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Baby By The Billionaire - A Standalone Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance (New York City Billionaires - Book #3)

Page 21

by Alexa Davis

  Still, it needed to happen sooner or later, so what was the point in holding back anymore?

  “I’m sorry I’ve been such a douche bag,” I stared slowly and carefully. “I know I’ve acted far less than gentlemanly, and I want to apologize for that. It wasn’t right.”

  “Well, it must have been a shock...” Morgan started, but I wasn’t about to let her make excuses for me, even if they were the truth.

  “No, I never should have freaked out. I should’ve been a man about it. It just... It felt like a lot, you know what with my own family situation being messy, to put it politely. I got all up in my head about it, and I started to panic. Plus, I had all the garbage with the loan shark in the back of my mind. I know it’s over now, and I don’t have anything to worry about, but it rattled me.”

  “I understand.” Morgan touched my hand across the table and gave me a caring look. “You haven’t had it easy, especially not recently. I should have told you at a better time. I piled it on when you already had a lot going on in your life.”

  God, I was lucky! What sort of woman did it make Morgan that she was actually being kind to me right now? The best kind, that was for sure.

  “Well, all of that is behind me now. I’m ready to move on. And what I really want is to be a good dad to my child.”

  “You do?” she gasped, sliding back in her chair in shock. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to, that’s not why I told you. I just thought that you deserved to know.”

  “This is what I want.”

  I stood up and moved around the table, before holding my hand out to her. Morgan looked a little bewildered as I held my hand out to her, but she took it and stood with me all the same.

  I stared at her deep, ocean like blue eyes, falling for every single one of her features all over again. I should’ve known the first night I met her that she was the one for me. Maybe I did, it just took me a while to realize it.

  I pulled Morgan in close to me and relished the sensation of her gorgeous body pressed up against mine. Her curves moulded into me as she slotted against me perfectly, making her even more mine than ever before.

  “I don’t just want our baby,” I whispered softly into her ears. “I want to be with you, as well. You’ve changed me, Morgan, in ways that you’ll never be able to understand. You’ve made me come out of my shell. I feel more able to confront my past, you give me strength, you make me feel like it’s okay to be me around you.” I pulled back to look at her seriously. “I want you to be mine. I want you to be my girlfriend. I... I’m falling for you.”

  Before she could answer me I held her close once more and we danced to silent music that only we could hear. I wanted to give her a moment to decide how she wanted to respond to my statement. I didn’t want her to feel compelled one way or the other. She came here expecting me to turn her away, I just knew it, so she needed time.

  “Are you sure?” she eventually muffled into my chest. “This isn’t all because of the baby? Because I would never stop you from having access.”

  “I want you. I’m falling for you, and that has nothing to do with our baby. My feelings for you and how I feel about our child are separate, but I want you both equally. I know that it took me a while to get my head around it all, but I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.”

  “If that’s the case, then that’s what I want, too. In fact, I couldn’t think of anything better. Actually, I have a doctor’s appointment book soon, for an ultrasound, you should come along if you want?” There was no pressure to her tone, but it didn’t matter, it was all that I wanted.

  “Yes, I would love that. I can’t wait to see that grainy picture up on the screen. The image of our baby, coming to life, growing inside of you.” The more I spoke, the more excited I became. How could there be a better feeling than this? “Oh my goodness, I’m nervous and excited all at once.”

  Morgan pulled back to stare at me, and as she did, I couldn’t keep my lips away from hers for even a second longer. I hadn’t realized how much I missed the feel of her mouth against mine until now – it was like an addiction that I just couldn’t feed enough. As her kiss met mine, I felt like I was finally home, that this was exactly where I needed to be. How could I ever have doubted that this was what I needed?

  “Is this really happening?” Morgan giggled. “It’s the opposite of what I was expecting. It’s like all my dreams are coming true all at once.”

  “They sure are,” I rasped happily while running my fingers through her hair, my heart pumping blood around my body just for Morgan. In that moment, she was absolutely everything to me. “Now come with me, let’s get to bed.” I didn’t want her to go anywhere. I needed her here with me forever more if possible. She was mine now, and that made me the happiest man alive.

  “Now that’s an offer I cannot refuse,” she agreed gleefully. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six



  As Terrance led me into his bedroom, my spirits were soaring higher than I ever thought they could. I’d come to his house expecting to hear everything that I didn’t want to, but instead, he’d given me everything. He wanted our baby, he wanted me, everything truly was going to be okay in the end.

  I should’ve held a bit more faith really – it was silly of me not to.

  We crashed into his bedroom and collapsed onto his bed, our limbs happily intertwined with one another. Terrance’s fingers brushed back over my hair, then slowly down over my cheeks. His caressing touch sparked electricity, making my heart coil up and burst into exploding pounds and leaving my lungs breathless and desperate. With just a few short seconds, the animalistic lust was waking up inside of me; it wouldn’t be long until I couldn’t contain in any longer.

  “I don’t even know what to say,” I murmured as I smiled at this man that I now knew was falling for me, just as much as I was him. “I just feel so lucky that we’re here.”

