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Journeys - SF10

Page 5

by Meagher, Susan X

  "Let's go, stretch," Jamie smiled, giving her a friendly pat on the seat. "Mia's waiting in the car. We were running late and didn't have time to park."

  "Mia, huh?" the tall blonde commented. "I guess it would be nice to see old Mia. How is she, anyway?"

  "Seems fine since you were on the phone with her half of the night," Jamie commented dryly.

  "Yeah, well, I'm just checking," she said, nodding somberly. "It's good to be careful."

  "You're busted, Jordan. It's best to come along peaceably," Ryan grinned, slinging her arm around her friend.

  The foursome stopped by the Berkeley house just long enough to disgorge passengers, since Ryan was anxious to get home. Jamie ran into the house and emerged with two extremely large rectangular baking dishes, both covered with foil. "Since you guys are coming over to party in Castro with us tonight, why don't you come for dinner, too?" Jamie asked.

  "That would be great," Mia agreed. "Jordan?"

  "Yeah. I'd love to. Now we just have to spend the afternoon figuring out costumes."

  "Ours are all set," Ryan grinned, "although I think my partner is having second thoughts."

  "Well…it sounded like a good idea when I saw it, but now it seems kinda juvenile," Jamie admitted. "It might be fun to do something a little sexier…I mean, this is my first Halloween as an official lesbian."

  "Oh, I could fix you right up if you want to look sexy," Ryan promised, "but I think the costume you bought is really cute."

  "We'll see," Jamie said, patting her cheek. "Now let's get home. See you guys around six?"

  "Cool," the pair replied in tandem.

  "So, what's in the pans you so neatly secured in the trunk?" Ryan asked as they pulled out of the drive.

  "Birthday girls shouldn't ask too many questions, sweetness." Jamie was giving her the most adorable smile, and Ryan had to pull over to the curb and give her a kiss-even though they had traveled less than 50 feet.

  "I really missed you, honey," she murmured, nuzzling her face into Jamie's neck. "More so this time than usual."

  "Do you wish I had come with, love? I hope you know I stayed away just so you could rest better."

  "No. I appreciate that you tried to do what was best for me. I really did rest up pretty well-even though the travel for this trip is pretty tiring. We spent far too much time on the bus for my tastes."

  "That's what happens when you play the PAC-10 schedule," Jamie admitted. "When the town is too small for an airport, you've gotta do it the hard way."

  Ryan started the car up again and commented, "I think I missed you because Jordan and I talked a lot about how she feels about Mia. It made me think of you even more than I normally do-and then I started to miss you more and more."

  "What does Jordan have to say about Mia?" Jamie asked.

  "Oh…nothing much," Ryan said, obviously evading the question. "She seems to like her a lot."

  With a wry chuckle Jamie commented, "Well, I can certainly understand how such a scintillating conversation could make you pine away for me. You two need to calm down a little-your hearts can only take so much!"

  The tips of Ryan's ears reddened a little over her embarrassment at being caught dissembling. "She tells me some really private things, hon. I have to respect that."

  "I understand, honey. I don't like it, but I understand."

  Trying to change the subject, Ryan said, "Hey, Jordan hasn't had a nightmare since she's been seeing Mia. Cool, huh?"

  "That's very cool," Jamie smiled. "I really think they're good for each other, don't you?"

  "I do. Hearing about Mia from Jordan's perspective gives me a whole new frame of reference on her," Ryan mused. "She sounds like quite a catch."

  "She is," Jamie assured her. "She just has to allow herself to be vulnerable enough to be caught."

  Every member of the O'Flaherty family was at home when they arrived, and the group made over Ryan effusively the moment they entered the house. Jamie stood back a little and considered her feelings when Ryan had first told her that her family didn't exchange gifts on birthdays. I actually felt a little sorry for her, she smirked internally. Boy, was that wrong! Having a group like this show you how much they love you is worth so much more than anything they could buy for you.

  "Have you had lunch yet, love?" Martin asked as he went into the kitchen.

  "Not really, Da. I just ate some fruit that Jamie sent with me."

  "I'll make something for you both. Name your pleasure, Siobhan. All of your wishes will come true on your birthday."

  "Hmm…" She pondered her options for a few minutes, finally deciding, "How about a club sandwich? Can you manage that?"

