Immense Tension (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 3)

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Immense Tension (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 3) Page 11

by Dana Arden

  “I get that.” Rudy surveys the man that has appeared out of the brush beside the vehicles. “Who the fuck are you?”

  Greer pats Rudy’s chest. “That’s Mad Dog. He’s the undercover agent.”

  Mad Dog comes closer and shakes our hands. “Nice to meet you all. I’m glad you could make it in such short notice, but this is time sensitive and my department couldn’t have anyone out here until Monday. Before we get started we need to condense. Too many vehicles and a bunch of people in leather are going to draw attention and we don’t need that at the moment.”

  “What do you suggest?” Trigger huffs.

  “Well, we need to take those two vehicles down the street a ways and park them. This,” he points to his vehicle, “is our point of origin. We can cram inside and go over what we know and what we plan.”

  Trigger and Rudy climb into the two SUVs and drive off. We pile into the Excursion packed as tight as sardines in a can, but I don’t care because my woman is snuggled in my lap.

  We wait for Trigger and Rudy before Mad Dog begins.

  “Over the last months, we’ve gathered enough Intel for Dimitri to be put away, but not long enough to matter until last night. He has an underage girl in there with him and she’s also a person of interest in one of the deaths of a politician. She disappeared and a state wide APB was put out for her with no luck.” He looks to Greer.

  “She was hiding out in a youth hostel. Dimitri went in there last night and dragged her out. We followed them here.” She points to a house obscured by trees. “There’s been no activity all night, but its Friday and Dimitri has a standing dinner at the Country Club. He’s never missed it and I’m pretty positive he’ll be leaving the house to go in a couple of hours.”

  Mad Dog cuts in. “What we have planned will separate us. Once he leaves, some of us will leave while the others stay so we can infiltrate the house. We want everyone involved handcuffed and carted off to headquarters.”

  Greer looks to Mauve, Rose and Tasha. “You three will be going with me, as well as my dad and Spook. The rest will be staking out here until he leaves and storming the castle.” She caresses my chest. “You and I are going undercover into the Country Club as Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop, so I hope you don’t mind wearing a suit and tie.”

  “Princess, I’d wear nothing but a thong if it kept me close to you.”

  Trigger chokes. “Seriously. She talks about my itty bitty, but I’m considering your dick shriveled up and you have a vagina now.”

  Greer giggles. “The last time I was near his cock, it most definitely was not a vagina and even if it shrunk a little, it’d be more than enough for me to handle.” Triggers face turns a deep red.

  Rudy clears his throat. “Okay, that’s enough. Jesus, let’s get back on track.” He says frustrated with his children.

  Mad Dog passes around two folders that have pictures of men and one woman, who I can assume is Greer’s mother. The woman was definitely an incubator because Greer looks nothing like her. She’s willowy with short blonde hair and deep set brown eyes.

  “These are the men that guard Dimitri or are affiliated with his operation. The woman is Farrah, his wife. We haven’t seen her in a few weeks, but that doesn’t mean she’s not here or somewhere close.” Mad Dog informs us.

  Greer pipes in. “She wasn’t much for physically being present, but she handled other aspects on the sideline.” She looks at her dad. “If you come into contact with her, don’t fall for her shit. She will say whatever to get what she wants.”

  Rudy nods. “Ten-four. The rose color glasses have been removed, Greer. After everything I’ve learned over the past months, I can guarantee I have no remorse for her.”

  Greer sticks out her fist and waits for Rudy to bump it, but he just stares at it. “Come on, Pops.” He continues to stare, so Trigger, not wanting his sister left hanging, does it for him. “Geesh, at least one of the Burgess men know not to leave a girl hanging.” Greer huffs and Rudy shakes his head again.

  “Alright, family fun time over.” Mad Dog interrupts Trigger and Greer. “Greer, you and your crew need to go and get changed. I’ll text as soon as they leave so you can get into place.” He glances at the remaining team. “We are going to sit here and twiddle our thumbs for the next couple of hours until that gate opens and Dimitri’s Town car leaves.”

