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Amanda in England: The Missing Novel

Page 4

by Darlene Foster

“I am sorry, Miss, but you are not allowed in Harrods dressed like that.” A security guard was addressing a young girl with a bright pink Mohawk.

  “I’m just lookin’ for my friends. I don’t wanna buy any of your naff stuff.”

  The security guard was polite but firm. “Mohawks are not allowed in Harrods, and we have a strict dress code. Please leave the premises now.”

  “I’ll just be a minute. I need to find ’em, it’s important.”

  The voice sounded very familiar. Amanda looked at Leah.

  “I’ll be gob-smacked. There they are!” Rylee pointed right at Amanda and Leah.

  Chapter 12

  Leah’s face went pale. Mrs. Anderson looked puzzled.

  Amanda smiled and said, “Hi Rylee. What are you doing here? Why are you looking for us?”

  With her hand on Rylee’s elbow, the security guard steered her toward the door and said, “Could you please carry on this conversation outside the store.”

  “I’m going. Don’t fret.”

  Amanda, Leah and her mother followed.

  Once outside, Rylee started to explain. “Liam was worried about his Uncle Charlie because he’d not been back home for a couple of days now and the cat was gone too. He called the police. They said a man his age and description had been hit on the head and was in hospital in London. They said two girls who knew him, reported it. We figured it was you two. Liam sent me here to find out what’s going on. I followed you to Harrods, but the snobby twits wouldn’t let me in.”

  “Well I shouldn’t think so, dressed like that,” said Mrs. Anderson as she eyed the short, leather skirt and tight T-shirt. “How do you girls know each other?”

  Leah, Amanda and Rylee took turns explaining how they all met and what had happened so far. Tears came to Rylee’s eyes when she heard about Uncle Charlie. “He’s not a bad sort, really. Who’d want to hurt a nice old man like that? I hope he’ll be OK. What about Rupert? What’s happened to him?”

  “We have him,” said Leah. “He’s at my house, sleeping, I imagine.”

  “That’s all right then.” Rylee looked relieved. “Thanks. Can I hang with you for a bit?”

  Leah’s mom bought everyone lunch and then excused herself to look in at a dress shop next door.

  “Whad’ya reckon we should do about all this?” asked Rylee.

  “There’s nothing we can do. It’s out of our hands,” replied Leah. “We can look after Rupert as long as needed, and that’s all.”

  “We have to try and find who is behind all of this.” Amanda looked directly at Rylee. “Did you take the missing Vicky and Alice book from Osborne House?”

  “No, I didn’t. Why would I do a thing like that?”

  “Well, I think whoever took that book is behind Uncle Charlie’s odd behaviour and now his injury.”

  Rylee took a folded piece of paper from her denim handbag. “Liam wanted me to give this to you.”

  Amanda took the paper and unfolded it.


  “What is this? Where did you get it?”

  “Liam found it while cleaning off Uncle Charlie’s desk yesterday. He thought it might be a clue as to what’s going on.”

  “What day is it?” Amanda looked at Leah.

  “It’s Wednesday.”

  “Then we need to go to the Tower of London.”

  Just then Leah’s mom appeared carrying shopping bags.

  “Mrs. Anderson, I have always wanted to see the Tower of London. I’ve read so much about it. Is it nearby? Could we see it today?’

  Leah glared at Amanda.

  “Of course, luv. It would be a lovely way to spend the afternoon. We haven’t been for ages.”

  They were greeted at the gates of the tower by a friendly Beefeater, dressed just like the teddy bear. Leah took a picture of Amanda beside him. Then Mrs. Anderson took a picture of all three girls with him.

  “At least they let me in here.” Rylee tugged at her skirt to bring it down a bit.

  “You girls look around the tower while I go have a look at the crown jewels,” said Mrs. Anderson.

  “We don’t even know who we are looking for or where they will be.” Leah waved her hand around the vast site. The Tower of London was not one tower, but many towers clumped together.

  “That’s true, but we can look around and see what happens. You never know.” Amanda examined the map the Beefeater had given her. “Over there is Tower Green, where Ann Boleyn was beheaded - can you believe it!”

