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Baby By The Billionaire - A Standalone Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance (New York City Billionaires - Book #3)

Page 55

by Alexa Davis

  With that, another finger went in, then another, sending mini waves of warm bliss crashing over me. As he explored my insides and moved his thumb lightly over my clit, I wondered how I’d managed to sacrifice the sexual side of my life for so long. I hadn’t thought it was something I’d miss; I assumed it was more important to protect my heart from getting broken again, but with the hundreds of wonderful sensations mixing up in my body, I honestly wasn’t sure how I’d survived.

  With passion driving my every action, I reached down Justin’s body and tugged at the zipper on his pants, needing to free that massive erection he had just for me. While I did my best to pull his cock free, he continued to work my body like there was no tomorrow. It made it extremely difficult to focus, but eventually, it fell free and I got to run my hands up and down his shaft.

  I had to contain the impressed gasp that threatened to burst from my mouth at the mere feel of him – he was huge! If he feels that big in my hand, how is he going to feel inside of me?

  It seemed like I wouldn’t have to wait long to find out.

  “Hold on, let me just get protection,” he growled against my cheek before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a condom. Maybe under normal circumstances I would have scolded him for being so presumptuous, but tonight, I was glad. It made things that much easier.

  I couldn’t drag my eyes away from him as he rolled the latex over his length, my body preparing itself for him. Once he was done, he grabbed hold of my panties and yanked them from my body. Then, he pulled me back to him and he kissed me hard, literally taking my breath away.

  “Oh, fuck,” I gasped out as he slid himself into me, filling me up in the most incredible way possible. “Fucking hell, Justin.”

  That was enough to encourage him further, and soon he was slamming into me so hard that my back hit the wall once more. We were losing ourselves in each other’s bodies, and despite the fact that I knew it was wrong, it felt too damn amazing to care. Justin had me feeling things that I hadn't before, sensations I didn’t know existed, sending a powerful orgasm shattering right through me before I could even think.

  We were animalistic, desperate, totally wild, and I felt freer than I had in a very long time. It was a moment that I honestly never wanted to end, especially as he was making growling sounds that made me feel incredible. He was just as turned on as me, which made the whole thing even better


  Fucking hell! I thought to myself, jolting upright in a bed that felt far too comfortable to be mine. What the hell am I doing?

  Flashes of what had occurred only hours before popped up in my brain, making me feel a whole range of conflicting emotions. It was wrong, sure, but it had felt so good.

  Of course, I couldn’t really focus on that in the cold, slightly more sober light of early morning. I had to think about what could go wrong, instead, and as I glanced down at the restful body of the man who held my future in his hands, I realized that was a whole bunch.

  Sure, Roy had told me that Justin wasn’t a womanizer, but there was no chance of him respecting me after that little display. He could now tell me that he didn’t respect my business practices; it could have all been a ruse and he might have ever intended to invest…

  Oh God. I needed to get out of this place. I needed to get home before I really tied myself up in knots. There was no way that I could sleep now, not next to Justin. I needed to be in my own bed where I could digest all of this in peace.

  I raced through the room, scrabbling to pick up all of my clothing before I disturbed Justin. From the way he was obliviously snoring, he was a heavy sleeper, but I didn’t want to risk an awkward conversation, just in case.

  Oh my God, how the hell am I going to face him again after all of this? How can I have any kind of serious business meeting with him knowing what he felt like inside of me? I wasn’t sure that I could even look him in the eye again, never mind anything else.

  As soon as I was dressed, I took one more second to look at him, drinking in his amazing frame, wishing that I could stay, that we could be in any other situation, before sweeping from the room and leaving him behind.

  The elevator ride back down to the lobby was much quieter and filled with regret. It made me realize what Justin had been doing by holding back while we were in here before – he had been giving me the chance to pull out, to make the smart choice, but I hadn't. I’d allowed my body to make my decisions for me, and I’d done something crazy.