  "I can as soon as one of your brothers goes to the market for some turkey," he decided.

  "I'll go," Rory said, heading for the door immediately. "Anything else?"

  "Root beer?" Ryan asked.

  "Done," the youngest brother declared as he grabbed Duffy's leash and took the excited pup with him.

  "Is this a family tradition?" Jamie asked, grabbing a kitchen stool as Martin started to cook some bacon.

  "Yes, each child got to do whatever they wanted on their birthdays. Siobhan always asked for the same thing," he said fondly, smiling at his daughter.

  "What was that?" Jamie asked.

  "She always asked me to arrange to have the day off, and she would take the day off school if her birthday fell on a weekday. She never cared what we actually did-she just wanted us to spend the day together." He was giving his daughter such a fond look that she blushed again, looking very adolescent.

  "That is so sweet!" Jamie cried, getting off her stool to give her partner a fierce hug.

  Ryan elaborated. "I loved being with the whole family, of course, but I rarely had Da all to myself. I looked forward to my birthday for months," she recalled. "Kids at school would always ask me what I got-they didn't understand why I was so excited to tell them about going to the zoo, or something simple like that." She shook her head a little, still puzzled that some people couldn't understand the beauty of simple gestures.

  "Silly kids," Jamie murmured, giving her partner a patently fond kiss on her very sweet cheek.

  "Having a nice day so far, sweetie?" Jamie asked when they were back in their room.

  "Unh-huh," Ryan smiled, jumping onto her bed and folding her hands behind her head-all in one smooth move. "Very nice day so far. Of course, just being with you improves every day substantially."

  "I need to go upstairs and tend to a little something. Can you entertain yourself for a little while?"

  "Sure. I think I remember how to do that," Ryan grinned. "Hurry back."

  As soon as Jamie left the room, Ryan set about trying to find alternative costumes for them to wear that night. The smaller woman was only gone about fifteen minutes, but in that time a delightful transformation had taken place in their room. Gone was the lanky, 24-year-old jock, dressed in her volleyball warm-ups. Instead, a stunningly sexy schoolgirl sat on the bed, blinking up at Jamie with all of the innocence she could muster. "Hi, there," she whispered, her lusciously sexy voice at odds with the faux innocent smile.

  "Oh, my God!" Jamie had to grab for the desk chair to prevent herself from falling to the ground at the sight. "Where…where did you get that…outfit?"

  "It's my uniform from high school," she said, still blinking innocently up at Jamie. "Do you like it?"

  The blonde shook her head roughly as she said, "Ryan O'Flaherty, you most certainly did not leave this house in that uniform!"

  "I most certainly did," Ryan insisted. "Every day, as a matter of fact." She stood and smoothed the pleats of her skirt, doing a little twirl just to show off. "Of course, it fits a little differently than it did then."

  "Come over here, you sexy thing," Jamie commanded, a lascivious grin on her face. "I'd walk over to you, but my knees are still weak."

  For the first time that Jamie could remember, Ryan actually flounced over to her, swinging her hips in a scintillatingly sexy fa
shion. "Yesssss?"

  Smacking her dry lips together, Jamie started at the top of the dark head, taking her in, starting at the adorable twin ponytails that bounced along as she walked. Ryan had applied a little blush to her cheeks, enhancing her schoolgirl image, but the innocent image took a beating when Jamie's eyes slid lower and landed upon the voluptuous breasts straining to free themselves from the several-sizes-too-tight, short-sleeved white blouse. The lacy white bra that peeked out from the straining buttons didn't help the image a bit either, she decided, but she was the last one in the complaint line.

  The white blouse was so small that it was only half tucked in, revealing smooth tanned skin where it failed to meet its goal. The skirt, which Jamie still had a hard time believing that her partner had worn, was a bright red and navy blue plaid, one-inch knife pleats encircling her entire body. The skirt was short, to say the least, and Jamie was fascinated by the discrepancy of lengths, the rear appearing at least two inches shorter than the front. It didn't take a brain surgeon to figure out the cause of the problem; Ryan's very toned butt was taking up more than its allotted portion of the fabric. The leggy brunette turned again, this time revealing just a hint of white lace.

  "Honey," Jamie gasped, "it's your birthday…not mine."

