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Moon Called mt-1

Page 14

by Patricia Briggs

  "Good to see you," I said. "This is an old friend visiting from Montana." I didn't want to get too detailed, because I thought it was up to Warren how much he told Kyle. "Samuel, this is Kyle Brooks. Kyle, meet Dr. Samuel Cornick."

  Kyle pushed himself off the doorframe with his shoulders and strolled into the living room. He stopped to kiss me on the cheek, then sat down on the sofa as close to Samuel as he could get.

  It wasn't that he was interested in Samuel. He'd seen Samuel's disapproval and had decided to exact a little revenge. Warren usually retreated from the frowns of others or ignored them. Kyle was a different kettle of fish entirely. He believed in making the bastards squirm.

  I'd like to say that he had a chip on his shoulder, but he had no way of knowing that it wasn't his sexual orientation causing Samuel's reaction. Warren hadn't told him he was a werewolf. It was strongly discouraged to discuss the matter with anyone other than permanent mates-and to werewolves that meant male and female pairings-and the punishment for disobedience was harsh. Werewolves don't have jails. The people who break their laws are either punished physically or killed.

  To my relief, Samuel seemed more amused than offended by Kyle's blatant come-on. When Warren came down the stairs, he paused a little at the sight of Kyle's hand on Samuel's thigh. When he started down again, his movements were easy and relaxed, but I could smell the tension rising in the air. He was not pleased. I couldn't tell if he was jealous or worried for his lover. He didn't know Samuel, but he knew, better than most, what the reaction of most werewolves would be.

  "Kyle, it might be a good idea to take a few days and check out the state of your house." Warren's tone was even, but his drawl was gone.

  Kyle had his own house, an expensive place up on one of the hills in West Richland, but he'd moved in with Warren when Warren had refused to move in with him. At Warren's words, he stilled.

  "I'm hiding someone for a few days," Warren explained. "It's not illegal, but it won't be safe here until he's gone."

  Samuel might have turned invisible for all the attention Kyle paid him. "Darling, if you don't want me around, I'm gone. I suppose I'll accept Geordi's invitation for Thanksgiving, shall I?"

  "It's just for a couple of days," said Warren, his heart in his eyes.

  "This have something to do with what you've been so upset about the past couple of days?"

  Warren glanced at Samuel, then nodded once, quickly.

  Kyle stared at him for a moment, then nodded back. "All right. A couple of days. I'll leave my stuff here."

  "I'll call you."

  "You do that."

  Kyle left, closing the door behind him gently.

  "You need to tell him," I urged. "Tell him the whole thing or you're going to lose him." I liked Kyle, but more than that, a blind person could have seen that Warren really loved him.

  Warren gave a pained half laugh. "You think he'd be overjoyed to hear that he was sleeping with a monster? Do you think that would make everything okay?" He shrugged and tried to pretend it didn't matter. "He'll leave me one way or another anyway, Mercy. He graduated from Cornell and I work nights at a gas station. Hardly a match made in Heaven."

  "I've never seen that it bothered him," I said. "He bends over backwards to keep you happy. Seems to me that you might give him a little something back."

  "It's forbidden," Samuel said, but he sounded sad. "He can't tell him."

  "What do you think Kyle'd do," I said indignantly. "Tell everyone that Warren's a werewolf? Not Kyle. He didn't get where he is by shooting off his mouth-and he's not the kind of person to betray anyone. He's a lawyer; he's good at keeping secrets. Besides, he's got too much pride to allow himself to be just another tabloid headline."

  "It's all right, Mercy." Warren patted me on my head. "He hasn't left me yet."

  "He will if you have to keep lying to him," I said.

  The two werewolves just looked at me. Warren loved Kyle, and he was going to lose him because someone had decided you had to be married before you told your spouse what you were-as if that wasn't a recipe for disaster.

  I was pretty certain Kyle loved Warren, too. Why else would he live at Warren's when he had a huge, modern, air-conditioned monstrosity with a swimming pool? And Warren was going to throw it all away.

  "I'm going for a walk," I announced, having had enough of werewolves for one day. "I'll come back when Zee calls."