  With nods of agreement, Greer’s team gets out of the truck and heads to the waiting SUV. Hopefully in a few hours this case will be shut, but I should’ve known that with Dimitri Gustave, there’s always a crack for him to slide through.

  Chapter 23


  We arrive at the Country Club fifteen minutes before Dimitri and are seated in a corner. If we didn’t have to be on the lookout for Dimitri, I would’ve dragged Spook into the nearest closet or bathroom and ravaged him.

  He looks delicious in his gray pinstriped suit with teal dress shirt underneath. He’s left the top two buttons undone and a dusting of his chest hair is showing. I can’t take my eyes off him fantasizing about what I want to do to him when we get back to the safe house.

  “Greer.” Spook’s gravelly voice brings my focus back to the present.

  “Sorry.” I whisper.

  “Don’t be sorry just cool it. My dick is straining against my zipper and it doesn’t feel all that comfortable.” I giggle. “It’s not funny. My dick could have permanent teeth marks.”

  “Fine, I’ll stop having this panty-melting fantasy of you between my thighs and your tongue consuming…” Before I can finish there’s a screeching noise in my earpiece.

  “Goddamnit, Greer. I’m your father and don’t need to hear what you want Spook to do to your girly bits.”

  I can’t help but laugh and Spook joins in. “Sorry, I forgot we weren’t alone.”

  “Sure.” He huffs. “A black Town car just pulled into the alcove.”

  “Got it.” I glance up from the table to Spook. “You ready for this.”

  He nods. “Are you? He’s your demon not mine and I can control my rage until we have him out of here.”

  “Yeah, I got this. Big picture, he’s taking away and never released.”

  “Yeah or he’s captured and never found again.” He says viciously.

  I shake my head. “Need you in my life and not behind bars. Conjugal visits aren’t really my forte.”

  I watch as Dimitri struts to a large round table in the center of the room. Seated are eight men in expensive suits with their security detail standing watch throughout the room. I take a glimpse around me and spot at least ten guards.

  “We’re majorly outnumbered and we’re going to have to wait until some of the men clear out before we can get our hands on him. These men are heavily protected.”

  “Unless, he gives us an opportunity.” Spook mumbles.

  We sit for the next forty-five minutes taking in the men and trying to decipher what their conversation entails.

  “His car just rolled back around.” My dad speaks in my ear.

  “Someone needs to take out the driver.” Spook grumbles.

  A husky feminine voice answers. “I got this.” The driver won’t know what hit him after Tasha’s done.

  Ten minutes later, the driver has been replaced with Tasha and Dimitri is saying his farewells. “He’s on the move.” I inform the others.

  We watch as Dimitri leaves with a guard at each arm.

  When the rest have cleared out, Spook and I take our leave. As we exit the building, I see the taillights of Dimitri’s car and watch as my dad, Mauve and Rose follow.

  Spook and I quickly make our way to the other SUV we drove. I hop in the back making quick work of getting out of this fancy ass dress and replacing it with jeans and a black tee. My boots go on next and then I strap my gun belt on my thigh and the other around my waist.

  I crawl into the passenger seat and pass Spook a .44 Magnum and he places it on his thigh.

  Instead of Tasha pulling over into a deserted parking lot, she drives back t
o the rental where hopefully Mad Dog and his crew were successful in breaching.


  Mad Dog

  Entering the house was a breeze compared to dealing with the four guards in the house. They had the advantage of knowing the layout. We were blind, but we accomplished our task.

  All four men were zip-tied and carted off to County since we found more than we could handle. In the basement of the house, we found six girls. Their ages range from fourteen to eighteen.

  We’re about to place them in the SUV to head to the hospital when I get a call from Rudy. Greer’s crew decided not to stop, but to bring Dimitri and the two other guards back to the house.

  We rush frantically back to the house to sit and wait for them to arrive. Precisely, four minutes later there is a buzz from the intercom in the kitchen. Chase races over to open the gate and limit suspicion.

