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A Billionaire Finessed My Heart 3

Page 8

by K. Renee

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  “Wake up sleepy head, happy birthday baby I’m so glad you made it back home in time for your birthday,” I whispered to Zelan, kissing him all over his face.

  “Thank you, baby, I know I was hoping the shit with my brother ended quickly, and I’m glad it did,” Zelan said.

  “What do you want to do today?” I asked

  “Ari, I don’t want to do she but to lay up in you all damn day. We are going to Juelz, and Ciera’s house later, and I’m good with that,” Zelan said.

  “I made you breakfast in bed, and I have some gifts for you. I didn’t really know what to get a man that has everything, I hope you like them,” I told him, and he looked at me all weird.

  “You are all I need in a gift, that shit is materialistic to me. You are my gift baby girl, and I will appreciate whatever you did for me, I don’t care if it’s a pair of socks. It came from you, so I will love it, I need you to understand that Ari,” He stated, and I loved him for saying that. Zelan, decided to eat his breakfast, and then we went to take a shower.

  “God you are a beautiful woman,” he said kissing all over my neck, and lips. I began rubbing up, and down his shaft as we attacked each other’s lips hungrily. I sucked and kissed all over his neck, working my way down his body until I got to the snake he called a dick. I held his dick in my hand massaging it softly, while watching the different emotions that my man was having. I loved the love faces Zelan made when we were making love, it just did something to me. Kissing his pole gently, and then taking him into my mouth moving up and down using my tongue to massage and apply pressure.

  “Babbby, this shit feels amazing, mmmmm fuckkkk,” Zelan moaned out, and I continued my assault on his dick. He grabbed my hair moving his dick in, and out of my mouth. I continued sucking like my life depended on it, making my man release was my only goal.

  “Uggggghhhh fuccccckkk Ari, damn girl this shit is fucking good! I’m about to cum babe, watch out,” Zelan stated, but I kept going until he couldn’t take it any longer. Once he calmed down, I released him from my mouth and stood up smiling at him.

  “I love you,” I told him as he turned me around and pin me against the shower wall. He slid in me so quick, I didn’t have time to catch my breath.

  “Ohhhhh shittt, hmmmmmm fuckkkkk you to deep babe.”

  “Fuck that, I ain’t deep enough in this good ass pussy. All day baby prepare yourself, we fucking all over this big ass house all damn day,” Zelan growled in my ear, as he pumped in and out of me, going deeper, and deeper. My man was on one, had me cumming back to back. Sex with Zelan was the most amazing shit I have ever felt in my life. After we showered we went to the bedroom for another round of love making. When he said he was fucking me all day, that is what the hell he meant. We cleaned up and got back in the bed to watch a movie. I decided it was time to give Zelan his gifts. I got from the bed and went in my closet to get his gifts and handed him his first box.

  “Babe, thank you but you didn’t have to buy all of this,” Zelan said, as he opened the first gift.

  “I got you what I wanted you to have, now open it,” I spoke.

  “Ohhh shit, this is the new Rolex Oyster that I wanted. Thank you so much baby girl,” he stated, as he put the watch on and gave me a kiss.

  “Here is your next gift,” I stated, I was kind of nervous but here we go.

  “Babe this is a onesie that says, I love you daddy. Did you mean to give this to Ciera for the babies? I think you mixed our gift baby girl,” Zelan said, with his face twisted in confusion.

  “Is that all in that box baby?” I asked.

  “No, it’s a pregnancy test,” Zelan stated, and he stopped to look at me, and then back at the test.

  “Ari, what is this, are you pregnant baby?” he asked, and I nodded with tears rolling down my face uncontrollably. Zelan, jumped up so damn fast and was pulling me in for a hug, kissing all of my tears away.

  “We’re having a baby Z! I can’t believe it. I wanted to tell you when I found out a few days ago, but I decided to wait until your birthday,” I told him.

  “My lady, you just made me the happiest fucking man alive!” Zelan yelled, he was shouting that he was going to be a father as he ran into his closet grabbing clothes. He came back out and went into my closet grabbing clothes.

