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Immense Tension (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 3)

Page 14

by Dana Arden

  Before I can speak, Rudy comes forward with Ryland in his arms. He hands her off to Brute and takes in the woman.

  She gasps as her gun waves from side to side. “Rudy?” She questions. “Why are you here?”

  “Farrah, you stupid bitch, I’m here for my granddaughter.”

  She stammers. “She’s not your granddaughter. She’s just some brat Dyson wanted to raise so eventually he wouldn’t have to spend his hard earned money on finding young girls to satisfy his needs.”

  I tighten my hold on Dyson’s neck and press the gun taut to his temple. “That little girl is mine.” I bellow. “She was taken from her crib while we were sleeping.”

  She’s still staring at Rudy perplexed. “She’s not yours. She’s some tramps. Right, Dyson?” Dyson doesn’t say a word. “Dyson, the deal was that we didn’t take from people we know that way there was no fallback.” Dyson remains mute. “Whose kid is she, Rudy?”

  “Greer’s.” He roars. “Haven’t you taken enough from her? Shit, I trusted you with her and all you did was hand her out to strangers.”

  “N…no…no.” She stutters. “Greer can’t have kids. The doctors said so. That baby isn’t hers.”

  “You’re the stupidest bitch I know. Did you even look at that baby? She’s the spitting image of Greer when she was that age.” Rudy takes in a deep breath and blows it out. “You couldn’t just let her be. She has a good life in Cumming with a man who loves her and a daughter who cherishes her. She’s got family at her back that’d never do the shit you let her be put through.”

  Farrah bows her head. “I didn’t have a choice, Rudy. It was either her or me.”

  “No, cunt.” I snarl. “You only give a shit about yourself. You could have left and taken her with you, but you chose to live the life of luxury while your daughter paid the ultimate price.”

  “You don’t understand.” She begins to sob.

  Rudy is fuming now and stomps over to her grabbing her by her arm and twisting it behind her back forcefully. “I understand too well. You abused my child because you couldn’t handle being second best, but when push came to shove you chose to stick around with a money hungry sick fuck that made his money off of underage girls and my daughter.”

  The door to the condo bangs against the wall and Mad Dog and several other Feds come hassling through. Mad Dog comes to me first and puts Dyson in cuffs while another agent takes Farrah from Rudy and does the same.

  Farrah’s ranting and raving about how they’ve made a mistake and before she can get out of hearing range, Rudy yells. “Have fun in prison, Farrah. Maybe you’ll become someone’s bitch and they’ll teach you the meaning of ‘don’t drop the soap,’ you worthless gash.”

  Mad Dog nods at us on his way out and lets us know he’ll be in touch. I turn to see Ryland passed out on Brute’s shoulder. I go over to him and take her from his arms and bring her firmly against my chest. I take in her scent and instantly relax.

  “Let’s get you home, baby girl.” I mumble against the side of her head.

  Chapter 30


  The anticipated call from Spook that Ryland was safe and on her way home made my knees buckle and I collided with the hard floor. Mitz was at my side instantly sliding my head into her lap as she twirled the ends of my hair.

  I glance up to her. “She’s on her way home, Mitz. My baby is coming home.”

  She squeezes my arms and tears glisten in her eyes. “Jesus.” She wheezes. “I didn’t think we’d ever get this news.”

  “Me either. I expected to get a call saying she wasn’t there or…” I stop that thought. “They should be here soon.” I start to get up, but Mitz stops me.

  “Just take a minute, Greer. Breath. You’ve done nothing but pace and check your phone. Take a second to calm down.”

  “Do you ever wish that life would stop testing you?” I ask.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I feel like ever since I got my freedom my life has been a string of trials. First, I got away from Dimitri and my mother. Second, I endured an eighteen hour birth with Ryland. Third, I find out that I need pain to function like a normal adult. Four, I meet an incredible man who gets blow up because my past reared its ugly head. Five, I put an end to Dimitri’s operation only to have my daughter kidnapped right underneath me. And six, that same man that has been by my side and a father figure to my daughter, rescues her from the villain.”

