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Baby By The Billionaire - A Standalone Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance (New York City Billionaires - Book #3)

Page 33

by Alexa Davis

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he finally murmured. Then all of a sudden, we were kissing like there was no tomorrow all over again. It was as if we were horny teenagers who just couldn’t cope any longer.

  He yanked at my t-shirt, needing it off, and it hit me that I didn’t have a bra on underneath. It had seemed like the easiest thing to do with my wet body when I hopped out of the shower, but now it felt more purposeful – as if I’d done it to attract him. That thought only served to wind my body up even further, until I felt a little like a metal coil ready to pounce and explode at any given moment. I arched my back, pressing my body up against Milo, moaning with joy while he exposed my naked breasts to the sharp, cold air.

  Milo wasn’t about to give me a second to get used to that, though; his lips were hungrily wrapped around my nipples in a heartbeat, leaving me gasping and needy. I ran my fingers through his dark hair, tugging every so often when the heat became too much. Luckily, he didn’t seem to even notice me pawing at him, or if he did, he wasn’t reacting even one bit.

  When he finally seemed to understand that it was all getting a little too much for me, his lips kissed their way back up my neck until they connected with my mouth once more.

  His tongue parted my lips and began exploring my mouth, all the while my brave hands were slowly creeping down his body. Despite what I’d told Laynee, I had been thinking about this for far too long, and I needed to know what he felt like.

  Sensing where my fingers were headed, passion growled within him and he grabbed hold of my hand, encouraging it down further. He moved me until I could fumble with his zipper, freeing him and giving me the opportunity to dip into his boxers...

  “Oh, shit,” I whispered as his pulsating erection reacted to my touch. He was huge, thick, and needy, and that made me gulp down a seriously loud cry. My core tingled angrily for him; I literally had to pin myself down to hold that position. I didn’t want to dive on him, not just yet – I didn’t want this to be over too quickly.

  I curled my fingers tightly around him, slowly moving my touch up and down his shaft, causing his thighs to tense up and his whole body to shake just a little bit. He kissed me hard, bolting electricity throughout my entire body, causing us both to grunt excitedly, waiting for what was next to come.

  I didn’t even know that it could feel that way, that I could want someone so much. It was almost too much to handle. I felt sexual, sensual, like a goddess, and that was all because of Milo... and the way that he so clearly needed this as much as I did.

  “Stop,” he gasped noisily, tugging my hand away from him. “I can’t... Not yet...”

  He moved slowly downward, pulling my sweatpants off. He teasingly rubbed his fingers on the outside of my cotton panties, giving us both a preview of what was to come.

  “So hot...” he gasped, struggling to hold himself up above me. “So wet...”

  “All because of you,” I admitted, sliding my eyes shut. Maybe I was being a little too honest with Milo, but in all honesty, I’d been holding everything back for such a long time that it felt like a relief to let it all free. “You... You feel so good.”

  Soon his entire body was between my knees, and my eyes snapped open in shock. He was kneeling up above me now, staring down at me with that deep, dark desire, and I had no idea where he was going to take me next. Nothing about him was boring; things with Josh had quickly gotten that way.

  My heart pounded, my body shuddered, and my eyes glanced everywhere, drinking every little delicious bit of him in. He was muscular – he had an eight-pack – and that made me almost scream with joy.

  His fingers trailed teasingly up my thigh, sending me into an intoxicating coma, then my underwear slid slowly down, tickling my hypersensitive skin as it went.

  His lips were all over my thighs, getting dangerously closer to where I almost couldn’t take it anymore, and I had to fist the sheets beneath me to keep myself from losing my head entirely. As his tongue ran up and down my slit, a guttural yell burst from my chest. My body buckled, shook violently, and I knew there was no way I could handle this. I was already so close to the edge of desire that if he got even one inch closer to me, I would lose my shit completely.

  “Fuck me, Milo,” I begged, not even caring how desperate and needy I sounded. “I need you.”

