Immense Tension (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 3)

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Immense Tension (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 3) Page 10

by Dana Arden

  Chapter 20


  Sitting in the Devils’ meeting room surrounded by a bunch of angry bikers is not how I planned my day, but thanks to their snooping and putting Greer’s cover in jeopardy I had to step in since she couldn’t be here herself.

  Brute’s hostel question puts me on guard along with Rose, Maggie and Tasha. “Why the fuck have you not told us you knew where Greer was all along? We could’ve put an end to this shit months ago.”

  I clear my throat. “I didn’t know where she was until six weeks after she left.” Spook stands so fiercely that his chair slams to the floor. He strides towards me, but before he can get close, Tasha stands. She’s six-two of pure muscle and she’s the type of bitch you don’t want to fuck with regardless if you are a man or not. I stand slowly from my chair. “I couldn’t tell you any of the information that I received because you would’ve put her in more danger just like you’re doing now.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about? How are we putting her in danger? We have no clue where she is.” Spook bellows.

  I hold my hands up in surrender. “It doesn’t matter. Everytime you do a search on her name or use facial recognition software on her, it pings back to the Feds who are trying to help. They get one step ahead and then ya’ll force them two steps back.”

  Rudy bows his head and barely audible says, “Just tell us everything that is going on. I want my daughter home.”

  This seems to ease most of the men other than Spook who’s still eyeing Tasha to find a weakness.

  “The Pretty Pinks have a chapter in Arizona. Apparently, all Greer had to do was mention my name and Rose’s and they let her in. She gave them the rundown of what was going on. Cami, the President, has better connection with the Feds than I do since she’s a judge. She called in a marker she had with one of them and after a little recon, he found enough information to take on the case. But the only way to make sure that he had enough, he needed Greer. Greer has been a part of the daily ins and outs of Dimitri’s business. The Feds have been able to trail him until ya’ll called the Clark Country Coroner looking for Jane Doe’s.”

  The men look at each other trying to figure out who called and Trigger throws his head back and his hands up. “I’m fucking done put a knife in me. I called those motherfuckers last week. I talked to Cheryl.”

  “Well that set off Dimitri doing his own searches for women fitting Greer’s description. It’s fine now, but please don’t do any more searching that has to do with Greer. Let’s this play out. She’s safe.”

  Spook relaxes a tad and exhales sharply. “Can we at least talk to her? I just need to hear her voice.”

  Before I can answer, multiple phones are dinging and ringing. Spook breaks eye contact to pull his cell out of his pocket. He stares at it confused and brings it closer to his face. He doesn’t even have time to comment on the message before Rudy has his to his ear.

  “Chase! Whose fucking finger is that?” He listens absorbedly. “Hold on, let me put you on speaker.”

  Rudy places his phone in the center of the table and presses a button. Chase’s voice fills the room. “We got a package earlier today addressed to Queenie. I called a few minutes ago and asked her if it was something that we needed to be careful with. She said she didn’t order anything, so I opened it.” Silence. Chase doesn’t speak another word for a few seconds. “There was a fucking finger in the box. On a string attached to the finger, it reads ‘either stop your prying or I’ll send a piece of the club Princess each time I get wind of you in my business.’ It’s signed D.G.”

  The air is sucked out of the room. That can’t be Greer’s finger because I talked to her earlier today. I stride over to the corner of the room and pull my cell to my ear.

  After a couple of rings, she answers. “Mauve.”

  “Hey, um, I’ve got a question and I don’t want you to freak out. Okay?”


  “Do you have all your fingers?”

  She chuckles. “Yeah, Mauve all ten and my toes. What’s going on?”

  “Please keep your head about you.”

  “Spit it out.” She says aggravatedly.

  “Your loving stepfather sent a finger to the Chaotic’s today and fastened a note saying it was yours and that if they interfered anymore that he would send a piece of you everytime he got wind of it.”

  “What the fuck?” She yells so loud I have to take the phone from my ear, which is a mistake because Spook snatches it from my hand.