  Leah and Rylee shrugged their shoulders and followed her.

  A Beefeater was explaining the famous beheadings to a tour group when a large black bird swooped down and almost sat on the Beefeater’s head.

  “Never mind him,” said the Beefeater. “That’s just Merlin, one of the seven Tower ravens. Legend says that the Tower, and England, will fall if the six resident ravens ever leave this place. We don’t know if that is true, but we keep seven here all the time, just in case.”

  “How do you keep them from flying away? Are they kept in cages?” Amanda couldn’t help asking.

  “One wing is clipped to ensure they don’t fly very far. It doesn’t hurt them. They are left free to fly around the grounds. They have a good life and live a lot longer than they would in the wild. One raven, called Jim Crow, lived to be forty-four years old.”

  “What do they eat?”

  “They eat like kings. They get six ounces of raw meat every day and a biscuit soaked in blood. Once a week they get an egg.”

  “Where are the rest of them?” Amanda was fascinated.

  “They can be seen anywhere amongst the towers. See if you can spot all of them during your visit. Their names are Hugine, Erin, Munin, Rocky, Pearl, Porshe and of course Merlin.”

  Rylee pointed to a ledge on a nearby roof. “See there, by that gargoyle, there’s another one.”

  Amanda saw the bird and gasped. Behind the raven, crouched the woman from the bakery.

  Chapter 13

  Amanda grasped Leah’s hand. “We have to get into that building and see what she’s doing here.”

  The woman inched her way around the corner of the roof.

  “Do you think she left the note for Uncle Charlie?” asked Rylee.

  “Perhaps. She was in the maze holding Rupert just before he led us to Uncle Charlie. She must have something to do with all this.”

  A sign outside the door of the building said:


  Amanda consulted her map. “This is where they kept the animals given to the Kings and Queens as gifts.”

  Upon entering, the girls heard the roar of lions, the trumpeting of elephants and the chatter of monkeys. A guide approached them and said, “Follow the path if you wish to see what animals were kept at the Tower from the 13th to the 19th century.”

  They rounded a corner and came upon a full sized lion and two lionesses. Rylee stepped back. “Me gosh, I thought they were real for a sec.”

  “They sure did a good job of making the sculptures look real,” commented Amanda. “Look at the polar bear! It says here it was a gift from Canada to King George III. I wonder how they got him here.”

  “I wonder how that lady got on the roof.” Leah reminded them of the reason they were there.

  They didn’t need to wonder long. The lady lurked behind the baboon display.

  “Hey you! Are you following us?” Amanda approached her, hands on hips.

  The lady stopped and looked around as if she didn’t know whether to run or confront them. Finally she said in a low husky voice, “What are you doing here? Where is the old man with my books?”

  “What books?” All three girls asked at the same time.

  “The books he promised to sell me. He didn’t show up in Newport, then he didn’t show up at the maze, just his despicable cat, and now he isn’t showing up here, is he?”

  “What were you doing on the roof?” asked Amanda.

  “To get a good vi

  “Seriously, do you really think we are going to believe that?” Leah was annoyed. “It looked like you were trying to hide from someone.”

  The lady pushed her round glasses up her nose and glanced around. “Don’t be so loud.”

  “Who are you running from? Who hit Uncle Charlie over the head?” Leah demanded answers.

  “Quick. Hide before they see us,” said the lady as she turned in the direction of a kangaroo. Leah and Rylee hid behind some zebras and Amanda slid behind a black bear as two men in black suits, looking very official, came around a corner. They surveyed the zoo, shrugged their shoulders and walked back out.

  Amanda heard one man say, “She doesn’t seem to be here either. Are you sure she was to meet the old guy here today?”

  ‘Who are those guys?’ thought Amanda as she peered around the bear. Then she saw the lady disappear near the crocodile pond. ‘We need to talk to that woman.’

  Taking a short cut, Amanda ran after her. She ducked under the rope surrounding the pond. Her flip flops slipped on the muddy edge. She felt herself sliding into the water and came face-to-face with a crocodile. For a minute she forgot it wasn’t real and screamed.