  Luckily, he seemed to sense my desperation. His mouth was soon back on mine, his hands circling my hips. I could feel his cock pressing up against my belly button, and it was all I could zone in on. I needed him – if I didn’t have him right now, then I was about to yell out in frustration.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to take control.

  I pushed Milo backward until he was flat on the sheets, and I climbed over him to straddle him quickly, before he could even take the time to think about what I was doing, never mind stop me... Although, judging by the wicked smile on his lips, he wouldn’t have wanted to stop me anyway!

  I held onto him, maintaining a fiery eye contact, then I angled him inside of me until I could slide down his length in the most comfortable position possible. I began thrusting experimentally, trying to find the best angle and rhythm for both of us.

  Eventually, I had him panting heavily. The pleasure was building up intensely inside of him, and I had him hitting my clit with every single movement, creating a powerful wave inside of me, too.

  I had never felt like this before. I’d never been so willing to surrender. Nothing had ever felt so incredible. This was even more blissful than the pleasure I could give myself.

  “Oh, my God.” I crumbled as the hot bliss became relentless. I crashed, flying through the abyss, pleasure bounding over me more and more powerfully with every passing second. “Oh, Milo.”

  He held me tight, supporting me while everything else fell apart, but I could feel a change happening within him, too. He became slack, faltering, and he succumbed to the pleasure as easily and readily as me. I took advantage of that, leaning forward to press my lips up against his and creating a bond at the most pivotal, vulnerable moment between us, creating a time that I never thought I would forget.

  As we lay next to one another panting, the post-coital bliss finally subsided and a cold shame washed over me instead. There was a reason that I wanted to hide my feelings for Milo. I’d been doing my best to keep away from him for both of our benefits, and now... Well, now I had no idea what was going to happen.

  Just because Milo had opened up to me a little bit, there were still some very big, obvious things about him that he hadn’t shared, and he probably never would. Much as I liked him, as deeply as I felt, this was never going to become a thing. We would never be anything more than a fling. We lived too far apart for that. I didn’t even know if Milo was a relationship sort of guy, never mind the sort who could handle long distance. In all honesty, I wasn’t sure if I could do it, either.

  I freaked out. That was the only way to describe it. Panic set in. I shuffled uncomfortably and did my best to look at Milo out of the corner of my eye, trying to work out what he was feeling, but now his expression had returned to stoic. I wasn’t getting anything from him.

  What if he wants to get rid of me? What if he’s worried about me getting the wrong idea? I needed to make my escape quickly, so that he didn’t think I cared.

  “So, erm, I’m going to go back to my room,” I practically whispered while I scrabbled around under the sheets for my underwear. I flushed bright red as all my dignity flew out of the window. It seemed like such a good idea to have him throw my clothes all around the room in the heat of the moment, but now that I had to try and get dressed, I just felt silly. “I just need to... Oh, thank you.”

  He handed me my t-shirt, and our eyes connected for a moment. The look behind his gaze was totally unreadable. I felt sad and ashamed, foolish for giving into something that would clearly change everything. We wouldn’t be able to act in the same friendly, slightly flirty way again. I would miss that.

  “So, yeah... Goodnight.” I stepped backw
ard, refusing to look at him again. I didn’t want to see any confusion on his expression; it might just change my mind. “Yeah... Bye...”

  I cringed as I clicked the door behind me, hating my silly, idiotic self. Why can I never deal with a situation coolly? Why do I always have to sound like a bumbling idiot? I was going to have to find a way to deal with the awkwardness somehow – after all, I was stuck here until the damn pipes in my home were fixed.

  Ugh, what a fool; why didn’t I just keep it in my pants? Now, what will happen?

  Chapter Seventeen

  Milo – Saturday

  Why didn’t Eliza want to stay with me? Am I that... un-cuddly?

  I mean, I wasn’t expecting her to want to marry me or anything, but it was usually me making the quick escape. It felt strange to be on the other side of that. It actually made me feel a little bad for doing it myself. Maybe I should have been a little more thoughtful; maybe this was karma coming back to bite me in the ass.