  “We all endure our own trials and tribulations. It’s how we handle the outcome that determines if we are worthy of the gifts we are given.” She grips my hand in hers. “You, Greer, were handed a shit hand in life, but through it all you have a beautiful family and a bunch of badass bikers at your back. I think you’ve won.”

  I think about that for a minute. “Yeah, I have haven’t I?” A way to show Spook how much I appreciate him and love him comes to me. “Mitz, I need you to help me with a surprise for Spook.”

  She smiles brightly. “Anything, Gee, but I’m not going to beat your ass. I don’t swing that way.”

  “Shut it. I only need one palm on my ass and it sure as shit ain’t yours.”

  We giggle as we pull ourselves off the floor and stop mid-giggle as the door opens and in walks my man and my baby. I rush him and throw my arms around both of them.

  “Hi, baby girl. Momma missed you so much.”

  She stirs in Spook’s arms and looks tiredly at me with a timid smile on her cute chubby face. I take her and place her on my hip as I lean up and give Spook a soft brush of my lips. “Thank you.”

  “I didn’t do it for a ‘thank you.’ She’s just as much mine as she is yours now, so you’re stuck with my ass for a really long time and eventually, we’re going to have to sit down and discuss adding to this little family we have.”

  “You got it, Spookie.”



  Lying in bed with the early morning dawn shining through, I look at my family. Ryland is sprawled out in the middle with Greer on one side with her hand on Ryland’s belly. I’m curled on my side taking my family.

  Meeting Greer’s mother was the only time in my life I’d every wanted to physically hurt a woman. She had no regret for the shit she’d done. How this woman could’ve given birth to the gorgeous, big-hearted woman sleeping next to me, I’ll never know.

  Greer looks out for everyone. When she thinks about doing something different, she weighs the affects it will have on the people around her just like when she disappeared to work with the Feds. She left so she could make sure the only person that was put in danger was herself and of course Mad Dog, but he’s the type that is glutton for punishment.

  Ryland stretches her legs out and raises her arms above her head hitting Greer in the chin, which in turn has Greer rousing from sleep. Greer rolls into Ryland’s side and kisses the top of her head. Her eyes flicker open to mine and she grins.

  This woman is absolutely gorgeous inside and out. I pray I never have to wonder what it’s like not to have her in my life. Yes, this woman turns me into a pussy, but only for her and her mini-me.

  “Good morning, Spookie.” She grumbles.

  I lean over Ryland and get my face as close to Greer’s as I can. “Good morning, Princess.” She leans up and kisses me. Ryland, never the one to miss out of getting attention, grabs my cheek in her hand and pulls down.

  I kiss her forehead and the sweetest words come flowing out her mouth making me still with the emotion that is churning. “Dada. Dada. Dada.” She continuously babbles.

  “Yeah, baby girl, I’m your Dada and don’t you forget it.” I remove her hand from my face and kiss each one of her fingers as she giggles and squirms. I look to Greer and she has tears unashamedly falling down her face.

  Finally she beams. “You suck, Spookie. I can’t even get a ‘ma’ but you get Dada.”

  I laugh as Ryland rolls towards Greer and ‘dada’ becomes her new favorite word.

  “You should know by now that I’m a special
man and every female wants to chant my name.” I smirk.

  “Very funny. Alright, little girl, it’s time to get motivated. We have a surprise for your dada today and he needs to get out of the house.”

  “Greer, are you serious? I don’t want to go anywhere. I figured we’d stay in and just chill. We’ve had company nonstop since Ryland came home two months ago.”

  She giggles as she gets out of bed with Ryland on her hip. “Today is no different, biker boy. You will be bombarded with your brothers and the Devils’ brothers. Oh and Mad Dog.”

  “Fine.” I huff as I kick the blankets off like a petulant child. “But after today no more company for a month. No two months. I want it to just be us.”

  Greer bows and Ryland cackles. “Whatever you wish, master.”

