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Covert Exposure

Page 6

by Valerie J. Clarizio

  “I’m getting my cookies.”

  He reached for the door behind him and heard the sisters whispering.

  “It’s about time that sweet girl gets a man in her life.”

  “You’re right, Sister, her clock is ticking. Poor thing.”

  The door clicked shut. Spinelli stifled his chuckle and pressed on about the cookies.

  Shannon rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Fine, I’ll give you some cookies and that’s all you’re getting. Then will you please just leave?” she asked as she spun on her heel and headed toward the kitchen shedding her coat along the way.

  Spinelli easily sensed her discomfort and he blamed it on her unwanted attraction to him. He couldn’t help but want to add to her discomfort, tease her just a bit. “Are you normally this rude to all the guests you invite in for cookies?”

  Shannon turned to face Spinelli. She flashed him a scowl and took a moment to conjure up her response. “Excuse me but I don’t recall inviting you in for cookies. What I recall is you rudely inviting yourself in for cookies.”

  Spinelli fought to keep from smiling. He liked the way she tried to cover her nervousness as she spoke to him. The conscious attempt made her voice deeper and even sexier than normal. With a voice like that he thought for sure she could double as a one nine-hundred operator.

  Shannon quickly turned again and headed in the direction of the kitchen. Spinelli followed with his eyes fixed on her backside. She probably had no clue how sexy she looked in her skimpy Santa helper outfit. Didn’t notice the elves ogling her all night either; the thought of it stirred the jealous juices inside him.

  Spinelli shrugged off his coat and flung it over the back of one of the two counter-height stools situated at the kitchen island. He pulled the stool out and took a seat. He figured he could get away with making himself comfortable and staying for a while because he knew she would want to prove him wrong about her being rude. And he knew she wouldn’t be able to live with herself if someone thought of her as being rude.

  Shannon turned to face him, a clear plastic bag full of cookies gripped in her fist. She reached over the counter and handed them to him. He took them from her and set them on the counter. He undid the twist-tie and pulled one from the bag.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  Spinelli shifted his eyes from his bag of cookies and looked up at Shannon. “I’m eating my cookies.”

  She narrowed her gaze but said nothing. From the look on her face, he knew he had her. She was just too nice to kick him out and most important, he knew that deep down she felt an attraction to him. He knew she didn’t want it to be so, but she was.

  After a brief moment of silence, Shannon slipped into the mode Spinelli knew she would. “Would you like some milk with your cookies?”

  Spinelli smiled. “Yes, please.”

  Shannon turned toward the refrigerator and opened it. She bent over and reached into the fridge to grab the jug of milk from the bottom shelf, exposing more of her shapely legs. Excitement penetrated throughout Spinelli’s body, nearly caused him to choke. God, she doesn’t have a clue.

  She shut the refrigerator door and then reached up into the cupboard to retrieve two glasses, again, causing her little dress to rise up.

  She poured a glass of milk for Spinelli and one for herself then she took a seat alongside him and grabbed a cookie.

  Spinelli took a swig of his milk to chase down the cookie and then set the glass back on the counter top. He shifted his stool a bit in order to face Shannon. “What do you know about this card game? Did Hudson and Reed play?”

  Shannon set the remainder of her cookie down on her plate and took a drink of her milk. She ran her tongue across her lips clearing away the remaining cookie crumbs and milk from them. The maneuver sent Spinelli’s heart into overdrive. He willed her to do it again only this time he imagined himself capturing her tongue with his mouth. He imagined his tongue in a long slow dance with hers.

  She answered his question, interrupting his fantasy. “I don’t really know anything about the game. I’ve heard the college kids, you know, the elves, and the security guards talk about how they play cards in the Greek restaurant after the mall closes. I think they play poker. I would imagine that Aaron Reed played but I don’t think Roland Hudson played.”

  “Do they play every night and do they play for money?”

  Shannon thought for a moment. “I’m not sure if they play every night. I only work on the weekends and I know they play on the weekends and I definitely know they play for money. I’ve heard some of the elves talk about how they need to work for Loukas at times to pay off their debt. So here they are trying to earn extra cash for school and they need to work off their gambling debts.”

