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Baby By The Billionaire - A Standalone Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance (New York City Billionaires - Book #3)

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by Alexa Davis

  “No, it isn’t like that, I don’t.” I hated how this was going to make me sound. “You know the guy I helped about a month and a half ago?”

  “The one who got beat up? You didn’t!” She looked scandalized, but in an extremely happy way.

  “Not that night, the night he called me up to the VIP section.” I could feel my whole face heating up as the story rolled off my tongue. It was like a heavy weight was lifting from my shoulders.

  “Is that why you rushed off? You should’ve told me you were going back to his house.”

  “I didn’t go back to his house.”

  I waited patiently for the penny to drop. Nickie’s face went through a range of emotions as she started to see what had gone on. “In the club? Oh my God, that’s incredible. It’s about time that you had some fun.”

  “Yeah, but there have been consequences.” I raised my eyebrows at her, trying to make her remember that this wasn’t just a crazy sex story, this was an ongoing issue that I had no idea what to do with. “And now... I feel a bit weird about everything.”

  “So, you’re about five weeks pregnant?” Nickie asked, doing the mental math. “Does he know yet? Have you seen him since?”

  “I just have. That’s why I went to Lights Out.” For a second, I remembered his face, and the squishy way he made me feel inside. He made my heart flip flop in my chest, my breaths come in short and ragged, and I felt that magnetic pull dragging me back in.

  I hated that I liked him so much, that he was the first person for me to feel so much chemistry with. It made this so much harder. I couldn’t think as objectively as I’d like.

  “And, what did he say? Was he an asshole? Do I need to punch someone?”

  “No, I didn’t exactly say anything. I just asked him to meet me tomorrow.” As if he could sense me talking about him, my phone bleeped out at that moment with a message from an unknown number. All it took was one glance at my hand to know that it was from him. “Oh hang on, this is him.”

  ‘Can I pick you up tomorrow night at eight for dinner? Terrance.’

  “Say yes,” Nickie insisted. “This is no time to play it cool – it isn’t a normal date. You need to tell him this news as soon as possible to help with any decision making. The sooner you know what he’s going to be like, the better.”

  ‘Yes, that’s fine. Here’s my address,’ I replied, under my friend’s command.

  “He must be rich, right?” she asked with a grin. “So, I don’t think you’ll have any issues with him at least stepping up financially.”

  I nodded along, as if this was good news. But to be honest, that didn’t make me feel any better. I didn’t want Terrance to think that I was a gold digger, that I’d targeted him specifically because of his wealth and that this was all just part of some big plot.

  “Yeah, I hope you’re right. It’ll still be hard doing it alone, though.”

  “Well, you might not have to. Terrance might want to be really involved. And, I’ll be here, plus your mom will be over the moon. All she’s wanted for ages is a grandchild. Finally, you won’t be a disappointment to her.”

  “I don’t think she meant like this!” I replied wryly. “I think she assumed that there would be a bit of a family unit when it came down to it.”

  Nickie unexpectedly grabbed me and pulled me in for a deep hug. It felt really nice to have my friend’s comfort. I should’ve known that she wouldn’t judge me, that she’d be a pillar of support. “You have me,” she whispered into my ear. “You’ll always have me. I hope you know that.”

  “I do, thank you.” Tears filled my eyes, but I didn’t let them fall. Not this time.

  I flicked the television on and some old black and white film was playing. We settled down to watch it without even caring what would happen in the plot. My mind was reeling, and the chances were she had a lot to think about, too. It was definitely a shock for me to end up the one pregnant by some man that I didn’t know, but that was where we were.

  Now I just had to find the way to make the best out of it.

  Hey, Terrance. I’m pregnant, and the baby is yours.

  You know that crazy moment in the closet? Well, we’re having a baby. Sorry.

  Yay, good news, we’re having a baby. That’s fantastic, right? Right?