  The receptionist from before was still sitting at the desk, but much to her credit, she didn’t even bat an eyelid at me scooting back outside in the early hours of the morning. Maybe it was something that she was used to, maybe not, but as long as she wasn’t worrying about what I was up to, I didn’t care.

  I trudged slowly back home, feeling that horrible mix of still a little drunk, and very hungover, which was awful. Throwing guilt into that sucked, and I hoped for once that Rae was in my bed, ready for me to hug her. I didn’t want to sleep alone, not tonight. I needed to hold my daughter close, to remind me of what was truly important, to remind me that no matter how insane I’d acted, everything would be okay.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Justin – Saturday

  The big smile was still spread across my cheeks as I woke up in the morning after the most amazing night of my life. I turned over, ready to go for round two, but I found the other side of the bed cold, proving that I’d been lying alone for a very long time.

  Annie had Houdini’d me; she’d vanished at some point in the night, and I had no idea how to feel about that. Obviously, I couldn’t believe it, but my emotions seemed to run much deeper than that for some reason.

  I sat up in the bed, rubbing my eyes hard trying to get rid of some of the sleep, the entire time trying to work out what I’d done wrong. It wasn’t that she hadn't had fun – I could tell that she was enjoying herself the whole time – so it had to be because it was complicated. We had overstepped a boundary, gone where we probably shouldn’t have, and it was likely she’d freaked out.

  I hoped she didn’t think that I would withhold the investment now; that would be awful. I would just have to find a way to make her see that what happened last night had no impact on the business side of things.

  But now right now, I needed to give her some time to calm down first. I knew enough about people to know that I couldn’t just jump in there with both feet like an idiot. I had to just chill and find a way to distract myself.

  I jumped into the shower and then pulled on some clothing, needing to get out of the very constricting hotel room, where memories clung to every wall. I needed to get away from the very room where Annie had finally allowed me to explore her body. Those thoughts could quite easily drive me to pushing Annie too hard, and that was the last thing I wanted.

  Ring, ring…

  Ring, ring…

  There was only one other person that I knew in Florence, and I really needed his advice.

  “Hey, Justin, what’s going on?” Roy asked with a smile in his voice.

  “Are you at work?” I replied, glancing at my watch. “Or do you want to go for breakfast?”

  “Oh, are you in town? I didn’t know. But, yeah, I could eat; what do you have in mind? Shall we go to the café in town?” He was so unbothered by the fact that I’d not informed him of me coming into Florence, which was why we would always be such good friends. We were both so laid back.

  “Yeah, sounds good; see you soon.”

  I knew he’d take a while to get there since he lived away from the town center, so I took a moment to stare at my reflection in the mirror. I noticed that I looked a little odd, like something was troubling me. I was too hungover to work out what the issue was, so I shook my head and made my way outside.

  I needed advice from the perspective of an outsider, and Roy was the perfect person for that. As a mutual friend, he knew both of us well, and he could tell me the best thing to do.

  I got into the café quickly, ordered myself a
coffee, just another item to remind me of Annie, and sat at the table to wait. Luckily, I didn’t have to wait for long enough for me to get my head all tied up in knots because the door opened only moments later.

  “So, what’s going on?” Roy asked me almost right away, the moment he sat down with me. “You look like you have all sorts of things going on in your mind.”

  For some reason, as soon as he said those words, I leapt on the changes that had been going on with Garrett, rather than Annie. I wasn’t sure why, but I felt like I needed to let him in to that part of my life gently.

  “So, Garrett has come to work at the office-”

  “He has?” Roy sounded shocked, which was hardly surprising. I’d spent a lot of time complaining to him about my brother and his debauched behavior, so this was something very new. “How is that going?”

  “Actually, pretty well,” I nodded happily. “He seems to really want to change. I’m starting to believe that he might actually be growing up.”