  “Yeah, exactly, it is whatever I wish. Later tonight, you’re gonna wish you’d been a little bit nicer to me this morning and not invited every damn person we know to our house.”

  I listen to her laugh as she makes her way to Ryland’s room.

  Chapter 31


  You would think today was someone’s birthday, but it isn’t. My little surprise party turned into a blowout party. Instead of it being just Mitz and Brute, Queenie and my dad, Trigger, Sadie and Lyla, the whole crew is here.

  Spook has been pouting in between sneaking laughs with his brothers trying to make me feel bad because he didn’t get to have his ‘us’ time. He can fake all he wants, but I know he enjoys having his brothers around, as well as all the future biker hooligans running around our yard.

  Mad Dog is the last to arrive and his tardiness makes me nervous. He’s the one that has one of the surprises with him and today was put together for that one reason. The second reason just made itself known a couple of weeks ago.

  As everyone gathers and eats, I ring my hands together. I hope he’s as excited as I am about the surprise I have in store for him. The closer I get to the reveal, the more nervous I become.

  I know he loves me and Ryland with everything that he is and I know it’s just me second guessing myself like I always do.

  Mitz comes up beside me at the kitchen island and puts her arm around me. “What’s up?”

  I face her. “Nothing, just got nervous all of the sudden. He’s going to love this, right?”

  “Stop over-thinking. He’s going to be over the moon.”

  “You’re right.”

  I pick up the manilla folder and the small wrapped box and make my way outside to Spook who is sitting in a lawn chair surrounded by his brothers.

  He must sense my approach, because he turns to me and a broad smile lights up his face.

  I hand him the envelope first. “Open this first.”

  He takes it from my hands and carefully lifts the flap. He pulls out a couple sheets of paper and studies them side by side. When it hits him what they are, his eyes meet mine and instead of happiness, I see adoration. He sets the papers on his lap and holds out his hand. I place mine in his.

  “Princess, do you know what you’ve just handed me?” I nod. “You’ve just given me the one thing I’ve wanted since I held her in my arms. She’s been mine since the day I changed her diaper and had the privilege to feed the little piggy. As much as I’m excited about having this piece of paper, she’s been mine before this.” He waves the papers in the air. “This is just a legal formality, but it feels damn good to know that it’s official.”

  I take my hand out of his and I wipe the tears from my cheeks. I hand him the present.

  He looks at it strangely. “I don’t need anything else, Greer. I’ve got it all in this yard and in our house. There’s nothing else that you could give me that could make this day any better.”

  “Just open the goddamn box, Spook.” Trigger yells from his spot beside him.

  “Fine, keep your pants on, spazz.” He unwraps the present and lifts the lid. He pulls out the little white and pink stick and stares closely at it. He looks to me and then the stick over and over before he opens his mouth. “Well fuck!” He hands the papers to Trigger along with the stick and grabs my wrist hauling me into his lap. “I lied. You can give me more than what I already have and I can say that anytime you want to throw me a surprise party to tell me I’m having another baby is alright with me.”

  I curl into him as I here Trigger shouting from our side. “What the fuck, Spook? You handed me my sister’s pee stick. I’ve got to go wash the urine off my fingers.”

  “See what I mean, spazz.” Spook chuckles.

  I giggle. “Yeah, he can’t help it, but I wouldn’t change him.”

  Apparently Trigger tossed the pregnancy test to my dad as he fled for the bathroom. The boisterous laugh brings me out of my moment with Spook to glance in his direction.

  His cheeks are wet and he’s hugging Queenie tight to him as they jump up and down.

  I lean close to Spook’s ear and whisper. “I wanted to think that Trigger got the spazz from Queenie but by the way my dad is jumping up and down right now, I think he got it from his daddy.”

  Spook bust out laughing as we watch our family take in the news of a new hellion running around the Chaotic’s clubhouse. Brothers are tapping beer bottles together and the women are wiping their own tears.

  Ryland walks over to us and climbs into our laps. She starts with her dada, dada chant and my dad stops in his jumping and looks at her. He has a devastated expression on his face.

