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Atonement (A Science Fiction / Fantasy Romance)

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by Fall, Carly



  Carly Fall

  © 2014 by Westward Publishing

  All Rights Reserved

  Smashwords Edition

  The Six Saviors in Reading Order:

  The Light Within Me

  Finding My Faith


  Beverly's Rebirth

  Destiny's Shift

  Tangled Fates

  The Dream Walker



  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  This book is dedicated to my oldest friend, Jenny. You are the strongest and bravest person I know. You will beat this and come out the other end the victor in your battle against cancer. I have full confidence in your wicked, badass self that you will stomp the bastard into the ground.

  I love you.

  Chapter 1

  Six Months Ago

  Blake pulled the Hummer into the new valet parking in front of the Black Cuff. Apparently, the seedy bar was trying to up its image and clientele by adding a valet service and increasing the price of drinks. A line of people stood outside, waiting to get in, but it was still the same crowd, all looking for two things: drugs and sex. The old cliché of lipstick on a pig applied very well to this situation.

  The valet waved to him, and Blake parked the car and left the keys on the center console. He didn't bother going to the back of the line to get into the club, but went straight to the front. The bouncer, Ben, nodded at him and stepped to the side, letting him pass. The angry words from those waiting in line faded as he disappeared into the club.

  Techno music blasted from the speakers, and the lights pulsated in time with the beat. The walls were covered in black-light paints. Blake glanced around and saw Brandy leaning over a table showing off her ample assets as she took drink orders from a group of guys.

  Blake watched her for a minute, not feeling one iota of jealousy or possessiveness as the men outwardly ogled her chest. Brandy knew how to work what she had to maximize her tips, and he knew firsthand she had been endowed with more than her fair share.

  He waited until she stepped away from the table. She strode toward him wearing black leather shorts and a black corset, her breasts jiggling with each step. Her makeup was heavy tonight, and her brown hair was pulled back in a severe ponytail.

  He had met Brandy a few years ago at the Black Cuff, but he’d been so taken with Annis, he hadn’t given Brandy a second thought. It wasn’t until he was done pining for Annis that he hooked up with Brandy, and man, was he glad he had.

  "Hi," she yelled as she hurried past him. He followed, not bothering to answer her, as it was doubtful she'd hear him over the booming music.

  When they got to the bar, she put down her tray and started loading up drinks. "Are you coming over tonight?" she asked.

  He nodded. "I'd planned on it."

  She gave him a sly smile, then pulled on the lapels of his jacket so he had to bend over. "I have something really special for you tonight," she whispered into his ear.

  His cock jolted, excited by the prospects. "Oh yeah?"

  She nodded and smirked. Stepping in close, she gave his crotch a quick squeeze, then she winked at him, picked up her tray, and left him standing at the bar.

  He sighed and checked his watch. Brandy got off at two, and it was only ten. It was going to be a long wait where he tortured himself with ideas of what she had in mind for him.

  Sex with Brandy was always interesting, and he couldn't wait to see what her wicked little mind had conjured up for tonight.

  After ordering a beer, he moved to the edge of the dance floor, as bodies writhed together in time to the music. One particular attractive woman, who looked to be in her early twenties, eyed him. She tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder as her leather-clad hips swayed to the music. She crooked her finger, motioning for him to join her. He slammed back the rest of his beer, set the empty glass on the nearest table, and walked toward her, swallowed up by the throngs of people. Bodies pressed on him from all sides; it would have been a downright obscene orgy if they weren't clothed.

  He had no worries of Brandy being jealous or getting upset with him. She knew their relationship had no strings. They saw each other when they wanted to, and they could date other people, although neither ever did. Well, honestly, he didn't know if she dated anyone or not because he'd never bothered to ask.

  The four hours flew by while Blake danced and drank beer. He'd been offered some ecstasy, which he declined. Brandy came up behind him on the dance floor and snaked her arms around his waist, pulling him flush against her. She ground her hips into his ass and her breasts into his back as she slid her hands into the front pockets of his jeans. He moved with her for a few moments, then removed her hands and turned around.