  “Babe, what are you doing?” I asked him, confused as hell as to what was going on.

  “Put those clothes on babe, and stop asking questions,” he stated, as he was texting away on his phone. I guess it’s safe to say that my man was very excited about becoming a father.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Ari don’t know what the fuck she just did, by telling me she having my baby. I was so fucking happy right now. There was nothing on this damn earth that was going to stop me from loving that girl. She was truly, my forever lady and I was going to make that shit a reality to fucking day! We were on our way to Juelz and Ciera’s house because me and Juelz had to make a run.

  “Dammmnnn look at this house,” Ari yelled, I forgot she has never seen the new house.

  “Yeah, this nigga did it, when he bought this damn mall,” I told Ari.

  “Babe you are so damn crazy, a mall though?” Ari said, laughing at me.

  “Hell, yeah look at this shit don’t make no sense. I’m telling you I’m gone buy me a scooter to roll around in that shit,” I responded. Her ass thought the shit was funny, but I was serious as hell. I’m going to ask Ma Lai, if she want one. That’s my nigga right there I bet she would be down. We got up to the house and got out the car. I used my key to get in, and I heard voices coming from down the hall. I assumed everyone was in the family room.

  “Hey baby, happy birthday!” my mom said, as we walked in the room.

  “Happy birthday bro,” Juelz stated.

  “Thank you both,” I said giving them a hug.

  “Happy birthday son, what y’all doing here? I thought you said y’all wasn’t coming over until tonight,” Lai asked.

  “Something came up?” I told her, as I looked over at Ari.

  “Where is Ciera?” I asked.

  “Here I am, happy birthday bro,” Ci said, walking up to me for a hug.

  “Thank you, baby girl, how are you feeling?” I asked her.

  “I’m feeling better, now that I’m home the bed in the hospital was horrible,” Ci responded.

  “I feel you on that, listen everyone Ari, and I have to tell you something,” I said looking, at Ari and she nodded her approval.

  “What’s going on bro?” Juelz asked.

  “We are having a baby!” Ari yelled out, and the ladies rushed over to her and Juelz came over giving me a brotherly hug. Congrats bro, I’m happy for you. Maybe you will lay off spoiling my kids.

  “That would be a big fat ass no, I’m going to spoil the hell out of them. I’m uncle Zel, my baby will just be an addition to the crew of being spoiled.

  “So, what you need me to do?” Juelz asked.

  “I need to get a marriage license today,” I said to Ju, and he turned his head really quick. “Are you sure?” Julez asked.

  “I have never, been surer about anything in my life. She is the one for me, and she is having my baby. I can’t have her without my last name another damn day,” I stated.

  “So, we doing this tonight, how do you plan to pull all of this off in just a few hours?” Juelz asked.

  “Bruh, we rich, well I’m rich your ass is wealthy. Money can make anything happen in a few hours,” I told him, and Ciera came over.

  “Zelan, congrats bro I’m super excited about being an auntie,” Ci stated full of excitement. I pulled Ciera to the side and told her my plans to marry Ari, and that damn girl almost lost her mind. I had to calm her down before Ari noticed, and we came up with a plan.

  Ci was going to make sure Ari, was straight. Ciera, and I pulled Ma Lai, and my mom in and told them everything. Ma Lai’s ass started twerking all over the d
amn kitchen. While Juelz, and I was going to head out to handle the rest. I called Meek, to come and meet us in Manhattan. Just as we were getting ready to leave, Santiago showed up.

  “Damn, I forgot to tell you he was coming in for your birthday dinner,” Juelz stated.

  Happy birthday mijo,” my grandfather said.

  “Thank you pops, I appreciate it,” I replied.

  “Well, damn, hey big daddy it’s nice to see you again,” Lai said to my grandfather.

  “It’s nice to see you again as well, beautiful lady,” My grandfather replied, kissing Ma Lai’s hand. This nigga was smooth, with his shit because he had Lai grinning hard as hell.

  “Pops, the maid will show you to your room, and we will be back in a couple of hours,” Juelz stated.

  “That is fine with me, I want to get to know this beautiful woman right here,” Santiago said, as he kissed Lai hand again.