  He slowly walks over to us and kneels in front of Ryland. “Baby girl, we talked about this. Your supposed to say granddaddy first not dada. So, let’s try this again. Granddaddy.” He sounds out and Ryland looks him square in the face and blurts dada. “No chunky monkey, granddaddy.” She just gives him this look like she’s constipated and he shakes his head. “We’ll work on it tomorrow.”

  “Nope.” Spook grunts. “You will not be visiting tomorrow and we will not be coming to the clubhouse. I’ve seen enough of you jugheads to last me another year. It’s Sunday and Sunday’s are for family time.”

  “But I am family. Shit, we all are family.” My dad murmurs like he’s put out.

  “Yes you’re all family, but I want it just to be me, my girl, my woman and the bun in the oven. No coming over unannounced or stopping by for a cup of sugar. Go to the fucking store.” Spook growls.

  “Fine.” My dad huffs. “But come Monday, I’ll be here bright and early with Queenie. It’s become our tradition and it’s not stopping because you want alone time with my girls.”

  “Fine.” Spook huffs in return.

  Since we returned back to Cumming two months ago, my dad and Queenie come over Monday morning for coffee and breakfast with us. I enjoy getting reacquainted with my dad and letting Queenie fill the role she should have been giving years ago, mother.

  As the party dies down and the women start to clean up, Spook pulls me to the side.

  “Take a drive with me. Queenie and your dad are going to give Ryland a bath and down for bed. We won’t be gone long.”


  I walk through the back door and grab my purse off the table. I pause at the front door waiting for Spook to approach. He joins me after letting my dad know we’re leaving and opens the door. He places his hand on my lower back and leads me to the brand new burgundy Explorer he bought us a few weeks ago.

  He opens the passenger door and helps me in buckling my seatbelt. He closes the door and rounds the front getting into the driver’s seat. I wait patiently as we back out of the driveway and down the rode towards the clubhouse.

  Pulling through the gates, he waves to Beanie who lets us in. Instead of pulling to the side of the clubhouse, he pulls in front of a small building. He parks and turns off the ignition.

  “Why are we here?” I ask.

  “Remember the first time I kissed you at the Devils’ clubhouse.” I nod. “Well, we didn’t get to finish that experience and I want nothing more than to fuck you up against the side of that building like I should have all those
months ago.”

  My panties become instantly drenched. I can barely make my mouth work as I try to respond, but all that comes out is, “K.”

  He opens his door and I do the same. I meet him at the front of the SUV and he grabs my hand tugging me along as we disappear out of sight behind the shed.

  When we are completely behind the shed, he slams my back to the wall and crushes my lips with his. I melt into his rough touch and moan at the feel of his immense erection pressing against my stomach.

  He pulls back slightly allowing enough room for his hands to lift up my dress and give him access into my soaking panties. He rubs along the lacy material that coarsely massages my clit with each pass. I moan and get lost in the sensation of his fingers on me, his chest pressing into mine and the nibble of his teeth down my neck.

  He abruptly stops and yanks my dress over my head and it pools at our feet. He pulls my bra down and my breast pop free bouncing with the fierceness of his tug. He takes one nipple into his mouth and sucks, while his fingers pinch and twist the other.

  He works his way down my stomach and with his teeth, he captures my panties and they follow as he lowers himself in front of me. He releases them and they drop to my ankles. He picks up one heeled foot out of my panties and spreads my legs wide.

  His mouth descends on my wet folds sucking my juices as he rubs my clit with his nose. His tongue enters me with the wildness of a starved man. He groans against my pussy and the vibration sends a shiver up my spine. He flattens his tongue against my folds and moves towards my clit where he bites lightly making me convulse.

  He pulls back stopping me from cumming and stands. “You’ll be cumming on my cock and not in my mouth, Princess.” He growls.

  He unbuttons his pants releasing his cock. He bends and lifts my thighs making me wrap them around his waist. He leans me back and positions his cock at my entrance. Without giving me a chance to prepare, he thrust into me. A scream escapes my mouth as he picks up the pace.


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