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Rescuing Riley: The Gold Coast Retrievers, Book 2

Page 13

by Alexander, S. B

  Scooting to the edge of his seat, Leo leaned in near the phone. “Love bug.”

  Love bug? Riley snorted.

  Bart shook his head as if disgusted. Mr. Gansett’s expression was blank.

  “Leo,” Liza said. “How are you?”

  “Aside from me missing you, my old man is deeply hurt that you would screw him.”

  Liza tsked. “You know I kept my mouth shut when the FBI raided his office building. I’ve told you that every single time you’ve called me since I moved out here.”

  Everyone was riveted to the conversation as if they were listening to a good radio show.

  Leo frowned, reminding Riley of a sad puppy. “Until now. Love bug, I need that thumb drive. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You can’t hurt me anymore than you have,” Liza said in a tone Riley couldn’t quite decipher.

  It was official. Riley didn’t know her best friend. Liza had never shared anything about Leo. Riley guessed she could see the attraction. He was handsome, in great physical shape, and could probably smile the panties off any woman except her. She wasn’t into big, beefy men. She didn’t know Liza was either.

  “I don’t have it,” Liza replied. “Riley, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Riley shouted. She was surprised and tired, plus she missed home, her brother, and her mom. Above all else, she wanted to see Josh again.

  “Riley, how in the world did they capture you?”

  Riley laughed. “Mr. Gansett, do you want to tell her?”

  “Wayne?” Shock rocked Liza’s tone. “You work for Moretti?”

  “Love bug, your boss is my uncle,” Leo said. “His wife and my mom are sisters.”

  “Family comes first, Liza,” Mr. Gansett announced proudly.

  That was one thing Riley couldn’t disagree with.

  Holy moly. Liza had the deck stacked against her when it came to jobs.

  “I hate to break up this love fest,” Bart said. “The thumb drive, Liza.”

  “I told you I don’t have it,” Liza said.

  Mr. Gansett rubbed two fingers over his bushy mustache. “But Taylor does. Call Taylor. Tell her to meet me at Stitches in one hour with the thumb drive.” He set his brown eyes on Riley. “Once we get it, we’ll let Riley go.”

  As crazy as it might sound, Riley believed him. He didn’t strike her as a man who would kill anyone.

  Bart chewed on his lip. “Liza, you know how we operate. You know that Mr. Moretti always gets what he wants.”

  “I also know that I’m not stupid. So listen up.” Riley had never heard Liza so confident and brave before. “We do this on my terms. I know that the thumb drive has incriminating information that lists all Moretti’s business dealings. That could not only put him away for a long time, but also his clients like the Mexican cartel. So the only way you’re getting that thumb drive is if you let Haley, Riley, and Taylor walk away unharmed.”

  “Are you saying that you’re going to bring me the thumb drive personally?” Leo could barely contain his excitement.

  Bart growled. “Your old man is going to kill you if you screw this up.”

  Leo threw him the middle finger.

  “Oh, and Liza,” Bart said. “No cops or feds. If we get wind of them, then you’ll never see your friend again.”

  On that note, a cold chill blanketed Riley. If anyone in the van meant what he said, it was Bart.

  “If we’re throwing out threats, then hear mine,” Liza said. “I’ll meet you at Stitches in two hours. In return, you’ll let Riley go unharmed. If, however, anything happens to Riley in the meantime, then I will go public to the major TV outlets with all the data on that drive.”

  Leo didn’t seem fazed by Liza’s threat. However, Bart and Mr. Gansett had their mouths slightly open.

  Riley wasn’t sure, but publicizing incriminating information had to be worse than the FBI getting ahold of it. She was beginning to seriously think that Leo knew the plan. Or Leo was so in love he would do anything for Liza.

  Bart regarded Mr. Gansett then said to Liza, “Two hours.”

  Let the fun begin.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Josh paced the empty hall of Stitches, Inc., calling Riley repeatedly. He was at the point he wanted to throw the phone in the trash. Charlie stood idly by outside the men’s room, watching. He always knew when something was bothering Josh. The dog was ready to come to the rescue at a moment’s notice.

