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Forsaken Duty, The Red Team Series, Book 9

Page 29

by Elaine Levine

  “Dad. Look. She opened her eyes,” Augie said.

  They were open. Was it just a death reflex?

  Addy arched her back and gasped for breath. Beck ran to her side, but he needn’t have bothered. She reached up and held Owen’s arm in a weak grasp, then turned to her son.

  “Mom!” Augie said. “You are alive.”

  She tried to lift her arm, but didn’t have the strength. Augie hugged her.

  Owen put his face in his hand and tried to calm the pain in his heart. His team was laughing and hugging each other.

  “She’s coming out of it,” Nathan said. “We’re getting a read on her vitals from the nanos. She’s going to be okay, Owen.”

  “But we have to stop this from happening to anyone else,” Joyce said, her voice coming from a little farther away than Nathan’s.

  “We do. And we will. We have control of this lab now,” Lobo said.

  “What now?” Owen asked the Ratcliffs. “Does she need to go to the hospital?”

  “I don’t think they could help her,” Nathan said. “They don’t have the specialized equipment of the sort she might need. But it looks like it’s reversing itself. She really just needs rest and monitoring. Bring her home, Owen.”

  “Addy, I’m going to take you out of here. Just close your eyes. Augie and I have you,” Owen said. A tear slipped from the corner of her eye. Owen scooped her up, blankets and all, and started for the elevator. “Val, bring one of the cars around. Augie, hold your mom’s hand so she knows you’re with us.”

  Half the group got in the elevator with them. Val was in the front so he could get off first. When they arrived at the warehouse floor, he opened the horizontal doors. Standing there to greet them was his dad, Jason Parker.

  “Hello, son,” he said, grinning.

  The team shifted fast, moving in front of Owen and Augie, blocking them. Val got off the elevator and shut the doors. The elevator started to descend. Owen didn’t know if Val had sent it away or if someone below had summoned it. They heard a shot, and then another.

  Ace screamed Val’s name. She hit the button for the warehouse floor over and over.

  It took forever for the elevator to go back up. When they got to the top again, Kelan held Ace back while Angel cracked the heavy doors just a bit. First thing they saw was a pool of blood. And two bodies. One prone…one sitting.

  Ace shoved the doors wide and ran out. Val was leaning against a post, holding his arm. Blood was seeping between his fingers. Jason was on his back, a bullet hole in his head. The pool of blood was coming from him.

  “I got to do it my way, Ace. I got to look him in the eyes.”

  Ace kissed him, then kissed him a thousand times all over his face. Doc Beck cut off Val’s sleeve and applied a makeshift bandage to his upper bicep.

  “Get the helicopter,” Owen said. “Kit, go with them. Ace—I want Beck to check your arm out, too. That cast’s looking a little worse for the wear. Send the helo back in case anyone else here needs it. I’ll get a car over to you when we get to Blade’s.”

  “Hey, O,” Kit said via their comms a few minutes later when they were up in the helicopter.

  “Go, Kit.”

  “You should see this place from the air. It’s lit up like a Christmas holiday.”

  Owen laughed. “Guess that’ll keep them busy for a while. You get an update from Lobo?”

  “Only that the site’s under control. I’m sure he’ll swing by when he can. What about Roberta and King?”


  “And Santo?”

  “Dead,” Ace said.


  “In FBI custody,” Rocco said.

  “And Pete?”

  “Lives to fight another day,” Max said.

  “Call us from the hospital when you get an update on Val,” Owen said.

  “Roger that,” Kit said.

  On the car ride home, Addy was again stretched across the backseat, her head on Owen’s lap. This time, though, her feet were on her son’s lap. He stared at her the whole way home, holding one of her hands. Owen grew worried when she closed her eyes. He stroked her face, easing a bit of hair from her temple. She smiled without opening her eyes.

  When the SUV pulled up to the front of the house, Owen thought every light in the house was on. They were going to walk into a mob of people, all of whom had become his family. He reached over and gripped his son’s shoulder. “Augie, I have to warn you, we live with a big group. They can be overwhelming. It’s a lot of families. They’re good people. They’re our family. You’ll be safe here.”

