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Ladies of Deception 02 - Misleading Lord Martineau

Page 14

by Ginny Hartman

  When they entered the house they saw Hope sitting on the settee with Edith reading her a story. It felt so good for both Elliot and Felicity to see their daughter again. Edith looked up and saw them, quickly abandoning the book and running straight to Felicity. “Oh mama, I missed you.”

  Felicity scooped her up into her arms, holding her tightly, so grateful that she got to see her again. “I missed you too sweetheart. Have you been a good girl while I was gone?”

  Edith nodded solemnly. Felicity turned to Hope for confirmation. “She’s a darling child. I’m so glad I got to spend some time with her.” Pierce went over and helped Hope to her feet, the two of them returning to make proper introductions to Felicity.

  Pierce had his hand on Hope’s back as he made introductions. “Felicity I’d like you to meet my wife, the Duchess of Kerrington.”

  Felicity curtsied as best as she could while balancing Edith in her arms, “It’s an honor your grace.”

  Hope giggled, “Please, we are not so formal around here. Call me Hope.”

  Felicity smiled at her, “I’d like that.”

  Elliot stepped forward, “There’s been some unexpected circumstances that prevent Felicity from returning to her own home. Would you mind if they stayed here a bit longer until I can get things settled?”

  “Oh of course not, they can stay as long as they need.” Hope responded sincerely.

  Then turning to Edith, Elliot reached for her and said, “I know you missed your mama poppet, but I personally know how tired she is from our long trip. What say we let her have a bath and a rest while you and I spend some time together getting better acquainted?” He was so grateful for the child’s complete trust as she came to him, throwing both of her chubby arms around his neck.

  Hope stepped forward and grabbed Felicity’s arm. “Let’s go get you settled, you look exhausted.”

  “I am.”

  Felicity went with Hope, taking in the opulent surroundings of the home as they walked upstairs to where the guest rooms were located. “You have a beautiful home, your grace.”

  “Please, I insist you call me Hope. When I hear your grace I think of my motherin-law, bless her heart. And thank you, I still find myself in awe of my surroundings at times.”

  “Really?” Felicity asked, confused by her confession.

  “Really,” Hope laughed. “I wasn’t born to this life and still feel as if I don’t fully belong sometimes.”

  Felicity looked at her quizzically, she had no idea what she was talking about. One look at Hope and you’d see a beautifully poised lady who looked as if she had been born and bred to be a duchess.

  Hope led her into one of the guest rooms decorated in shades of pink and dark rose and indicated for her to sit on the bed. “I guess I may as well fill you in on our scandalous secret, you’re bound to hear it eventually. I used to be a mere lady’s maid.”

  “No!” Felicity exclaimed.

  “It’s true. My mistress, Lady Noelle Parrish fell in love with an American and when she found out that her father had arranged for her to wed the Duke of Kerrington she decided to flee to America with the man she loved instead. She practically forced me to take her place and marry the duke. I was furious at her for imposing on me but eventually Pierce and I fell in love.”

  Felicity gasped, “Does he know?”

  “That I was a mere servant? Of course he does, him and the entire ton. After I had fallen in love with Pierce, Noelle returned saying that Soren, the man she had run off with, had died and she had come home to assume her identity since she had nowhere else to go. I was forced to leave and she took over where I had left off with Pierce. To make a really long story short, Pierce eventually realized that she was not the woman he had fallen in love with and got her to confess to what had happened. He came after me and found not only me but an alive Soren as well. Apparently during their time together before leaving the continent they had eloped so Noelle could not legally marry Pierce after all. Eventually the entire truth came out including the fact that my mother’s midwife took me at birth and I was indeed Noelle’s twin sister. So you see, though I’m now a duchess and technically a daughter of nobility, I was never raised to be more than a servant. I think I’ll always be a common servant at heart. Honestly, I feel more comfortable in that role than in this life sometimes.”

  “Goodness, that’s quite the story.”