  The guide, Leah and Rylee came to her rescue and pulled her out of the water, sopping wet.

  “Are you all right, luv?” asked the concerned guide. “You really mustn’t venture inside the ropes. Didn’t you see the sign?” She pointed to a large sign that said:


  “I – I’m s-so sorry. I guess I just was excited to see the crocodiles up close. I’ve never s-seen one before.” Amanda’s teeth chattered.

  “We had better find Mom and get you home to dry out,” said Leah.

  They found Mrs. Anderson coming out of the tower that held the crown jewels.

  “Oh, there you are.” She waved at them. “What has happened to Amanda? Why is she all wet?” she asked as she got closer.

  “Rylee pushed her into the crocodile pond.” Leah winked at Amanda.

  “I did so not do that.” Rylee was indignant.

  “I wasn’t l-looking and got too close to the pond, slipped in the m-m-mud and f-f-fell in,” explained a shivering Amanda.

  Mrs. Anderson took a pullover out of her carrying bag and gave it to Amanda. “This jumper should keep you warm until we get home. Let’s hurry to catch the next train.”

  “What about me?” asked Rylee.

  “Don’t you have anywhere to go?”

  “Not really. Me folks are, um, out of town somewhere.”

  “Oh, come along then. But you must hurry.”

  A huge smile spread across Rylee’s face.

  On the train ride back to Leah’s house, Amanda wondered who the mysterious lady was, who were those men, and why didn’t Rylee have a place to go?

  Chapter 14

  “We should find out how Uncle Charlie is doing,” said Amanda as she sat in front of the fire drying out.

  “Perhaps we should call the hospital,” suggested Leah. “He may be concerned about Rupert.” She scratched the back of the big cat’s neck as he curled up on her lap.

  “Can we visit him?” asked Rylee.

  “I could ask if Mom or Dad would take us to the hospital tomorrow. It isn’t very far from here.” Leah picked up the cat and went into the kitchen to ask her parents.

  “Do you need to let Liam know about what happened today?” Amanda looked at Rylee.

  “Ya, I texted him. I was hoping he’d come over to help figure out what’s going on. I didn’t much like the look of those two blokes, or that creepy hag either. We need to find out what Uncle Charlie’s up to.”

  Leah came back into the living room. “Mom will drop us off at the hospital on her way to do the shopping and pick us up later, just as long as Amanda promises not to fall into any water again.”

  “Very funny.” Amanda punched Leah on the shoulder. “That weird lady, she sure moved fast for her age. Do you think she was scared of those guys?”

  “I figure that’s who she was hiding from when we saw her on the roof.” Rylee yawned. “I’m knackered. Can I get some kip? I don’t mind sleeping on the settee.”

  “We all better get some sleep. Mom wants to take us to Windsor Castle tomorrow. More history for you, Amanda. I’ll get you some blankets, Rylee.”


  The next morning after breakfast, Mrs. Anderson dropped the girls off at The Royal Surrey County Hospital.

  They stopped at the front desk where Leah asked, “Could you please tell us where we can find a gentleman named Charlie, who was brought in two days ago with a hit on the head?”

  “I’m afraid we will need a last name, luv.”

  Leah looked at Amanda and then Rylee. “Do we know his last name?”

  “I don’t. He was always just Uncle Charlie,” replied Amanda.

  “Blimey, if I can remember. Liam’s name is Ramsbottom. Perhaps that’s the old guy’s name too.”

  The woman at the desk typed something into her computer. “Yes, we do have a Charles Ramsbottom in room 602. Take the elevator to the left and go up to the sixth floor. He will be in the second room to the right.”

  “Good call, Rylee.” Leah flashed a grin.

  “Is Ramsbottom really a name?” questioned Amanda.

  They got on the elevator just as two men in dark suits got off.

  “Aren’t they the same two guys we saw at The Tower Zoo yesterday?” asked Amanda.

  “They look the same to me,” said Rylee.

  Leah didn’t say anything but looked concerned.

  Uncle Charlie’s head was wrapped in a bandage and his left eye was swollen shut. Smiling slightly, his hand shook as he took the grapes they brought him.

