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The Map, The Dagger, and The Vampyres (Fated Chronicles Book 2)

Page 39

by Humphrey Quinn

  “Pretty awesome playground,” said Meghan. “My brother would have loved…” she cut herself off forcing the subject of Colin back into the depths of her mind.

  “Well, today it’s serving as a doorway back to the island,” Ivan explained, moving the conversation forward. “They’ll probably make it a historical landmark. So no kids will be playing in it anymore.”

  Meghan leaned into Ivan. “Hey, I had a thought. If things can get in when the protection is lifted, can things get out?”

  Ivan nodded yes. “Not easily though. Definitely not without being tracked. Or potentially seen. Bird has decided it’s not worth trying. Not today anyway.”

  Meghan, at first, was disappointed that her idea would not work, but after a moment shamefully admitted she was glad. She liked having Bird around. There was something reassuring about it.

  They could only get so close, the area around the ship had been roped off in order for there to be room for those arriving. Greetings would have to wait until all had safely made it through the doorway.

  Meghan saw Juliska standing close to the ship and waved hello. Juliska smiled back and made her way over.

  “Meghan, so glad you made it. And Ivan, splendid to see you as well. I was hoping to run into you actually. I would like to have a meeting with you tomorrow.”

  “Of course. I’ll be over first thing.”

  She nodded, pleased. “It’s nearly time,” she advised. “The ship has been reinforced so the arrivals can safely come through the doorway and straight down the ramp to solid ground,” she noted, pointing to some of the reinforcements.

  Just then, a Balaton shouted for the Banon. She nodded at Meghan and Ivan and whisked away.

  Kalila and Kalida, operators of the Jackal Lantern, were busy snapping pictures and gathering commentary for what was sure to be an extra large edition of the Lantern the next day. They saw Ivan and hopped over.

  “May I?” asked Kalila, not waiting for an answer. She snapped a photograph of Meghan and Ivan. She winked playfully at Ivan before darting back to her sister, Kalida, who was busy scratching down notes from an interview she was doing with Garner Sadorus.

  “I think those sisters have a thing for you,” teased Meghan, displeased at having her photo taken alongside him. Ivan ignored her.

  Kalila snapped another photo, but this time, she waited for permission and allowed Garner to pose. He looked particularly menacing today; his tattoo covered neck and face looked sallow against the overcast sky, his jaw set in a serious manner as he spoke.

  Meghan was surprised, given the chill, that he did not don his usual oversized, boisterous coat, the one she had seen him wear on numerous occasions; including the very first time she had seen him. Instead, he wore a black suit, with an elongated jacket that draped over his waist and down to his hips, fitting his muscular form perfectly.

  Juliska’s voice boomed over the crowd, silencing them at once. Meghan and Ivan, as well as Bird from a nearby tree, turned to face her, listening.

  “What a glorious day this is,” she spoke. “Our family is beginning to return to us.”

  The crowd cheered, some already crying, overcome with emotion. Juliska kept her speech brief, adding only, “Any moment now, the door will open. Please remain behind the rope so that everyone can safely and quickly get through the doorway. As eager as I know you all are to greet your friends and family, I ask you to wait just a few minutes longer.” She smiled and spun forward as the deck of the ship began to brighten. Juliska, herself, along with four Balaton, stood guarding the ramp.

  Soon, travelers stepped through, and once assisted down the ramp by the Balaton, found themselves whisked safely to the sides, allowing room for others to follow.

  Onlookers did stay where they had been instructed to do so, but as expected, shouts and cries spread across the beach as people saw their friends and families emerging from the bright light now radiating the entire deck of the ship.

  Just as the last of the travelers stepped through and the light began to fade, a sudden swirl of blackness darkened the already overcast sky. It loomed over them like a thick, ominous fog.

  The crowd went silent, unable to speak, scream, or even close their eyes and look away from this ominous force.

  The blackness swirled into ribbon-like streams, becoming more centralized over their heads. The overcast sky reappeared as the streams lowered toward the sandy beach, now forming into the figure of what looked to be a man; an imposingly fierce looking man, with an aged face, but shockingly keen blue eyes.