  His lips looked moist and a little passion bruised, which I wanted more of. I lifted my head off the pillow and brought them up to his, kissing him with all the passion I was struggling to contain. Our tongues snaked around one another and my teeth grazed his bottom lip with a nibble; a moan fell past Terrance’s lips as the desire got to him, too.

  “I’m the lucky one,” he eventually replied as he buried his face into my neck. He ran that incredible mouth of his all over my burning hot, damp perspiring skin, which caused my head to loll to one side in utter bliss. My eyes slid shut as I lost myself in the sensations that he had crashing through my body. “You’re perfect for me.”

  As that now very familiar flame burst to life in my underwear, I felt manic and desperate. I bunched at his tee shirt, trying to pull it off, but my head was so full of lust and dizziness that I couldn’t get a tight enough grip. My fingers were succumbing to the exact same pleasure that the rest of me was, rendering me pretty much useless.

  I love this man.

  The thought hit me so hard I could barely breathe, but I couldn’t stop because his hands were slowly travelling down my body, feeling me, touching my curves, caressing my peaks, loving every inch of me. I thought that I’d probably known about the love I felt for Terrance for a very long time, but I hadn’t wanted to accept it. I didn’t want to give into it until I knew that he felt the same way. It had only just been set free tonight.

  I love Terrance, and he loves me, too.

  I grabbed my own top and pulled it off, my strength working enough for that one. Sure, we were far away from acknowledging that aloud, but it didn’t matter. We had each other.

  “Oh my God,” Terrance gasped, rubbing my belly. “You have a bump.”

  “It’s too soon for me to have a bump,” I chuckled. “But I know what you mean.” It was more of a presence, a sense that there was life inside of there. “That’s our baby.”

  We shared a look, a moment of utter intimacy. I felt my chest swell, my heart heat up, and my entire body get swallowed up in
love. Then that was halted by Terrance ripping off his top, and his eyes darkening with desire.

  My bra whipped off with expert precision, and he slid my taut nipple into his mouth. As he sucked and nibbled, he nudged my trousers down until they were almost gone completely.

  Then he traced his fingers tantalizingly along my inner thigh. He was close enough to my boiling, dripping wet desire to drive me crazy, but far enough away for me to simply enjoy the jellified legs I had. If Terrance wasn’t between my legs, I had a feeling that my knees would be knocking together under the sheer passion of it all.

  I reached my hands forwards and pulled his pants out of the way before dipping my trembling fingers in to grab him. There I ran my hands over his incredible throbbing cock, while the pulsating desire in my core took over. I pumped my fist over him, slowly at first, but slowly getting quicker as Terrance’s fingers edged in nearer. I could hardly control myself anymore – I needed him now and if I didn’t start to get some form of satisfaction soon I would end up screaming, yelling, and going insane.

  “Oh God, you better stop that right now,” he warned. “You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”

  I smirked as I pulled my hand backwards, loving how beautiful and sexy that made me feel. Terrance brought that out of me, and I truly adored him for it. Before he crashed into my life, I had felt plain and boring. Right now, I felt I was the most gorgeous person alive.

  Terrance tugged my panties to one side, and he slowly slid one of his silky fingers inside of me. I pressed myself against him, my breasts crushing into his chest. As another finger entered me, brushing past my clit as it went, I almost lost myself and screamed.

  “Do you want to take this outside?” he whispered into my ear, his breath brushing my cheek seductively. “I mean, I know that it’s warm in here, but it could be fun, right?”

  “What are you talking about? We can’t go outside, we’ll get caught.” I tried to be sensible and smart, to prevent us from getting arrested, but there was no denying the illicit thrill I felt in my chest at the idea.

  “Not on the terrace, we won’t. I’m the highest apartment, so there’s no chance of anyone overlooking. Plus, with the railing, even if the people opposite had telescopes, they wouldn’t be able to see. It could be fun, right?”

  I slid off of the bed, convinced by the idea of a secret fun that could be just for us. Having sex outside wasn’t even a fantasy I knew I had, but the mere suggestion from Terrance had me super excited about the idea.

  “Well, come on then, let’s go.”

  I kicked my pants and underwear off as we raced to his balcony doors, excited to feel the cool night air against my skin. As Terrance stripped off his remaining clothes on the way out as well, I realized that we were both too excited to be out there too long, so it didn’t even matter if it was freezing.

  “Oh my.” The brisk air hit me harder than I was expecting, but it didn’t matter because Terrance soon had his arms wrapped around me as he led me to his chair out there. He sat down and guided me onto his lap, slipping his thick, throbbing length into me as he did.

  I gasped loudly, my head fell back, and my heart thundered as I rode him. The moment somehow managed to be just as romantic as it was thrilling, which I hadn’t been expecting at all. The stars twinkled above our heads, dancing as if just for us; the white shade of moonlight that bounced off our skin added a lovely, movie-like quality to the evening, plus the love in Terrance’s eyes sent me flying higher than air.

  “Oh God, Terrance,” I panted as the pressure built in my stomach. “Oh my goodness.”

  I could feel the hot bliss growing. I knew that it wouldn’t be long until the pleasure consumed me entirely, and I really wanted to blurt out the truth of my feelings for him. I wouldn’t – I couldn’t, in fact I had to keep kissing him hard to ensure that they didn’t accidently fall out of my mouth.