  “Is Lion here?” Augie asked.

  “He will be soon. My team is bringing them home.”


  Owen lifted Addy out of the vehicle. Selena, who’d driven them home, opened the front door. Owen carried Addy up the stairs. He heard the noise when Sel first opened the door, then heard the silence that followed. He couldn’t stop smiling as he walked inside, Addy in his arms and his boy right behind them.

  As expected, they were swarmed by everyone who’d stayed behind. After a minute, they made way for him so he could set Addy down on the sofa. Augie remained standing beside her protectively. Owen put a hand on his shoulder. “Everyone, this is my son, Augie.”

  Owen saw movement at the top of the stairs, then three kids charged down them and into the living room.

  “Augie!” Troy shouted as he launched himself at his brother.

  Augie laughed and caught him. After a long hug, he held his brother’s shoulders and pushed him back half a step. “You got big, Troy.”

  Troy laughed and swiped the moisture from his cheeks. “So did you.” He looked at his mom, who was smiling. Gently, so not to jostle her, he climbed up next to her on the sofa. He touched her face. “Mom? Are you okay?”

  “I will be, sweetheart. I just need a little rest.”

  “Okay.” Troy looked at Owen for confirmation.

  Owen nodded and smiled. “The Ratcliffs say she’s going to be fine.” He looked around at the group. The guys would have checked in already, but he wanted to give them an update and hear what happened here after they left. “Everyone here okay?”

  “We are,” Greer said. “It was quiet. We were never the focus.”

  “Val took a round in his arm,” Owen said. “Kit and Ace are with him at the clinic, where Doc Beck is patching him up. The rest of the team is staying to help lock down the site. King, Roberta, Santo, and Jason are all dead. The FBI has Jafaar. It’s over. For now.”

  Owen watched Greer’s reaction to that news. Of course, he knew it already.

  Greer ground his teeth. “The first phase is over. We still have to get ahead of these human modification formulas.”

  “Indeed,” Owen said. “Greer, can you get a car over to pick everyone up from the clinic? They should be almost finished over there.”

  “Roger that.” He kissed Remi, then left the room.

  “We’ll talk more tomorrow. Right now, I need to get Addy tucked in.” Owen stood and lifted Addy. The boys followed them back to his room like little ducks. He loved it.

  Owen set he on his bed. “Is there anything you need? Water?”

  She nodded. “Please. I’m so thirsty.”

  Troy ran into the bathroom and came out with a cup for her. Owen helped her sit up so she could drink. When he took the cup from her, she reached her hands out to her boys. “Look at you, both here together.” She shook her head. “There were times I feared never seeing this again.”

  “I thought you were dead, Mom. I saw my da”—he looked at Owen—“Mr. Edwards hit you so hard, you flipped over and didn’t get up.”

  Addy rubbed Augie’s hand. “That was the worst day of my life. But that and all those bad days are over now. Tomorrow, I want to hear all about your time with the watchers.”

  “Mom needs some rest now,” Owen said. “Tomorrow’s a big day for catching up.” He kissed Addy’s forehead. “I’m going to get them settled, then
I’ll come back in. I won’t be long.”

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you too. You have no idea.”

  The boys each hugged Addy, then Owen led them from his room into theirs. “Augie, you’ll share this room with Troy, for now.” He looked at his son’s clothes, seeing the homespun wool top and pants, the leather moccasins, the lambs-wool vest. “I don’t have anything for you to wear. I can grab one of my tees for you—”

  “I’m fine, sir. I don’t need anything else.”

  Owen set his hand on his boy’s head. He looked like a mini-Owen—same pale eyes, same white-blond hair Owen had had at that age. He really was his boy. “This is a lot of change in a short time. I know we have some things to work through. I hope you’ll be patient with me. Having my son back is a big deal.” He smiled. “How about you boys go brush your teeth? Then I’ll tuck you in.”