  Oh God, how the hell was I going give this life changing information out? Even if Terrance decided he wanted nothing to do with what was going on, it would still affect him forever. He would still know that I was carrying his child.

  Maybe I wouldn’t tell him, not just yet. Maybe I would wait just a little bit longer while I tried to work out exactly what sort of man he was first. I sort of knew that he wasn’t a terrible person from the brief meetings we’d had, but that could be wrong.

  I would just judge how tomorrow went and go from there. Maybe the moment to reveal all would just naturally crop up somehow. Unlikely as that was, it wasn’t impossible.

  I grabbed my cell phone and stored Terrance’s number into my contacts so that I had it permanently, even when it washed off my hand, then I made my way into the bathroom. There, I stared at the unfamiliar face looking back at me in the mirror.

  The girl I was looking at seemed resigned, yet terrified all at once. Scared, and weary too. Much as Nickie’s words were kind, I would effectively be doing this alone, and I still wasn’t sure how capable I was of doing that.

  “It’ll be fine,” I sighed as I did my best to convince my reflection. “This won’t be so terrible... Will it?”

  Chapter Seventeen



  “How do I look?” I asked, spinning around like the girls in the movies, while tugging out my suit jacket to give Braxton the full look. “Dashing, right?”

  “You look good, boss; are you nervous at all? This is the first date you’ve been on in years after, all.” He was trying to wind me up, but actually, what he’d touched on was a real nerve.

  “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever been on a date, not like this. I mean, I’ve spontaneously taken women to dinner before, but this feels different.”

  I couldn’t keep the beaming smile off my face as I spoke. I felt like a brand new man, one that had love filling my heart. “This feels...more.” I couldn’t really explain it, but everything about spending time with Morgan was more. She made my world a brighter place.

  “Are you in love?” He pinched my side and chuckled. “You look like a man in the first wonderful flush of love.”

  “Oh yeah, and you’re the expert, are you?” I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Just one night of fun and now you know everything!”

  “Yeah, yeah, now look, boss. I know this might be a little awkward, but do you want me to come with you tonight? For protection, in case anything happens. I won’t, like, sit at your table or anything, but I can be in the same place.”

  I considered that for a second, before realizing how utterly ridiculous it was. I needed to go out alone at some point, and I really didn’t think those assholes would act while I was with a lady.

  “No, I think I’ll be okay. What I’ll do is take Morgan out for dinner somewhere nearby, then I can call you if I need you. Do you have any plans tonight?”

  “Nope, I’ll just sit here with my cell phone on. That way, I can be right there if you need me to be. If you’re sure that’s okay?” Braxton eyed me curiously, giving me that look once more. He knew that I was still refusing to tell him everything, but there wasn’t anything that could change my mind.

  “I’m sure; that’ll be awesome. We’ll go to the Asian fusion place on the corner, so it’s not far for you. I haven’t seen any glimmer of trouble for a couple of days now, so I’m pretty sure it’ll be okay, but I still appreciate having you on standby.”

  Braxton nodded slowly and thoughtfully. “You know, this Morgan girl is very beautiful. I’m glad she’s caught your eye. You actually seem a lot happier with her in your life.”

  I didn’t answer him, mostly because I really didn
’t want to get back onto the topic that made me miserable. Braxton knew, just as I did, that Morgan had to be pretty special to take me away from everything I stuck to before about permanently being alone. We didn’t need to discuss it further.

  “Well, I better get going.” I smiled thinly as the nerves began to work their way through my body. “I have to pick Morgan up at eight. I’ll see you later, okay, Braxton?”

  “Yep, have fun and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  I rolled my eyes and clicked the door behind me, trying to shake off the anxiety. I needed to be cool and confident if I was going to keep Morgan interested in me. As far as I was concerned, no woman had ever liked a guy who showed off his shyness. I looked good – now I just needed to feel the part, and everything would be fine.