  "True," the sexy schoolgirl murmured as she pushed her partner onto a chair and straddled her lap. "You wanna party with me?" She had a large piece of bubble gum in her mouth, and as she asked the question, she blew a huge bubble that took every bit of Jamie's self-control not to pop.

  Her head was bobbing like a puppet's, and Ryan giggled a little at her enthusiasm. She climbed off her lap and walked a few feet, then looked down at the carpet. "Oops. Dropped something." The method she used to retrieve the imaginary object was not approved by the American College of Orthopedic Surgeons. Her feet were close together, and Jamie took a moment to appreciate her navy blue knee socks and cordovan penny loafers. With nary a flex to her knee, she bent from the waist, folding her long body in half as she leaned over to reach the rug, her short skirt climbing…climbing…climbing…until it revealed the scandalously erotic white lace thong that Jamie just got a peek of.

  Ryan's teasing had pushed her frisky lover to the brink, and before she could stand, she was tackled from behind, laughing wildly as Jamie threw her to the bed. They wrestled roughly for a few minutes, this kind of play previously foreign to Jamie, but something she found that she enjoyed immensely. Ryan was so much stronger, and so much bigger, that she went far out of her way to play gently, reminding Jamie of a mother bear playing with her cub.

  Rolling onto her back, Jamie started to undress, her hands flying to her shirt buttons. "No, let me," Ryan urged, gently removing the smaller hands. "I absolutely love to undress you."

  With a deep, contented sigh, Jamie tried to relax, placing her hands alongside her head. "I love it too," she admitted, "although it drives me absolutely crazy." She gave her lover a fond smile, knowing that Ryan always took at least six times longer to complete the task than she would have chosen.

  "Patience is a virtue," Ryan reminded her gently, starting to nibble on her neck and ears. "We learned all about virtue in school, you know."

  "I just bet you did," Jamie gasped as Ryan took a playful nip on her neck. "What else did you learn in school today?"

  "Mmm." Ryan's whole face was burrowing into Jamie's neck as she took a series of deep breaths, trying to fill herself with her lover's scent. "My best subject is anatomy," she whispered. "Will you help me do my homework? I have to identify all of the parts of the body…with my tongue."

  "What was the name of your school again? Sacred Heart Academy for Wayward Girls?"

  "That's the one," Ryan agreed. "I'm trying to win the Most Wayward Girl of the Year award. Wanna help me descend another rung on the depravity ladder?"

  "If you'll get those little fingers busy, and get my clothes off of me, I'll do anything you want, sweetheart," she murmured. "We're awfully overdressed."

  "You have an awful lot of buttons here," Ryan whispered as she bent her head over Jamie's chest and surveyed the mint green oxford-cloth shirt that she wore. "I'd better get started." To Jamie's combined dismay and pleasure, Ryan bent further still, and started to work at the first button with her mouth, her tongue expertly pushing the button through the hole. She was making the most adorable little noises as she worked--soft sounds that were not quite moans escaped her lips. Jamie laced her fingers through the ponytails and just held on, content to feel the powerful body poised over her and observe the lovely features as Ryan concentrated upon her task.

  By the time she had reached Jamie's belt, the smaller woman was pulling her head down as forcefully as she could manage, moaning softly as Ryan's hands roamed all over her body. Tugging at the shirt with her teeth, Ryan resembled a frisky puppy with a chew toy, her sexy grin revealing itself amid the bunched up green fabric. When she had the shirt open at last, she wisely decided to use her hands to unbuckle the belt, then went right back to her tongue and teeth to pop free the five metal buttons from Jamie's new shrink-to-fit 501's. She had to cheat a little, and use her hands to make the fabric taut, but Jamie was loath to complain. Her partner got so much pleasure out of undressing her that she always felt her own arousal increase as she watched.

  When all of the smaller woman's clothing was spread open to Ryan's gaze, she dipped her head once again and started to lick and suck every inch of bare skin she could reach. It was so much easier to just remove all of her partner's clothing, but so much more arousing to feel like every kiss was the result of a hard-won gain. She kissed lower and lower on Jamie's firm belly, finally reaching her low-cut panties. Grasping the waistband with her teeth, she gave the smooth material a few firm tugs, her bright blue eyes dancing impishly as she did so.

  "I've never had anyone give me a wedgie while making love," Jamie teased, fondly brushing her hand through Ryan's bangs.