  “Do you know what they do to work off their gambling debts?”

  Shannon responded with a slight shrug. “I just assumed they worked in the restaurant or something. I never really thought about it.”

  Spinelli finished his cookies and downed the last of his milk. He’d hoped it would take longer so he could spend more time with Shannon but the cookies were so good he just couldn’t help but gobble them up—like he wanted to gobble her up but knew she wasn’t ready for that yet. He figured her for the kind of woman that planned out every move in her life. She would take her time when it came to letting a man into it. As much as he wanted her right now he didn’t mind the wait. She would be worth it.

  He slid his stool back from the counter and stood. He pulled his coat from the back of the stool and flung it over his shoulders. “Well, it’s getting late. Are you working at the mall tomorrow?” he asked, knowing the answer because he’d already checked the work schedule which hung in the employee break room.

  “Yes, I work from five to nine,” she replied as she rose from her stool and stood in front of Spinelli, staring up at him with her big green eyes.

  “So I’ll pick you up at about 4:30 then?” he asked hoping not to get any grief from her. Not only did he just desire to be with her he also wanted to keep an eye on her. He didn’t know what was going on yet or why Hudson and Reed were both murdered at the mall and he feared for her safety.

  Spinelli kept his eyes fixed on hers, as she appeared to debate her answer to his question. She blinked flirtatiously as a soft smile drew across her face. “So you’re going to stick out the Santa thing at least another day?”

  Spinelli returned her smile. “What are you saying? You don’t think I make a good Santa?”

  Shannon’s soft sweet chuckle rang through his ears. “Oh, you’re a natural, all right. I don’t recall ever seeing a man look so horrified at the sight of children.”

  Her chuckle turned to full-blown laughter. “And when that little girl had an accident on your lap you looked like you were going to die right there on the spot.”

  Spinelli laughed deeply. He knew she was right. He had very little experience with children.

  “Hopefully the drycleaners can do a rush job on my uniform tomorrow morning.”

  Shannon smiled. “I’m sure they’ll give a little extra effort for Santa.”

  Shannon saw Spinelli to the door. He stepped through the doorway and turned toward her, his eyes fixed on hers. “I’ll pick you up at 4:30 tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Goodnight.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The next afternoon, Spinelli headed to Shannon’s apartment to pick her up for work. By the time he parked his truck in the one available visitor parking spot he could see her already walking down the snow dusted sidewalk toward his truck. He quickly put the truck in park and slid out so he could open the passenger door for her. She smiled at him. Her plump red lips almost an invitation.

  Spinelli kept his eyes on her as she climbed up into his truck so he could catch a glimpse of those great legs. He shut the door behind her, walked around the truck, and hopped onto the driver’s seat.

  As he drove toward the mall, he made small talk and inquired about her neighbors, Mrs. Finch and Mrs. Knight. Sh
annon explained that both ladies were widows and that they’d lived together in the apartment across the hall since way before she moved into the complex. Neither of them drove because Mrs. Finch is almost completely blind, she can only see shadows, and Mrs. Knight’s vision is beginning to diminish as well. So, when they need to go grocery shopping, or anywhere else, she usually takes them. Unfortunately, they both outlived their children but they do have a few grandchildren scattered about the country.

  Spinelli glanced over at Shannon as she talked about her neighbors. He’d never met anyone like her before. Never in his life did he ever meet anyone so kind and thoughtful, as well as, beautiful, smart, and sexy. The longer she spoke the faster his heart beat. He made up his mind right then and there he needed to make her his.

  A Sunday, two weeks before Christmas, proved to be quite busy at the mall. So busy, in fact, that Spinelli couldn’t find a parking spot. He dropped Shannon off at the entrance to Kohl’s and he continued on driving around in the parking structure looking for an available spot. His second pass proved lucky.