  “I agree, but we’ve all got a story to tell.” They were interrupted by a soft knocking on the door. It was two servants carrying a copper tub Hope instructed them to bring in and place before the hearth. A handful of other servants quickly followed carrying buckets of steaming water they used to fill the tub. After they were finished Hope instructed them to leave, insisting that she’d take care of the rest.

  “I suggest that you get in the bath while the water is still warm,” Hope encouraged.

  “Thank you, but I have nothing to put on once I’m finished.”

  “Do not worry, I have plenty of clothes from before my belly blossomed that should work. I’ll be back soon.”

  After Hope had left and securely shut the door behind her, Felicity stripped her rumpled clothes from her body, one layer at a time before slipping into the warm water of the bath. Within moments she was fast asleep. She barely recalled Hope waking her and helping her from the now cold bath and assisting her into a nightdress before she was settled into the large Sheraton field bed, the luxurious sheets wrapped securely around her. She was asleep within seconds.

  Felicity awoke with a start, her heart beating fast. She looked around the dark room, disoriented by the unfamiliar surroundings. She grasped the sheets in her hands frantically before she remembered where she was. Loosening her grip on the sheets, she eased herself back onto the down pillows and tried to remember the last twenty-four hours. They seemed as real to her as the dream she had just been having. Her first thoughts were concern for Edith, she felt guilty for having fallen asleep when she really should’ve been spending time with her daughter, reassuring her that she hadn’t abandoned her.

  She slid from the warm cocoon of the bed and decided she would go check on her. Pulling a thin wrapper, loaned to her by Hope, around her body, she opened the heavy wood door of her room and slipped silently into the hall. Once out in the hall she glanced to her left then to her right to make sure she was alone before heading for the staircase that would lead her to the third floor where the nursery was sure to be located. If she didn’t feel such a compelling need to see her daughter she would’ve just gone back to bed and waited to see her in the morning. She was grateful for the small stained glass windows that let in a small amount of moonlight, allowing her to find her way without stumbling. As she reached the third floor, she went to the first door she saw and put her ear up against the heavy wood. She wasn’t quite sure what she was listening for but she didn’t hear a sound. She decided to open the door and poke her head in to see if it was the correct room.

  Felicity cringed as the door creaked, the sound magnified in the silence of the night. When her eyes finally adjusted she could see that the room was similar to her own room, obviously another guest room and not the nursery. She quietly shut the door and moved down to the hall to the next door. She pushed it open just a fraction and was relieved when it didn’t make a sound, encouraging her to open it even further. She took a tentative step into the room and could instantly tell by the outline of the furniture that it was the nursery. She closed the door slowly behind her then tiptoed into the room.

  When she reached the small bed she looked down and by the light of the moon that was peaking in through the window she could see Elliot curled up on the bed with a sleeping Edith. He was dressed in his shirtsleeves and pants though his jacket and boots had been removed. He had one arm protectively around Edith and his mouth was open as he breathed. He looked so boyish and innocent laying there it made her smile. She reached down and placed her palm on his face, her fingers toying gently in his hair.

  Elliot’s mouth c
lamped shut and his eyes slowly opened. He looked momentarily confused as he focused his vision on Felicity. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” she whispered, hoping not to rouse Edith as well.

  He reached up and placed his hand on top of hers. “This is the best way I’ve ever been woken.”

  “I just wanted to check on Edith, I had no idea that you were still here.”

  “I didn’t mean to be. I must’ve fallen asleep while putting her to bed.”

  “Did you sing to her? She likes that.”

  He smiled, “No, she insisted I tell her story after story. I’m not sure which one of us fell asleep first.” Swinging his legs carefully over the side of the bed he sat up, “Let’s go someplace where we can talk without waking her.”

