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Awakening (Telindell Book 1)

Page 35

by Darren Lee

  Roxees looked to Sarath in shock. “What? You should be dead!”

  Sarath glared at the sorceress. “Hardly.” Sarath smirked and tightened her grip on the sword. “You’re about to get your royal ass kicked, Your Highness!”

  “Get out of here!” Lian shouted at Sarath.

  Sarath looked to Lian, a mischievous smile upon her face. “Shut it, Lian. We’re saving you.”

  Roxees raised an eyebrow at Sarath’s words. “Who’s we?”

  Sarath simply pointed past Roxees. Before Roxees could turn her head, Kane leapt into action. His teeth gripped Roxees’ neck tightly. Kane’s menacing growl filled Lian’s ears as he watched the valiant wolf’s attack. Roxees cried out in pain, caught completely off guard. Blood squirted from her dark, evil skin as Kane’s teeth sunk deeply, causing Roxees to let go of Lian. Lian’s feet touched the ground, and he watched Roxees raise her talons, ready to gut Kane. Lian snarled and drew his fist back, launching it towards her face with all his might. Roxees felt the impact of Lian’s attack. It was enough to interrupt her attack and knock her off balance. Kane glanced at Lian and released his grip, quickly retreating.

  Sarath saw her opportunity. “Lian!” She tossed the sword to him. Lian turned his head, to see the sword flying toward him. He reached out and grasped the hilt firmly. Lian drew the sword, immediately transforming. Ice and snow flew into the air under the weight of his power. Now limited by the sword, only the red specks within his blue eyes were present. Lian spun around, swinging the sheath towards Roxees’ face. Roxees saw the blow coming, but she was unable to react. The blow sent her flying down the ice and snow-covered stone street. Roxees bounced along the street and quickly caught herself. She stumbled to her feet and gripped her staff tightly, glaring at Lian.

  Lian smirked and in a cool, confident voice said, “This isn’t over.”

  Chapter 36: Burning Blade of Vengeance

  Lian’s sheath bounced on the ground. He gripped the crimson blade tightly. Lian shifted his left foot back, crouching over a bit. He brought the sword across his body, holding it diagonally. Lian grunted as an aura of red magical energy surrounded his body. Red lightning pulsated from the crimson blade. Roxees snarled at her foe and took a fighting stance as well. Her amulet glowed while her hand returned to normal. Roxees gripped her staff with both hands, holding it across her body.

  Sarath and Kane watched in the background. Lightning flashed, lighting up the skies while thunder cracked loudly. Allendale’s ruined castle served as the backdrop for the coming conflict. Sarath glanced to Kane, then back to the two fighters. Kane stared at the scene in anticipation, waiting for the chance to help Lian if he was needed.

  Sarath watched the standoff in awe and mumbled, “Do you… Do you think he can win?”

  Kane continued watching his friend as he nodded.

  “Me too.” Sarath smiled slightly. “Come on, Lian,” she said to herself. “The sooner you kill her, the sooner it’s just us again…”

  Roxees glared at Lian. Her own magical aura began to manifest, and she appeared to be surrounded by a black fire. The wounds left by Kane began to close and heal. Roxees smirked. “You will die today.” Roxees gritted her teeth, before her voice erupted into a yell. “And I shall live on! For all eternity!”

  Roxees followed her declaration of victory with a graceful charge at the warrior before her. Lian watched the sorceress’s approach. Roxees leapt into the air, twirling her staff. She let out an angry scream as she descended upon Lian. He braced himself and raised his sword, ready to deflect the attack. Roxees swung her staff down toward Lian. The two fierce weapons made contact. A very brief moment of silence followed, which was violently interrupted by the sound of a deafening boom. Red and black lightning radiated from the weapons followed by a massive shockwave. Lian and Roxees flew backward. Stone in the streets splintered under the pressure of the shockwave. Lian flipped backward and landed on his feet. He dug into the ground and leapt forward as Roxees launched herself toward him.

  Lian flew across the ground toward his target. Roxees approached Lian with a vicious ferocity. The two passed, both landing blows. Lian felt the sting of Roxees’ staff on his arm. Roxees cringed at the slice across her abdomen. Lian quickly turned to face her. She leapt sideways, twisting through the air and opened her hand. She grunted as a black ball of energy formed. She tossed it toward Lian. The young warrior quickly jumped to the side. Black energy struck the ground. It expanded and vanished, leaving an empty hole in the ground. Lian’s eyes widened at the attack.

