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Persuasion Skills

Page 9

by Laurel Cremant

  If ever there was a moment to pull on her big girl panties, this was it. It was time for her to stop running and tell Jax how she really felt.

  She planted her feet firmly on the ground and stood ready to make her way back down to the cabin.

  Lord help the man if he didn’t realize they were meant to be together, because she was more than ready to fight for what she wanted.

  Get ready to be slain, He-Man.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jax stood at the window and breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Pepper make her way back down through the woods. From his vantage point, he’d been able to just make out her slouched form sitting on a boulder not far from the house. He’d wanted to go to her and haul her sexy butt back inside but had stayed still, watching her instead.

  He’d spent all day deliberating about his next step and come to the conclusion that he’d made a huge miscalculation in his plans. His entire strategy had been based on the fact that Pepper always needed tangible proof of theory before she proceeded with anything. That was his big mistake. He should have remembered that although she preferred to know all angles of a situation before she walked into a board-room, her final decision was always based on pure gut instinct.

  She never did anything unless it felt right, and Jax finally realized that he was one of those decisions. He’d spent the last few months thinking of ways to get her to fall in love with him, when he should have been appealing to her instincts, not her mind. He should have started with Plan B from the get-go.

  Her instincts were what propelled her into his arms that first night, and it was her instincts that were going to make her listen to her heart. He didn’t know how he missed the connection before.

  He turned from the window, walked over to the walk-in closet and pulled out a small bag he’d prepared before leaving Miami. It wouldn’t take Pepper long to return, and he wanted to make sure everything was in place before she arrived.

  Laying the contents out on the bed, his lips twitched up into a smile as his blood began to heat and race. Yes, Plan B definitely had its merits.


  Pepper stood at the front door of the cabin, pausing to take several deep breaths.

  “You can do this,” she said, not caring that she’d spoken the words aloud.

  She wiggled her arms at her sides and rolled her head from side to side, trying to loosen her stiff muscles. For a brief moment, she wished she had her mp3 player. There was a playlist she liked to listen to before major meetings. It started with Queen’s We Will Rock You and ended with Beyonce’s Diva. The mix never failed to give her some strut and swagger.

  She briefly contemplated having the discussion with Jax topless. Considering his fondness for her breasts, she figured it was a viable option, but quickly dismissed the idea knowing she wouldn’t be able to concentrate with his lips wrapped around her nipples.

  Keep it simple.

  Her best plan of attack would be to just sit him down and calmly tell him how she felt. No theatrics, no drama, just truth.

  Rolling her neck one last time, she took a deep breath, reached out, and opened the door.

  She froze on the threshold, her momentum momentarily paused by the sight of Jax standing in front of her, his arms folded across his chest and his legs planted akimbo.

  "Hi, honey. Enjoy your walk?"

  His question came out in a gruff of sound in direct contrast to the smile stretched across his face. A gesture she was surprised he could make at all considering how tightly his jaw seemed to be clenched.

  She cleared her throat and shifted slightly in the doorway. His gaze seemed to burn right through her.

  "Uh, yeah. I really just needed to clear my head."

  She stepped into the cabin, closing the door behind her, and began to pull off her coat.

  "Listen, Jax. We need to talk—"

  "I couldn't agree more."

  His response froze her movements.


  He nodded and reached for her. Turning her around, he began to help her get out of the heavy coat. He pulled her arms together behind her back, and the heavy garment slipped down her arms.

  "Yes. I've got a lot of things I think you need to hear."

  "What? No, I—"

  No way was she going to let him sidetrack her again with Jax-speak. She wanted to tell him how she felt, and after experiencing his brand of persuasion, she doubted her grown-up panties would stay on long if she let him do all the talking.

  She struggled to turn and face him, but her hands became tangled in the sleeves of the jacket. Jerking her arms, she tried to loosen the fabric’s sudden vise-like grip. Just as she felt her wrists slip free, she heard a soft and definitive click.

  The cool touch of metal grazed her skin before every muscle in her body tensed, her mind racing to explain every possible alternative to what bound her besides the obvious.

  No, she wasn’t dreaming. No, she hadn’t mistakenly eaten wonky mushrooms on her trek through the woods.

  Gingerly, she tried to tug her arms apart.

  And no, she was absolutely certain that she wasn’t a superhero with two golden bracelets and a lasso of truth.

  Her brain finally careened to a stop.

  I’m gonna kill him!

  She stood staring at the wall, her breaths coming in and out in harsh pants. A part of her was angry at being thwarted by another one of his games, but another, deeper part was wildly excited by the possibilities. Fissions of heat sizzled through her limbs and pooled at her center. It was several moments before she was able to speak.


  “Yeah, honey?”

  His warm chest brushed against her back as his hands smoothed up her arms and rested on her shoulders. His voice held more than a touch of amusement. If her panties weren’t quickly becoming damp, she’d contemplate a head-butt to his no-doubt smug face.

  “I never figured you for the suicidal type.”