  Josh tried Agent Wallace several times to no avail. Candace tried Taylor but also got no answer. They were striking out big time. Maybe Taylor had been kidnapped too.

  Candace emerged from the ladies’ room. Her bright-red hair was tamed, and her blue eyes were clearer. “Any luck on the FBI guy yet?” she shouted.

  Josh groaned, wanting to pull each strand of his hair out of his head. “No.”

  She stuck her hands on her hips. Irritation supplanted the fear she’d shown earlier. “Then call that officer you know at the SFPD. I’m really worried about Riley. I’m going to try Taylor again.”

  Josh would’ve thought that Candace would’ve left by then to run for her life. But the woman was adamant about helping.

  “You should go home,” he said. “I’ll give Agent Wallace your info. He can question you later.”

  She lowered her shoulders. “I told you I’m not leaving. I know if I were in Riley or Taylor’s situation, I would want anyone and everyone helping to find me. Plus, I really like Riley.”

  Josh could feel a grin forming. He really liked Riley too. Suddenly, his lips tingled as if she were kissing him again.

  Snap out of it, dude. Find her then reminisce. Or better yet, take control and kiss her lights out.

  “You’re smitten with Riley, aren’t you?” Candace’s smile brightened in the dimly lit hall. Then she got a faraway look in her eyes as though she were thinking of her significant other.

  It was Josh’s turn to break her out of her reverie, so he cupped her elbow.

  “Sorry,” she said. “I’ll call Taylor. You call that officer at the SFPD.” Her tone was commanding as if she were leading a platoon.

  As she disappeared into Liza’s office, Josh pinched the bridge of his nose. Officer Tanner couldn’t do anything to help them. Or maybe he could. But first, Josh decided to try Wallace again.

  “Wallace,” the man rushed out.

  Finally. Josh wanted to jump through the phone and give him a manly hug. “It’s Josh Bandon. We have a problem. Riley was kidnapped by that bald guy in your photo.”

  “You know this how?” His tone was reserved, unlike Josh’s.

  “One of Liza’s coworkers. It seems the mafia is looking for a thumb drive.”

  “Tell me where you are,” Wallace demanded.

  Charlie took off down the hall.

  Josh froze.

  Then Charlie banked around to the elevators.

  “Um, let me call you back.” Josh hung up as his stomach flipped all over the place.

  He stalked down the hall as fast as he could, sticking close to the wall. Before he could stop it, memories of that day came barreling back. It was always the same memory on repeat like a broken record. Sometimes the entire memory replayed, and other times, only parts.

  As he limped his way along the wall, dark eyes flashed before him.

  The man studied Josh as though Josh were the weirdest person he’d ever seen. Then he blessed himself before he pressed the detonator he was holding.

  Less than a second was all Josh had to pray for his life.

  Josh’s chest rose and fell, his breathing labored.


  The woman’s voice sounded like an extremely loud angel.

  Something wet tickled his hand.

  A light tap to his face drew Josh out of his trance, and he blinked several times.

  A woman with wide blue eyes examined Josh as if she were his doctor. His gaze roamed all over her. Her hair was blond, much like the nurse who had taken care of him in the hospi

  After an intake of breath, the bright lights of the reception area came into view, along with a familiar face. “Taylor?”

  She smiled. “There you are.”

  Candace’s nose was wrinkled. “What’s wrong with him?”

  Charlie licked Josh’s hand.

  Josh patted the dog’s head. “I’m fine, boy.” He wasn’t in the least. Josh was useless. He couldn’t save Riley or Liza if his life depended on it.

  “You wigged out.” Taylor flicked a hair from Josh’s forehead. “And you’re sweating. Maybe you should sit down.”

  Josh knew that day would haunt him for the rest of his life, but man, he couldn’t be tapping out in the middle of trying to rescue his girlfriend and cousin. Wait. Girlfriend? Josh rolled that word around on his tongue a few times. Riley would make a great girlfriend. But titles and statuses of what they were would have to wait, although he knew the minute he found her would be the minute he dropped to one knee and asked her to marry him. I can’t be thinking of marriage. I only just met her. Still, she had wormed her way into his heart, his head, and every pore in him.