  I wasn't as civilized as Kyle. I slammed the door behind me and started off down the sidewalk. I was so mad, I almost walked right past Kyle who was just sitting in his Jag, staring straight ahead.

  Before I could think better of it, I opened the passenger door and slid in.

  "Take us to Howard Amon Park," I said.

  Kyle gave me a look, but his lawyer face was on, so I couldn't tell what he thought, though my nose gave me all sorts of information on what he was feeling: angry, hurt, and discouraged.

  What I was about to do was dangerous, no question. It wasn't just a werewolf's obligation to obey his Alpha that kept Warren's mouth shut. If Kyle did start telling everyone about werewolves, he would be silenced. And like me or not, if Adam or Bran found out I was the one who told him, they'd silence me, too.

  Did I know Kyle well enough to trust him with our lives?

  The Jag slid through the sparse Wednesday-after-work traffic like a tiger through the jungle. Neither Kyle's driving, nor his face, gave any sign of the anger that had raised his pulse rate, or the pain that fueled his anger-but I could smell them.

  He pulled into Howard Amon near the south end and parked the car in one of the empty spaces. There were a lot of empty parking slots: November is not a time when most people decide to head to a river park.

  "It's cold," he said. "We could talk in the car."

  "No," I said, and got out. He was right, it was chilly. The wind was mild that day, but the Columbia added moisture to the air. I shivered in my cocoa-stained T-shirt-or maybe with nerves. I was going to do this and hope I wasn't wrong about Kyle.

  He opened the trunk of his car and pulled a light jacket out and put it on. He took out a trench coat, too, and handed it to me.

  "Put this on before you turn blue," he said.

  I wrapped myself in his coat and in the smell of expensive cologne. We were much of a size, so his coat fit me.

  "I like it," I told him. "I need to get one of these."

  He smiled, but his eyes were tired.

  "Let's walk," I said, and tucked my arm in his, leading him past empty playground equipment and onto the path that ran along the river.

  Warren was right, I thought. Having Kyle know he was a monster might not help matters between them at all-but I had the feeling that today would be the final straw if someone didn't clue Kyle in.

  "Do you love Warren?" I asked. "Not the good sex and great company kind of love. I mean the I'll-follow-you-to-death-and-beyond kind."

  It made me feel better that he paused before he answered. "My sister Ally is the only one of my family I still talk to. I told her about Warren a few months ago. I hadn't realized, until she mentioned it, that I'd never told her about any of my other lovers."

  He put his hand over mine where it rested on his arm, warming it. "My parents denied what I was for years. When I finally confronted them about it after my mother set me up with yet another young woman with a good pedigree, my father disinherited me. My sister Ally called as soon as she heard-but, after that first conversation, we avoid talking about my being gay. When I talk to her, I feel as if I have a scarlet letter sewn on my chest, and we are both trying to pretend it's not there." He gave a bitter, angry laugh that changed subtly at the end. When he spoke again his voice was subdued. "Ally told me to bring him to visit." He looked at me and shared what that invitation meant to him.

  We'd set out at a fast pace, and the park had narrowed to a strip of lawn on either side of the path. The riverbank exchanged its well-groomed look for a more natural growth of bushes and winter-yellowed, knee-high grass. There w
as a metal porch-type swing set on the top of a rise, set to look out over the river. I tugged him to it and sat down.

  It was so important to get this right. Now that the time had come, I was afraid I'd ruin everything.

  Swinging lazily, we watched the water flow past us, almost black in the growing shadows of the overcast sky. After a moment he rubbed his face briskly to warm it-and to wipe away incipient tears.

  "God," he said, and I flinched. I'm not a vampire, who can't bear to hear His name, but I don't like it used in vain. When he continued, though, I thought perhaps it hadn't been in vain at all.

  "I love him." It sounded as though the words were ripped from his throat. "But he won't let me in. People call in the middle of the night, and he leaves without telling me where he's going."

  A lone bicyclist, wearing the skintight uniform of the die-hard enthusiast, appeared from the way we'd come. He passed us in a blur of spokes and Superman blue lycra.

  "Nice legs," said Kyle.

