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Billionaire's Amnesia: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (Billionaires - Book #9)

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by Claire Adams

  I headed off home and decided to call Mom and keep her updated with the developments, I wasn’t sure how she would take it, yet I hoped she would feel a little sympathetic.

  “Hey Mom, how are you?” I asked.

  “Well, this is a turn up for the books, it’s normally me who calls you!” she said with a chuckle.

  “I have breaking news to tell you, so get a seat ready,” I replied.

  I curled my legs up on the couch, and Bo joined me after he had run around the garden a couple of times.

  So, what’s this big news you have? Oh, you have a new job to go to already?” she asked.

  “No, nothing like that, Elijah is coming into the office tomorrow finally,” I replied with a smile on my face.

  “Why is that breaking news, he has just been away, so what?” she pressed on.

  I could tell from her tone she was a little miffed at what I just said.

  “I know that doesn’t sound like anything drastic, but it will be different now because he was in a bad motor accident,” I said sorrowfully.

  “That is bad, but once a prick – so to speak – always prick, he will never change,” she said angrily.

  I could tell Mom was totally bitter toward Elijah, she had become over protective of me since Dad wasn’t there, but I was 25 and had grown up a lot. It was true there were some things I was still naïve about, but this didn’t make me a dumb blonde.

  “Wait, there is more, he has lost his memory, he’s unable to remember anything, and even Peter had to show him identification for the both of them,” I explained.

  “So, he has no idea he was a total prick?” she asked.

  “No, and the doctors say he might not ever remember anything,” I said.

  “At least you won’t see him if he does get his memory back, you will be well gone,” she said. “Please tell me you are still leaving?”

  “Erm, well, I have decided to give it a while longer, he needs my support,” I said. “I can’t just leave him in his time of need.”

  “Oh God, and here was I overjoyed you had finally made your mind up,” she said with a disappointed tone in her voice.

  “Mom, I thought you had raised me better than that; you can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl, you always told me,” I said.

  “Yes, but this is different, he has a mean streak in him,” she said in anger.

  “He had a mean streak,” I emphasized.

  “Whatever you think sweetheart, it’s your decision at the end of the day. You make them, and you live by your choices, good or bad,” she added.

  “It’s not for me to just leave someone in that condition, you know I would help anyone in their time of need. And especially someone I know, no matter how much of a dick they have been to me. Elijah gave me a chance in a position that I wasn’t really qualified for, so, I do have to be a little thankful about that,” I said.

  “Just make sure you don’t go too overboard with your compassion and keep an eye on his attitude because you never know what will happen. I mean, he could just break altogether and then where will you be?” Mom asked.

  “I’ll observe his behavior. If it’s a bad as Peter says it is, I’ll still go back to plan A and quit my job, but I’ll do it in a quieter way rather than telling him he can shove his job up his ass,” I said.

  “Okay, dear, just keep me updated with what goes on, I hope for your sake he doesn’t remember the person he used to be and instead he ends up with a completely different mentality altogether,” she added.

  “Well, I better go, I don’t want to be late on his first day back, that wouldn’t be very wise for me to do,” I said. “I’ll speak to you soon Mom. Take it easy.”

  “Bye, dear,” she said as she hung up the phone.

  I showered and took Bo to the garden before going to bed, I laid there and thought of what Elijah’s return would be like. Even just talking to him would feel strange as he would have no clue what you were talking about, even for the simplest of things.

  As I relaxed in bed I had a happy feeling come over me. It had lifted a weight off my shoulders knowing he was physically okay. Additionally, and on the mental side, it had brushed away the thoughts of me leaving for the time being. Hopefully, things could get back to normal soon, and on a much better level than they previously had been.

  Chapter 11


  I opened my eyes and looked at the clock, it was 10 a.m. I slept for 12 hours solid. I left the bedroom and headed downstairs to see Peter. I could see no sign of him, but he had left a note for me on the kitchen counter. It said he went to the office and would be back home in a few hours.

  I headed into Peter's study. A large antique writing desk adorned the center of the room. It looked like a cartographer’s desk and was in immaculate condition. I ran my hand over the inlaid leather writing surface and could see that the locks, handles, and escutcheons all looked original. Behind and out of contrast was a black leather big boss chair which looked well weathered and sat in. I could imagine my brother there.

  I lowered myself into the soft leather, it welcomed me and relaxed me. I closed my eyes and was embraced by the smell of history. I pondered a why Peter had these as luxuries when the remainder of his home looked so modest. I closed my eyes for a moment and bathed in the silence. I had become peaceful, and my mind had cleared from being completely blank. I opened my eyes and heard a car door slam closed in the driveway.

  It had to be Peter returning home.

  I rushed to the door and opened it as I heard him fumble with his keys.

  “Welcome home Sir,” I said with a grin.

  Peter looked at me. He seemed astonished I’d welcomed him. Maybe he was used to coming home to an empty house. There seemed to be no one else in his life but me right now.

  “So, what have you been up to?” he asked with a genuine tone.

  I looked through the photos again and sat for a while in your study. “Nice chair by the way.”

