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Page 2

by Allie Standifer

  In less than five minutes the young man appeared at Rami’s side.

  “She is American. Her name is Daisy Oliver. The 501 Travel Agency is sponsoring her trip.”

  Yes, yes, he’d been right. She was definitely his target.

  Another meeting of their palms. This time Rami’s hand held the treasure before the bellhop melted into the crowd.

  The American part he’d known. Not hard to spot one of those these days. They all looked so eager and impressed with whatever tourist traps surrounded them. He supposed he was as guilty as the rest of his countrymen when it came to gaping at natural wonders.

  But thinking about the wonders nature provided automatically turned his thoughts back to her. Daisy Oliver. Traveling alone courtesy of 501 Travel, a very chic and well-to-do agency. He’d heard of them, of course. Anyone who traveled with any regularity knew of 501, the company supposedly named after five hundred and one places to see before you died.

  And the 501 Travel Agency had led him here, thanks to Fanny’s insistence that he check on her protégée. Not that the older woman had given him much choice. She’d demanded like she always did and Rami, being the consummate Southern gentleman, had graciously given in. He thought he’d entertain the girl with dinner one night, lunch the next and maybe an hour or two sightseeing.

  Scenting her had changed everything. Except he still didn’t know what her responsibilities were for Fanny and the agency. Hard to worm his way in, to take over her days and nights, until he knew the reason behind the trip.

  So what did Ms. Daisy Oliver do for them? A travel scout? Rami dismissed the thought before it finished forming in his mind. Daisy looked nothing like the sleek sophisticates who made their living traveling the globe. Not a photographer, too little luggage. A writer maybe? One who’d been sent ahead of the rest to get a feel for the place in order to write it up?

  The last made more sense than everything else. She must be a writer. And didn’t every good travel writer need a guide familiar with the local customs, people and the language? A guide who could protect her from Tunis’ seedier side while also showing her the most romantic spots in the city.

  This would be Daisy Oliver’s lucky day. Rami Gadi would be her personal tour guide, show her all the mystery and romance of Tunis. And later after they returned to the hotel he’d guide in her through a much more intimate landscape.

  * * * * *

  A large balcony outside her room overlooked the cobblestoned street below. Mere feet beyond that rolled the bluest water Daisy had ever seen. Tunis was everything her hurriedly read guide books proclaimed.

  Her body, along with the surroundings, felt surreal. She chalked it up to the Dramamine she’d taken to prevent airsickness. Never in her life had Daisy felt so uninhibited and free. Her nipples ached beneath the thick cotton bra and her white, serviceable underwear felt damp from her unexpected desire. The erotic semi-reality of her dreams still lingered with her.

  All in all, she liked the feeling. Too bad no man was around to take advantage of her newly freed libido. Maybe they had a showerhead capable of easing her almost painful need.

  Leaving the French doors open, Daisy crossed the plush blue carpet. On the large dining table sat a gift basket filled to the brim with everything a single sexual woman could desire.

  Three bottles of wine, one crystal glass assorted boxes of flavored, ribbed and colored condoms along with feathers of varying shapes and sizes were all ready to be put to use. Along with cinnamon-flavored massage lotion and a variety of selected toppings—caramel, chocolate, strawberry and numerous others.

  As much as Daisy wanted to find a hunky local to experiment on her luck had never been that good. She’d settle for a long bath, one bottle of wine and the hand-held shower massager.

  She’d just slipped out of her clothes when a brisk knock had her jolting upright. Daisy grabbed her new red silk robe, a bon voyage present from Dora, and peeked through the hotel door’s peephole.

  A demigod stood on the other side and her naked thighs became wetter at the sight of him. Wouldn’t he be the perfect person to have a vacation fling with? Too bad men like him never looked at women like her.

  He stood at least six foot two with thick black hair and jet black eyes. His shoulders strained the thin cotton of his shirt. To her everlasting disappointment, however, the rest of his body was hidden by the stupid door. Wow! Maybe the gods of lust had finally given in to her pleas and sent her a man-toy.