  “Wow, that’s incredible. I’m really happy for you,” he nodded slowly, still giving me something of a curious look. “But it isn’t that, is it? There’s something else going on, right?”

  Damn it, he knows me better than I care to admit. “Okay, sure, there is,” I couldn’t stop the big grin from spreading across my cheeks. “I sort of maybe hooked up with Annie last night.”

  Roy furrowed his eyebrows, looking far less pleased than I felt. “Did you run out on her?” he scolded, looking like he might yell if I had.

  “Actually, she ran out on me; can you believe it?” I laughed, trying to hide the small element of hurt that statement caused me, but Roy wasn’t sharing in my joy.

  “Annie is a good girl; don’t you go hurting her,” he warned. “I don’t want to regret introducing the pair of you. She has a big heart, but it’s one that she doesn’t share easily, so please…just be careful, okay?”

  “How do you know all of this?” I asked, panic suddenly consuming me. “Have you slept with her?”

  If Roy had dated, or even been with Annie before, it would change absolutely everything. I would have to return back to Portland with my tail firmly tucked between my legs. I couldn’t share a girl with my friend; that would be too weird for words.

  “No, not at all. I see her more like a sister. No, she’s just…she’s had a tough life. Just be careful, okay?”

  I wanted to ask what Roy meant by that, but it didn’t feel right. I didn’t want to learn about Annie’s past without her permission, I only wanted to know about it if she felt ready to tell me.

  “I don’t intend to hurt her,” I told my friend honestly. “And maybe we shouldn’t have slept together considering I’m going to be investing in her company, but…but I like her. I like her more than I should, and I don’t know what I should do.”

  “I’m not here to tell you how to live your life. I know from personal experience that feelings can come from the most unexpected places. Just be careful. I don’t want Annie to go through more pain. Just, I don’t know, do what you think is right.”

  “Well,” I shrugged, all of a sudden wanting to seem nonchalant. “I’m going to see her later on today, anyway, so I might try to work out how she’s feeling about the whole thing before making any crazy decisions.”

  “I think that might be for the best,” Roy replied, now smiling widely at me. “I really hope it works out for you.”

  I pondered on that for a moment, wondering how I wanted things to work out myself, but I wasn’t really sure what would be best. I hadn't ever found myself in a situation like this before, where I had genuine feelings mixed in with business, so I guessed it would be best to simply wait and see.


  I pushed the door to Boffees open, my heart fluttering excitedly in my chest. I’d been standing outside for a few moments, watching Annie work, thinking that she looked incredible, but I’d forced myself to stop and go inside. I didn’t want her to look up and to see me staring like a weirdo, especially not now.

  The store was empty, and she was close to closing up. This was the perfect chance to speak to her candidly without any watchful, judging eyes.

  “Hi, there,” I said quietly, feeling a little shy and embarrassed, totally unlike my usual self. “You okay?”

  As she finally spotted me, her entire face went pale, then red, all in the space of one second. I’d flustered her since she wasn’t expecting me, but I wasn’t exactly going to run away, to go back to Portland without saying anything. She must have assumed that much.

  “Erm, I…I…” she stammered, stepping backwards away from me. “I’m still a little hungover, to be honest.”

  “Yeah, me, too.” Why did I feel so uncomfortable all of a sudden? I acutely missed the easy-going, fun-loving atmosphere that had been between us the previous night. “Any chance of a coffee?”

  As she brought my drink to the table and sat in front of me, I could tell that we were about to have the chat. Much as I wasn’t looking forward to how awkward that would be, I knew that we had to get it out of the way. That was why I had come, after all.

  “So, about last night,” she said slowly. “I think that maybe it was a mistake.”

  That actually cut me quite deeply, even though I knew she wasn’t telling the truth, but I plastered a fake smile on my face. She was saying what she thought was right, and I had to agree with her for us to move forward. “Of course, I know. It must have been the wine. It made us act crazy.”