  Owen followed them to the bathroom. Troy was already in his pajamas and ready for bed, so he showed Augie where the toothbrushes were. Augie washed his hands and face, then did his teeth. They both had to use the bathroom after that. Troy came out first. He got into the bed he always used.

  “Is Mom coming back to sleep with us?” Troy asked.

  Owen sat on the bed and put his hand on Troy’s chest. “No, I think this will be your room with Augie. She’s going to stay in mine.”

  Troy looked like he was about to tear up. What a hellish day the boy had had. Owen pulled him into his arms and hugged him. “It’s all over, boy. Your mom’s safe. Your brother’s here. Edwards is dead.” So were the boy’s grandparents. Everything was different now. Troy settled back on his pillow. “Get some rest,” Owen said. “We have a lot to do tomorrow. You have to show Augie all around.”

  Troy nodded. “Okay.”

  Owen went over and sat on Augie’s bed. His son had taken on the same feral edge that all the watchers had. He was observant, quiet, and ready to bolt. Owen gripped his shoulder. “I don’t know what normal is, Augie. I’ve never been a dad before. I’d like for us to figure it out.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Owen got up and walked to the short hallway, switching off the light as he went. “Night, boys.”

  “I’m glad you’re back, Augie.” Troy said. “I tried to do what you would do while you were gone. I took care of Mom.”

  “That’s good, Troy.”

  “Do you think Owen’ll be my dad, too?”

  “Yeah, I do. Especially since I don’t plan on staying here.”

  Troy pushed himself up to look over at Augie. “What do you mean? You just got back.”

  “I’m not a boy…I’m a cub. I belong with the pride. We look out for each other.”

  “We could look out for each other, too.”

  “Go to sleep, Troy.”

  Owen went into his room. Addy was sitting up. Every time he saw her, she had a little more color in her face. He smiled as he sat on the edge of his bed. He took her hand. It was still cool, so he tucked it under the covers.

  “I told the boys you were sleeping in here with me from now on.”

  She smiled. “Okay.” She stared into his eyes.

  He was mesmerized by the slight shift in her eye color. He’d better warn Augie about that so he wouldn’t freak out.

  “Is it true that Cecil is dead?” she asked.

  Owen nodded. “Yeah. And Roberta, Santo, and Jason Parker—Val’s dad.”

  “It really is over.”

  “And it’s just beginning. We still have to figure out about these nanos. I don’t ever want someone to reprogram you like that.”

  She nodded. “I have faith in you.”

  That stole his breath.

  “And our son’s back.” She smiled.

  “He’s going to have some adjusting to do.”

  “He’ll do just fine. He’s proud and strong and tough like his dad.”

  Owen smiled. “Are you hungry?”

  “No. Just tired.”

  “Then I’m going to take a shower. I have to get Edwards’ blood off me. After that, I need to check on my team. You go ahead and rest. Call me if you need me.”

  Val refused the wheelchair as they left the clinic. Ace and Greer flanked him, just in case his stubborn ass got dizzy.

  “I’ll go get the SUV,” Greer said.

  “I can walk,” Val growled. “I’m fine. Besides, the pain meds haven’t worn off.”

  They got Val into the backseat. Ace just stood there, next to the open passenger seat, trying to find the words to tell Greer about her fight with Santo. When she didn’t move, Greer sent her a worried look.

  “I’m sorry,” she said to him.

  “For what?”

  “I want didn’t want to kill Santo. I thought I did. I thought terminating one of Omni’s Medusa heads was good, but things aren’t so black and white for me anymore. He wanted me to kill him.” She fought back tears. Assassins don’t cry. Val reached out and took hold of the fingers sticking out of her fresh cast. “I wanted to hear his story. I wanted to make sense of what happened to us. I wanted him to face his family and tell them the truth. I wanted…I don’t know…I wanted…”

  “Justice,” Greer said.


  Greer gave her a sad smile. “I think Justice is a myth, Ace. I’m not sure it really exists. I think we just take what we get and learn to live with it.”

  “I disappointed you.”