  I love you... I love you so much...

  “Morgan, I... I...” As the orgasm started to creep up on Terrance, I could tell that he wanted to say something, as well. For a brief, magical moment I thought he was about to say the same to me, allowing me to say it too, but then he crumbled and buckled beneath me, and the moment was lost...


  “This is nice, I’m so glad you have blankets out here,” I murmured, enjoying the hot happiness that could only come from amazing sex.

  “I know, me, too; but I really do think we’ll have to go back inside soon. I don’t want us to fall asleep out here. It’ll be freezing in the morning.”

  I stirred, trying to force myself to move, but I was far too comfortable for that. It felt incredible to be in Terrance’s arms, to have him holding onto me like I was the most precious person in his entire life. This was a much better ending to the night that me home alone, sobbing into my pillow, contemplating a future all by myself.

  “I don’t want to go,” I complained loudly. “I like looking up at the stars. Do you know any constellations?”

  “You know what? I really wish I did.” Terrance laughed as he replied, which brought that big beaming grin back onto my face. “I wish I could lie here right now and feed you loads of stuff because I know you’d like it. But I’m not going to lie, I know nothing.”

  I propped myself up onto my elbow and stared down at him, drinking in those incredible green eyes that really attracted me to him in the first place. I examined every inch of his face, looking at every single pore, wanting to commit every part of him to memory forever.

  “Okay, let’s go inside,” I sighed, giving in. “You’re probably right, it will be cold in the morning.”

  I took the blankets from him and wrapped them around me, protecting only my dignity. Luckily Terrance didn’t care; he took my hand regardless and led me inside. Walking behind him while he was totally naked gave me an awesome opportunity to look at his butt. I’d spent a lot of time checking it out clothed, but much less when he was nude, and the image did not disappoint.

  “I’m glad you’re doing this with me,” I told Terrance on impulse as we crashed back into the bed we hadn’t left that long ago. “It feels much better to know that we’re going to be a unit, a little family.”

  Oops, family. That was a scary word to Terrance – I probably shouldn’t have said it. My shoulders tensed up around my ears while I waited on edge for him to respond. I certainly didn’t want to send him cascading back down into panic. If I lost him there again, he might never come out the other side.

  Luckily, he smiled, meaning everything was forgiven. “You know what? I’m glad, too. You never know, we might even surprise ourselves and totally nail this thing.”

  I snuggled back into him, hoping desperately that he would be right. At least now I wouldn’t have so much to worry about; we could share the responsibility, which meant everything could be brought a lot easier, maybe I could even keep my job, and I’d have a constant support partner.

  The fact that it was with the man I loved – which I would tell him when the time was right, I wouldn’t leave this one as long – just made it even more special.

  “I think we’ll be awesome,” I told him happily. “I think it’ll be scary, but fun, and once we get used to it, it’ll all be just fine...”

  My words trailed off as my eyes flickered shut, but I hoped the meaning landed anyway. We could do anything, as long as we had one another.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  2 Weeks Later

  There was a skip in my step as I made my way to the gym, the weight and importance of this day driving me forwards. There was a massive smile playing on my lips, a permanent yellow happy aura surrounding me. I felt like a brand new man.

  “You’re super happy!” Braxton chuckled by my side. “You have been for the last couple of weeks. It’s really nice to see.”

  “I just feel like everything has fallen into place,” I told him, clapping him on the back. “Morgan and I are great, all my problems have...gone.”

  That was a t
ime of our lives that I didn’t think we’d ever be able to talk about again. It was done, in the past, and that was where it would stay. There was no point in rehashing the horrible event where so much blood was shed. “You live below me, and today is the scan!”

  “Oh my God, that’s so exciting.” Braxton’s eyes widened, his face twisted up into a grin. “I didn’t realize that was today. How do you feel? Are you nervous? Ooh, are you going to find out the sex?”

  “No, it’s too early for that, and I don’t know if we’re going to leave it as a surprise or not, but yes. I am very excited. I can’t wait.” The more I got used to the idea of having a child of my own, the better I felt about it. Slowly my feelings were growing, progressing, blooming. “It’s going to be awesome.”

  His face curled up into a confused expression, and I couldn’t help but wonder what was going on inside his mind. “I can move out now, you know, if you want me to? You brought me that place to protect you and now things are... Well, done, so I can leave.”

  “Braxton, don’t be an idiot.” I shook my head and laughed at him. “I brought you that place for you. I want you to live near me, that hasn’t changed now that the problem is gone. You’re my friend, and it’s great to have you living so near to me.”

  “Are you sure? I feel totally guilty for it-”

  “Braxton, just shut it. The apartment is yours. If you want to sell it to get yourself something better, I don’t mind, but if you’re content where you are then you must stay.”

  He pulled me towards him for a one arm, manly hug, which made me laugh even louder. The cost of that home was nothing compared to the protection he gave me, especially during that night. And now that I had Morgan to love with all my heart, the money hardly seemed worth anything. All it did was buy me stuff. I didn’t need stuff anymore.


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