  Roxees laughed, looking upon the startled Lian. “I will cast your entirety into oblivion!”

  Lian gritted his teeth, looking at the sorceress. Roxees glared, levitating just above the ground in front of him. She grunted and began launching her black oblivion balls toward Lian in rapid succession. Lian watched each attack coming at him with blinding speed and struggled to dodge them. Their battleground was riddled with the empty remnants of Roxees’ attacks. Lian dodged each of them, advancing towards her. Roxees watched him draw closer. She began charging her oblivion attack once again. This time, it was much larger.

  Roxees laughed as she tossed the large ball of energy at Lian. “Into the void with you!” Roxees continued to laugh hysterically.

  Lian’s eyes widened at the attack as he leapt to the side. The ball struck the ground and began to expand. Lian watched as the black ball expanded and nicked the back of his left leg. He let out a scream of pain as he crashed to the ground. He could feel blood streaming down his leg and looked down at it. Just above his boot, it appeared as if someone ripped a handful of flesh from him.

  Roxees stared in delight. “That will slow you down!”

  Lian held his sword tightly, attempting to ignore the pain from standing upon his leg. He glared upon Roxees. “Not enough.”

  Roxees snarled and charged toward Lian. “We shall see!”

  Lian watched Roxees’ reckless move. He glared and waited for Roxees to begin her attack. Roxees swung her skeletal staff at him with great force. Lian shifted to the right and brought his sword upwards, slicing her side and severing her left arm. Roxees let out a scream as her blood sprayed into the air.

  Lian looked at Roxees. “This is my chance to finish her!” he thought. He put pressure on his left leg, ready to step in for the final blow. Crippling pain shot through Lian’s body. His eye’s widened at the pain and he gasped, but continued his attack. Roxees noted Lian’s slowed attack and leapt away, preserving her life.

  Roxees faced Lian, her blood streaming upon the ground. She held her arm, severed just below her elbow. As Roxees looked to her lifeless arm lying on the ground, it slowly turned to dust.

  Roxees looked towards Lian, shaking with rage. “You will pay for that!”

  Lian was angered by his failure to finish Roxees. “Go ahead!”

  Roxees looked upon Lian. “Kill you?” Roxees smirked. “With pleasure!”

  Lian smirked. “No, heal yourself.” Roxees just stared at Lian. Lian snorted and gripped his sword. “You can’t, can you?”

  Roxees’ entire body quivered with rage. “It doesn’t matter. I will heal after I kill you!”

  Lian began to chuckle. “That’s your weakness!” Lian stood tall, gripping his sword. “I’m already healing. As long as life exists in this world…” Lian smiled, taking his fighting stance. “My power is infinite. I need no rest. You do.”

  Severely wounded, Roxees looked into the distance. She could see the last of her Enforcers beginning to fall. “If I don’t finish this now…” she said to herself while looking at the sky, “the bitch is sure to join him, and I’m dead.”

  Sarath and Kane looked on, feeling that victory was near. Sarath smiled. “Finish her, Lian!” She raised her fist into the air. “Kill that bitch!” Kane looked on, growling and snapping, ready for Roxees to meet her demise.

  Roxees glanced to Sarath and Kane. “Close your mouth, whore! I’m not finished yet, and once I kill this bastard, you’re
next.” Roxees shifted her gaze to Lian. “Don’t be so sure. I still have power!” She began to walk towards Lian as her amulet glowed. “And you are about to taste it!”

  The wind gusted as snow and ice rampaged through the air. Lian watched as Roxees broke into a run toward him and her body began to morph. Roxees was shifting back into the dragon.

  Lian’s eyes widened. “No…”

  Lian ran toward the shifting sorceress. He screamed, weathering the pain from each step. Roxees screamed, her voice deepening into a roar. Lian lunged toward her, thrusting his sword. A blinding red light blanketed the area. Sarath and Kane looked away, shielding their eyes. The light began to fade, and Sarath quickly turned her sight back to the combatants. Her mouth dropped open at what she saw. Lian’s sword had pierced the amulet, and Roxees chest. Roxees began to let out a horrible, echoing scream. The ground shook as a vortex of snow and ice surrounded Roxees and Lian.