  She giggled, so I joined in, just waiting for those shoulders of hers to roll backwards. She was carrying all kinds of tension, and I just knew that it was my fault. “It’s just…what with Rae, and this potential deal…”

  “Speaking of which, we didn’t actually get around to talking about that last night, did we?” I replied regretfully, deciding that it was best to move on from any weirdness. “Maybe we should meet up again to actually have to conversation we were supposed to.”

  “Erm…no, I don’t know if that’s a good plan,” she started shaking at that, fear growing inside of her. “Maybe we should just…not see each other anymore.”

  “No, no, I purely mean business,” I reassured her. “I promise, no funny business. Just me and you, talking about my investment proposal.”

  Please, I begged in my mind. Please give me another chance.

  “Okay, well, this time come over to my house,” she insisted fiercely. “And it’s just to talk, only about business.”

  I nodded with a smile, happiness flooding me. At least she didn’t hate me; at least she was willing to give me another shot.

  She was right – we needed to sort out what we intended to do business-wise first, put any feelings to one side. If anything was supposed to happen, then we would figure that out afterwards. For now, we needed to concentrate on the actual reason we met.

  “I promise,” I told her seriously once more. “Business only. Nothing fun…and maybe no wine.”

  A cheeky smile burst from her lips and I couldn’t help but wonder what part of the night she was remembering. Was it my fingers buried inside of her? Me taking her up against the wall? Her hand stroking my throbbing cock? I was remembering it all at once, and that probably showed across my face.

  “Okay,” she finally agreed. “And, no sneaking out in the middle of the night, either.”

  “Yeah, we wouldn’t want to give the locals of Florence anything to gossip about now, would we?” I winked, which made her laugh…and there it was again. The easy-going connection between us was back, and that worth everything to me. I didn’t mind holding back and behaving myself if I got to see her smile. “Okay, well I better go, but I’ll see you…tomorrow? Maybe? Does that work better for you?”

  “Yes, we’ll both have clearer heads then,” she confirmed. “I’ll see you then.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Annie – Sunday

  “Urgh, God,” I groaned as I sat up in my bed, gripping tightly onto my forehead. How was it possible to have a two day han
gover? I really was getting too old for tomfoolery now. I should have known that before things got a little too wild with Justin…

  Not that I was thinking about Justin – at all!

  “Hey, Mommy,” Rae’s sweet little voice called up from my bedroom floor. I leaned over to see her coloring in her pictures, just waiting for me to wake up. “Are you awake now?”

  “I am,” I practically growled in my still ragged voice. “What did you want to do today?”

  She regarded me curiously, as if she could see that I wasn’t totally feeling myself. “Shall we have a blanket day? I have a lot of cartoons that I want to catch up on.”

  She is too perfect; how did I get so lucky to have a child that could sense exactly what I needed? “That sounds lovely, sweetie. You can even help me make breakfast, if you like?”

  As Rae bounced into the kitchen, I followed behind with a lot less enthusiasm. If anything, I felt much worse than I had the previous day, but that was maybe because I had something to focus on then. I had work to keep me going. Today, I could just wallow in the crappy feelings. I couldn’t even face doing a cooked breakfast, so I simply poured us out some cereal, instead.

  “You go and sit down, Mommy,” Rae insisted. “I’ll bring it through. You look all pale and green.”

  I followed her instructions carefully and slumped my weary body on the couch, allowing my eyes to slide shut for just a few seconds. I even half considered contacting Nancy for some help, just to get me through the day, before recalling her mentioning another date. Whoever she was going out with these days seemed to be treating her really well. I just hoped that I got to meet him soon enough.

  As Rae and I ate in silence, I allowed my mind to get lost in the cartoons for a while, enjoying the mind-numbing effect it was having on me. Then as Rae finished, she climbed behind me and played with my hair, easing some of the pain in my head.

  “Mommy, when can I come to the store with you again? That was fun!” she asked happily, making me smile to myself.


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