  I tried to sleep, but those thoughts plagued me and swirled through my brain, affecting my dreams and constantly waking me up. I wanted to believe that she just didn’t know me or trust me well enough to sleep in the bed with me, but I had the horrible sense that it was something more.

  Maybe I would find out this morning, now that I was awake early enough to hopefully at least have a cup of coffee with her, and I’d be able to judge the situation. I patted Veil and encouraged him out of the door and into the living room area. He didn’t race off to the window like he did when Eliza wasn’t there anymore, but I went anyway, just to check.

  As I spotted her vehicle still sitting there, I let out an audible sigh of relief before spinning around to see her standing right behind me with a bemused look on her face.

  Shit, how embarrassing. I actually felt myself flush a little bit as I was caught in the act. There wasn’t any chance of me looking and acting cool now – the cat was out of the bag. I wanted Eliza around. I still wanted to spend time with her, and now she knew it.

  “Morning,” she said casually, as if she didn’t know anything, at all.

  “Yeah, good morning.” I shot her a shy smile back. I felt grateful that she wasn’t making a big deal out of anything; it made it much easier to overcome. I wanted to at least get back to a place where we could have that awesome friendship between us.

  Of course, I wanted a lot more, but I would be okay if she didn’t, especially as I wouldn’t be in Florence forever. The last thing I wanted to leave behind was a broken heart, nor did I want to take one with me. “Coffee? I’m getting good at the pot now.”

  “Sounds great.”

  As she sat at the kitchen counter, flicking idly through a magazine sitting on the side, I couldn’t stop myself sidling glances at her out the corner of my eye. I felt drawn to her, as if we were magnetized, and every single time I looked at her, I noticed something else I liked. It was almost as if this was the first time I could see her clearly, and everything about her was amazing. That black, wavy hair, those piercing hazel eyes, her sweet, milky skin...

  God, I wanted to kiss her. If this were anyone else and the situation were any different, particularly if it had happened before I got sick, I would have just acted upon that urge without thinking about the consequences. Now, though, I needed to be careful – this situation felt much more sensitive.

  “So, do you have a busy schedule ahead of you today?” I asked her casually, hoping to gauge her reaction. “Lots booked in?”

  Her eyes snapped up to me, but from the odd look she gave me, she wasn’t thinking about work. “Maybe,” she finally said slowly, “we should talk about what happened last night.” I nodded, dumbfounded. This was new. “I don’t know if it was... a good idea. It’s probably best for us not to get involved, considering you’ll be leaving soon enough.”

  “Okay,” I almost whispered as a reply. Despite the fact that I’d tried to gear myself up for that and had assumed that I would be okay with just being friends with Eliza, I couldn’t stop the cold, sinking sensation that filled my chest. “Yeah, sure.

  “So, are you cool with... just going back to the way that things were?” She narrowed her eyes, actually looking a little scared that I might say no. “I mean, we could still go out for drinks tonight, if you’d like? It might just be me, you, and Laynee, though. I doubt Marc will be there.”

  “Yeah.” I gulped down the thick ball of emotion that lodged in my throat, trying to sound like I had everything under control. “Yeah, that sounds great.”

  “Thank you.” She moved toward me and kissed me lightly on the cheek. “I appreciate you being so understanding. I’m not a... That sort of person... I just, well, you know...”

  She was rambling again, her cheeks heating up. It made me want to reach out and grab her – but I couldn’t; we’d just agreed. I needed to stick to what we’d just decided.

  Getting it out of our systems hadn’t solved the problem, at least not for me. If anything, it had made my need for her a whole lot worse. And now, I couldn’t have her, making her even more tempting! I was in a real mess.

  “It’s okay.” I smiled as brightly as I could muster. “Now, you get to work. I’ll see you for drinks later. I have a new security company to find today anyway.” If I could do something positive, it might take my mind off everything and make me feel better. “I’ll see you later.”