  The deep rumble of his laughter caressed her back. She bit back a sigh, resisting the urge to lean into him. The feel of the taunting vibrations was fast becoming a new addiction. His hot breath grazed her neck just before the hot lick of his tongue graced her throat.

  “Ah, Pep. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t worth it.”

  “I’m sure you think so,” she said dryly. “But you’re forgetting one important point here. I don’t recall consenting to this. And the last guy who tried this had to swallow his own balls.”

  She flicked her wrists, causing the chains on the handcuffs to jingle.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I vividly remember how beautiful you looked with my tie around your wrists.”

  She sucked in a deep breath. Of course, he had to go and bring that up.

  “Since when did silk ties become a gateway kink?”

  His teeth nipped lightly at her earlobe. She couldn’t hold back a shiver when his lips curled around the nub, pulling it into his mouth in a warm suck.

  “About around the time I realized how badly I wanted to bend you over and fuck you senseless.”

  With those words, he spun her around and hoisted her over his shoulder.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Pepper felt Jax’s palm cup her ass to hold her in place as he loped across the room. A finger slipped between her thighs and rested just at the juncture. She squirmed against his hold, not really sure if it was to be free or to get closer to his touch.

  “Whatever little game you’ve decided to play now is going to have to wait,” she said, her words muffled against his back.

  “Hmmm. I don’t think so. You and I are going to have a nice long chat.”

  He flipped her up, and the room tilted again as she bounced lightly on the firm bed. Her legs hung over the footboard, and her bound hands dug into the mattress beneath her.

  “I doubt that it requires handcuffs.” Her words came out in a puff of sound. They sounded less than persuasive even to her own ears.

  Looking up to see his solid build stand
ing over hers didn’t really help her on the resistance front either. A clump of dark blond hair hung over his left eye, and his gorgeous mouth was spread open in a mischievous grin. His dimples were out again in full force, winking at her and daring her to come out and play. Those sexy, evil dimples.

  “Oh, I may have to disagree with you there.”

  Nudging her legs wider apart, he stepped between them and shrugged out of his shirt. The garment hit the floor, exposing his wide, hard chest. She licked her lips, distracted by the want to run her tongue along the hard planes of him, but the sound of his jeans snapping open knocked her out of her lust-induced reverie.

  Focus, woman! Focus!

  Glancing down, she watched as he chucked the pants down and stepped out of them. Her mouth watered at the sight of his hard cock springing free and standing proudly for her gaze. When he wrapped his fist around his length and gave it a few leisurely pumps, she almost moaned out loud. She stared for a moment, before shutting her eyes tight against the view.

  Maybe if she didn’t have to look at him, she could actually develop a backbone and have an intelligible conversation.

  Her eyes popped open at the feel of him leaning forward and settling his hips against hers. He smiled down at her and placed his hands on either side of her.

  “I think the only way I’m ever going to get you to hear me is to take drastic measures.”

  “Trapping me up on this mountain wasn’t drastic enough?”

  He dipped his head low, his lips stroking her earlobe as he spoke.

  “Ah, Pep. You have no idea, do you?”

  The bed shifted as he raised a hand and smoothed it up her side, not hesitating to stop and palm her left breast.

  His scent surrounded her, a delicious blend of patchouli, sandalwood and the unique essence of Jax—the perfect mix of naughty and nice.

  “No idea what?” she whispered.

  “You have no idea how much I need you.”

  A frost of dread worked its way down her body. Why did it keep coming down to this? As much as he made her body burn, she wanted so much more from him than physical release. Her breath seized, and tightness built in her chest. She could barely breathe past the tears clogging her throat.

  “I want more than that, Jax. I need—”

  “What? What do you need, Pep?”

  His hand moved from her breast and cupped her cheek. He leaned his forehead onto her and held her gaze.

  It would be so easy to brush it off. To just kiss him and be pulled back into the haze of passion he was so good at drowning her in, but she was finished playing games.

  “I need love. I need you to love me. I lo—”

  The words came out on a choked sob, her tears finally slipping free when she felt him tense above her. She shut her eyes against them and battled against the fear pressing down on her. Hell, she needed more than big girl panties. She needed a whole Victoria’s Secret catalogue.

  How could a simple four letter word take on the entire weight of her world and encompass the full sum of her heart? But the word was begging to be freed, and she was so tired of keeping it locked away. She inhaled a deep breath and took the leap that was years in the making. Popping her eyes open, she locked her gaze on his.

  “Dammit, Jax, I need you to love me as much as I love you!”

  Her declaration hung heavy in the space between them. She stared up at him, feeling her skin tighten with each passing moment at the look on his face. Her heart slowed down to a slugging pace as her mind registered the tightening of his jaw, the thinning of his lips, and the harsh flare of his nostrils. Of all the emotions she was expecting to see across his face, anger was not one of them. In the span of only a few seconds, she felt her heart exhale a final beat and break.

  She wanted to curl into herself, but couldn’t look away from the clear anger emanating off of him in waves.