  Feeling brave, stupid and horny Daisy tightened the belt on her robe and cracked the door open.

  “May I help you?” It came out a squeak as the rest of his body hit her twenty-twenty vision. Oh, heaven save her, she already had several ideas of ways she’d like to help him.

  Trim waist and long, muscled legs encased in jeans, and a…whoa! A really enormous bulge shoving out from between those legs.

  “My name is Rami Gadi.” His low, husky voice came out tinged with amusement as her gaze traveled up and down his body. “Fanny sent me to check on you. I wanted to ask if you’d be interested in a guided tour of the area. So you’d have someone to show you the local sights and flavors.”

  Color flared in her cheeks. The man knew she’d been checking him out through the door and now he’d busted her lusting after his package. Where was a good lightning bolt when you needed one?

  And where the hell had Fanny met a hottie like this?

  “Um, I’m not sure.” She hesitated, fidgeting from one foot to the other. “I just arrived and haven’t had a chance to make any plans yet. The ladies said to keep things open so I could explore without a schedule.”

  He smiled at her, his white teeth flashing against his tanned skin. “I understand you might be hesitant to let a strange man in your room. However you can call down to the front desk and they’ll vouch for me. I’m a frequent guest here and they’ve known me for years. Plus, I have Fanny’s number programmed in my cell phone if you want to call her as well.”

  Don’t do it, the good girl Daisy whispered in her ear. You don’t know this man from Adam. He could be a serial killer, rapist alien. He could probably fuck me within an inch of my life and leave me begging for more.

  Like the chances of an alien serial killer targeting her were so good. As likely as him wanting to fuck her senseless. Those things just didn’t happen to her. She didn’t want to contemplate the low probability of Rami wanting his cock anywhere near her body.

  As for the rape? Hell if her underwear got any wetter she’d be leaving a damp spot on the carpet.

  Ha, with her luck the man just wanted to make a few extra bucks showing an obviously lonely woman around.

  Besides he knew Fanny. Had her cell number on his phone and everything. Fanny wouldn’t send some weird flesh-eating, wife-beater after her. Daisy trusted her friends.

  Taking a chance for the first time in her life, she closed the door, unhooked the chain and swung her arm out. “Please come in. I’m Daisy Oliver.”

  Their hands met and a tsunami of desire flashed through her body. Daisy quickly pulled her hand away before she made a bigger fool of herself by jumping his body and begging for sex.

  His grin caught her at the knees and she held on to the doorknob for dear life. The man was lethal, but not in a creepy, freaky serial killer kind of way. One flash of his pearly whites and females would be dropping like flies to his every wish.

  “This is your first time in Tunis?” he asked, prowling around the room. His long legs took him to the open balcony doors that he promptly shut. Strange. Plus he looked to be constantly sniffing the air. “Need to keep these closed except if you’re sitting out there. Tunis is a relaxed city, but it still has its criminal element.”

  Fiddling with the silk belt of her robe, Daisy watched him closely. His long denim-encased legs ate up the floor and shrank the room around her. “It’s my first time anywhere, really.” Did that make her sound like a hick? “I’ll make sure the doors are closed from now on. Thank you.”

Standing there doing nothing made her feel like an idiot. She had no idea what to say around a man like this. Ideas were spouting in her head left and right, but she doubted the good Mr. Gadi would appreciate having his clothes ripped off with her teeth. Spotting the wine and glass she’d left on the table, Daisy tried to look casual as she walked over to the basket. Her knees practically knocked under the thin silk material of her robe.

  The red wine poured smoothly, her hand steady with no hint of the shaking going on inside her body. Taking a large swallow of the liquid Daisy prayed for courage. The courage and gumption to proposition this devastatingly handsome man who had appeared like an answer to her naughtiest dream. And who knew? Maybe this really was just another dream, like all the others she’d been having in recent months.

  Daisy didn’t care. She wanted this man more than she could ever remember wanting anything. To hell with being a good girl and following the rules. Look where that had gotten her…nowhere.