  Felicity nodded then followed him out of the room, down the hall and to the staircase. Elliot reached for her hand to offer her support as they tentatively descended two flights of stairs until they were once more on the main floor of the house. Still refusing to let go of her hand, Elliot led her to the library. Once they were no longer worried about waking anyone, Elliot finally released her hand long enough to light a candle then motioned for Felicity to sit on the leather couch. He watched as she sat on one end, tucking her feet up beneath her white cotton nightdress. She reached up and pulled her silky black hair over one shoulder. Elliot watched her every move completely mesmerized. He’d never seen her with her hair down. That combined with her thin cotton nightdress made her appear fetchingly innocent. He sat down beside her still holding the lit candle. The shadows caused by the candle flickered off her face as he stared into her luminous eyes.

  Felicity stared back, taking in his unkempt appearance—his cravat was gone and the top few buttons of his shirt were undone. His dark hair was mused and he still had lines on his cheeks from where his face had been pressed into the pillow. She waited hesitantly, unable to take her eyes from his. He leaned forward and reached behind her to set the candle on the table that was situated by the arm of the couch. His body was mere inches from hers and she held her breath as she waited anxiously for his next move.

  Elliot’s breathing was labored as he reached forward and grasped Felicity’s hair in his hand, winding it around his palm. He threw it back over her shoulders and watched as it cascaded down the arm of the couch. He reached up and brushed his hand through her hair, causing her head to snap back. He moved his hand down to the base of her neck, using it to pull her face forcefully to his own. Their lips met hungrily and something inside of him exploded. He felt like this kiss was their first and their last all wrapped into one as he kissed her with such desperation and eagerness. Her hands slipped beneath his un-tucked shirt coming in contact with his bare skin. He felt his muscles involuntarily clench beneath her touch and exhaled as if in agony. He somehow managed to pull away from her addicting lips and trailed kisses slowly down her neck to her shoulder before forcing himself to pull away completely.

  “This is torture,” he muttered under his straining breath.

  “I beg to differ, I thought it was delightful.” She smiled up at him impishly and attempted to pull him back to her, her lips parted in anticipation.

  He reached for her hand, entwining his fingers with hers but resisted coming any closer. “Please don’t tempt me, I’m much too weak to be able to resist for long.”

  “You’ll just have to marry me so you can stop resisting.” Felicity said boldly.

  “Oh I plan to, and the sooner the better.”

  “Tomorrow?” she asked hopefully.

  Elliot pulled his hand from hers and slumped back into the couch. “I can’t tomorrow, I’m meeting Clinton at dawn. Pierce has already sent word to him informing him of the details of the duel.”

  In the whirlwind of activity and exhaustion that had encompassed her since her rescue, she had completely forgotten about the duel. She pushed up onto her knees and leaned close to Elliot, grabbing his arm and shaking it. “You aren’t seriously going through with it, please tell me that you’re not that foolish.”

  “What else am I supposed to do? You heard the things he said about you, about me. Not to mention that he was trying to force you to become his wife. Anyway, my word is my honor and I can’t go back on it now.”

  “Please Elliot,” she said frantically, “Isn’t there some other way?”

  “There is no other way, he’s determined to have you and make your life miserable and the only way he’ll leave you alone is if he’s dead.”

  “You can’t do that to him Elliot, I know you can’t.”

  He took both of her shoulders into his hands, “That’s where you’re wrong. I’d do anything, anything for you.”

  Felicity was thoughtful for a moment. “Maybe you can offer him money to leave us alone. That’s really what all of this is about, he’s upset that he didn’t inherit wealth with my father’s title and it’s all my fault.”

  “It won’t work,” Elliot stated matter of factly.

  “Why not?”

  “Because it would only be construed as a bribe and eventually he’d be back threatening us once more. Do you really think that a little money would keep that miserable man away from us forever? And besides, he’s not just angry at the financial ruin our mistake cost him, he has a personal vendetta with me as well.”

  “You know each other?” Felicity asked him, doubtful that that could be the case.

  “Unfortunately we do. I knew him briefly when we were but lads, his father was hired by my father to do some carpentry work on our stables.”