  I retreated to the bedroom, feeling sadder than I thought I would. Eliza was just another girl, someone to have fun with. Just because she was different from what I was used to, didn’t mean I had to read too much into it. We’d had our fun, and at least we could still be friends.

  I was just going to have to find a way to be totally okay with it, for real.


  Does she have to look so heart-stoppingly beautiful? I thought scathingly to myself as we stepped through the doors of the local watering hole.

  There wasn’t anything particularly special about this bar; it was clearly just the best place available, but when Eliza stepped through the door in that deep-green dress, the whole place lit up. She was a real vision of beauty, one that made it hard to just stick to the friendship rule.

  Okay, so maybe that was just in my eyes. None of the other guys sitting at the bar, clinging to their beers as if they had nothing else to live for, noticed her, but she was all I could see. It was as if the sun’s rays were beaming down on her alone.

  “Hey! Eliza!” A girl who had clearly had a couple before we even arrived came bouncing over to her. She was sweet and pretty, with a stark-black suit that clung to her hips and contrasted with her light hair well. “And you must be Milo.”

  She gave me a little wink, but one that was much more knowing than it was flirty. She seemed to know that Eliza liked me and possibly that I did her, which meant that I would have to try and get the chance to speak to her alone later. Just to see what I could find out...

  “It’s nice to meet you. I have some drinks at the bar; shall we get a table?”

  We followed her and sat down. Instantly, the girls started talking about work, which gave me the chance to sit back and watch them interact. Despite the fact that Laynee was a little younger than Eliza and worked for her, they seemed to have a strong friendship that was nice to see. It meant Eliza was a good person, only confirming what I already knew about her.

  After only a few moments, Eliza excused herself to go to the bathroom, giving me the chance to speak to her friend. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to find out exactly, especially if we were just going to be friends, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself from being desperate to know more. I actually wanted to know everything about her; it was strange!

  “So, you been friends with Eliza long?” I started blandly, trying to sound casual. I didn’t want her to guess what I was up to.

  “Yeah, ages.” She did a mock over-the-top sigh. “I don’t know why that girl is still single; she’s so awesome. Pretty, too, don’t you think?”

  “Erm, yeah, I do.” From the way she said
it, it didn’t seem like she knew everything. Eliza hadn’t told her best friend about us hooking up. What does that mean? It seems a little strange. Is she embarrassed by me? “Yeah, she’s a great girl. I don’t know why Josh was such an asshole to her...” My ears pricked up at that. Who the hell is this Josh character? Is he the reason she tried to push me away? “I’m glad he’s out of the picture. He was never good enough for her.”

  But before I got the chance to question Laynee further, Eliza was back at our table, silencing us both. “Shall I get us in another round?” I asked to cover up the awkwardness now surrounding the table. “What do you girls want?”

  I smiled at the girls in turn as they put in their orders, then I made my way to the bar while I stewed over Laynee’s words. There was something that she was getting at, something that she wanted to tell me, but I couldn’t quite figure out what it was. Is it that Eliza still has feelings for Josh? Is it that her friend wants me? Or is it that Eliza actually likes me? A concept I haven’t dared let myself believe.

  “Hey, there.” I felt a soft hand touching my shoulder, and I spun around in shock to see a smile I didn’t recognize staring back at me. “My name is Phoebe. I don’t recognize you. Are you from around here? I would have thought that if I’d seen you around, I would have noticed for sure.”

  “Erm, no...” I shook my head, a little bewildered. What the hell is going on here? “No, I’m on vacation.”

  “You are? Well, that’s just great.” She sidled closer, pressing herself up against me and giving me the chance to see down her top. “I could always... show you around if you wanted.”

  Okay, now I get it. She was coming onto me – had I been out of the game that long? The way she was flickering her eyelashes at me, her lips pouting, her breasts sticking out... she wanted me bad. I could have taken her into the bathroom and screwed her in a heartbeat, but I didn’t want to.


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