  "Ready to go?" he yelled over the thumping music.

  Brandy was splayed across her queen-sized bed, naked. Blake licked her knee and moved his tongue up her thighs. She spread her legs slightly. He kissed the lips of her bare sex and dove in, tasting her essence. As he worked her delicate flesh with his mouth and fingers, she buried her hands in his hair. He kept his eyes on the prize lying between her breasts.

  She pulled on the nipple clamps he’d put on her earlier and moaned. He knew the drill: he couldn’t get his reward until he made her orgasm. If he tried, she would take the whip she held and crack his ass a good one.

  Thankfully, he was a fast learner. He knew exactly what Brandy needed in order to reach the Big O. He worked his fingers deeper within her and gently sucked on her sensitive flesh as she caressed his back with the whips' tassels. She pulled on the nipple clamps again and her walls contracted. She was so close.

  He pressed a little harder—he slid his fingers in quickly, and that was it. Brandy’s back arched, and he pushed her hips down so that none of his prize would spill onto the bed.

  When she finished, she looked at him through hooded eyes. “Well, come and get it,” she whispered.

  Blake looked at the small brown line of powder, his heart pounding. As he snorted it, a calm came over him, as well as a feeling of invincibility. Screw the Saviors, screw Annis and Cohen, and the Platoon, the Colonists, and all the other shit in his life. He didn't need any of them. He had Brandy and what lay between her breasts, and that was all that mattered. He rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling as Brandy wrapped her mouth around his erection.

  Closing his eyes, he reveled in the sensation of floating on a cloud. Gone were his troubles, and everything was right in his world again.

  God, he loved heroin.

  Chapter 2

  Present Day

  “Okay, guys, shut the hell up and let’s get this meeting started,” Noah said.

  Blake looked around the War Room and sat back in his chair. He glanced down at his phone; the meeting was already running ten minutes late, and he knew it would take the Warriors some time to settle down. Irritation brewed in his stomach. He had plans for the night, and he wanted to get moving.

  Cohen and Rayner laughed about something and didn’t look anywhere near ready to be silent.

  “Hey, Rayner,” Blake said. “Shut the fuck up.”

  Both Rayner and Cohen looked at him, and Rayner narrowed his red gaze. “Excuse me, half-breed?”

  “I said shut the fuck up.” Blake kept his eyes locked on Rayner and ignored Cohen. “Noah wants some silence so we can get this damn meeting started,
and you keep flapping your jaws.”

  Blake turned his attention to Noah, who furrowed his brow in confusion. Blake had been getting that a lot lately from all the Warriors, but he didn’t care. He had places to go, women to screw, and other things to do.

  His life had changed dramatically in the past year. After Annis chose Cohen over him, he still pined for her, no matter how hard he tried not to. They had shared one single kiss, and it had been awkward at best. However, he still fantasized that they could grow into a mutual physical attraction, because she was perfect in every way for him. He admired her spirit, her beauty still left him breathless, and he missed her friendship most of all.

  He had tried to keep the relationship platonic, but it hadn’t worked. He still lusted after her; he still wanted her. She invaded his dreams, and she was a distraction during the day. It seemed the only way to save himself was to just break all contact and conversation with her.

  During that time, he also developed an intense dislike for Cohen, and it always came down to one question: What did Cohen have that he didn’t? He’d spent far more time considering the question than he’d like to admit.

  As far as he was concerned, the new changes in his life were good. He did a fabulous job of completely ignoring Annis and Cohen. In fact, it was as if they didn’t exist. He spent as much time as possible away from the silo, preferring to shack up with Brandy. She was a hell of a lot more fun than any of the Warriors, and she provided a really nice distraction from reality.

  The room fell silent, and Blake felt eyes on him. Annis’s golden gaze pierced him, but he pushed away the desire to look at her. She didn’t exist.