  He reared off of her, shifting to his knees and sitting back on the heels of his feet in quick jerking movements, grabbing her shoulders and tugging her up with him. He held her firmly to his chest, glaring down at her.

  She didn’t understand his reaction. Admittedly, her pronouncement may have been a shock, but did it really warrant anger?

  “I know you like to joke around a lot, but do you really think I’m that much of an asshole?”

  His words were delivered in a harsh staccato between clenched teeth.


  “Do you really think that I would go through all of this just for shits and giggles—just for a hot lay?”

  She felt her brows peak down in confusion, and her own jaw begin to firm in anger.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” she shouted at him. “Did I miss the part where you confessed your undying love, before you told me you wanted to fuck me?”

  His eyes flared wide before his pupils contracted to dark pinpoints. He pressed his lips into a firm line and kept silent.

  “Yeah, I didn’t think so,” she said, trying to keep the tremor from her voice.

  His eyelids twitched as he reached his hand over to the nightstand and pulled back a small key.

  “Like I said, you and I most definitely need to talk,” he said, reaching behind her and fumbling around with the cuffs.

  A soft click whispered through the air just before he pulled her hands around to rest on his chest.

  She barely had a moment to flex her wrists before he tumbled them both back down to the bed and stretched her arms high above her head.

  When she realized what he was about to do, she began to buck beneath him.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” she yelled up at him.

  She yanked her arms down hard, but it was too late. He’d already secured the cuffs around the center of the headboard and locked them again.


  He tossed the key to the floor and brought his lips down to hers in a quick, hard kiss then pulled away, denying her the chance to bite down on his lower lip.

  “You, Pepper Larissa Holts, are going to finally stop running long enough and listen to what I have to say.”

  Her mouth fell open in shock. He must be joking. The man just chained her to a bed, and he expected her to lie calmly and listen?

  She took a deep breath, ready to lambast him, but he cut her words off before she could get out a single word.

  “What makes you think that I don’t love you?”

  Her mouth closed with a click. She stared blankly up at him, not immediately comprehending his question, shaking her head as his words finally sank in. He still didn’t understand. How many times was she going to have to rip her heart open and hand it to him?

  “I know you love me, Jax,” she said sadly, “but I don’t want you to love me like your best friend anymore. If you want to marry me, I need more than that. I deserve more than that.”

  The harsh lines of his face softened. He leaned down over her, planking his forearms on either side of her head.

  “Why can’t I?” He whispered the question softly to her. His gaze was filled with such sincerity she had to close her eyes against the earnestness of it.

  Fresh tears began to well when she felt his lips kiss her closed eyelids. Why was he making this so hard?

  “Why can’t I love the fact that you love sci-fi movies but hate Star Trek?” he asked.

  His lips drifted down her cheek.

  “Why can’t I love that every time you smile at me, I feel a hundred feet tall?”

  He shifted his attention to her jaw line, nibbling slowly down her neck.

  “Love that you eat your M&M’s in pairs and that you always make me laugh even when I feel at my worst.”

  She whimpered at the feel of his teeth biting down and sucking lightly at the sensitive flesh of her collarbone.

  “That touching you always makes me feel like I’m drowning and all I want to breathe in is you? I love that you’ve got a girl-crush on Sandra Bullock and an almost weird obsession for Alan Rickman.”

  She felt his lips curl up into
a smile against her skin and opened her eyes. Tears slipped down her face as her heart began to swell with a strum of hope.

  “That every time I hold you I feel like I’ve finally come home?”

  He worked his way back up to her face and lightly grazed her lips with his before leaning his forehead against hers and staring deep into her eyes.

  “Hell, Pep. Why can’t I love all of you? As my everything, my partner, my best friend, and the woman who’s held my heart in her hands for years, and if she’d just give us a chance could have it forever?”

  She couldn’t tear away from his gaze. Her breath stilled, and her heart leapt not just at his words but also at the clear and stoic truth she saw reflected in his eyes.

  Warmth flushed through her heart and spread down her body. Her lips tilted up in a wide smile as she looked at him in wonder—the blood rushing to her head drowning out everything except his words.

  “You love me,” she whispered, the words coming out as a statement, no longer a question.

  She’d never felt such a sense of complete exhilaration and peace all at once. He loves me.

  The corners of his eyes crinkled, and he let loose a short, raspy laugh.

  “Yeah, brat. I do.”

  “God, I love you, too.”

  “I was kind of banking on that.”

  She moved to cup his cheek only to be pulled short by the cuffs binding her to the bed frame. She jerked again, jangling the chains at her wrists.

  “Un-cuff me,” she said, wanting more than anything to pull him close to her.

  His wicked dimples winked at her as his lips curled up into a sultry smile.

  “I don’t think so,” he said. “It’s taken me months to get you here. I don’t think I’m ready to let you up yet.”

  She couldn’t keep a laugh from springing from her lips. Flexing her back, she arched up into his body and sighed at the feel of his warmth.

  “That won’t be a problem since I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon,” she said.


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