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Baby By The Billionaire - A Standalone Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance (New York City Billionaires - Book #3)

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by Alexa Davis

  No matter what happened now, however much I needed milk, I would not leave the apartment by myself again. I was staying put until Braxton was with me.

  I grabbed my cell phone and made my way into the kitchen. I needed Braxton by my side right now to stop me from freaking the hell out all the time, which unfortunately meant I was going to have to be way more honest than I wanted to be. He would worry, but it was preferable be being left by myself.

  ‘Braxton, will you come over? T.’ I fired off a text quickly.

  ‘Sure thing, be right over,’ came the very rapid reply.

  The wait for him to come over was agonizing. I sat on my kitchen stool, tapping loudly on the table just to distract myself from the silence. The truth of it was I no longer felt safe in my own apartment, and that was something I needed to resolve.

  “Hey, boss, are you in?” Braxton finally called through the door sometime later. “You alright? Anything I can do for you?”

  I raced to the door and tugged it open, so grateful to see his face. Relief flooded me as I began to feel safe again. “Come in, I need to talk with you about an idea I’ve had spinning around in my brain. I think you’re gonna like it.”

  “Okay, sure... Is everything alright?” I indicated for him to sit down, which he did. “You’re freaking me out a bit here.”

  “Yeah, I know. I have something to tell you, but I need you to promise me that you won’t get mad.” I gave him a serious look, which he nodded at. He wouldn’t listen, but I had to at least try. “After you left yesterday, I realized that I needed milk, so I headed to the store. On the way, I saw a guy.” I sucked in a deep panicked breath. “One of the guys from that night in the club.”

  “You what?” Just as I expected, Braxton took it way too hard. “Did anything happen? Did he do anything to you?”

  “No, no nothing like that. He just gave me a look, which brings me to my plan.” The quicker I got off the subject of the man in question, the easier this would be. “There is an apartment on the floor below which has been on sale for a while. I want to buy it for you, so you can be near me.”

  “Are you serious?” Luckily, Braxton was so excited by the idea of having one of these homes that he forgot to panic any longer. “But aren’t they expensive?”

  “Don’t you worry about that! I need you here. You’ll be doing me a huge favor. If you’re up for it, then we can go and speak to the building manager now?”

  Please say yes, please say yes

  “For sure!” He jumped upright and grinned. “Let’s go, I can’t believe this. I expected you to fire me, and here you are getting me a new home.”

  I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Braxton, if you haven’t realised yet that I’m never going to fire you, then you’re a dumbass. Honestly, I love you, but you’re an idiot.”

  Braxton slung his hand around my shoulder as we made our way out into the elevator. There was a giddiness surrounding us, which was much better than feeling sorry for myself. Now I could have Braxton at my beck and call, which would help me to relax. There was no way in hell that I could continue on without sleeping.

  “Okay...” The building manager looked a little bewildered as I made my demands. “So you want to buy it today?”

  “Right now, actually. I can pay.” I pulled my credit card out of my pocket and dropped it on the table. The manager watched it fall with shock in his eyes.

  “Well, this isn’t typical, usually we usually have an application process and...”

  “But I already live here – it’s me buying it.” I felt exasperated. No one was buying the place, he didn’t have any offers on the table, so what was the hold up? I needed this now – there was no hanging around. I didn’t want to tell this asshole that my life was on the line, but I would if it came to it. “You know me, so what’s the point?”

  “Well, it won’t be you living there, will it?” His diplomatic tone pissed me off even further. I needed to do something drastic, to shut this crap down.

  “I will pay double the asking price.” Braxton touched my arm to stop me, but cash didn’t matter to me. I needed this. I had to have this protection. “Just give me the keys. You know it makes sense. It has been for sale for a while now, and you won’t get a better offer than this.” He knew I was right; I could see it in his eyes.

  It was reluctantly, but the manager eventually pulled out the papers for me to sign and handed me the keys. I gave him a look as I slipped my card into his machine. I was doing him a damn favor here. He needed to be a bit more grateful for it. But he wasn’t going to back down, and I didn’t really care now that I had what I wanted.

  “Come on, Braxton. Let’s go.”

  The atmosphere was different as we walked back up the stairs. I could sense that he was wondering why I’d paid such a huge fee for the apartment, why I needed the protection so much. He would address it eventually, but I still couldn’t be totally honest with him. Much as I hated to lie, it was for the best. It was safest for everyone.

  “What’s going on, Terrance?” he eventually asked me curiously. “What am I missing here?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” I fixed my eyes on the floor beneath me, trying not to make eye contact with him. I needed him to just trust my words for once.

  “Come on, boss. You spending all that money? What is with these guys? So you know why they’re after you?”

  I sighed deeply, preparing myself for another round of lies. There was hardly any point in keeping it up when Braxton could see right through me, but I didn’t want him to panic. This was for his own good.

  “I think they must just know who I am; you know what it’s like being rich, it comes with a lot of people wanting to take what you have.” What the hell was I even saying? I was just talking for the sake of it. “They are thugs, they want to rob me. But now that you’re here, I won’t have to worry about any of it.”