  “Greer?” He questions. I watch his face light up as he listens to her speak. “Princess, I’ve missed you so much. When can you come back to us?” He listens some more and then his face falls. “Baby, I never died. I was in a coma, but I never died. I can’t believe that you thought I was dead this whole time.” He glances around the room landing on Rudy. “Do you want to talk to your dad? He’s right here.” He listens some more and then walks towards the table. He does the same thing that Rudy did with Chase’s call and puts her on speaker.

  Greer’s voice brings serenity to the room with her unfiltered words. “What’s up fuckers? Man, I’ve missed ya’ll, especially Trigger’s needy ass.” Trigger smiles ear to ear and his eyes glisten. “I’m sure he’s an even bigger pain in the ass these days since I can’t keep him in line. How’s my baby? I bet she’s getting so big.” Her voice cracks

  “You wouldn’t believe how big she is now and into everything.” Rudy says as he chuckles.

  “I can’t wait until this shit is done so I can come back home, but I need ya’ll to listen to Mauve and back down. I know how stubborn you all are and if I need ya I won’t hesitate but right now everything is good and we’re so close to putting his ass in the ground.”

  Spook coughs to clear the emotion from his voice. “We’ll try, Princess. We miss you more than words can explain, so get your ass home soon.”

  Talking in the background and Greer covering the phone to answer echo through the room. “I’ve got to go, but just remember that when this is all said and done we won’t have to worry about my shit causing problems.” Before anyone can respond, she hangs up.

  Taking in the room, everyone is at ease with the news that Greer is okay and all her digits are attached. Rudy gets back on the phone with Chase and orders him to take the finger to a man named Goober.

  I clap my hands to get everyone’s attention. “If there isn’t anything else you need to know from me, then we are going to head out.”

  I shouldn’t be surprised when my brother is the one to stop me from leaving. “Why didn’t you tell us? Shit, you could’ve at least told me.”

  I take in the massive man with is light brown skin and the bulging vein in his neck that used to play Barbie dolls with me and braid my hair, and wonder where the time went when we were close and could tell each other everything.

  “I couldn’t tell anyone other than the people involved. The main objective is to keep Greer’s location private. Only a handful of people know where she is and I can’t put her at risk. You can feel left out and your feelings can be hurt if it means that she’s safe and the deadline ends sooner rather than later.” I move closer to his face and whisper. “This has nothing to do with us, Dante, so if there isn’t anything else I can assist them with, I’m out.”

  I stride to the door with my head held high and pray I make it out of this room before my heart breaks a little more with the way our relationship has crumbled.

  Chapter 21


  It’s been a month, four weeks, twenty-eight days since I heard Spook’s voice and the realization that I left thinking he’d left me for the heavens is heart stopping. But even if I’d known he was still alive, the only thing I would change was not giving Ryland the attention she deserved.

  I still would’ve ended up leaving with the same task on my mind, ‘take Dimitri down.’

  I’ve been working for Mad Dog, an undercover agent with the Feds for a little over three months. In that time, we’ve
followed my mom and Dimitri. We have their schedule down pat and we’re just waiting for that one last damaging piece of evidence to put him down.

  The plan is that the takedown will happen next Friday, that’s five days away. I get antsy with the anticipation of getting this done and heading back to my family, my baby and the man I love. Yes, I love Spook. I knew before he left on that trip to Dyson’s and I knew it tenfold when I thought he died the same day.

  Mad Dog and I are currently camped outside of a youth hostel that Dimitri entered fifteen minutes ago. As much as I’d like to go in there and find out up-close-and-personal who he’s chatting it up with, I can’t. Even with my hair died auburn and the brown-colored contacts, it’s too much of a risk.

  “How much longer do you think he’s going to be?” Mad Dog asks me.

  Still looking through the binoculars, I reply. “I have no clue. I can’t even imagine who in a youth hostel would catch his attention.”

  Mad Dog goes to speak, but cuts himself off. “Get the camera. Dimitri just walked out dragging a girl that looks barely eighteen.”