  “Be easy, old fellow,” I said.

  “Son, ain’t nothing old about me, but my money,” my grandpop said.

  “I know that’s right, baby tell his ass again, so he will understand how you rolling,” Lai yelled out. All I could do was shake my head, Lai was just too damn much. I went to speak with Ari, for a few minutes letting her know I would be back later. Juelz, and I finally left the house, first stop was to see our lawyer, so he could get this marriage license we need. I was getting married today point blank.

  Chapter Twenty- Six


  It felt so good to be in my new home with my man, and our children. I couldn’t ask for anything better than this.

  “Ci Ci, can I hold Laila?” Kari asked.

  “Come sit in my lap, baby, and we will hold her together,” I told her, ever since we have been home Kari has been wanting to hold her brother, and sister. I think it is the cutest thing ever, however, we had to give her some rules about the twins. We didn’t just want her trying to pick them up without supervision. I had made all the calls I needed to make for Ari, and Zelan’s nuptials tonight. I can’t believe he is going to ask her to marry him, and if she says yes, that shit is going to happen tonight. I can’t see my sister telling him no, she loves Zelan more than anything in this world. I’m truly happy for her, everything will be taking place in out pool house and the reception will be held on the grounds.

  The only people invited are some of the close friends Juelz and Zelan have and of course our family. Zelan made a request that he wanted to have a white party instead of just a regular dinner, he told Ari he wanted to celebrate big now that he is going to be a father. Good thing Ari went for it, now it won’t look bad with all the people coming in and out to set everything up. I called a wedding planner, to help me get everything together, and now we are all set. Toya is going to do our hair and makeup, since she specializes in that area.

  Juelz’s buyer is bringing over dresses for us to try on. Toya, and I will be Ari’s bridesmaid’s and I know for sure Juelz, and Meek will stand with Zelan.

  “Sis, do you know what you are wearing to the party tonight?” Ari asked, coming into my bedroom.

  “I can’t go anywhere to shop being as though, I just had a couple of babies. So, I called Stephanie, Juelz’s, wardrobe person to come over with some white gowns for me, you, Toya, Grams, Kari, and Ms. Simone,” I said smiling at Ari.

  “Ci, you have to be careful tonight, try not to do too much,” Ari stated.

  “I’m good sis, I won’t stay at the party to long, I promise. Besides, I’m breast feeding, the babies are on a schedule,” I told her.

  “Ci, they are the cutest babies, I have ever seen in my life. They look just like Juelz though, even with LJ having your eye color he don’t look nothing like you,” Ari said laughing.

  “Keep laughing tramp, that’s why your baby going to come out looking like Zelan,” I yelled.

  “Hell, that baby need to come out looking like that fine nigga. Then I can brag about my grandbabies being the fuck F.I.N.E,” Grams said, as she walked in the room.

  “Grams, how you gone call your grandson’s fine?” I asked her.

  “Lawd, this girl had too much of that damn morphine! Ciera, if they got fine ass daddies, and they come out looking like they fine ass daddies, then they ass gone be fine just like they damn daddies you got that dummy,” Grams yelled, and Ari was on the floor laughing so hard.

  “Grams, you certified, and I want to be damn down,” Ari told her.

  “Whatever lil girl, I came up here to tell y’all I’m about to be rich, because I’m giving that Spanish nigga all I got,” Grams said, dropping, and bouncing her booty all around.

  “Show him what you working with Grams!” Ari yelled.

  “That’s going to be all y’all damn Grandpappy round here when I’m finished with his ass,” Grams responded, and walked out. Ari, and I just fell out laughing because our grandmother was the shit, hands down she held the title of the dopest grandmother ever!

  “Ladiessss, y’all ready to get glammed up? Ari, you have to be breathtaking for your man, since y’all celebrating the birth of my god baby. Bitch, you could have called me, when you found out too! Ciera, this fucking house is everyyyy-thang hunty!” Toya yelled.

  “Thank you Toy, I love this place,” I told her.

  “Where them damn GQ babies you done went and had? Girl, they are the most gorgeous little babies, you did good mama,” Toy gushed.