  Greer shook his head. “Oh, no. Not possible. I couldn’t be more proud of you than I am right now.” He pulled her into a hug. “Let’s go home.”

  Val scooted over to make room for her next to him. He pulled her in close and kissed the top of her head. “I’m proud of you, too.”


  Owen was bringing coffee to Addy the next morning, when he saw Troy come out of his room, rubbing his eyes. The boy came over and leaned against Owen’s leg. Owen’s hands were full, so he couldn’t give him a hug or pick him up. It was weird and wonderful to have affection offered so openly.

  “I’m taking Mom some coffee. Want to wake her up with me?”

  Troy nodded and ran ahead into Owen’s room. He hurried to the edge of the mattress, then slowly climbed up like a little cat prowling. Addy opened her eyes and smiled at him.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  “Hi, baby.”

  Owen watched them hug. They talked about normal things, like the night’s sleep and the coming day. Nothing about death or sickness or crazy murdering Omni bastards. Owen set the mugs down on his nightstand and got under the covers with them. This was what it was all about. Peace. Joy. And family.

  Owen handed Addy her coffee and sipped his. “Where’s Augie? Still sleeping?” he asked Troy.

  “No. I don’t know where he is. He wasn’t in bed this morning.”

  Cold fear iced out all the warmth Owen had just been feeling. Addy sent him a panicked glance. Owen set his coffee down and used the team’s security app on his phone to see where his son was. It indicated Augie was still in his room. Owen tossed the covers off and went to check. He wasn’t there.

  He sent a text out to the team, doubting they were on comms yet.

  After the longest thirty seconds ever, Lion texted back. I have him. We’re out back talking.

  See me in the den when you’re finished, Owen responded.


  Owen went back into his room. Addy was scrambling for a sweater to cover her pajamas. Owen caught her shoulders and gave her a reassuring smile. “He’s with Lion. He’s okay.”

  “You couldn’t find him by his security necklace?” Addy asked.

  “He didn’t have it on.”

  “He can’t take that off.”

  Owen nodded. “I’ll talk to him about that.” And other things.

  Addy released a long sigh and leaned her head against his chest. Owen wrapped his arms around her slight body, feeling the softness of her breasts against his ribs. “Why don’t we all get dressed so we can go to breakfast?” he said. He tilted h
is head and looked at Addy. “That is, if you’re up to it.”

  “I am.” She smiled.

  Troy left the room as fast as he’d come in. Owen shook his head. “Your boy likes his breakfast.”

  Addy smiled. “That, and he gets to see Zavi.”

  Lion looked at Owen’s son. His former cub. The boy had just begged him to let him stay with the pride. They walked out to the half-wall separating the two tiers of lawn.

  “The thing is, Augie, you aren’t one of us,” Lion said. “We’re orphans; you have parents—parents who are good people. Strong people. People who put you first. Every one of us in the pride would kill to have what you have, and you waste it. Pride members don’t waste anything, least of all people.”

  Augie’s shoulders slumped.

  Lion put his arm around him. “I’m proud of you.”

  “For what?”

  “For surviving.”

  “I was scared. I cried.”

  “I cry, too.”

  “You? When?”

  “When it all gets to be too much. Then I usually round you all up, and we go do some training. Feels better to take action than to drown in fearful thoughts.”

  “I couldn’t get out,” Augie said. “I couldn’t do anything. They just locked me in there. I didn’t know if anyone knew where I was. I didn’t know where I was.”

  “Your dad about lost his mind trying to find you. And you didn’t know it at the time, but the watchers saw him put you in there. You were only there an hour or two.”

  Augie wiped his cheeks. “They said there were pools of acid near my room that they would drop me into. I didn’t know what to do.”

  “You stayed calm. You stayed alive. Those were the right things to do.” Lion gave Augie a sideways hug. “Go be a son. Be a brother. Be our friend. Don’t be a jerk. Your parents were hurt by the Omnis, too. Not just physically, but mentally. They have wounds that need healing. Heal together. Be a family. Give us an ideal to look up to.”


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