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Breathless (The Game Series Book 3)

Page 7

by Cara Dee

  “I didn’t tell you to stop.” River kissed me before I could turn toward the door, and I guess that settled things for me. I just followed. My body thanked him for the more unhurried kisses so I could breathe properly, though it was maddening too. I wanted more.

  “I see you two are getting along.” Reese set down what sounded like paper bags somewhere—maybe from his grocery shopping—and then his footfalls came closer, and I was acutely aware of him.

  Soon, I felt his hand in my hair, and he tugged at it and pulled my head back.

  I sucked in a breath and swallowed dryly, peering up at him with unfocused eyes. It was wholly unfair of them to take advantage while my systems were down.

  “Hi,” I croaked.

  “Hey, sweetheart.” Reese’s green eyes flashed with mirth. “You’re feeling better, I take it?”

  I nodded and shuddered forcefully as River nipped at my neck.

  “Good.” Reese gave me what I ached for; he dipped down and covered my mouth with his own, and I fucking died.

  “Oh God,” I moaned. It became too much, yet not enough. He’d eaten something that tasted of toffee or caramel, and scratch what I’d thought earlier about his kissing skills. He was as intoxicating as his brother and seduced me in a matter of seconds. Before I even knew it, I was reaching for him.

  River pushed up my T-shirt and caught one of my nipples between his teeth.

  I groaned.

  My head swam.

  One of Reese’s knees hit the couch, and his new position brought the three of us closer. My tee was hauled over my head. There were hands everywhere. It felt like my dick was gonna burst. They were so fucking hot I couldn’t describe it. With Reese’s fingers in my hair, he pulled me toward them until we all met in a wild kiss that stole my breath all over again.

  They were carbon copies with so much in common, all while some things made them uniquely individual. River’s unwavering strength and quiet calm placed him in the shadow of Reese’s adrenaline-inducing personality and forceful approach, but there was no competition. They complemented each other.

  Reese slowed down the kiss while I struggled to catch my breath.

  Then he gripped my chin and pecked me softly. “You’re not out of the woods yet, Shay. Y’all stay here and relax while I fix us something to eat. You’re staying here tonight too.”

  I wasn’t going to pretend to put up a fight. I wanted to stay. “Okay.”

  “Okay.” He kissed me once more before getting off the couch and adjusting his cock in his jeans. Mildly distracting. “If you’re a good boy, I’ll reward you with a beating tomorrow. I’ve already reserved one of the rooms in the house.”

  Yes! No!

  Every fiber of my being burned to be able to ask for the kind of pain that drove me wild, and it killed me that I couldn’t. At the same time, this was good. It meant I could indulge in this little game until tomorrow, and then I’d pay the price.

  “You’ll degrade me too?” I asked to make sure.

  He patted my head. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll make sure you suffer.”

  I guess that was good enough.

  Saturday was a busy day around here. That evening, River, Reese, and I sat on their little porch, talked, ate, and watched the kinksters who ran around the deck of the main house. And those in the pool. And some who were playing filthy games out on the lawn.

  I’d spotted Colt and Kit stroll down into the woods lining the bottom perimeter of the property earlier.

  Kit had looked appropriately nervous but determined too.

  Next munch, I wanted to talk to him more. We’d sat together with a few others, but I wouldn’t call him a friend. I didn’t have friends; I had people I knew somewhat, except for Ivy. We met up for coffee in town sometimes.

  River and Reese…they had friends. Close friends. Friends they could call family, even. Some of them had strolled over here to say hi and shoot the shit. Only Tops, though. Perhaps there was a rule somewhere that kept submissives and bottoms away, because at most, two had waved from the deck.

  Reese said he wanted some privacy for us tonight. Besides, we didn’t know if I was contagious, and maybe they didn’t care—clearly, they didn’t—but others might. So we stayed here, and it was fucking cozy. Despite my being on the floor. The twins shared a wicker sofa, and Reese had fanned out two blankets on the floorboards for me to sit on.

  I didn’t mind the subbie treatment, to be honest. Every now and then, I had their fingers in my hair, scratching my scalp, making me purr like a damn cat. Additionally, it gave me the best access to everything on the low table in front of me, and it was quite the spread of fried chicken, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and wings.

  My hunger had returned with a vengeance.

  “Poor Cameron,” Reese chuckled.

  “Poor Lucian,” River retorted.

  I bit into a piece of fried chicken and scanned the people by the pool. Cameron was also part of the group I sat with at munches. I knew he carried a torch for Master Lucian. I remembered Cam and the others talking about it at a munch this spring.

  “Why feel bad for any of them?” I asked.

  “Cam just needs to be patient,” River replied quietly. “Lucian will realize the boy’s good for him soon enough, but after that breakup…?” He let out a low whistle. “I can’t blame Lucian for sticking to casual partners.”

  “Master Lucian was hurt?” I guessed.

  “Understatement,” Reese murmured. “Cameron is a sweet boy, though. If Lucian would open his damn eyes, he’d see that Cam’s perfect for him.”

  Oh wow. Did Reese Tenley just come out as a hopeless romantic?

  I crammed the last of the fried chicken into my mouth and looked up at him over my shoulder. “Are you a sucker for romance?”

  He smiled slightly, grabbed a napkin, and wiped some crumbs off my cheek. “I’m a sucker for happy people. Don’t tell anyone.”

  I grinned and chewed quickly so I could say, “Wouldn’t wanna ruin your reputation.”

  “Exactly.” He leaned down and kissed me briefly, then reached for his beer and sat back again. “We could invite Lucian and Cam to the group play next week.”

  River nodded with a dip of his chin, and I faced forward. Could I ask? It wasn’t my business. I shouldn’t even be curious about what they had planned with other people, much less let it bother me. It didn’t bother me. It didn’t.