  “Yes, they are so adorable, and my heart is so full of love for my duo,” I stated. Toya started to get Ari together while I rested. I was only going to stand by my sisters side, take some pictures and come back inside to rest. I’m so extremely excited for Ari and Zelan those two were a match made in heaven. I know they were going to last forever, I tried reaching our mother to let her know about Ari getting married, and me having the babies. But I got no answer when calling, I left her a message and decided to take a nap. I will try to reach her later before the festivities started.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Bro, are you going to buy something you are looking mighty hard over there?” Zelan asked. We were sitting in the jewelry store of our private jewelry designer, normally he would come to us but Zel wanted to go to his shop today.

  “I’m just checking some of the pieces out, do you mind?” I told him.

  “Hell nawl, gone and get my sis what she deserves,” Zel stated, with a serious mug on his face. He was right, Ciera deserved it all and I was going to give her that shit on a silver platter. “Stan, what is the asking price on this baby?” I asked.

  “Damnnnnn, what is that a damn baseball?” Zelan yelled out.

  “Juelz, that ring is 2.6 million, it’s about twenty-one karats of the best grade A diamond quality, you can dam near see through it,” Stan said.

  “Is there a diamond that has better quality than this one?” I asked.

  “Yes, but that diamond can run you a hefty price tag,” Stan responded.

  “Shittt, you must not know who you fucking with, that’s Bill Gates Jr!” Zelan yelled out. “Stan, I need you to get that diamond in fifteen Karat’s and create the best damn ring you have ever designed in your life, and let me know when you are done,” I stated.

  “I got you my man, I will call you when it is ready. It may take a little while, but It will be worth the wait,” Stan stated.

  “Zelan, did you pick out the rings?” Yeah, I want this one Stan,” Zelan spoke.

  “That’s a good choice ten Karat princess cut, your lady is going to love this ring,” Stan said, walking off to size the ring. Ciera had, text us Ari’s ring size about an hour ago. I did get Ciera, and Ari a diamond bracelet, and necklace for tonight. I felt like all was well, in the world my family was safe, and we were all under one roof.

  Ciera gave me a second chance and I will never need a third. That girl was my fucking air to continue breathing. I can’t believe how much Laila Simone favors Kari for her not to share the same DNA as me. I will never say she is not my daughter, because Kari will forever
be my daughter. Just thinking about Kari, that little girl is in-love with her brother and sister. I thought we would have some jealousy going on, but no she has my ass a little jealous. Kari wants to spend all her time under Ci and the babies.

  “Are we all set for tonight?” Meek asked Zelan.

  “Yeah man, the barber is meeting us at my house. Then we will go back so that I can ask Ari to marry me, and if she says yes, we get ready for the wedding,” Zelan spoke, I thought the nigga would be nervous, but my boy was cool as a fan.

  “Bet,” Meek responded. The tailor already had our measurements, so he would be bringing over our suits, for the wedding. I just can’t believe my brother is putting all this together in a matter of seven hours. I checked on Ciera, and she was resting which I’m happy about. With all that’s going on, we can’t forget that my lady just had our children. I didn’t want this to be too much on her, but she said she felt alright.

  Stan finally made it back out front with the rings for Z and we left. He told me he would call me, when my ring for Ci was back I’m not sure when I would ask Ciera to marry me. But I damn sure was going to be ready when I felt the time was right. We stopped by the club to pick up the alcohol that we needed for tonight’s festivities. I also had our manager call in some of our staff to work the reception tonight. These people worked for us, I would rather have them serve our guest instead of strangers.

  “Bro, you didn’t even give me an opportunity to throw you a bachelor party,” I told Zel. “I’m good on that Ju, she is truly all I need my player days are over. That shit was over the day I met Ari, shit I don’t even know if I called my line up to tell them we were done. When I met Ari, that shit moved so fast it caught me by surprise,” Zelan said, laughing about his relationship with Ari. I know exactly what he means, I had Asia, but I dropped her ass like it was nothing when I spotted Ciera. It took us two hours to get our hair cut, and some chick came over to fix Meek and Zelan’s hair since these niggas was extra with their shit.


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