  Spinelli hurried to the employee locker room, strapped on his fat suit and buried it under his Santa suit and then hustled to the North Pole display where he found a line of children at least a mile long waiting for his arrival. He dreaded the next four hours. He hoped it wouldn’t be as bad as the previous day. He took his seat in the velvet chair and nodded in the direction of the two elves. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his little Santa helper appear from behind the candy cane field. Just like the day before, the sight of her in her short little red dress sucked the air right out of his lungs and no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t seem to fill them.

  Shannon walked up to Spinelli, smiled softly, and placed her hand lightly on his shoulder to get his attention. “Are you ready Santa?”

  The touch of her hand sent a ripple of warmth flowing throughout his body. He worked hard to find a controlled voice. “Yes, I’m ready.”

  Like the day before, she strolled over to the eager children and began moving them toward him.

  Spinelli glanced over the line. There were so many kids. Where did they all come from? A familiar face caught his attention. It was Lesha Washington. Her brother Darius stood next to her. The tall dark-haired woman he’d met two days earlier at the foster home held baby Christina on her hip. A young boy he didn’t recognize stood next to her. Was that her child or another foster child as well?

  Shannon plopped a little boy on Spinelli’s lap. The enthusiastic little fellow rattled off his wish list before Santa even had a chance to ask for it.

  Children came and went. With each passing child, Spinelli felt a bit more comfortable in this new role. It wasn’t so bad. All he really had to do to make the kids happy was let out an occasional mighty “Ho, ho, ho” followed by a belly jiggling laugh, and the kids did the rest.

  The Washington kids drew closer. They were laughing, all of them, even the foster mom. They seemed happy. Spinelli wondered if those kids had ever been truly happy in their short lives. If not, now maybe they stood a chance. The foster mom crouched down in front of Lesha. Lesha whispered something into her ear. The woman smiled, kissed her on the cheek, and hugged her before she stood up again. Lesha reached out and took the woman’s hand. Darius held Lesha’s other hand. They’d only been in foster care for a couple of days, yet something already seemed different about them.

  A few more kids passed by Spinelli. Now it was the Washington kid’s turn.

  As they approached, Lesha zeroed in on Shannon. “Hi Ms. O’Hara.”

  Shannon smiled. “Well hello there Le…”

  Spinelli cut her off, “Don’t tell me. Is that Lesha Washington?”

  Lesha’s eyes widened and she flashed him a humungous smile. Darius slid behind her.

  “Where did that little brother of yours go?” Santa asked as he leaned over and peeked around Lesha. He caught Darius’ gaze. “Come on over here Darius and tell Santa what you want for Christmas.

  “Go on, go tell Santa what you want,” Lesha urged her little brother.

  Darius walked up to Santa. Shannon lifted him up and placed him on Santa’s lap. Spinelli caught and held his gaze. The fear in Darius’ eyes faded. He smiled and asked for a fire truck before he slid off Santa’s lap and ran back to his foster mom.

  Spinelli looked at Lesha. She pointed at the other little boy with them. “Samuel can go next. He’s been so excited all day to see you.”

  Was this how it was? Already the little mother hen at only seven years old. Spinelli’s heart went out to her. He hoped she would get a childhood, the normal kind, where kids laugh and play, and where parents take care of their kids and love them. Something he never knew.

  Samuel darted over to Santa and hopped up onto his lap and offered his Christmas list. Samuel finished quickly and scooted back down.

  Spinelli looked at Lesha. She seemed to be studying him. She shifted her gaze to Shannon. Shannon stepped toward her, took her hand, and led her to Santa. Spinelli pulled her up onto his lap. Shannon stood by their side.

  Lesha caught his gaze and held it, her eyes inquisitive. Did she know who he really was? How could she?

  Spinelli softened his voice, “Well Lesha, I’ve had my eye you. It seems you’ve had a pretty tough year and through it all you’ve been a very good girl. And you’ve kept an eye on your little brother and sister, and took care of them. I’m very proud of you. Now tell me, what do you want for Christmas?”