  “Riiight, okay.” Braxton shook his head lightly at me, totally untrusting every single word I said. Luckily, since I’d just brought him a new home, he wasn’t about to challenge it. At some point this would all come back around, but this was supposed to be a nice moment.

  “Come on, let’s go and see your new home.” I threw the keys at him and smirked, indicating for him to open the door. “Let’s go and see if we need to get any new furniture or anything.”

  “They’re usually furnished, right? I remember when we got yours...” Braxton gasped loudly and happily as he saw the beauty of the place. It wasn’t quite as huge as mine and he didn’t have the terrace that I did, but it still looked good. “Oh my God, boss, this is too much. This is gorgeous. Nothing like where I currently live.”

  “Why don’t you go and get your stuff?” I patted him on the back. “This is your house now.”


  As Braxton returned to his current place to pack, which I knew he rented and shared with three other guys, I smiled to myself. This was something that I should’ve done much sooner. That was an oversight on my part. Maybe some good could come out of this messy situation, after all, even if it was just to make me do something good for my friend.

  I wandered from room to room, trying to see if there was anything he would need to make this his home. I wanted it to be perfect for him, but it seemed that it was pretty well stocked in preparation.

  I sat in a chair by the window and looked down at the streets below, wondering what the hell was going on down there. Were those guys waiting for me? Was I ever going to be able to feel safe on my own again? Maybe I was more paranoid than most because tragedy had struck my family, but still this was all very messy.

  At least now I didn’t have to be alone anymore.

  My eyelids started flickering, as if they finally wanted to close now that my safety was more guaranteed, and I was half tempted to just let it happen. This wasn’t even my house, so even if those assholes were trying to find me, they wouldn’t look in this apartment.

  As always, when I wasn’t thinking about them, Morgan filled my
mind. Her face was incredibly welcome as my mind pictured her biting down on her lip in that sexy way she did in the club that night.

  “Is there anywhere private? Anywhere we can have some space...alone?”

  Her words were permanently etched into my brain. I knew I would never forget the way she looked as she asked me that.

  I shouldn’t have gone along with it, though. I should have insisted that we come back to mine. That way she wouldn’t have panicked, we could have got talking, and I would’ve got more out of her. I would’ve got to know her in a way that I wished I had. In a way that I hadn’t anyone else before.

  The whole scene changed, and she was on top of me, riding me, sending me flying up to cloud nine. I stared into her eyes, drinking her in, loving every second of her gorgeous face. There was something in her face that drew me in deeper, that had me desperate to know more. I wanted to cling onto her, to hold her close to me, to never let her go....

  “Huh? What?”

  “Sorry, boss, I didn’t mean to wake you when you looked so peaceful, but you were talking in your sleep.” Braxton grinned at me with a guilty look on his face. “Are you alright?”

  I wanted to ask what I was saying, but I also didn’t want to know. It would probably be terribly embarrassing. If he told me I said Morgan, I would die. “Right, yeah, sorry. I’m exhausted. Have you got all your stuff?”

  “I’m all moved in!” He grinned and indicated around him. “I don’t have much stuff because I’ve never had much space before so it didn’t take long, but yeah... Now it’s all mine.”

  It was done now. Braxton was in his new home, ready to protect me at all hours. This would be such a good thing for the pair of us. The tight metallic knot of coiled panic that had wrapped itself around my heart had dispersed. Everything was going to be alright.

  Chapter Fourteen



  “Are you okay?” Nickie asked me curiously. “You feeling better now?”

  “Hmm?” I was barely listening, stuck in the same catatonic state I’d been in all week. I still didn’t know how to process this information. It had been hard enough to think about what my future held when it was all hypothetical, but now it was real...and it was damn near impossible. “Oh, erm yeah, a little. I’m going to see my doctor after lunch, so I’ll find out for sure then.”

  “You do look a little better,” Nickie observed. “But yeah, might be good to see if he’ll get you anything.”

  “Hopefully. I don’t know how much longer I can stand feeling this way.” I was trying to make light of the situation so Nickie wouldn’t pick up on the severity of what was going on with me, but the hollowness to my tone was apparent.

  I felt bad keeping a secret from my friend, especially one this huge, but it felt like the right thing to do for now. At least until I had confirmation from a medical professional that I was actually having a baby. Maybe I’d done three tests that all said the same thing, but there was still a small bit of hope. I just couldn’t face getting into it until I had all the information.

  I hadn’t even mentioned my hook up with Terrance yet. I was pretty sure Nickie had worked it out, but she was patiently waiting for me to be the one to bring it up first.

  It was just so embarrassing to say that I’d had sex with a virtual stranger in a club and now I was knocked up. I couldn’t get my head around the fact that this had happened to me – the person who did nothing out the ordinary.

  “You know, if you’re feeling better tomorrow, we’re all going to Lights Out again.” Nickie cocked her head to one side and looked at me curiously through her eyelashes. She flicked her braid in front of her, reminding me of the bird’s nest piled on the top of my head. “I know you’ve been feeling a bit shit, but you’re not working, are you? It might... I dunno, lift your spirits a bit, to have some fun.”