  Stretching his neck one way then the other, Josh crossed the shiny tiled floor of the reception area to the other hallway then walked back. “I’m fine.”

  Keep telling yourself that.

  Taylor closed the distance between them. “What are you doing here, Josh?”

  Candace joined their circle. “Riley was taken by Mr. Gansett. I thought you had been too.” She sighed.

  Josh felt closed in as the ladies had him somewhat pinned against the reception desk. “You don’t have to be this close. Just make sure you’re on my right side.”

  The women didn’t move.

  Charlie panted as he sat next to Josh.

  Taylor shoved her hands into the pockets of her ankle-length jeans. “I know Mr. Gansett has Riley, as do the two men from Boston who showed up here last week.”

  Josh’s eyebrows vanished into his hairline. “How do you know?” Josh concentrated on her lips, willing them to move.

  “Josh, I don’t want you to freak out. I know you and Riley don’t trust me. But what I did, I did because of loyalty.”

  His jaw hardened to stone. So many interrogation techniques that he’d used as a SEAL flickered in front of him. He swore if she said she was working for Gansett or Moretti or both, he would consider using any one of those painful methods to get her to talk.

  “Either talk, or I’ll make you,” Josh said in a voice that didn’t sound like his.

  Taylor’s throat bobbed as she produced a green thumb drive from her pocket.

  Candace, who was still rather close to Josh, squeaked like one of Charlie’s dog toys.

  Josh stalked the short distance and snagged the darn thing from Taylor. “So this is why Riley was taken?” He got out his phone to call Agent Wallace.

  Taylor grabbed his wrist. “Don’t call the cops.”

  “I’m not,” Josh snapped. “I’m calling the FBI.”

  “Then Riley will die.” Taylor didn’t mince words.

  Josh snarled so loud, it echoed, even though his heart had stopped altogether.

  Taylor didn’t back down. “Liza called me. She’s meeting me here in less than two hours. So are Mr. Gansett and those two thugs from Boston.”

  That earlier fear Candace had had written all over her face returned. “Maybe I should go.”

  Charlie pushed his way in between Taylor and Josh. The dog was always in tune to tension.

  Taylor pursed her lips. “Please, Josh. All they want is the drive, then they’ll let Riley go.”

  After rounding the desk, Josh stuck the thumb drive into the computer. He was curious what was so important that it could cost Riley or Liza her life. “Candace, please do me one thing, then you can go. Unlock your computer.”

  She did as Josh asked.

  “While she gets the files up on the screen,” Josh said to Taylor, “tell me everything.” They had time, but he had to think fast. He suspected that Moretti’s men and Mr. Gansett would show up before Liza to corner her somehow.

  Tap. Tap. Tap. Candace’s fingers flew over the keys.

  A thousand questions were flashing through Josh’s mind, but he decided to wait until Taylor told him her side of the story.

  Taylor petted Charlie’s head. “I was truthful about everything I told you and Riley. I just left some things out because Liza asked me to.”

  “Taylor, what Liza’s involved in is dangerous. The mafia is not an organization you want to tango with.” Josh planned on giving Liza a piece of his mind for sure.

  Taylor hugged herself. “Liza needed my help, and no matter the danger, I didn’t care. Still don’t. My miserable world is messed up as it is. So putting my life on the line is a risk I’m willing to take, especially for a friend and a lady I admire tremendously.”

  Josh remembered Agent Wallace saying she had daddy issues. Maybe she wanted to prove how tough she was to her father. Still, part of Josh admired her for her strength, dedication, and staunch determination to help a friend. Those were all qualities of someone he would go into battle with. He respected her more in that moment than he had since he’d met her.

  “How did you end up with the thumb drive and not Liza? And where is my cousin?”

  Taylor tugged at a gold chain around her neck. “To make a long story short, Liza was in a rush, when Haley unexpectedly came into town. She meant to grab the drive before she left the office last Thursday. Anyway, Liza was about to tell me where it was when Riley showed up. Fast-forward to an hour after I was fired. I came back to plead with Mr. Gansett to keep my job, when I heard him talking on the phone. He mentioned Liza’s name and said he’d checked her office for the thumb drive. So I went back to her office and found it.”