  She looked up at him with her big brown eyes. He decided in this instant that whatever this little girl wanted she was going to get. He’d run out tomorrow and buy it and make sure it made under her tree on Christmas morning.

  Lesha brushed his hair back and whispered into his ear. A lump formed in his throat. He wasn’t sure how to respond. He glanced at Shannon and caught her curious gaze. He’d tell her what Lesha asked for later, she’d need to know. He turned back to Lesha, “I’ll see what I can do, Sweetheart.”

  She kissed him on the cheek and slid off his lap.

  Spinelli stared after the foster family as they walked away. He’d give anything to make good on her Christmas wish; he knew how she felt. He’d been there himself in the past.

  Four hours later, he wished for toothpicks to prop his eyelids open. He rose from his chair and sauntered toward the elves that stood by the display’s Christmas tree as they ogled Shannon and made small talk with her. Spinelli’s pure exhaustion did not prevent his jealous juices from finding their way to the surface.

  Loukas, the Greek’s muscleman, nudged his way between Spinelli and Shannon, scowled at Spinelli, then grunted in the direction of the elves. “You guys have fifteen minutes.”

  The elves’ moods instantly turned somber and they ended their conversation and headed toward the employee locker room. Spinelli and Shannon followed close behind. Shannon slipped into the ladies locker room and Spinelli into the men’s. He sat on the bench and began the difficult task of removing his black boots, considering the extreme gut roll of the fat suit he wore. He groaned during the maneuver drawing the attention of the elves.

  “What the hell is muscleman’s problem, cranky bastard?” Spinelli asked the elves.

  The elves shifted their eyes from Spinelli to each other and looked as if urging each other to answer him. One of the elves shrugged his shoulders but neither said a word.

  “You know, I could use a little extra cash for the holidays. How do you get into this nightly poker game I keep hearing about?” Spinelli continued.

  He kept his eyes fixed on both elves and waited for a reply. Without a word, the smaller of the two elves hung his elf suit on a hook in his locker, shut the door, and pinched the padlock shut with his trembling fingers. The larger of the two elves stowed his elf suit in his locker, locked it, and then turned to face Spinelli. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He motioned for his fellow elf to follow and they left the locker room without looking back.

  Spinelli f
inished shrugging out of his Santa suit and stuffed it into his duffel bag. He left the locker room to find Shannon waiting outside the door. “What did you say to those boys?” she asked.

  “Nothing. Why? What happened?”

  “Well they looked pretty frantic when they came out of the locker room and I heard one tell the other to just keep his mouth shut and that he’d figure a way out of it.”

  “What is ‘It’?” Spinelli asked.

  Shannon shook her head. “I don’t know. They didn’t say. They saw me standing here and stopped talking.”

  “Where did they go?” Spinelli asked as he walked briskly toward the edge of the second floor balcony so he could look down on the first floor of the mall. Sure enough, he saw the two elves. The muscleman at the Greek restaurant lifted the metal security gate and let the boys pass through. Spinelli quickly stepped back from the edge of the balcony to avoid being seen by the muscle but when he did so he bumped into Shannon. He hit her so hard she started to fall backwards. He reached out, grabbed her arm just above her elbow, and pulled her tightly to him to steady her.

  “I’m sorry. Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  Spinelli just stood there staring down into her big emerald green eyes, tightly gripping her arm. He tried to pull his gaze from hers but couldn’t. He tried to free his hand from her arm but couldn’t—it felt paralyzed. He debated kissing her. She looked like she wanted to be kissed but he couldn’t dip his head. His mind willed his extremities to move but they wouldn’t. He never in his entire life felt so tightly wound as he did right now. He feared that the slightest move would cause him to unravel completely.

  “You’re still on my foot,” Shannon whispered, knocking Spinelli out of his trance.


  “My foot, you’re standing on my foot.”

  Spinelli took a step back. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “We better get going,” Spinelli said as he turned and led her toward the parking ramp.

  Spinelli opened the truck door for Shannon. Before climbing in she spun to face him. She fixed her warm green-eyed gaze on him. She had the most beautiful eyes.


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