  As I extended my fist to knock on the door to the address that Morgan had given me, I felt much better. All the car ride over, I’d geared myself up, got rid of any self doubt, and now I was ready. More than ready, I felt excited.

  Even more so when the door swung open and I witnessed the absolute beauty before me. Morgan was dressed in a more causal outfit than the last couple of times I’d seen her, with a short denim skirt and a lace backed black top. Her hair hung naturally down, and she barely had any make up. She possibly looked the most stunning that I’d ever seen her.

  “Well, hello there, Morgan,” I smiled and extended my hand out to her. “Are you ready for our night of fun?”

  “Erm, I think so,” she giggled and blushed adorably. “I hope I’m dressed okay, I don’t know if I’ve made the right amount of effort here.”

  “You look beautiful.” As I interrupted her, I felt the incredible urge to lean in and kiss her, but I forced myself to resist for the moment. That could all come later on, if the time was right. “Come on, I have my car parked out front, and as a treat, I’m going to drive you this time.”

  “Oh wow, I am being spoiled.”

  We shared a similar vein of banter all the way to the restaurant, which I really enjoyed. It wasn’t like we were constantly trying to impress one another, totally the opposite, actually. It was nice. Usually I felt like I had to really consider every word I said to a woman, each sentence needed to be carefully crafted so I didn’t give off the wrong impression, but with Morgan, I could just fire off a comment instinctively and it’d make her laugh.

  “Oh, this isn’t far from your home, is it?” she asked as I finally pulled up. “This all looks a bit familiar.”

  “Yeah, I’m just over there.” I was pleased, rather than irritated that she could recall where I lived. It meant she cared enough to keep it in mind. “Right at the top.”

  “I can remember it clearly now.” There was a misty look in her eyes, and I really wanted to know what was going on behind her gaze. How could I not be intrigued by this wonderful woman? “Come on, let’s go inside. I’m starving.”

  I liked to watch Morgan eat because she was so carefree about it all. She wasn’t nibbling, darting her eyes about the place like it was a crime to be seen enjoying what she ate. It was refreshing. She was so different, which caused me to ask the one question I usually avoided like the plague.

  “So, tell me more about yourself. It must be fascinating working in the hospital.”

  “Oh, you know, it can be. Sometimes it’s really hard, though. It’s nice to know that I’m helping people. I think that’s why I got into it, to know that I’m making a difference, however small, in someone’s life.”

  “Well, I know you certainly made a difference to me on that night,” I told her honestly. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”

  “I only patched you up a bit, anyone could’ve done that.” She was so coy, so modest, and it made me like her even more. “Have you ever found anything more out about what happened that night? Did you ever discover who did it to you? I presume you didn’t go to the police?”

  “No, I didn’t. I don’t know who it was, but it seems pointless to worry now. I’ve had no trouble since.” My words came out so fast they almost tumbled over one another. I hated spinning this lie over and over again, but what could I do? “I don’t worry about things like that once they’re done.”

  “Right, okay.” Morgan gave me a look that reminded me a bit of Braxton’s. She wasn’t going to easily be fooled, either, but that was because she had a good head on her shoulders. “So why don’t you tell me more about you?” She quickly changed the subject, as if she sensed that I needed that.


  I couldn’t take Morgan back to her home once the night was over because I really didn’t want to. I was disappointed when dinner was done, and when there were no more excuses to stay in the restaurant because I was having such a good time. For the first real date in my life, it was certainly a success.

  “Would you like to come back to my place for another drink?” I asked with a smile. My heart raced in my chest, fearing she might say no, but she filled me with relief by nodding. “Okay, come on.”

  I threw my arm over her shoulder and led her inside. As we stepped into the elevator, I was transported back to the first time we were in this situation, when she was taking me inside because I was beaten up. Everything about that moment was hazy, but I could recall some chemistry circling us. Even then our bodies knew that something was going to happen between us.