  Sarath looked to Kane. “Run!”

  Sarath and Kane ran from the town of Allendale while the vortex rapidly expanded behind them. It seemed to reach the sky itself as it consumed the entirety of the town. Sarath looked back as the vortex shrank to nothing, followed by a massive explosion of energy. Force from the explosion swept Kane and Sarath from their feet. They rolled along the ground, finally coming to a halt next to each other.

  She groaned and raised her head. “I think my other ribs are broken now.” Kane looked to her as he stood. Sarath struggled to her feet. She stared at where the town of Allendale had once stood. In its place was a thick cloud of dust and smoke.

  She bit her lip and covered her mouth. “Is he… dead?”

  Kane looked to Sarath, then to the clouded ruins.

  Sarath heard the sound of horse’s hooves and turned to see Elinar approaching.

  Elinar slowed his horse and stopped next to Sarath, taking in her battered condition. “I saw the explosion and left the battle.” Elinar looked to the thinning dust cloud. “Is it over?”

  Sarath looked to Kane, then back to Elinar. She remained silent for a few moments, feeling the warmth slowly return to the air. “I… I think so.”

  Elinar dismounted his horse. “What of Lian?”

  Sarath looked to Kane while tears swelled in her eyes. “I… I don’t know.” She looked to Elinar. “I don’t know how anyone could have survived that… not even Lian.”

  Elinar stared at the dust cloud with a heavy heart. “Let us not give up hope.”

  The three of them desperately combed the rubble searching for their friend. Nothing was left standing except parts of the castle. All the stone buildings in Allendale had been reduced to rubble. They traversed the scarred and thawing ground looking for any signs of life. Kane held his nose high, searching for any whiff of Lian.

  Tears streamed down Sarath’s face. “He… he… he’s gone…” she said to herself. Sarath dropped her head and gave way to her sorrow. Elinar rushed over to Sarath and tightly embraced the weeping girl. Sarath buried her head into Elinar’s blood-stained armor.

  Elinar looked down at her. “It’s alright. Everything will be alright.” His words fell upon deaf ears.

  Kane was not so quick to give up hope. He would continue searching for any sign of Lian, even if all he found were his remains. Kane’s ears twitched at the sound of rubble shifting, and he rushed over to a pile of shattered stone. He turned to Elinar and Sarath, yapping and growling at them.

  Elinar saw the wolf begin to dig. He let go of Sarath and grabbed her arm. “Come on!”

  Sarath followed quickly, staring at the pile of rubble. Her eyes gleamed with hope. Elinar quickly joined Kane, moving chunks of stone and melting ice too large for the wolf. Sarath quickly jumped in as well, heedless of the pain from her broken ribs. A few moments later, a bloody arm burst from the rubble. Elinar and Sarath grabbed the arm and pulled a bloodied Lian from the rubble. He gasped for air, clinging to life.

  Sarath quickly knelt down and wrapped her arms around Lian. “I thought you were dead!” She looked upon him while tears of joy streamed down her face.

  Lian slowly opened his eyes while a weak, pain-filled smile crept across his face. “No. Not yet.” Lian began to chuckle softly, but his laugh was interrupted with cringes of pain.

  Elinar looked on in astonishment at Lian’s survival. He shook his head with a huge smile. “You never cease to amaze me.”

  Lian smirked at Elinar. “You know me. I hate to disappoint.” Elinar laughed. Lian took a deep breath. “If you don’t mind, please help me up.”

  Elinar grabbed Lian’s arm, and with Sarath’s help, pulled him to his feet. Lian rested, propped up between Sarath and Elinar. His skin was covered in cuts and dried blood. His clothes were ripped and tattered.

  Lian glanced back to see the hilt of his sword sticking out from the rubble. “Elinar, get my sword.”

  Elinar looked to Lian, concerned. “Can you even stand on your own?”

  Lian smiled as he stepped away from Sarath and Elinar. He leaned over from the pain as Kane approached him. “I’m fine,” he said, looking to Kane. He placed his hand upon Kane’s furry head while he grinned. “Thanks, Kane. Add that to all the times I owe you for saving me.”

  Kane nodded, relieved that his friend still lived and a promise he made to a boy’s mother was still unbroken.

  Sarath came up behind Lian, gently wrapping her arms around him. She laid her head against his back. “I helped too.”