  “It was Dad's chair, and the desk was his pride and joy at the office,” Peter muttered as he kicked off his shoes and headed into the living room.

  “Where have you been all day, anyway?” I sat on the couch opposite Peter.

  “I had a few things to sort out at the office. I’ll take you tomorrow so you can get re-acquainted with everything,” he said.

  “It sounds like a good idea, the sooner I can do that, the sooner I can get some work done,” I said eagerly.

  “For sure,” Peter replied as he sat comfortably next to me. “Whatever you want.”

  “Tell me more about the office. Where is it? What’s my job?” I asked as I leaned in toward Peter showing my eagerness to know.

  “Are you sure you want to know all of this now?” Peter asked as he stood up to pour a drink.

  “Sure, why not? It sounds kinda fun. At least I’ll know what building to look for when we get there,” I added keenly.

  Peter passed me a glass, the smell of bourbon filled my nose. I screwed up my face. “It smells a bit strong. What is it?”

  “Bourbon, I thought you liked it?” he asked.

  “I must do if you say so. Now, tell me about the office,” I pressed on as I sipped from my glass. The taste seemed somewhat familiar.

  “The office is located in the city, and you will easily recognize it, it’s the largest building there,” he went on to say. “The company is involved with logistics and specializes in client satisfaction.”

  “So, we are busy then?” I took another sip of the amber liquid that warmed my stomach.

  “You could say that it's a 24-hour operation. It’s a market leader in the way it operates, so it sets the standards,” he added proudly.

  Peter continued to answer my questions about how the business started and how it had boomed to become a major player in the logistics field. I was excited to see where I worked, but Peter had not told me what our positions were within the company. I guess he wanted to show me my hou
se first and he would explain all that later.

  “I’ll get changed, and I’ll take you home,” Peter walked up the stairs to get ready. I was happy he was my friend.

  “Yeah, okay, no problem,” I called up to him as I finished the drink and sucked on the cool ice.


  Peter drove us to my place, and I rested my forehead on the window and watched as the buildings passed us by. He turned off the highway and started to drive in a new direction.

  “How much further?”

  The car slowed and turned into a driveway. It had large black gates sat before us. Peter opened his window and entered a code into the electronic keypad, and the huge gates slowly opened and invited us inside.

  “Look familiar?” Peter asked as he slowly drove along the driveway between the trees.

  “I live down here?” I asked as I opened my window and put my head outside. It was beautiful. The smell of the air was divine to my senses.

  “You are home,” Peter said as he slowly drove through the underpass which took us to the rear of the house.

  “You must be kidding. This is all mine?” I asked as I scoured the vastness.

  "Uh uh," he answered.

  The car stopped, and I stepped outside. I stood and looked at the surroundings. I could see below us was the city, and closer in the garden there was a swimming pool. An infinity pool that had huge boulders which were constructed into a waterfall. The water flowed and sent myriads of bubbles under the cobblestone surface; the water rippled outwards as it hit the side of the pool.

  I turned and looked at the house. There was a four-door garage that covered half of the building.

  “What’s in here?” I asked Peter as I scratched my head apprehensively.

  My head spun as Peter grabbed my cell phone and tapped on the screen a couple of times. The doors started to rise as if by magic.

  I started to count as vehicles came into view. I stood in shock, I shoved my fingers in my hair and sighed. I counted five cars and three motorcycles, one of which was piled on the floor, mangled and twisted.

  “What’s that?” I asked as I pointed to the pile of twisted metal.

  “That is the bike you had your accident on,” Peter replied.

  “Holy fuck!" I blurted out. "I was lucky then.” I stood and looked at the heap of twisted metal.

  “Come on. Let’s go inside," Peter urged.

  I walked past an Audi A8, a Porsche 911, a McLaren P1, a Porsche Cayenne and a Ford Mustang Shelby Limited Edition; this was sheer self-exuberance as I entered the enormous kitchen.

  Peter showed me around all of the rooms. I could see all of the latest items and gadgets you could imagine. All of it was just a complete waste of money. How could I afford all this?

  “Did this actually make me happy, having all this stuff?” I asked Peter, my head unable to fathom why someone would go to so much effort to have the best of everything.

  “I’m not sure if it made you happy for long, I’ll put it that way,” he replied. “At least you could afford it.” He fingered his way through a pile of DVDs.

  “How can I afford this or did I just waste money?” I shouted from the games room down the long hall.

  “Come here, I need to explain something to you now,” Peter's voice rang from the living room.

  I left the game room and headed toward him. I took a seat as Peter sat close to me as my friend.

  “I told you that you were Dad's favorite, right?” Peter paused. “Well when he died he left most of his fortune to you, and sole ownership of the business as well.”

  “I don’t understand, why was it not split equally? I mean, surely that would have been the fair thing to do?”

  “It’s okay, I’m comfortable,” Peter replied as he looked at me and grabbed my arm.

  “How much did he leave you when he died?” I asked with a concerned and worried look on my face.

  “That’s irrelevant, now is all about you,” he replied as he held my hand and squeezed it in support.