  “But why would he hate you for that?” she asked, confused.

  “Because I stopped him from having his way with one of the servant girls. My father banned both him and his father from our estate and refused to allow his father to finish the work he had contracted him to do. He refused to pay him or give him a letter of recommendation; apparently that’s where the loathing comes from. Not only did I cause him extreme humiliation then, but I unknowingly ruined his inheritance by what I did to you as well.”

  “Oh Elliot,” Felicity moaned. “Why does everything have to be so complicated?”

  “I don’t know, love. I’m ready for life to calm down and for fate to allow us to be together. I just want to be with you.”

  “But what if something happens to you tomorrow? There’s got to be another way to deal with Clinton than by putting your life in mortal danger. What will Edith and I do if we lose you?” her voice cracked at the thought of losing the man she loved.

  Elliot pulled her onto his lap and held her, “Nothing’s going to happen to me, I promise you that.”

  “You can’t guarantee that Elliot, you’re not God. I’ll hate you forever if something happens to you.”

  Seeing no other option he murmured against her hair, “It’s a risk I’m going to have to take.”

  Chapter 20

  Early dawn, Friday April 29th, 1814

  Elliot was preparing to say his goodbyes to a sullen Felicity while Pierce was busy preparing the pistols for the duel. Both Hope and Felicity were in unusually foul moods that morning and both of their anger was directed at Elliot. He felt guilty for asking Pierce to be his second knowing full well the possible risks it could entail, but he was his closest friend and the only person he would trust with such a task. He refused to let himself think of any other possible outcome besides victory, knowing that if anything were to happen to Pierce, Hope would never forgive him and if anything were to happen to him, Felicity would be unforgiving as well as brokenhearted.

  He was standing in the entrance of the house looking at the two women as they glared back at him unabashedly. He turned first to Hope, “I know by now that I’m sounding redundant, but I honestly am sorry that I involved Pierce in this whole ordeal.”

  “Then call the whole thing off,” she snapped back.

  Elliot heaved a heavy sigh, “I can’t, my honor is at stake, a gentleman doesn’t just back out of a duel once it’s been called,” he pointed out for what felt lik
e the hundredth time.

  “Well my husband’s life is at stake, have you no care?”

  “I do care, and that’s why I’ve promised to bring him safely back to you.”

  “How can you promise that? You have no idea how this will go.”

  “I know, but you’ve got to trust me,” he pled. “Pierce wouldn’t have agreed to act as my second if he truthfully thought his life would be on the line.”

  Felicity snorted, “Men are so foolish and arrogant.”

  “I agree,” said Hope, crossing her arms stubbornly across her rotund belly.

  Elliot was exasperated, “Look, everything will end up well, you’ll see. In the meantime why don’t you take Felicity and Edith shopping on Bond Street. Help them select a new wardrobe and charge everything to my account.”

  “Oh, like that’s supposed to help distract us?” Then turning to Felicity, Hope said sarcastically, “Why don’t we go entertain ourselves with shopping while the men we love are out fighting for their lives?”

  “Sounds reasonable,” Felicity snorted inelegantly.

  Elliot chose to ignore their sarcasm and turned to Felicity, “I promise I’ll come home to you and make you my wife as soon as possible.” Felicity folded her arms across her chest and stuck out her bottom lip in a pout, refusing to look at him. She couldn’t abide the thought that he might never come home to her, that he might never be her husband.

  Ignoring Hope and propriety, he pulled Felicity into his arms and kissed her. Her arms eventually fell away from her body as she sought to hold onto him as if she would never let him go. “Elliot please don’t let anything happen to you. If anything happens I’ll—”

  “Hate me forever, I remember. But no matter what happens, I’ll love you forever.”

  “I love you too,” she sobbed as she clung to him once more. It was with great reluctance that he pulled away and left, hoping in his heart of hearts that his promises were true and that nothing would happen to neither him nor Pierce.


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