  “Have you seen my cat?” he asked in a faint whisper. “I think those two men took my Rupert.”

  “It’s all right, Uncle Charlie,” said Rylee as she took his hand. “Leah here has Rupert at her place and he’s living the life of Riley.”

  “I think you two girls saved my life back at Hampton Court.” The old man gave a grateful look to Amanda and Leah.

  “It was Rupert. He led us to you,” said Amanda.

  “He is one smart cat, he is.”

  “What did those men want, Uncle Charlie?”

  “They said not to tell.” The old man looked around nervously. “I’m very tired and need to sleep. Don’t tell anyone you saw me.” He closed his eyes.

  “We should go.” Leah put her hand on Amanda’s shoulder.

  Rylee gave Uncle Charlie a quick kiss on the cheek and, with a tear in her eye, followed her friends. Amanda put an arm around her. “He’ll be OK. He’s still in shock and a bit confused.” She wondered what those men were doing in the hospital and if they threatened the poor old man.

  Mrs. Anderson picked up the girls at the front of the hospital and asked about Uncle Charlie.

  “He’s doing as best as can be expected for an old fellow who’d been hit on the head. He seemed pleased that we were looking after Rupert.”

  “I’ve bought some things for a picnic so I thought we would go to Windsor, check out the castle and then, since the sun is shining, have a nice picnic.” Mrs. Anderson turned onto the freeway.

  “That’d be lovely. Thanks,” said Rylee.

  Amanda started to go over things in her mind as the car sped down the motorway past vibrant green fields and stone cottages with bright yellow daffodils in the gardens. The pieces of the puzzle just didn’t fit together. Could Uncle Charlie be involved in something dishonest? It seemed so unlikely.

  Amanda was pleased to see Leah and Rylee talking about some weird band she had never heard of, but still couldn’t understand why Rylee didn’t have anywhere to go.

  Rupert snored softly in the back seat, sprawled amongst the girls.

  Chapter 15

  Amanda was lost in her thoughts, when on a knoll in front of them, appeared a large round tower. A flag fluttered on top.

  “The Queen must be
in residence,” announced Mrs. Anderson.

  “How do you know that?” asked Amanda.

  “The flag is flown whenever the Queen is in residence at Windsor Castle.”

  “You mean this is where she lives?”

  “Not all the time. She has a number of houses. This is her favourite home. She tries to spend most weekends here. Queen Elizabeth often entertains important guests here too.”

  As they pulled into the parking lot, Amanda viewed the many turrets and stone wall parapets. “This place is incredible. Imagine calling it a house. Did Queen Victoria live here too?”

  “Oh yes, she spent a lot of time here as well, with her large family. It has been the home of Kings and Queens of England for over nine hundred years, and is the largest and oldest royal residence still in use. Let’s visit the state apartments first and then you girls can view Queen Mary’s Doll House.” Mrs. Anderson led the way.

  Leah leaned over and whispered in Amanda’s ear, “We won’t need a map or guide with Mom along.”

  Gleaming suits of armour lined the entrance walls. Some large and cumbersome while others small enough for a child. Knights, in full armour, sat on horses on each side of the grand staircase. Amanda felt like she had entered a movie set.

  “Please take a picture of me and my knight in shining armour,” she asked Leah.

  “Oh my, he is handsome isn’t he?” said Leah as she took the shot.

  “You are getting quite a collection of photos to take home,” said Leah’s mom.

  They entered a large room. Elaborate paintings and carved wood fruit decorated the walls. In the centre sat a long table, the wood so polished it could be used as a mirror.

  Amanda counted twenty-five red velvet chairs on each side of the table. “Wow - that would be a lot of guests at a dinner party. My mom can’t deal with four extra people for dinner.”

  “Well, I don’t imagine your mom has a huge kitchen staff either,” explained Mrs. Anderson.

  The next room bedazzled them with red velvet curtains trimmed in gold, red panels on gold walls and gold couches with red pillows. Amanda was not surprised when Mrs. Anderson called it The Crimson Drawing Room. All that red and gold made her eyes hurt.


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