  The eyes reminded Meghan of the boy, Colby.

  The crowd sucked in a simultaneous breath. Their stupor ended abruptly, but most were too frightened to speak, move, or take any action at all.

  Eyes shouted silent fear. Faces turned pale and sickly. People clung to their loved ones afraid to let go.

  Ivan stepped closer to Meghan's side, looking oddly worried about something. He glided in front of her purposely hiding her from view of this dark menace. She did not understand what was happening, except for one thing: this being was malevolent. Of this, there was no doubt.

  Its very presence resonated fear, and she could feel it pouring out of everyone like water raging down an overflowing river.

  Juliska, now in the midst of her people, called out a name that even Meghan recognized. “Jurekai Fazendiin.”

  “Grosvenor,” Meghan breathed out, now understanding.

  Ivan raised his arm without turning, grasping her side, motioning for her to be silent and still behind him. He stepped backward, pushing her gently to do the same. She nervously took cautious steps but halted when Ivan pulled on her arm, stopping her.

  The Grosvenor’s piercing gaze bore into and across the crowd, his evil gaze spreading over them. Holding them hostage to his potential actions. Aware of his silent warning: I know you're back...

  And that was it. A warning. His body began to morph into the streaming swirls of blackness, his figure dissolving into a smoky fog. As everyone on land sucked in and released a simultaneous breath of relief, Fazendiin swooped back to the beach. Solid. Focused. Gaze blazing in some furious discovery. And strangely, he sniffed the air.

  Ivan twisted his head enough to take a side glance at Meghan, and she in return watched as Ivan took his gaze from her to Jurekai Fazendiin trying to force some unspoken message into her head.

  But she had no idea what he was trying to tell her. Other than, we’re all in trouble!

  He tucked her in behind him, inching back until they were standing at the edge of the tree line and could go no further. Meghan looked up, hearing Bird chirping above her. Even in his non-human form, she sensed his chirping was a warning, one that Ivan seemed to understand. He also shot a glance at Bird, his eyes shouting, we are royally screed here!

  Fazendiin faced Juliska, and like if he had willed it, transported himself to her in half a blink’s time. His dark gaze bore into hers, some silent question posed there.

  Juliska did not flinch, although confusion plotted her features.

  He stated evenly, “I see no deception…” and departed her side, standing once again in the center of the crowd, searching every person, seeking something. He sniffed the air again and stepped forward, causing a conjunctive gasp from the crowd who refused to take their eyes away, wary of every move he made. He might not be powerful enough to take them all on, but he’d take out quite a large number in the effort.

  Then, they all found they could not look away even if they wanted to, and watched his movements in mesmerized glossy gazes. Suddenly and blissfully unaware they were in any danger at all. The same thing spread throughout the crowd and soon, everyone just stood, staring, in some kind of trance. Even Juliska Blackwell stared blankly into nothing.

  What had the Grosvenor done to them?

  The trance had not hit everyone. Ivan Crane stood his ground, albeit rather shakily so, hiding Meghan from view as Jurekai Fazendiin approached them. His eyes bore into Ivan’s a bit like he was trying to s
ee through him, and he took long strides toward him, sniffing the air as he did so.

  Meghan felt Ivan’s arms shaking as he had now stretched both of his arms back, in attempts to keep her hidden behind him. She could not see what was happening but heard footsteps shuffling through the sand. And the silence surrounding her was eerie. Like no one was even breathing. It seemed like even the air itself had stopped moving.

  Ivan took in a quick, ragged breath while up above, Bird had stopped chirping and was now watching Fazendiin striding closer to Ivan and Meghan.

  Meghan couldn’t stand it anymore. She needed to see what was happening. What was Ivan blocking her from seeing? She leaned, peering around the side of his shoulder. She froze when her eyes met Fazendiin’s. He was staring directly at her from about fifteen feet away.

  Their gazes fixed, a reviling grin spreading across the Grosvenor’s face.

  “I smell your blood,” Fazendiin revealed intently. “I wondered…”

  Meghan had no idea what he meant, but it appeared to her that Ivan did. Any color left in his cheeks drained. Ivan struggled to keep his breathing even. Meghan guessed they were about to die.