  "See all of the new and exciting adventures I can lead you on?" Ryan grinned, lightly resting her chin on her partner's pubic bone.

  "I do," Jamie smiled as she rolled over and shed her blouse in the process. "Sorry to infringe on your turf, Buffy, but some of my more impudent parts are signaling me that they're ready for some action."

  "Hmm…time for anatomy class, huh? Would that be the labia majora? Or perhaps the minora, voicing a complaint?" Ryan twisted on the bed so that her face was peeking into the open fly of Jamie's jeans. "That pesky clitoris isn't whining again, is she?"

  "Yes, yes and yes," Jamie whispered, thrusting her hips into Ryan's face a few times. "They're all very needy."

  "Mmm, I can see that," Ryan murmured, starting at her partner's cleavage and painting a path of warm, wet kisses up her chest. "But the party just started, love. We've got all afternoon, and I so hate to rush."

  "A little rushing can be a good thing," Jamie insisted, sliding her hands up her chest to unhook her bra. She shook her shoulders slightly, letting the soft mounds bounce lightly against her chest. "Why don't you rush over here and kiss me," she growled, her hands hefting her breasts tauntingly, leaving nary a doubt that she wasn't referring to her lips.

  "Ooo…rushing can be nice," Ryan agreed, climbing over her partner like a hungry panther and dropping her head onto a pert breast. They both let out faint gasps, a little stunned by the magnitude of the sensation. They had tasted and touched each other dozens of times during their months together, but Ryan found that each time felt brand new when it was preceded by a long bout of teasing foreplay. Something about the delayed gratification made her nearly crazy to touch Jamie, and seeing the longing and the pent-up desire on her partner's face increased her need dramatically.

  "Oh, God, this feels fabulous," Jamie moaned, her hands stroking Ryan's lovely face as the voracious woman feasted upon her breasts. Ryan groaned in response, her exclamations limited to an occasional slurping sound, as she devoured the tender flesh with boundless enthusiasm.

  Jamie's head lolled from side to side, the sensati
ons building incredibly quickly. The insistent throbbing between her legs was growing by the second, and she knew that she was already on the edge. Her hands slid to her hips and she slipped her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and tossed her legs high into the air, shimmying simultaneously out of jeans and underwear. She was pushing Ryan down at the same time she was disrobing, getting her legs in the air at about the same time Ryan was right where she wanted her.

  The dark head whipped up in surprise as Jamie lowered her legs, effectively trapping her partner in the tangle of denim. "You're mine now," she growled, as she settled her feet onto Ryan's back, the compliant woman snuggling her shoulders tight against the backs of Jamie's thighs.

  "I'm yours always," Ryan pledged as she bent her head and began to explore.

  After just a few minutes, Jamie grasped her shoulders and squeezed. "Wait, baby. Wait…" Ryan lifted her head and made eye contact, her head cocked questioningly. "Wow," Jamie smiled. "I was almost gone, and you've barely started."

  "I've got all day," Ryan assured her. "Besides, I love the neighborhood." She turned her head and rested her cheek low on Jamie's belly. "I'll just hang out 'til you're ready."

  "You are so silly," the smaller woman sighed, fluffing her partner's bangs. "I love playing with you in bed, Ryan. It's so nice to just relax and do whatever feels good at the moment."

  "Mmm-hmmm," Ryan murmured as she started kissing Jamie's smooth belly, her mouth needing a little stimulation. "This feels good right now."

  "Can I have a little more?" the smaller woman asked. "I don't think I can take much…I just love this high I'm on and don't want it to stop."

  Ryan smiled up at her. "I meant what I said, love. This is pure pleasure for me. The best birthday present I could have." She shifted down until she was comfortable and resumed her gentle nuzzlings, quickly getting back into the rhythm of their lovemaking.

  They moved against each other for quite a few minutes, Jamie's hips twitching gently the entire time. "Whoa!" she cried abruptly, grasping Ryan's shoulders again. "Just in time, baby. Just in time." While Jamie lay on her back, trying to get her breath, Ryan busied herself kissing and nibbling on the tender thighs so conveniently located, seemingly quite content to start and stop abruptly. Once more running her fingers through the dark hair that covered Ryan's forehead, Jamie asked, "You really don't mind making this last as long as we can?"


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