  I grab the camera and zoom in as close as I can. I hit the button a few times in succession getting a flash of multiple pictures as he drags her from the door to the open car door.

  “Got ‘em.” I take the memory card out of the camera and load the pictures to the laptop that is sitting on my lap. With a few clicks with my finger, the pictures are loaded and are running through the Feds facial recognition software.

  As it runs, Mad Dog pulls out in traffic following Dimitri’s Town car. We’ve been following as close as possible, but as far away not to draw attention to ourselves. Ten minutes into the trip, Dimitri pulls into the driveway of a nice-sized house with a security gate.

  I plug in the address and find out that the house is a rental. The name of the renter is none other than Farrah Gustave. As I’m about to fill in Mad Dog the computer pings with the completion of the recognition.

  “Fuck.” I say under my breath. Mad Dog goes further up the road and parks behind some overgrowth. “We’ve got their asses. The house is a rental and the renter is Farrah Gustave. The girl that Dimitri took from the hostel is Skylar Pitts. She’s a missing person and also, a person of interest in the death of Senator Kenneth Matthews.”

  “Motherfucker, Greer. We’ve got him. Having that girl in his presence along with the other shit we’ve dug up on him, he’s toast. He’ll never see the outside of a jail cell.”

  “The kicker is getting my mother too. She’ll roll on him as long as it gives her a foot out.” I tell him.

  We sit in silence as Mad Dog fiddles with his phone. I keep my eyes on the house just in case the filthy bastard sneaks out.

  “We got a problem.” Mad Dog sings. I look at him and then turn back to watching the house. “We can’t get any backup here for a few more days.”

  “That’s not possible. For all we know, Skylar is a pawn in all this. I know how Dimitri works and it wouldn’t surprise me if my mother’s not in there right now cleaning and properly dressing Skylar for a visit with another prominent client of Dimitri’s.”

  “The two of us can’t go in there by ourselves, Greer.” He huffs.

  “So, we’re supposed to leave a girl in there to the devices of a greedy old man and whoever has paid him for her time to do whatever devious sexual fantasy he has conjured up?” I look at him with my eyebrows raised. “I don’t fucking think so, McGruff.”

  “What do you suggest?”

  “We call in some of my biker family.” He shakes his head no. “The majority of those men are either retired or didn’t reenlist in the military. My brother and his friend, Ryker were Marines. My dad and Brute were in the Army. There are a bunch of others that have served.”

  “How long will it take them to get here?”

  “How long will it take you to get a private jet to Georgia and back?”

  He puts his phone to his ear and calls headquarters. When he hangs up, he gives me a relieved look. “There’s a jet at Atlanta Airport right now.”

  “Alright, let me get this party started.” I scroll through the burner that I programmed Spook, my dad, Trigger and Brute’s numbers in. I call Spook first praying he’s still at the Devils’ clubhouse. He answers on the first ring.

  “Princess.” He says boisterously.

  “Hey, Spookie Wookie.” He laughs and it’s music to my ears. “Are you still at the Devils’?”

  “Yep, haven’t left once.”

  “Awesome. I need you to get as many brothers together and get your asses to Atlanta Airport. The Feds need some assistance in retrieving Dimitri.”

  “Princess, I’m on it. Text me the information and I’ll get as many rallied as I can.”

  “Sounds great. I’m gonna get off here and call my dad. I’ll see ya when you get here.”

  “Alright. Lo…” He begins, but I cut him off.

  “I lo you too, but I don’t want to hear it until we are face to face.”

  He chuckles. “See ya on the flipside.”

  I hang up with a broad smile on my face and turn to Mad Dog. “One club down, two to go.” He just wobbles his head back and forth rolling his eyes. I scroll to my dad’s name and he’s just as fast as Spook on the draw.

  “Greer.” His voice rasps.

  “Daddy, listen. I need you to wrangle up some of the brothers that are available to help the Feds and the Devils go in and get Dimitri.”

  “When do you need us?”

  “Whenever you can pack and get your asses to the Atlanta Airport. Spook and some of the Devils are already on their way.”