  She stared, wide-eyed, unable to look away from the Grosvenor. She saw something familiar in his face. Not something easily placeable. Why was he showing so much interest in her? Did he somehow know she was a newcomer to the Svoda? Or that she was a Firemancer? What would he care about these things?

  Fazendiin unexpectedly took a few steps back, his features insinuating some sort of understanding or acceptance. His mouth turned into a cruel grin, which told them he’d just discovered something that pleased him.

  The crowd started awakening from their trance-like state, and just in time to see Jurekai Fazendiin once again transforming into swirling blackness, which vanished for real this time, leaving the overcast sky stretching overhead. Normal, like nothing had happened.

  For a long minute, no one spoke, fearing he might return, however, seconds later the doorway was sealed shut and the island’s magical protections put back in place. His chance was over.

  “Please, everyone,” spoke Banon Blackwell, her voice strong. “We are safe again. Let us welcome our family home.” She motioned for everyone to greet the new arrivals, but she could not hide completely that the unexpected visit had shaken her.

  Juliska’s eyes sought out Meghan, and upon seeing her, looked a bit more relieved. She nodded gratefully to Ivan, whom she saw standing in front of Meghan like a human blockade. Only Juliska Blackwell had no idea why Ivan had truly done this, and neither the crowd nor Juliska had seen Jurekai’s confrontation. They had been in a trance.

  Heck, Meghan still did not comprehend why he had done this.

  Juliska joined the new arrivals, welcoming each of the shaken members’ home.

  Ivan turned to Meghan, staring at her, the look of shock and horror painted on his face. He shot a glance up to Bird and mustered out the words, “You were right.” He grasped Meghan's arm and dashed away from the beach, away from the crowd.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded. “Let go of me.”

  “No! We have to…” Ivan shook his head. “There isn't any place to go,” he said to himself.

  “Ivan, would you please tell me what is going on?” Meghan stopped, stubbornly refusing to move. Bird fluttered overhead trying to look like he fit in.

  Ivan opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. Finally, he said, “We cannot do this out in the open, it’s too dangerous.”

  “Dangerous?” she questioned. “Ivan!”

  Ivan stared at her with a look that declared her sudden death sentence. Whatever had just happened had shaken something loose in him. He motioned for her to follow him and she obeyed, in silence, with Bird flying close by until they stopped close to her home.

  “No,” she argued at once, refusing to go inside. “You are not doing this to me again, Ivan Crane.”

  “Meghan, I swear to you, I will explain everything. But right now you need to go home, stay home, and pretend that nothing… nothing… out of the ordinary just happened.”

  Meghan swallowed hard, her heart racing harder with each panicked word Ivan spoke. “You're really scaring the crap out of me,” she whispered shakily.

  “You’re not alone in that sentiment,” he cautioned flatly. He strode off, nodding curtly at Bird who flew up to Meghan's window. He perched on the sill, keeping watch.

  Nona came running out from around the backside of the house, having been out scavenging for food. She already knew what had happened, having heard it all through Meghan's thoughts. Equally infuriating was that she did not understand Ivan’s and Bird’s behavior any more than Meghan did.

  “Come, Meghan,” pleaded her catawitch. “I feel we should heed Ivan’s wishes. You must go inside.” Meghan nodded and they went into the house. She suddenly felt dried out and in need of water. She poured a glass from a pitcher sitting on the kitchen table. It was ice cold and stung her insides as it slid down her throat. She sucked the glass dry and slammed it onto the table, grasping the table’s edge to steady herself. She could make no sense out of what had just happened.

  She closed her eyes and calmed her breathing. She wanted to storm out of the kitchen and out of the house, locate Ivan and force him to spill everything he knew.

  She heard footsteps entering the house.

  “Meghan,” a concerned voice called out.

  Juliska, realized Meghan. She poured another glass of water, feeling the need to keep her hands busy, and exited the kitchen. The water had not done much to calm her nerves but holding onto the cold glass felt better than having nothing to hold onto at all.

