Book Read Free


Page 46

by Lynette Noni

  How did something like that get lost in translation between us? But Alex already knew how—whenever she’d spoken with him about Saefii or Zaylin while in Tia Auras, she’d used generic words like ‘empress’ or ‘helper’, or just their names, without any titles. She’d also never projected any mental images of their interactions, only briefing him on the conversations they’d shared. It was easy to see how the truth had remained hidden. Never mind, she told him before he could respond.

  Just be grateful that she arrived when she did, and let’s leave it at that, Xira said.

  He had a fair point, and she admitted as much, before saying, I’m glad you’re safe, Xira. Thank you for being here.

  Forever and always, Alex, he reminded her of their bond—one that she had very nearly lost forever.

  “Quit having a moment with the Lord of the Sky Kingdom and hurry up and get changed,” Zaylin ordered, shoving a pile of clothes into Alex’s arms and pushing her towards the bathroom.

  Rolling her eyes at the immortal’s unchanged attitude, Alex did so, but only after a shower she so desperately needed. Someone may have cleaned most of the grime from her when they’d stripped her of her Tia Auran armour, but she still felt dirty and needed the soothing heat of the water to wash away the last of the battle.

  Once she had freshened up and dressed, Zaylin, tapping her foot impatiently, parroned them both out of her room and into the food court where her friends and family were waiting for her, along with the rest of the teachers and students. The other mortal races had departed, presumably back to their cities to celebrate and mourn with the survivors, just as Alex knew would happen all across Medora, including at the academy. They had all suffered losses during the weeks of battle for their world; they had all felt the pain of death. And the time for grieving would come. But right now was the time for being grateful for all who remained.

  As cheers erupted anew at her arrival, Alex was only able to wade through the masses because of Zaylin’s intimidating presence and Soraya who, no longer bloodied and limping, burst in and planted herself protectively at Alex’s other side. Together, the three of them moved across the room towards her friends and family, all of whom were trying just as hard to get through to her.

  Kaiden reached her first, and he didn’t hesitate to sweep her up into his arms and kiss her deeply. The cheering grew louder and wolf-whistles sounded around them, but Alex didn’t care. She was consumed by the future the kiss promised, by the hope his embrace declared.

  It had been close—too close—and she knew she would be forever haunted by the altered timeline, by the devastation Aven had caused before Athora’s sacrifice. But here and now, they had survived. Against all odds, they had made it.

  And when Kaiden finally pulled back, it was with bright eyes and a smile so wide it was nearly blinding—something that turned into a laugh when Jordan, Bear, D.C. and Declan all shoved their way forward and demanded Alex’s attention, followed quickly by her parents doing the same.

  Around and around Alex was handed, like the passing along of a favourite toy, until everyone who wanted to hug her, everyone who wanted to thank her—teachers and students alike—each managed to have their moment. Only once they were satisfied did they begin to disperse, leaving her alone with her closest friends, her parents, Zaylin and Raife. Roka, Kyia and Zain remained as well, having arrived mid-hugathon, exchanging places with Darrius and Fletcher, who had been amongst the last of the teachers to leave. Hunter, Karter and Caspar Lennox had departed with the headmaster and doctor, but only after offering their own quiet words of appreciation— something Alex hadn’t needed to hear, and they had known as much.

  Soon after the teachers left, Zaylin and Raife bade their farewells, the rest of the Tia Aurans having already departed through the abrassa. Given Zaylin’s true title, Alex knew she needed to get back to her people for more reasons than anyone else in the room aside from Raife understood. So, after more hugs and whispers of gratitude that could never sum up all that Alex felt, Zaylin and Raife parroned out of the food court to their awaiting draekons. But not before Zaylin told Alex that she and her friends would be welcomed back to Vardaesia any time they wished to visit.

  Now left with only her closest friends and family, Alex looked at each of them, wondering what was supposed to happen now. There was so much that needed to be done. Repairs had to be made, bodies had to be healed… the dead had to be buried.

  Alex also had to figure out what was happening with her parents, whether they would be returning to Freya now that the danger had passed… and whether they would expect her to go back with them. She was still only seventeen, after all. A minor, according to most legal systems. And yet… she had over a year left of study at Akarnae, plus two more if offered an apprenticeship. Her life was here. Everyone she cared for was here.