  “Dad left you his personal fortune, the sum of 148 million,” he replied as my face turned a shade of gray.

  My head was numb. If I could have, I would have puked.

  “That is obscene. So, the company is worth nearly 150 million?” I asked as I leaned back trying to take it all in.

  “No, that was just Dad's personal fortune, the company has its value, Elijah.”

  “So, what’s the value of the company?” I replied as I shook my head in disbelief. I felt dizzy.

  “The ballpark figure is close to two billion.” My face went white in shock from the news.

  I laughed and looked at Peter, but he had a serious look on his face.

  “I thought you said two billion,” I chuckled as I questioned the number.

  “I did, the stocks have gone through the roof, and the company is a logistics behemoth, it won’t stop growing,” he replied as he smiled.

  “So, what’s our position in the company, what do you do?” I asked him, excited about our positioning.

  “I’m a foreman, Elijah. The company is yours."

  I was saddened by the news but was eager to know more. “What’s my position, manager or what?” I asked as I leaned forward to hear his reply in angst.

  “You own it, lock, stock and smoking barrel,” he said.

  I looked at Peter confused. I scratched my head and asked, “So if I’m the boss, what do I do?”

  I could see the look in Peter's eyes. The conversation brought up memories which must have been painful; his eyes looked glossed over and sad.

  “Elijah, my dear younger brother, your job is to do what the hell what you want, when you want,” he said as he grimaced.

  I found his words hard to comprehend. Had I been given that much? Was I that rich?

  Peter explained more about the company, and said he would take me to the office in the morning. Maybe once I had time to gather my senses and come to terms with what we had just spoken about, I could get on with my life. But one thing was sure, whatever sense of satisfaction all this luxury gave me before, it didn’t appeal to me at all now. The opulence was borderline insanity. No one man could need all of this stuff.

  “Get some rest,” Peter said as he headed toward his car, “I’ll pick you up in the morning around 10 a.m."

  “See you tomorrow, Peter. And thanks for everything. I really appreciate it,” I said as he slowly made his way down the driveway toward a totally different sort of life. I felt ridiculous having all of this when he didn't. I hated the fact.

  I walked around my house and was dumbfounded when I reached my closet. I could see designer shirts still in the cellophane and shoes still in boxes. I had a sense of total gluttony that I had been responsible for it and ignored my brother's needs. What kind of prick was I before?

  I hoped what I had seen would be the extent of it because I could see no real reason why a person would want so many unnecessary luxuries in their life. Had I become so bored with my life that this what I had become? Maybe I would have a better understanding after I visited the office in the morning with Peter. At least I had a big brother who supported me. I obviously had been a total fucking asshole. Wow, I even shocked myself.

  Chapter 12


  I sat at my desk for most of the morning, and every time the elevator bell rang I quickly looked up in anticipation. Each time I glanced up, and it wasn’t Peter and Elijah that walked out of the elevator, I got a little downhearted.

  I looked around the shipping department and noticed all the others also glanced up from their desks as the elevator rang, just as I had been doing, and each time they all turned back to their desks and carried on working quietly.

  My nerves danced around my body the longer the time passed. I sat on the edge of my seat with every hour that passed and there was no sign of them. Suddenly the elevator bell rang, and the door opened, and Peter exited first closely followed by Elijah. He looked normal, yet his eyes looked wide and slightly scare
d as he looked around and tried to absorb everything he saw as if it was the first time he had been there.

  They walked toward my desk, and I stood and walked to greet them.

  “Kendall, this is Elijah as you know, and Elijah this is Kendall, your lovely personal assistant,” Peter said.

  Elijah smiled and held out his hand. “Pleased to meet you, Kendall. Peter has said nothing but good things about you.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Sir. And it’s good to have you back,” I replied as I smiled.

  “Call me Elijah," he said as he smiled.

  Wow, this is a change.

  I sensed he was checking me out. It felt good knowing that he looked at me as more than just an employee. I had, after all, checked him out as he exited the elevator, so we were square in that department.

  We exchanged a couple more sentences before Peter interrupted us and took Elijah into his office to become more acquainted with his domain. The door closed and a noise lifted up from behind me. I turned, and Travis had quickly come up to my desk.

  “What’s wrong with him? Fuck, he seems a little vague and not with it,” Travis asked.

  “Well, you may as well know now, and from a reliable source, Elijah has actually lost his memory. Everything is totally new to him at the moment,” I explained to Travis.

  “Holy fuck, how lucky we are, and we thought he would blow his stack when he got back. I hope he never gets his memory back, all the grudges he had against people have all been wiped out in one go,” Travis said as he thought about it more.

  “Can I tell the others? I always wanted to be the bringer of good news, can I, can I?” he said frantically.

  “You may as well, you will all find out soon enough, just keep it quiet and don’t cause any disturbances,” I said as if speaking to a small child. “I can see why you are excited, just remember he’s a person just like you and me. We should take things steady and not expect too much from his situation. The doctors did say it could come back, especially when he’s in an environment which is familiar to him, so until we are sure which way he’s going, be careful,” I explained.


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