  It was an old game. Kyle and I comparing notes on men while Warren pretended exasperation.

  I leaned my head against Kyle's shoulder. "Too small. I don't like it when I outweigh my men."

  Kyle leaned back until he was looking at the sky rather than the river. "When we were in Seattle last month, he drove away a group of drunken, redneck gay-bashers, just scared them off with a few words. But that Darryl treats him like… like dirt, and Warren just puts up with it. I don't understand. And this stuff tonight…" He sucked air in to steel himself. "Is he involved with drug dealers?"

  I shook my head quickly. "No. Nothing illegal." Not yet anyway.

  "Is he a fae, then?" he asked, as if it wouldn't bother him much.

  "The fae all came out years ago."

  He snorted. "You're not that dumb. I know a few doctors and teachers who are still in the closet about being gay-and all they have to worry about is losing their jobs, not having a group of idiots burn their houses down." I could feel him deciding Warren was fae, and his agitation dropped appreciably. "That would explain some things, like how strong he is and how he knows who's coming before he answers the door."

  Well, I thought feeling hopeful, being fae wasn't quite the same as being a werewolf. But if he could accept the one, maybe the other wouldn't be too big a stretch.

  "He's not fae," I said. I started to tell him just what Warren was, but the words caught in my throat.

  "Warren should be the one telling me this," said Kyle.

  "Right," I agreed. "But he can't."

  "You mean he won't."

  "No. Can't." I shook my head. "I don't have many friends," I said. "Not 'come over and eat popcorn and watch a stupid movie' friends. You and Warren are sort of it." I don't have many girlfriends. My work isn't conducive to meeting other women.

  "Pretty sad," Kyle commented. Then he said, "You and Warren are the only people I eat popcorn with, too."

  "Pathetic." The banter helped. I drew in a breath and just said it. "Warren's a werewolf."

  "A what?" Kyle stopped the swing.

  "A werewolf. You know. The moon-called, run-on-four-feet-with-big-fangs kind of werewolf."

  He looked at me. "You're serious."

  I nodded. "And you're not going to breathe a word of it."


  "That's why Warren couldn't tell you. That and because Adam-the pack Alpha-forbade it. If you go out now and talk to the authorities or the papers, even if they don't believe you, the pack will kill you." I knew I was speaking too fast, but I couldn't seem to slow down. In Warren's house, with only Samuel and Warren, it hadn't seemed so dangerous. Samuel and Warren might care for me, but there were plenty of werewolves right here in town who would be happy to see me-and Kyle-dead for what I had just told him. "Warren will fight them, but there are too many of them. He'll die, and you'll die with him."

  Kyle held up a hand. "Hold on. It's a little soon for you to have Warren and me dead, don't you think?"

  I took a deep breath. "I hope so. You have to believe me on this-they take their secrecy very seriously. How do you think they've remained undetected for so long?"

  "Mercy." He caught my hand-his own felt cold, but that might have been from the wind. "A werewolf?"

  He didn't really believe me-that might be more dangerous. "Twenty years ago no one believed in the fae, either. Look, I can prove it to you."

  I looked at a thicket of leafless bushes. They weren't really thick enough for me to strip and shift in, but there weren't any boats out on the water, and as long as we didn't get another biker at the wrong moment… I could just shift in my clothes-I get smaller, not bigger-but I'd rather be given a ticket for indecent exposure. A coyote in human clothes looks ridiculous.

  "Wait here." I gave him the trench coat so it wouldn't get dirty, then hopped off the swing and waded through the old grass into the bushes. I took off my clothes as fast as I could and shifted as soon as I dropped the last piece of clothing.

  I stopped on the path and sat down, trying to look harmless.

  "Mercy?" Kyle had his lawyer face on, which told me how shocked he was. He really hadn't believed me.

  I wagged my tail and made a crooning noise. He got out of the swing like an old, old man and approached me.

  "A coyote?" he asked.

  When I went down to get my clothes, he followed me. I shifted right in front of him-then scrambled back into my clothes as I heard another bicycle coming along.

  "I'm not a werewolf," I told him, running my fingers through my hair. "But I'm as close as you're going to get until you talk Warren into changing for you."