  I give the hand signal for them to keep their eyes open when the front door creaks open. I peak around the corner as a guard helps Dimitri take off his overcoat and hangs it up.

  Dimitri is steadily rambling on about his meeting and the potential that this new venture will bring in. He’s oblivious to the men surrounding him gradually from every side.

  As he strides to the sitting room on the right, Chase and Ryker pounce on the guards, covering their mouths and dragging them back towards the front door. When they reach the door, Spook sneaks in with Greer, Rudy, Tasha, Mauve and Rose on his heels.

  Tasha holds the door as Ryker and Chase struggle to get the men under control. She follows behind them out the door.

  Greer makes eye contact with me and I nod in the direction down the hall. She places her palm on her 9-mm and stealthily makes her way towards the sitting room with us following.

  Reaching the doorway to the room, I see Dimitri staring out the back window with a glass of honey-colored liquid in his hand. He’s still blathering when Greer clears her throat and his body tenses.

  “Well, Dimitri. You seem to be moving up in the world of low-life’s.” She says wistfully.

  Dimitri turns slowly towards her and tries to hide the anxiety taking over his body. Sweat begins to bead on his forehead as he gradually sets down his drink.

  “I wouldn’t make a move for the gun under your jacket.” Greer commands. “So where’s mother dearest?”

  “Ah, is that all you’re concerned with?” He stands straighter pushing his shoulders back and puffing out his chest. “Your mother is of no worry to me anymore. I gave her the job of finding you and when she couldn’t, I sent her away. I don’t have time for someone holding me back and wasting my time.”

  “Good for you.” Greer clips. “I’m sorry to inform you that your future business endeavors have been put on hold.”

  “Not possible. Everything is moving forward just the way I planned it out to.”

  “Stupid, stupid man. I guess you don’t notice all the men and the few women behind me.” He looks over her shoulder and visibly gulps. “Yeah, you see the man with the skull cap on. He’s with the Feds and I’ve been collaborating with him for the past few months gathering enough evidence to send your ass away for life.”

  “You might have petty allegations against me, but you don’t have anything that will stick.” He says cockily.

  I step forward. “You’d be surprised the kind of information you can get from loyal guards who face just as much time in prison as their boss. But color me surprised when we invaded this house and found the under-aged girls in your basement.” I hear Greer gasp beside me. “Once we get their statements and the rest from the two guards we just took into custody, your days of being King Pimp are over.”

  I watch as realization hits him. “You can’t fucking do that. I have people in my pocket that will never allow for you to take me in.”

  I pull a black book out of my back pocket and turn it from side to side. “You mean the contacts in this book. Well, before you can be fingerprinted, the Feds will emerge on them as well. You should have plenty of company to keep you entertained for years.”

  “Greer, you let this happen and I will make sure every video and picture I have of you will be released.” He bellows.

  Greer laughs in his face as she steps closer to him and places the end of the gun to his forehead. “You already did that and I’ve seen them all. I could care less if you try to pollute my reputation anymore, because once the source is leaked and your ass is rotting in a jail cell, how creditable will you be? If anything, you might have a few more years slapped to your sentence.”

  Before I can detain Dimitri, Greer hauls back and hits him in the back of the head with the butt of her gun. I watch as his eyes drift shut and he slumps to the floor.

  Chapter 24


  By the time Friday turned into Saturday morning, we had carted Dimitri and his two goons to headquarters. The girls were taken to the hospital and checked over. The Pinks stayed with them, as well as Chase, Ryker, Poison and Banshee.

  Mad Dog allowed us a little one on one time with Dimitri who was handcuffed and shackled to the metal table. The conversation didn’t get us anymore information, but Mad Dog updated us as we were leaving that Dimitri’s black book contained enough people who’d sell Dimitri out. He wasn’t just dealing with politicians and philanthropist. He had CEO’s of multimillion dollar companies, oil tycoons and wealthy ranchers all over the U.S.