  “Got it, sweet girl. Let me get off here and get them motivated.”

  “No problem. I’ll text you the details after I get off the phone with Mauve.”

  “See ya soon.” Before I can respond, the line clicks.

  “Two down, one to go.” Last but not least I get Mauve on the line. “Mauve, do you and the Pinks want to Charlie’s Angels with me?”

  “Greer, what?” She asks confused.

  “We need assistance in Nevada with raiding Dimitri’s new hideout. The Feds can’t be here for a few days and we need to immediately squash Dimitri and my mother.”

  “Fuck yeah! Sign us up.” She shouts.

  “Get your cutie patooties to Atlanta Airport. The Chaotic’s and Devils are already on their way there.”

  “Outtie.” She sings and then she’s gone.

  I turn to Mad dog bouncing in my seat. “In about six hours, Nevada will be invaded by bikers.”

  He chuckles. “Remind me never to fuck with you or your family. It took you less than twenty minutes to get an army in motion. Now, we just sit back and wait.”

  Chapter 22


  We make it to Elko Regional Airport in record time. Two black Escalades are waiting for us outside of the private jet we flew in on. Being a part of the Feds does have its perks.

  The mood in the SUV is a mix of energetic, frustrated and indifferent. I know the majority of the Chaotic’s are ready to get this resolved and get back to life as we know it; work, family and BBQ’s. The Devils are on the verge of blowing with the want and need to get their hands on Dimitri and Farrah. The Pinks are definitely indifferent. There ready to get their hands dirty, but at the same time, their done with the drama too.

  Me…I can’t wait to have my arms wrapped around Greer and my lips on hers. It’s been the longest five months of my life.

  I text Greer as soon as we are loaded in the two SUVs.

  Me: In the SUVs now waiting on your instructions.

  Princess: Meet us where 227 and 229 meet.

  Me: Be there shortly. Can’t wait to see you.

  Princess: Me either. Muah.

  “We need to go where 227 and 229 intersect, that’s where Greer is.” I tell Trigger who’s in the driver’s seat. I turn to look at the rest of the Motley Crue. In this SUV, there’s Trigger, Ryker, Rudy, Poison and Rose. In the other SUV, Chase, Brute, Bansh
ee, Mauve, Tasha and Beanie are piled in.

  Per the GPS, we’re not that far from our meet up point. We drive for another ten minutes before I see a slim redhead leaning on the side of an SUV matching ours.

  Rose is the one who makes us pull up in front of the woman. “This is it.” That’s all she says, but for some reason Trigger listens.

  When the woman removes her sunglasses from her eyes, I know immediately that it’s Greer. I waste no time getting out of the truck and charging her. She giggles as I lift her in the air and swing her around.

  “Princess.” I murmur in her neck. “Fuck, I’ve missed you.”

  “You too Spookie Wookie.” She whispers in my ear.

  I don’t want to let this woman go ever again, but I know now is not the time to be selfish. I ease her back on to her feet. Trigger’s next to grab her in a bear hug.

  “Greer, you and me, we got issues.” He tells her with a goofy grin on his face.

  “Yeah?” She questions. “Because I think the only issue you have is that your big sis is more of a badass than you are right now?”

  He grabs his chest as if she’s hit him and staggers back. “Aw, sis, that cuts deep. But I was a badass before you knew that a bra was for your boobs and not a contraption to be worn on your head.”

  “Whatever you say, but at least I don’t have to wear a jock strap all the time because my balls sag lower than my itty bitty penis.”

  “Jesus, you’re brutal today.” He whines.

  “If I didn’t fuck with you, you would think I wasn’t paying you any attention and then you’d go crying to mommy and daddy.” She sing-songs.

  “Probably, I can’t help it if my feelings get hurt easily.” He pouts.

  “Alright, you two quit your shit and let me get a look at my girl.” Rudy roars. He takes in every inch of Greer and shakes his head. “What the fuck, a redhead and what the fuck happen to your eyes?”

  “They’re contacts, old man. I’ve got to stay low key and this is the exact opposite of what I normally look like.”


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