  We both started speaking at once before laughing awkwardly. It was almost as if we both had something serious to say to one another, but neither of us knew exactly where to start.

  “You go first,” I offered helpfully, but she furiously shook her head at my suggestion.

  “No, please, you go.”

  “I was just going to say thank you for a lovely evening,” I finished lamely. “It was awesome.”

  “Yeah, it really was.”

  At that moment the doors opened, and I took us inside my apartment. I couldn’t look at Morgan for a moment because I could feel something there. There was something heavy going on, and I wasn’t sure what it was. I didn’t think I wanted to know, either. Not quite yet. Instead of launching into deep and meaningful conversation, I decided to spin things over on their head, instead.

  “You know.” I spun around and gave her my best seductive look. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot since that night at Lights Out. That truly was incredible.” I stepped closer to her and lightly trailed my finger over her hip. “Your lips made my blood boil, your skin felt wonderful to touch.”

  She shivered, which was exactly what I wanted. I’d gotten under her skin. “Your body made me sweat. There was a spark there,” I murmured as I got closer to her mouth. “Do you want to see if it still exists?”

  I didn’t wait for Morgan to answer. I could feel her body swelling and pulsating under the power of my words, so I pulled her in for a deep and passionate kiss. I claimed her hungrily, like a man starved of any attention for far too long, which in a way I was. I had been rejecting anyone and everyone while I waited to find Morgan again, and now that moment had finally come.

  “Come on.” I linked my fingers through hers and tugged her towards my bedroom. “Let’s go and get into bed now, shall we?” I sent her what I hoped was an irresistible wink and thankfully, she practically collapsed against me. It seemed she had been waiting for this just much as I had.

  I liked the idea of Morgan at her home, thinking of me, dreaming about me, wishing she could be back by my side again. It made my heart swell with warmth. It made the moment even hotter than it already was.

  My body reacted to her in a new and exciting way. I wanted to explore that in every possible way. I felt like I needed to know absolutely everything about her.

  At least this wouldn’t be a quickie in a club. I could take my time. I could learn every inch of her body. I could really make her mine. I glanced behind me to see her hazy lust filled face and I smirked to myself. I was the luckiest man alive!

  Chapter Eigh



  This wasn’t how this night was supposed to go. I was meant to be having an adult conversation about the life growing inside of me, but instead, I was caving to the inferno growing between my legs instead.

  It had started from the very first second he turned up at my apartment. I felt a heady lust growing in my chest which was very difficult to ignore. How was I supposed to remain smart around a man that made me feel this way?

  He made my heart leap, my stomach twist and twirl, and my limbs tremble. Every time our eyes connected, I felt same bolt of adrenaline that came from stumbling slightly or missing a step. It was desire, pure and simple, and it consumed me entirely.

  Now, I was inside Terrance’s bedroom. His mouth was all over me, and his fingers had a tight hold of my hips as if he felt too afraid to let go unless his lost me. This claim on me made me feel needed, special, like he really truly wanted me.

  Terrance pulled his mouth off of me, and although it was only for a moment, my tingling lips felt cold and alone without him. I didn’t want him to ever stop kissing me.

  But then he managed to distract me from pulling him back in for another kiss by resting his forehead against mine and staring deeply into my eyes. The desperate, needy desire behind his gaze took my breath away and left me gasping.

  Terrance really did need me – he wanted me so badly it hurt him. The concept was totally addictive.

  “Get onto the bed,” he panted as his breath tickled my cheek. “Lie down.”

  I did exactly as he asked, biting down on my lip as I sidled backwards. I hoped I looked seductive and sexy rather than stupid, but I couldn’t be sure. Terrance kept exactly the same smile on his face the entire time, which I hoped was a good sign.

  He started off by touching my feet lightly, making me squeal and squirm. That was the one area of my body where I was incredibly ticklish, so by the time Terrance’s hands had moved onto my calves, I was laughing manically.


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