  When he turned to look at her with a silent question in his eyes, Daisy mentally kicked herself. He’d been talking and she’d been too busy fantasizing about his body and listing all the reasons she had a right to jump him like a teenage groupie in heat.

  “I’m sorry what were you saying?”

  “I’d asked if you wanted to grab a drink, but I see you’ve already got that covered.” He nodded to the drink in her hand.

  Embarrassment flushed her cheeks once more. “I’d offer you some, but I’m afraid the basket only came with one glass.”

  “Not a problem.” He strode across the room, gently took the crystal from her hand, and turned the glass so he drank from the same spot her lips had touched. The simple erotic action made her moan. She couldn’t help it. Too much desire, too little sleep and no sex in over six years would do that do a woman.

  “I’m sorry.” She dropped her gaze. “I shouldn’t have done that. You’re being really nice to offer yourself as tour guide, but I don’t think it would be a good idea.”

  Black eyes stared back her, defiance sparking their dark depths. “And why is that, Daisy?”

  She opened her mouth, shocked by the words that poured out. “I want to have sex with you. I think it might complicate things if I’m too busy drooling over you to pay attention to the sights. Plus you know Fanny and dying of mortification would be kind of hard to explain.”

  Could this possibly get any worse? Automatically her hands whipped up and covered her fire-red cheeks. Why had she said that? She never propositioned men. She was the quintessential good girl. As only her vibrator could attest. She never, ever said things like that. Without looking at Rami, Daisy turned on her heel, grabbed the bottle and backed away.

  “Thanks for everything. Please just go.” She turned away to hide her still-burgeoning embarrassment.

  Two large warm palms caught her shoulders. “If you think I’m walking away after that statement you’re crazy.”

  “But I want to have sex with you,” she protested, not sure Rami understood the problem and still humiliated that the words had just rolled out of her mouth. God, she was only making everything worse.

  He nodded his head. “Yeah, I get that. Then it’s a good thing I want to have sex with you too, isn’t it?”

  “Oh, boy.” Daisy still couldn’t turn to face him. Instead she lifted the bottle and chugged down as much wine as her mouth would hold. She swallowed before attempting to speak again. “You don’t know me. Things like this never happen to me. They only happen in “Dear Editor” letters in men’s magazines.”

  Warm laughter tickled her ear. “Oh, I can promise this will definitely be a “Dear Editor” event, but I prefer to keep it between us.”

  “Umm, okay.”

  His touch was spinning her into an alternate reality. As long as he kept his hands on her Daisy would agree to pretty much anything. If it involved him being naked, then she’d be happy to sign her life away.

  Chapter Two


  Rami’s hands, hard, calloused, work-roughened hands felt too big against the soft delicate shoulders beneath the silk. When Daisy reached up and placed one of her hands over his, he couldn’t have moved if his life depended on it. Every ounce of blood in his body bubbled with hot, pounding lust. His erection felt five times bigger than normal and pushed painfully against the zipper of his jeans.

  Slowly, so he wouldn’t startle her, Rami turned Daisy around to face him. She looked up at him with apprehension in her wide, dark green eyes, evidently feeling like she’d done something wild and wicked, unsure if he would accept her. Like he could walk away now. Rami would have laughed if his cock hadn’t sucked all the breath from his lungs.

  Control, he forced himself to repeat. While he might love nothing better than to throw Daisy across the king-size bed, spread her wide and shove himself as hard and deep as he could, Rami didn’t think that was a good way to be invited to stay for seconds. He needed to keep his brain functioning and his cock under rigid control. If he went too fast and pushed her too hard, Rami knew he’d mark her. That would scare the hell out of her and ruin his swiftly drawn-up plans.

  So he remained still and silent. Daisy’s eyes dropped to his clenched hands and her mouth opened to a little O. She gave a half moan, half sigh and Rami moved in, eager to take advantage of her slightest capitulation.

  Slowly he touched his mouth to hers and prayed for the restraint not to hurt this beautiful woman giving herself to him. To not give in to the demons riding him hard, demanding he fuck her and mark her at the same time.