  I’d been avoiding Lights Out for so long now, the name actually made me blanche. For some reason, it had become this awful place in my brain, the devil that made me act out of character. “We’ll see,” I replied blandly, refusing to give anything away. “See what happens today when I see the doctor.”

  “Yeah, you’ll have to let me know. I have been worried about you.”

  Guilt cringed in my chest. I felt horrible for being so quiet when I knew that Nickie would be nothing but kind to me. She’d help me to do whatever I wanted – she’d be the listening ear, the shoulder to cry on – but I just didn’t know what I wanted to say yet. As soon as I figured out how I felt about it at all, she’d be the first person I spoke to.

  After all, I couldn’t exactly tell the father now, could I?

  “Thanks, Nickie.” I stood up and turned away from her, doing my best to disguise the tears pricking the corner of my eyes. “I will do. I better get back. I’ll text you later, let you know how I’m getting on, okay?”

  “See you soon.”

  As I walked from the room, that sickly sensation filled my stomach again. Only this time, it wasn’t possible pregnancy related; it was more to do with the image of the apocalyptic future that lay ahead of me, the making of my own doing.


  “Morgan Roache?” the receptionist called me back into the doctor’s office. “Doctor Cooke will see you now.”

  He had my results – that man already knew my future. Deep down, I did, too, but to know that someone else had the confirmed answer was horrible. Each step I took to where he was waiting for me made me feel even sicker than before. My future had already shifted, but as soon as Doctor Cooke confirmed it, I was going to have to start being serious. I would have to sit down and make a real life plan.

  That was the scariest thing of them all.

  “Hello there, Mrs. Roache.”

  He gave me a friendly smile, but I couldn’t even slightly bring myself to return it. “It’s Miss, actually.”

  “Okay, well, I have some very good news for you. The tests all came back positive, so you are having a baby...” He continued talking, speaking as if this was good news, something that should be celebrated, but I couldn’t hear any of his words anymore. Only the important ones over and over again.

  “You are having a baby.”

  I was going to be a mom. I would have a child in my arms, a life that relied solely on me. It was ironic really that the thought scared me so much when I’d been wanting it so badly not that long ago, but it was terrifying when I didn’t have the whole picture. I would have the baby, but not the husband, and that made it scary rather than exciting. I mean, I was still a modern woman and all that, but how could I do this with no help? And no experience?

  How did anyone know how to be a mother?

  “Thank you, Doctor.” I jumped up quickly, scraping the chair noisily along the ground. “I have to go now.”

  “But I haven’t finished...”

  “That’s okay, I work in the hospital. I know how to look after myself. I need to get back to work now, actually, so thank you.” I was babbling and forcing myself to smile far too brightly, but I just needed to escape before the panic squeezed all the air out of my lungs. “I’ll just see myself out.”

  “Miss Rhodes...” Doctor Cooke wasn’t getting the hint and was still trying to talk to me, but it was far too late for that. I was out the door and gasping noisily.

  I just needed to get outside. As soon as I had some fresh air everything would be alright. I’d be able to think better, to see clearer, my body would calm down. I was freaking out, and I really didn’t want anyone else to witness that.

  I pushed past people in the waiting room without even looking at any of them and kept on going until the cool breeze was tickling my cheeks.

  This isn’t so bad, I tried to convince myself. You want a baby one day; it doesn’t matter if it isn’t exactly as planned.

  I wasn’t the first person to get pregnant, and I wouldn’t be the last. People got unexpectedly knocked up all the time, and they coped, so I could do it, too...somehow. Just because it seemed scary now, d
idn’t mean it wasn’t possible. Loads of people had kids and still kept their careers. I could somehow “have it all,” too.

  Ring, ring... Ring, ring...

  “Shit,” I muttered angrily as I scrabbled around in my bag for my cell phone. Always at the wrong times I got calls. Couldn’t people sense when I needed some time alone to think? Or maybe they could, and that’s why they chose those exact moments to contact me, purely to wind me up.


  My mom again with her incredible timing. I hovered my finger over the decline icon, considering cutting her off like I always did, but it wasn’t so instinctual this time. This time there was an unexpected tug in my chest. In this hour of need, I felt like I had to have a comforting voice to speak to, and while I’d never tell my mother the truth about the situation, maybe speaking to her would help me feel better.


  “Oh my goodness, Morgan, I’ve been worried sick about you.” She started ranting before I could get too in depth with my greeting. “Why haven’t you been speaking to me? I bet they’ve been running you ragged at the hospital, haven’t they?”

  “Erm, yeah something like that.” It seemed pointless to argue.

  “Well, that won’t give you any time to find a man now, will it?”

  I rolled my eyes and raised my frustrated eyes to the sky. “Not everything in life is about finding a man, Mom.”

  “You aren’t getting any younger,” she informed me as if I was already an old maid. “If you want to have children, then you really need to start upping your game.” My spare hand protectively wrapped itself around my stomach as I thought about the life growing in there.

  “I mean, the last thing you want to worry about is heading to one of those awful sperm donor places to make your dreams of motherhood come true,” she continued. “It might seem like a good idea at the time, but I can assure that raising a child by yourself isn’t easy. You’ll need to have someone by your side to help you along the way.”


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