  Lian placed his hand on hers, smiling.

  Elinar approached Lian and Sarath with the sword. “I can’t find the sheath.”

  Lian glanced to Elinar. “I’ll get another.” Then, concern crossed Lian’s face. “If you’re here, is the battle over?”

  Elinar took a deep breath while he looking towards the battlefield. “When I left the battle, we were wiping out the last of her army.” Elinar closed his eyes momentarily. “At great cost.”

  Lian turned his head toward Elinar. “How many?”

  Elinar shook his head. “Too many to count.” He walked toward the edge of the ruined town, whistling for his horse. “Our magic wielders and archers took virtually no casualties, but our infantry and riders were decimated.” Elinar’s horse trotted up to him. He took the reins and led it over to Lian. “Come, I’m sure my father and Lady Dusk await our return.”

  Chapter 37: No End Nigh

  Lord Commander Dreathous set out upon a monstrosity of a horse. The horse’s skin was ripped, and bones protruded from its body. Dilintor sat mounted on his own monstrous horse at Dreathous’ side. They sat upon a ridgeline some distance from the battle, their presence unknown, watching as the vortex consumed the town of Allendale, resulting in Roxees’ death.

  Dilintor growled, looking to Dreathous. “Incompetence. Let us move in and finish this now.” Dilintor looked back to a massive Dalronian force, all lusting and eager for battle.

  Dreathous glared toward the site of the magical explosion. “Her fate is her own.”

  Dilintor looked to Dreathous. “My Lord, we could end this now and secure this world for our own.”

  Dreathous snarled at Dilintor’s words. “Do not question me.” Dreathous drew his massive, dark blade, thrusting the tip against Dilintor’s neck. “Or your fate shall be no different than Roxees’.”

  Dilintor looked fearfully upon Dreathous. “My Lord Commander, please… forgive me.”

  Dreathous lowered his blade slowly and slung it upon his back. He stared at the forces of Alinshahar and Shinrok rallying together, closing their battle. “We return to Dreath-hold.”

  Dilintor thought for a moment before speaking. “You aren’t planning--”

  Dreathous chuckled lightly, interrupting Dilintor. “One thousand years has passed.” Dreathous looked towards Dilintor. “One thousand years of torture administered by the thousands of scorned souls he failed.” Dreathous lightly nudged his horse, turning and walking away from the cliff’s edge. “That will be enough for him to have rethought his allegiance.”

>   Two days had passed since the battle for Kynlynn. The bulk of Shinrok and Alinshaharian forces remained in Allendale to establish a front between them and the Dalronians who lay beyond the borders. Oryn established a command center in the ruined castle. He sat at a table, surrounded by his commanders and Elintae.

  Oryn looked to Elinar. “How many Riders remain?”

  Elinar looked at his father in despair. He shook his head. “Twenty three survive.” Elinar let out a sigh. “Twelve are wounded.”

  Oryn placed his hand upon his head with a sigh. “We lost just more than half of our infantry.” Oryn raised his head and looked to Stala and Alisia. “Your reports?”

  Alisia smiled slightly. “A handful wounded, most should recover.”

  Stala looked to Alisia and nodded. “I have the same report. Our archers are intact.

  Oryn looked to Supreme Leader Ceriene of Shinrok. “Have you received your reports yet?”

  Ceriene nodded. “We lost a few hundred front line soldiers.” Ceriene looked to the others. “A few hundred more are wounded, most fatally.”

  Elinar looked to Oryn. “It could have been much worse.” A shallow smile touched his face. “We were able to save a few hundred humans, as most of the castle’s dungeons were intact.”

  Oryn sighed. “That is something.”

  Elinar nodded. “Many of the men wish to remain with us, to fight.”

  Ceriene looked to Oryn as well. “I will have children and those who do not wish to fight escorted to Shinrok.” She looked to Elinar. “Maybe they can find a sense of security there.” Elinar nodded at her.

  Oryn then looked to Elintae. “Lady Dusk, what of Lian?”

  Elintae smiled. “He has recovered from his injuries. Lian rides north with his companions.”

  Oryn raised an eyebrow. “North? What does he seek?”

  Elinar smiled. He knew where Lian was going.

  Elintae looked to Elinar and smiled, then returned her gaze to Oryn. “He seeks peace.”


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