  Her mouth was everything he’d fantasized about and more. Sweet, soft and arousing as nothing he’d ever tasted before. The flavor he’d scented in the air before burst around his tongue. Plums. Daisy tasted like the sweet succulent fruit picked at the perfect time.

  Rami opened his mouth, his heart jolting when her lips parted too. He angled his head for a better fit, licking the inside of her lower lip, slanting his lips for a deeper taste of her. His heart nearly stopped when she tentatively met his tongue with her own.

  Fighting the desire to take her to the floor, Rami lifted his head. In his mind he could picture it. He’d simply drag her to the carpet, open her with his fingers and shove his cock in, regardless of whether she was ready for him or not. Then he’d push her legs so high and wide apart she wouldn’t have any control. It would all be his. He’d start fucking her hard, pounding with fast, deep strokes until she didn’t know where he began and she stopped. The possibility appeased his wolf side, but the human in him knew he couldn’t push her that hard or fast. If he tried, he’d lose her before he ever had her.

  Instinctively he knew Daisy wasn’t ready for that no matter how much he wanted to give it to her. Instead he’d take whatever she’d be willing to offer him and be happy with it.

  Rami ran his finger under the knot of her belt and gently tugged it free. It took less than ten seconds to have the robe on the floor and Daisy naked beneath his hands.

  She gave him a wavering smile. “What about you?”

  “Not yet. Can’t keep control if I get naked.” He let out a shaky breath. Okay. He’d been able to answer her instead of growl. That had been a good sign. Only now he had to open the eyes he didn’t know he’d shut.

  The bounty before him made his mouth water and his cock jerk and weep. She was perfect in every way. He was almost afraid to touch her, afraid he’d scratch the smooth silky skin.

  He ran one tanned finger around her nipple. Daisy’s breath stopped, then burst out in rapid little puffs. If she liked his touch, then she’d love what he planned to do next.

  He bent his head and licked the large, dusky nipple before taking it between his lips and sucking. She tasted like sugarplums. The neglected breast called out for his attention and he quickly mimicked his actions on the plump sweet-smelling flesh.

  Rami leaned forward desperate to taste her lips again. “I’m going to try to be gentle, but I can’t promise. If I go too fast or hurt you, tell me to stop. It mig
ht kill me, but I will.”

  “Thank you,” Daisy whispered against his lips.

  Her sweet breath teased the limits of his control.

  He eased her legs open a little by setting her on the table with the basket…full of condoms? His eyes popped. God bless nosy paranoid people. He knew the three sisters were responsible for the basket He moved between her silky lush thighs to touch her mound. The hair covering her was softer than he expected, but not as thick. His fingers slid through the folds of her damp pussy. They were both panting now, as he tested her. He’d known she was tight, but very, very wet.

  He pushed into her, gliding his finger through her dampness, careful to spread the moisture around her small opening all the while circling her clit.

  Daisy’s legs fell open farther. Wetness pooled between her spread thighs. Rami pushed inside her with one finger while keeping an eye on her face. He watched a red flush climb from her breast to her face. Her mouth opened, panting for air while her lungs strained trying to keep up.

  He pressed farther inside her, feeling the soft giving flesh spread for him. Moving slowly, afraid of hurting her, he bent his finger, gently massaged inside her silky walls.

  Daisy gasped, her eyes opening wide. “Please, take me to bed, Rami.”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” he panted and swept her into his arms before gently depositing her on the bed. His entire body ached to cover her, but first he had to get some things out of the way. “I want to fuck you so badly my hands are shaking.” He lifted the offending appendages for her to see. “When I get naked I’m going to be inside you within five seconds. I won’t be able to stop.” How could he explain this without scaring the living crap out of her? “I want to make sure you’re ready, that you can take me without any pain.”

  Big green eyes looked at him hazy with lust. “Oh. Okay.”

  He breathed out harshly, trying to not think about her scent going to his head like fine wine. “There’s more.” He tried to push past the desire consuming him. “I noticed the condoms in the basket. That’s great and all, but they may not fit.” And if she were truly his mate the latex wouldn’t work worth a damn anyway.


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