  “Okay, well, thanks for quieting everyone, Blake,” Noah said, sighing. “The first thing we need to cover is who was on security detail here last night.”

  Silence filled the room, and when Blake looked up, all the Warriors were staring at him. Security detail consisted of making sure all the sensors and intricate systems were online both on and off the property, as well as programming the computer to call your cell phone if any part of the security system was breeched.

  “It was you, half-breed,” Noah said, his eyes burning with fury. “Did you realize that not only did you neglect to set any of the systems, but your phone wasn’t programmed? And just to make things really interesting, you didn’t even lock the front door?”

  Shit. He’d forgotten it was his turn as security overseer about halfway through his bottle of whiskey.

  “That translates into anyone being able to walk in here, Blake. Anyone. A Colonist could have come in here, made a sandwich, and then proceeded to kill every one of us.”

  Blake sighed and looked at the table. It was all speculation on Noah’s part, and Blake didn’t like living with possibilities of what could have happened. He’d done that long enough. He now lived in the present with no thought of yesterday and very little of tomorrow.

  “Micah could have come in here and done the same, Blake,” Hudson said.

  “But none of that happened,” Blake countered.

  There was a beat of silence. “Are you at least going to admit you fucked up?” Rayner asked.

  Blake rolled his eyes. “Fine, Whatever. I fucked up.”

  Noah sat back in his chair, his jaw clenching as his gritted his teeth. “See, when stuff like that happens, Blake, it breaks this thing we have among ourselves called ‘trust.’ I trusted you last night to be on security detail and keep everyone in here safe. You didn’t do that.”

  “I was busy,” Blake countered.

  “Bullshit,” Hudson spat. “You put my family in jeopardy with your lack of actions, and that pisses me off.” A black ponytail hung down Hudson’s back, and his blue shirt cost more than some people made in a week.

  “Look, I fucked up, okay?” Blake retorted. “End of story. Now, can we please get back to this damn meeting?”

  After a long stint of silence, Noah said, “Okay, Blake, back to the meeting. So priority number one for the past few months has been the SR44 women, and we’ve gotten nowhere. Nico, you said that you knew of two women, but you hadn’t seen either of them for a long time when you were with the Platoon. Micah has them stashed away somewhere. Simon offered up their location in exchange for asylum from us, but I’m not comfortable with that. At one time I would have said to throw him down in the gym, but we’ve got Killian up and running around now, and it’s too big of a risk to have a stranger among us.”

  Blake nodded. At three years old, Killian was definitely mobile, and frankly, it drove Blake nuts. He tried to be nice to the kid, but at his core, he wasn’t a kid person. No, he didn’t want to build blocks with him, he didn’t want to play hide-and-seek, and he didn’t want to watch stupid TV shows and sing annoying songs. He wanted nothing to do with the kid, but he remained polite and nice in the most distant way possible as not to offend Hudson. That was one guy he definitely didn’t want to piss off, especially when it came to his mate, Beverly, his daughter, Abby, and his son, Killian.

  “Thank you for thinking of my boy, Noah,” Hudson commented.

  “Of course,” Noah said. “I think we can all agree that we love the little turd like our own.”

  There were mumbles of agreement around the table. Blake had seen Rayner and Jovan play hide-and-seek with the kid, and Annis loved to cuddle up and read to him at night when she could see. He’d heard Cohen tell Killian stories of SR44, painting bright, vivid pictures with his words that kept the child’s attention.

  He’d watched Liberty building blocks with him, and Faith and Abby loved to take him outside to search for wildlife poop, or scat, as Faith called it. He walked into the gym the other day to find Nico on all fours with Killian on his back, screaming, “Go horsey!” at the top of his lungs while Alaina pretended to be a monster and chased them around. There were so many people in the silo who wanted to spend time with the kid, it was a wonder Hudson and Beverly got any time alone with him at all. As far as Blake was concerned, he was doing Hudson and Beverly a favor with his indifference. Parents needed time alone with their kid.