  Reading her thoughts—or perhaps just reading the uncertainty on her face—her father wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close.

  “We couldn’t help noticing the architecture in that elf city as we travelled on the invisible flying train when we were abducted,” Jack said, scratching his chin with his free hand, as if nothing he’d just uttered fazed him. “While your mother and I aren’t convinced that this is the safest place in all the worlds, we’ve never been the type of people who shy away from danger or turn down the chance of a new discovery. So we’ve been talking about it, and we’d love to spend some more time in that Meya place once things settle down.”

  “Imagine what we might unearth,” Rachel added, her features glowing with excitement. “The archaeological possibilities are endless.”

  Amazed and yet unsurprised that her parents were taking the trauma of their capture and the battle in stride, Alex looked at Roka, raising her brows in question. She ignored Zain’s snort and Kyia’s sparkling eyes, focusing only on the Meyarin king.

  “I’m sure something can be arranged,” Roka said. And while his face was shadowed by grief, there was an upward curl to his mouth, knowing, as Alex did, that her parents’ return to his city would likely become an extended stay. Possibly one that lasted forever. “Any family of Alex’s is welcome in Meya.”

  Just like that, Alex knew.

  Her parents were staying. She was staying.

  And as she looked around the circle of all those closest to her heart, seeing the grins spreading across Jordan, D.C., Bear and Declan’s faces, and the knowing, hopeful smile tugging at Kaiden’s lips, she felt peace settle deep within her at the knowledge that all was right in her world.

  Medora was her life.

  Medora was her home.

  And now, Medora was her future.







  (In Alphabetical Order)


  Aes Daega: AY-ess DAY-guh

  Aes Orsa: AY-ess OR-suh

  Anais: An-AY-iss

  Athora: Ah-THOR-uh

  Calivere: CAL-ih-VEER

  Enka: EN-ka

  Grewan: GREW-an

  Kantor: KAN-tor

  Latania: Luh-TAN-ee-uh

  Raife: Rafe (rhymes with “safe”)

  Saefii: SAY-fee

  Sorin: SOH-rin

  Tayros: TAY-ross

  Zaylin: ZAY-lin


  Astophe Dalmarta: AS-toff Dal-MAR-tuh

  Aven Dalmarta: AY-ven Dal-MAR-tuh

  Cykor Raedon: SY-kor RAY-don

  Eanraka Quoris: EE-an-RUH-kuh KOR-is

  Faluh: FAL-luh

  Gaiel Varsae: Guy-EL Var-SAY

  Kosett Raedon: Koss-ETT RAY-don

  Kyia Tarennia: KY-yuh Tar-EN-ee-uh

  Mayra Raedon: MAY-ruh RAY-don

  Naelin Tarennia: NAY-lin Tar-EN-ee-uh

  Niida Dalmarta: NY-duh Dal-MAR-tuh

  Niyx Raedon: Nykes (rhymes with “yikes”)