  “I'm so sorry I could not get here sooner,” apologized Juliska, spouting, “and I'm afraid I will be in meetings all night. Are you okay? I'm sure that had to be a very frightening experience for you, to see one of our ancient enemies for the first time. Even for me, it is still no easy thing to witness. But you don't have to worry, the doorway is closed and all access to the island is once again sealed off, even to Grosvenor. He will not be returning.”

  “Not today at least,” Meghan mumbled weakly. “I'm okay, really,” she insisted.

  Juliska walked over, laying her hand on Meghan's shoulder, unsure she believed her. “You really are an amazing young woman.”

  Meghan threw her a feeble smile. “I am tired. I think I'm just going to try to do a bit of homework, and head to bed early tonight.”

  “Yes, the curfew announcement will be going off in a couple hours anyway, and we have to get all the new arrivals back to their homes to get settled in. Are you sure you're okay?”

  Meghan nodded yes, though her hand was shaking terribly as she took a sip of her water. Juliska frowned but Meghan insisted again she was fine.

  “Okay. Well, I'll see you at breakfast. A word of warning, I may be fighting to stay awake myself if these meetings last as long into the night as I expect them to.” She started to turn and leave the house. “Oh, and I am leaving my personal Balaton behind. I don’t want you to think you’re alone in this big old house. They’ll watch over the place so you can sleep easy.”

  Guess I'm definitely stuck here, she thought. No forcing Ivan into a full confession tonight! Aloud she said, “Thanks, I’m sure I will sleep better knowing they're around. And Nona will keep me company, of course.” She forced a confident smile.

  “It’s settled then. Good night.” Juliska slipped away.

  Meghan noted Jelen and Jenner Wandrer standing guard on the front porch. Juliska passed along her orders to them. Jelen stayed near the front door, and Jenner hiked to the back of the house where they often posted themselves when guarding Juliska’s abode. Meghan could not imagine anyone wanting to take on the brothers who looked like a couple of hefty wrestlers.

  Meghan made her way upstairs and into her room. She closed the door and leaned up against it, trying to catch her breath. She heard tapping against her windowpane.

  “Bird.” She raced over and
opened the window. A rush of cool autumn air flooded into her room. She did not mind it; somehow, it helped her feel like she could breathe again.

  Bird and Nona nodded to each other, saying hello.

  Bird bounced inside, hiding most of his body behind a curtain dangling to the side of the window, but kept his beady eyes glued to anything happening outside.

  “Don't suppose you'd transform and tell me what the heck is going on?” Meghan asked warily. Bird shook his head, but proceeded to lower his head as if to say, sorry.

  Meghan had nothing left. She kicked her schoolbag under her desk and crept to her bed. She didn’t even bother to change into her nightgown. Nona used her paws to pull back the covers, allowing Meghan to crawl in and pull the blankets up to her chin. Nona snuggled up close to her face, but outside of the covers. She kept her own catawitch eyes peeled in Bird’s direction, wishing to help with anything he might suddenly need.

  Nona’s thoughts leaked into Meghan’s exhausted mind. “Whatever is going on, we'll figure it out. We'll force it out of Ivan Crane if we have to!”

  Meghan had a thought burst into her mind. Colby had said the Grosvenor’s name. Could he know more about this Grosvenor? Might she be able to get him to talk to her?

  In her mind, she searched for the connection to his thoughts. She could feel him there, ignoring her as usual. She spoke his name clearly, trying to gain his attention, and this time he answered her attempt by spitting out, “Leave me alone.”

  “At least you're speaking to me now, that's a start I guess,” Meghan sent to him.

  “More like ignoring you, loudly!” he shot back.

  Meghan sighed. The type of sigh that shouted, I'm lost, I'm lonely, I’m bored. I'm confused...

  She was surprised when Colby spoke back. “Bad day?” in such a manner that she could not tell whether this pleased him, or whether he was actually curious, or just had lots of personal experience in the matter.

  She ignored his question. “I know you hate this connection,” she said instead, “but I wanted to ask you something. Something I can’t get an answer to where I am.”


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