  “We could just bring Simon and beat on him for a while until he cracks,” Jovan said.

  Noah shook his head and ran his hand through his hair. “I don’t want him anywhere near here. We’ve got too much to lose if shit goes wrong. What if he’s got a tracker on him or something? The last thing we need is Micah and that psycho Jael showing up at our front door.”

  “Especially when the half-breed can’t even bother to lock it,” Hudson muttered.

  “Agreed,” Nico said. “We don’t need Simon here. We don’t need any of them here.”

  As the Warriors talked about other options, Blake’s thoughts went elsewhere. Namely, to Brandy and what they were going to do tonight.

  Brandy wasn’t the prettiest girl on the block, but she was definitely the most fun. He certainly didn’t have feelings for her, but that was the way he was playing things these days. After losing Annis to Cohen, he’d made a promise to himself that he wouldn’t get attached to a woman again, and so far so good. Brandy was a good time and nothing else. He tuned back in and realized the conversation had turned to what they were having for dinner. He wasn’t going to be around, so he stood and headed for the door.

  The murmurs quieted as Blake reached the door. “Blake, you’re needed here tonight,” Noah said.

  Blake turned and looked at Noah. “Sorry, man, I’ve got plans.”

  “But you’re supposed to be on patrol tonight downtown. We’ve got that cluster of Colonist offspring hitting it, and we need to—”

  “Jovan,” Blake interrupted, “do me a solid and patrol for me tonight.” Jovan stared at him a minute and then nodded.

  “See, Noah?” Blake said. “All fixed.” He left the room, walked out of the silo into the night, got into the Hummer and sped away.

  Chapter 3

  Sophia took a deep breath and slipped the white mating gown over her head. The simple piece of cotton covered from her neck to the top of
her ankles, exposing her slim arms. Her honey-blonde hair hung to her jaw, her dark chocolate eyes glowing from sun-kissed skin. She smiled at herself, trying to calm her nerves as she prepared for the night ahead.

  Running her hands over the front of the gown, she turned and looked at the bed. The white duvet hung evenly on all sides, the rust-colored sheets matching his SR44 color. It was made to Micah’s liking, and that was important when Micah came to visit.


  Sophia smiled as her three year-old daughter, Megan, ran into the bedroom. Her blonde locks hung in corkscrew curls to her chin, her eyes shining a mix of her SR44 parents: dark brown for Sophia, and a rusty brown for Micah, depending on the light. Megan grinned brightly as she pulled herself up on the bed and jumped around. Sophia laughed as she watched her daughter ruin the bed she had worked so hard to make perfect for tonight.

  “Mama, is Micah coming?”

  Sophia nodded. Megan had never referred to Micah as her father, and it bother Sophia just a little bit. Micah never came to see them, except when it was time to try to procreate. He wasn’t much of a father figure, but he had very important things to do, and he reminded her of this with each visit.

  When the Miladrids released the Colonists and it became apparent the they were going to win the war and SR44 would be destroyed, Sophia had been chosen to board the ship to Earth because of her royal lineage and the fact that she was quite intelligent due to her schooling and heredity. She knew her role on Earth would be to continue their race. When she had been chosen for the escape pod, her fear at the unknown was only parallel to the terror of knowing she would never see her home planet again.

  The fiery landing, and then living in the desert with Nico, Titus, and Beth, the other SR44 female, had horrified her. They’d survived for weeks on bugs, roots, and very little water. When they had met up with Micah again, he had taken control and shielded her from the horrors of this earth. He told her about the Colonists running amok, and how the Saviors had failed so miserably at hunting them down that they’d basically given up. It angered her and broke her heart. The people of SR44 had put so much faith and conviction in the Saviors, but it was an ultimate disappointment. It was supposed to be a short assignment for the Saviors, but according to Micah, they had abandoned their mission about a hundred years ago. Micah said if they had continued hunting for the original twelve Colonists, perhaps they would have completed their assignment, returned to SR44, and all would be well in their world again.


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