  Riza Fraelorn: REE-zuh FRAY-lorn

  Roathus Lorenn: ROW-thus Loh-REN

  Roka Dalmarta: ROW-kuh Dal-MAR-tuh

  Skraegon: SKRAY-gon

  Tohro: TOR-row

  Vaera Varsae: VAY-ruh Var-SAY

  Zain Erraeya: Zane Eh-RAY-uh


  Ayva: AY-vuh

  Eefi: EE-fee

  Glyn: Glin

  Neiko: NEE-ko

  Tork: Tork


  Mareek: Mar-EEK

  Mietta: Mee-ET-tuh

  Taka: TUH-kuh

  Tibbs: Tibbs


  Azalia Shaw: Az-UH-lee-uh Shaw

  Caspar Lennox: CAS-par LEN-nox

  Radek Ganare: RAD-eck Guh-NARE

  Saber Karn: SAY-buh Karn

  Shirez Ganare: She-REZ Guh-NARE

  Trell Roven: Trell ROW-ven


  Kaysia: KAY-see-uh

  Lidael: Lid-AY-ell

  Xayder: ZAY-der


  Kriidon: CRY-don

  Vesaphina: Veh-suh-FEE-nuh

  Xiraxus/Xira: Zeer-AX-us/ZEER-uh

  Zaronia: Zuh-ROW-nee-uh


  A’enara: AY-eh-NAR-ruh

  Vae’varka: VAY-eh-VAR-kuh


  Akarnae: Uh-KAR-nay

  Draekora: Dray-KOR-uh

  Durungan Ranges: Due-RUN-gan Ranges

  Graevale: GRAY-vale

  Mardenia: Mar-DEN-ee-uh

  Maroo: Mar-OO

  Meya: MAY-uh

  Mount Paedris: Mount PAY-ed-riss

  Nialas: Nee-UH-lass

  Raelia: RAY-lee-uh

  Tia Auras: TEE-uh OR-iss

  Tryllin: TRILL-in

  Vardaesia: Var-DAY-see-uh


  Wow. I can’t believe we made it! This is such a bittersweet moment for me, and I’m honestly dumbfounded by how quickly the time has passed! It feels like just yesterday that Akarnae was released, and now, here we are, with the final book in a five-book series—that became a five-point-five-but-really-six-book series (#Awkward)—all done.

  ‘Surreal’ doesn’t begin to cover what I’m feeling as I write this.

  Actually, funny story (that’s not actually funny in the slightest), but I’m sitting on an airplane right now—something like my twentieth flight in the last six months. How INSANE is that!! That’s what comes with having three books release in one year! (#NeverAgain—Aside from next year… #Oops)

  Point is, I’m on my way to Melbourne, and it’s really weird writing my acknowledgements while surrounded by strangers (and, oddly enough, a guy I used to go to school with, who’s on his way to compete in the finals of Australian Ninja Warrior. He’s buff, and it’s so weird seeing him now when I knew him as a weenie teenager, haha).

  But I digress. SEE! This is why I shouldn’t write my acknowledgements on planes! There are WAY too many distractions!! Also, just FYI, they offered celery and dip for the in-flight snack. What even is that? *Grumbles* (In case you can’t tell, I’m not a huge celery fan. Carrots, I would have been fine with. But celery? Bleh. No, thanks.)

  So… Have you clued in on what’s happening yet? That just maybe I don’t want to write these acknowledgements? Because just maybe it means the end? And just maybe I’m not ready for that? (Especially while on a flight with people who I don’t want to alarm by bursting into tears. That is NOT appropriate flight behaviour for anyone over the age of three.)

  *Sighs* Fine. I’m just going to suck it up and do this. Because, really, it’s not the actual end, you know? Between us, I’m not finished with Medora just yet. I still have so many questions that need answering (like WHY DID AVEN GO AFTER HUNTER’S BROTHER!?!? and a gazillion others), and so many characters to get to know better (#NoSpoilers)— and don’t even get me started on all the other secrets that need uncovering! *Heart eyes*

  So! Without (further-)further ado…

  [Short interlude while I stand up so the man next to me can go to the bathroom and OMIGOSH I JUST ELBOWED A SMALL CHILD IN THE HEAD! I mean, what was she even doing just lurking in the aisle like a five-year-old creeper, anyway?! But it’s okay, it’s okay, she just smiled at me rather than crying or yelling or anything, so we’re all good! #Phew]

  Right. Acknowledgements time!

  First and foremost, I have to thank God for—dare I say it—opening doorways that have led to so many impossible opportunities. The last few years have been indescribable, and I’m so, so, SO excited for all that is ahead. (Also a little bit terrified, but in the best possible way!)

  I wouldn’t be who I am and where I am today without the love and support of my family and friends, especially my mum and dad who have sacrificed so much over the years so that my brother and I could live our best lives. I know everyone says they have the best parents in the world, but I’m not exaggerating when I say that I actually do.

  I’ve been beyond blessed in my publishing journey to have found a home with Pantera Press—and I use that word ‘home’ because of all it implies. Pantera became my second family the moment I signed on with them. We’ve had ups and downs (lol, what families don’t?) but we’ve faced everything that’s come our way together, bringing us to this magical place that I wouldn’t trade for anything. So, thank you, Pantera, for being all I could have ever dreamed of, and more.