  When it came to Greer’s mom, we could only assume that Dimitri took her out or she ran off and hid. I thought for sure Greer would feel some sort of grief towards Farrah, but she didn’t feel a thing but relief in the hopes that Farrah no longer existed on this earth.

  Life in the Southern Chaotic’s and Rioting Devils world went back to normal. The weeks after the incident, Greer and Ryland moved into my house. I haven’t been able to leave her side and she hasn’t wanted to give Ryland up even to sleep in her crib.

  It’s been two weeks since we started living with each other and there’s been no ‘Spook-Greer’ alone time. I’m about at my wits end and I’m close to taking what I want.

  Right now, she’s in the fucking shower after getting home from bartending at Dani’s. My thoughts are full of her sliding her hands up and down her body as the soap suds and flows. Her head is tossed back as the water courses down her face, her supple tits and then down between her luscious thighs.

  I begin to stroke my cock slowly as the images consume me. My balls tingle and a speed up my rhythm.

  I’m brought out of my fantasy when I feel water dripping on my chest. I open my eyes to Greer lingering over me.

  “Keep going.” She says huskily.

  “How ‘bout you help me and I’ll return the favor?” I place my hand on her hip and slide it between her thighs cupping her pussy. She moans with my touch.

  She moves forward and starts straddling me. “No, Princess. Turn around facing my legs and suck my cock.” She slowly reverses her position, sitting her wet pussy on my chest. As she bends forward, I lift her hips and bring her pussy to my mouth.

  “Spook.” She moans as my mouth engulfs her pussy and I suck.

  I pull my head back and wait for her to get to work on my aching cock. “Princess, your mouth my cock, now.” I growl.

  Finally, I feel her tongue swipe the precum from the head and swirl her tongue around the tip. Her mouth gradually surrounds my cock making her way to the base. My cock hits the back of her throat as her nose nuzzles my balls and she swallows.

  “Fuck.” I grunt. “Just like that.” I get back to the task at hand while trying to keep my brain from short circuiting. I spread her ass cheeks and growl as I overwhelm her pussy and clit with my tongue and teeth.

  I know she’s close when I slide two fingers through her wetness and then enter her. She’s spasming, but that’s not the only sign. She’s completely gone still with my cock still enveloped in her mouth.

  I use as much strength as I can muster and lift her by her ass and spin her to face me. She’s so drunk with sensations, she
collapses on my chest. “Princess, scoot down and take my cock. Ride me until I splash my cum into your tight cunt.”

  After what seems like hours, but is really seconds, she lingers over my cock and teases me by barely lowering and retreating. She giggles, but the expression on my face must give her a hint that I’m not in the mood for playing. Her pussy’s been on my mind for months and she’s either going to sit on my cock and move or my ass will take over.

  She lowers inch by inch on to my aching cock and stills. Her breaths come out in pants as she adjusts. I grip her hips in both hands and lift her, slamming her back down with force. She screams with the intrusion, but not in pain. No, my woman loves my cock and her screams and moans of ecstasy only cause me to continue.

  My balls tighten and lift, and I know I’m about two thrust away from blowing my load. “Babe, you need to touch your clit.” I watch as she licks her middle finger and lowers it to her clit rubbing it desperately trying to catch her release.

  Once, twice, three times I thrust and Greer screams above me throwing her head back and ending in a groan. The tightening and releasing of her cunt sucks the cum out of my cock and I denote inside her.

  We lay there with her on top of me and me softly rubbing up and down her back for a few minutes until the question I’ve wanted to ask her for so long pops in my mind.

  “Princess, I’ve wanted to ask you something for a while and it never felt like the right time. Right now probably isn’t the right time, but I’m relaxed, you’re relaxed, so why not.” I feel her nod against my chest. “Who is Ryland’s dad?” She tenses against me.

  “I don’t know.” She whispers.

  “I’m sorry I thought maybe you knew.”

  “I know it’s shitty, but when you’re made to do the things I was made to do, you try to forget.”

  “Understood. You know you can tell me about it and I’ll never judge you.”


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