  Kyle made an impatient sound and pulled my hands away, rearranging my hair himself.

  "Werewolves are bigger," I said, feeling as though I ought to warn him. "A lot bigger. They don't look like wolves. They look like really, really big wolves who might eat you."

  "Okay," he said, stepping back. I thought he was talking about my hair, until he continued. "Warren's a werewolf."

  I looked at his lawyer face and sighed. "He couldn't tell you. If I tell you, and you don't do anything stupid-you and he are both safe. But if he told you, no matter how you reacted, he would have disobeyed a direct order. The penalty for that is brutal."

  He still wasn't giving anything away. He was so closed off, I couldn't sense what he was feeling. Most humans don't have that kind of control over themselves.

  "Won't his pack-" He stumbled over that word a little. "Won't they think he told me?"

  "A lot of werewolves can smell a lie," I said. "They'll know how you found out."

  He went back to the swing, picked up the trench coat, and held it out to me. "Tell me about werewolves."

  I was in the middle of trying to explain just how dangerous a werewolf could be and why it wasn't a good idea for him to flirt with Samuel-or Darryl-when my cell phone rang.

  It was Zee.

  "Business?" Kyle asked when I hung up.

  "Yes." I bit my lip.

  He smiled. "It's all right. I think I've heard enough secrets for one day. I take it you need to go back to Warren's?"

  "Don't talk to him yet," I said. "Wait for it to sink in. If you have other questions, you can call me."

  "Thanks, Mercy." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "But I think I need to talk the rest out with Warren-after his business is finished."


  Samuel and Warren were seated on opposite sides of the living room when I walked in, and the air smelled thick with anger. I couldn't tell, just by looking at them, whether they were angry with each other or something else. But then, werewolves are always ready to be angry about something. I'd forgotten what it was like.

  Of course, I wasn't the only one with a nose. Warren, sitting closest to the door, took a deep breath.

  "She's been with Kyle," he said, his voice flat. "She smells like the cologne I gave him. You told him." He swore at me, but there was more pain than anger in it. I felt a sharp twinge of guilt.

  " You weren't going
to tell him," I said. I was not apologizing. "And he deserved to know that all the crap he has to put up with is not all your doing."

  Warren shook his head and gave me a despairing glance. "Do you have a death wish? Adam could have you and Kyle executed for it. I've seen it done."

  "Just me, not Kyle," I said.

  "Yes, damn it, Kyle, too."

  "Only if your lover decides to take it to the news or police." Samuel's voice was mild, but Warren glared at him anyway.

  "You risked too much, Mercy," said Warren, turning back to me. "How do you think I'd feel if I lost both of you?" All the anger left him suddenly, leaving only misery behind. "Maybe you were right. It was still my job. My risk. If he was going to know, it should have been me telling him."

  "No. You are pack and sworn to obedience." Adam swayed at the top of the stairs, leaning a little on his cane. He was wearing a white shirt and jeans that fit. "If you'd told him, I'd have had to enforce the law or risk a rebellion in the pack."

  He sat down on the top stair more abruptly than he meant to, I think, and grinned at me. "Samuel and I both can witness that Warren didn't tell Kyle anything, you did. Despite Warren's objections, I might add. And, as you keep insisting, you are not pack." He looked over at Warren. "I'd have given you permission a long time ago, but I have to obey orders, too."

  I stared at him a moment. "You knew I was going to tell Kyle."

  He smiled. "Let's just say that I thought I was going to have to come down and order you not to tell him so you would storm out the door before Kyle drove off."

  "You manipulative bastard," I said, with a tinge of awe. That was it, three tires were going to come off that old Rabbit.

  "Thank you." He gave me a modest smile.

  And when we got Jesse back, she could help me with the graffiti.

  "How did he take it?" asked Warren. He'd gotten off the couch and stood staring out his window. His hands hung loose and relaxed by his side, giving nothing of his feelings away.

  "He's not gone running to the police," I told Adam and Samuel. I searched for something more hopeful to tell Warren, but I didn't want to raise his expectations in case I was wrong about Kyle.


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