blackouts started. She'd be in class, next thing she knew she was coming to in a bad part of town several hours later. One of the times she had been at the doctor’s office and when she came to she found herself at the bus station. Every time she blacked out the only common denominator was that she'd smelled sulfur right before and after.


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