  “Why is Mr. Gansett involved in all this?” Candace asked. “He seems like a nice man. Though scary when he’s about to fire me.”

  Josh skirted around the desk. “Is the computer ready?”

  “Sorry. I didn’t want to interrupt. But the files are loaded.”

  Taylor and Josh settled behind Candace as she clicked on the first file. A picture emerged.

  It took Josh a moment to zero in on what he was seeing.

  Candace pushed her chair back, practically running over his foot. “That’s the guy who was here today.”

  A bald man with a goatee was pointing a gun at a short, chubby man, who was lying on the ground in a blood-soaked shirt.

  “He’s one of the thugs,” Taylor added.

  Josh gripped the back of Candace’s chair. “Agent Wallace is looking for him.”

  Candace bobbed her head. “You should call Agent Wallace. Get him over here before anyone shows up.”

  She was so right. They didn’t stand a chance against mafia men who had guns and other weapons, who had a take-no-prisoner attitude, and who dealt with situations by killing people.

  Josh wished he were in fighting shape, and he wished he had his tactical gear. He wished Charlie wasn’t there. Josh didn’t want his dog to get hurt. Man, he wished for a lot of things, particularly that Riley was safe.

  He had his phone out, ready to tap on Agent Wallace’s number.

  “Josh, don’t. Please,” Taylor said. “Do you want to lose Riley? I know you don’t. I saw how you looked at her.”

  He pushed his tongue against his teeth for no other reason than to not scream at Taylor. Then he sucked in air and paced, threading his fingers through his hair.

  Charlie was on his feet, ready to leap into action, much like he’d done when Josh had been pacing the doctor’s office, waiting for the doctor to say what Dad’s diagnosis was.

  “Did Liza say what the plan was? In fact, call her,” Josh demanded.

  Taylor came up to him, stared him in the eyes, and said, “You need to calm down. I’m going to put the thumb drive in Candace’s desk drawer. Then all of us are going to leave.”

  Josh swallowed hard. “I’m not leaving. I suggest both of
you leave.” He pulled out his car keys. “Taylor, take Charlie. My truck is on the third floor of the parking garage across the street. It’s a Toyota Tundra, dark blue. The GPS has the directions to the Redwood Cove Inn. Go there and give Charlie to Drake.”

  Taylor reared back. “You can’t stay here by yourself. You can hardly hear. You need someone to have your back.”

  Josh laughed, mainly because she was right, especially if he wigged out like he had earlier. Then he was no good to help anyone.

  Josh glanced down the opposite hallway. Suddenly, he had an idea.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The streets of San Francisco had construction zones everywhere. After they’d hung up with Liza, Riley had wondered what in the world they would do for two hours before the meet-up. Her question was answered as they sat at light after light or had to backtrack because Leo, who wasn’t from California, had no clue where he was going, especially when construction took them out of their way.

  Mr. Gansett tried to tell him, but it was useless for anyone to give Leo orders. All he’d done was tell his uncle to pound sand in so many words.

  “You seemed like a nice guy.” Riley broke the silence, directing her words at Mr. Gansett. “Was all that a show when you fired Taylor and called the lady in London to see if Liza had been there?”

  He quickly regarded the men in the seats as though he didn’t want them to hear his answer. “I’d been wanting to fire Taylor for over a month. The woman is useless. But Liza convinced me that Taylor needed saving. She’s a rich girl with family problems that got in the way of her work. As far as the call to Ms. Norton, that wasn’t exactly a show. I didn’t know where Liza was. I believed Taylor did. I was getting close to finding Liza until these two yahoos showed up and ruined things.”

  Leo turned right onto another busy street. “You were far from close, Uncle. We had to do something.”

  “All you want is to see your lost love,” Mr. Gansett fired back. “Bart’s right. Your father will have your head on a platter if we don’t get that drive back.”

  Riley squirmed. Her backside was numb. Her attempt at freeing her hands had failed. To make matters worse, the air in the van was becoming more rancid as if someone had bathed in a bag of onions.


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