  Special Pantera shout-outs must go to Ali Green for… seriously, SO MUCH. I could write an entire book on how much I adore you and how grateful I am not just to have you as my publisher, but also my friend. And Anabel Pandiella, my ‘unicorn publicist’, I wasn’t kidding when I said you can never, ever leave. Where you go, I follow. I’m forever and always your barnacle (and you can’t even complain, since you brought that on yourself for being so unbelievably amazing). Also, huge thanks to my editor, James Read, for wanting the best for these characters and this world and helping guide me into making that happen. Then, of course, there’s Anna Blackie, for being a totally awesome publishing assistant (and way too cool for publishing); Lex Hirst, for all the fabulous adventures that I know we’re going to have in the future; Marty, John and Jenny Green, for being rock stars throughout this journey; Lucy Barrett and Katy McEwen, for selling my books (VERY important, haha); Elly Clapin and Lucy Bell, for being design and photography gurus (respectively); and lastly, all the amazing interns who come and go but always leave their mark.

  I also want to briefly mention the wonderful team at Bloomsbury Australia who have been pillars of support on this bookish journey, with special mention to Liz Bray and Adam Kirkman (plus Kamilla Benko from the USA office, for dealing with my sleepless self as I juggled multiple deadlines working on Vardaesia and #SuperSecretProject at the same time). You guys and your entire team/s are fabulous and I’m so grateful for you all!

  To my proofreader, Desanka Vukelich, thank youuuu for your insight and your fantabulous attention to detail. It has been a delight to work with you, and I hope we get to do many more books together in the future. Also huge thanks to XOU Creative for yet another stunning cover!

  Massive gratitude has to go to my agent, Victoria Wells Arms, who keeps me sane (not even kidding) all the way from New York. I would not be able to do this crazy authoring business without you!

  Unending thanks to Sarah J. Maas, for your friendship, advice and encouragement—and for writing amazing books that help me to escape when I need a break from the real world! Also thanks to my other author friends for this bizarro journey we’re all on together, especially Maria V. Snyder, Terry Brooks, Victoria Aveyard and James Dashner, for always being willing to offer support all the way from America. You guys are amazing and inspirational and I’m so stoked that our paths crossed during your visits to Australia. Also Jessica Townsend, who I’ve only recently had the pleasure of getting to know, but I’m certain we’re going to have many ‘wundrous’ authorly antics in the future—and I can’t wait!

  I would be lost witho
ut my critique readers, so thank you (with a billion exclamation marks) to Jenna Harper, Catriona Feeney and Alison Elzayed. Special mention must go to Krystal Gagen-Spriggs for reading multiple drafts of this book AND dealing with my IRL eccentricities and (regular) freak-outs. I’m so grateful for the day you realised you needed a new bookish friend and for whatever whacky reason decided that it should be me!

  To all the bloggers, reviewers, booksellers and industry professionals who spread word about my books (and sometimes throw them into hands and/or faces), you have my eternal thanks. (Maybe avoid the face-throwing in the future… But that’s your call…) I’m so, so grateful that you’ve enjoyed these books enough to want others to experience them, so please know how much that means to me.

  I know this is a weird thing to say, but I’m constantly surprised to find out that people are not only picking up this series, but also loving it. So last but not least, I have to thank you, my readers. If not for your love of Alex and her friends and the world of Medora, I wouldn’t get to keep writing about these characters and their adventures that have become so incredibly dear to me. It’s because of you that I get to keep doing what I love, and there are no words to express how grateful I am.

  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  And never forget…

  Kelarna de la Soraya

  … and ALWAYS

  Embrace the Wonder!

  About the Author

  Lynette Noni grew up on a farm in outback Australia until she moved to the beautiful Sunshine Coast and swapped her mud-stained boots for sand-splashed flip-flops. She has always been an avid reader and most of her childhood was spent lost in daydreams of far-off places and magical worlds. She was devastated when her Hogwarts letter didn’t arrive, but she consoled herself by looking inside every wardrobe she could find, and she’s still determined to find her way to Narnia one day. While waiting for that to happen, she creates her own fantasy worlds and enjoys spending time with the characters she meets along the way.

  Vardaesia is the final book in Lynette’s YA fantasy series, The Medoran Chronicles.

  Lynette loves to chat with her readers—connect with her online:


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