  I did my best to sound indifferent. “Group play?”

  “Mm.” Reese set down his beer bottle on the table. “You know who Macklin is, right?”

  “Yes, Sir.” I nodded.

  Shit, I hadn’t meant to call him Sir. It slipped out.

  Maybe he missed it, though. He didn’t react to it. “He suggested we get together next week for an orgy.”

  “Oh, okay. As you do.” I widened my eyes to myself and shook my head.

  I wasn’t hungry anymore. My stomach felt unsettled all of a sudden. Fuck, I better not face a round two tonight.

  Fingers wove their way into my hair, and then my head was tugged back. It was Reese again.

  “You’re joining us.” He tightened his grip on my hair, enough that my scalp stung. Me, joining them for an orgy? I…I didn’t know what to say. Did they want me there? “I don’t know how yet, but you’re staying all week. I just need to find the right way to convince you.”

  No way. I’d already pretended long enough. Again, it felt too good. I’d get stuck out here. I’d find more reasons to cave to my stupid longing. I didn’t deserve it.

  “I can see the conflict in your eyes.” He dipped down and pressed his lips to my forehead. “We’ll go through with the goddamn fight, if that’s what it takes.”

  “Leave him alone, Reese,” River ordered quietly. “Kid knows he can’t beat you. No need to rub it in.”

  The fuck?

  As Reese released me and leaned back, I turned toward River and tried to remain polite. “You two have been really nice to me, so I don’t wanna be a dick
. But don’t pretend to know anything about my background and how I fight. We talked about your specialties before—well, this one’s mine. You don’t see me shitting all over your mindfucking.”

  River opened his mouth and took a breath as if he was ready to fire back. Instead, he closed it again and furrowed his brow.

  “Who trained you in martial arts?” he asked eventually.

  I didn’t like his question one bit. Facing forward once more, I reached for my Coke and closed the topic. “He’s dead, so it doesn’t fucking matter. Can we enjoy the rest of the evening now?”


  Reese Tenley

  Shay excused himself to go to bed around midnight. His mood made it clear that he didn’t want company.

  Fine by me; I had plenty I wanted to discuss with River outside of Shay’s hearing range.

  “Where he decides to sleep will say a lot.” I took a swig of my beer.

  River lit up a smoke. “He’ll be in our bed.”

  I believed so too, and it was further proof that Shay was clinging to a façade where he claimed to be detached and wanted distance, but the act had become transparent and weak. If he actually did want distance, we’d find him in the subbie bed. If he actually wanted to get away from us, he would’ve accepted a ride from just about anyone who’d left the house tonight. If he actually wanted to be punished, he wouldn’t set off any alarms for Sadists.

  A person who saw suicide as their only remaining option to escape generally didn’t warn anyone right beforehand.

  As my brother had already mentioned, Shay’s behavior was a cry for help.

  “I’m gonna go through with the fight tomorrow,” I said. “I think it’ll crack him open.”

  Riv inclined his head, and the extra crease in his forehead let me know he was troubled by something.

  “We’re gonna minimize the foul play.” I squeezed his leg.

  He took a drag from his smoke and tilted his head at me. “How’s that even possible?”

  “At the risk of sounding like a fucking child, he started it,” I replied. “He needs to own his part. He’s not only put himself at risk by seeking out unsafe play, he’s completely disregarded the Tops’ safety.” I set down my beer again. “I don’t need to tell you what can happen to a masochist—and a Sadist, for that matter—if we start a session with someone without all the facts.”

  He eyed me, waiting, and I stole his smoke to take a quick drag. Unlike my foolish twin, I’d given up smoking.

  I returned the cigarette as I exhaled some smoke. “Once he sees that, hopefully he’ll be more inclined to understand our perspective.”

  “In other words, two wrongs make a right.”

  “Two wrongs make it easier to forgive each other,” I corrected. “Intentions matter, River. I can be irritated about him going around lying to Sadists, but that doesn’t mean I don’t understand him. He’s lost, angry, confused, and hurting.”

  He nodded slowly, then pressed a brief kiss to my shoulder.

  I leaned back in my seat and scrubbed my hands over my face. Having always enjoyed a good puzzle, it wasn’t a big surprise to me that I felt so invested. But my reactions to him today did surprise me. He’d been amazing all day. Cuddly, sweet, funny, and carefree. Hesitant too. Like an abused animal that’d just arrived with new owners who meant no harm. Skittish and careful, yet hopeful and sufficiently starved for affection that he didn’t need much coaxing to take a leap of faith.

  I suspected River had drawn similar conclusions, hence nicknaming Shay pup.

  “All right, so the fight tomorrow.” He stubbed out his smoke. “You’ll strike some deal, yeah?”

  “Yes.” One way or another, I’d make the boy stay the week. “Depending on how hard he crashes, I might give him a release at the house.” A solid pain session would drain him of tensions and allow him to cry shit out. “Our plan with Macklin and the others is for Wednesday, right?”

  He nodded.

  Right. “So, we’ll want Shay in higher spirits by then.”

  “He’ll need a break,” River agreed. “I know where you’re going, and I think we should wait till the week after before I get involved.”

  He had a point. We’d stick to physical pain this week. Then when he came back after next Friday, and he fucking would, we’d dig deeper.

  “It’s a plan.”

  He snorted softly. “Can’t wait to see it fall apart.”

  I grinned and leaned in to kiss his jaw. “Come on. Grab a shower while I tidy up.”

  He smirked wryly and lifted a brow. “You want me to heat up the water before it’s your turn, you mean.”

  I chuckled as I stood up. “Whatever. I want us to smell nice when we fuck our new toy.”

  “Finally,” he groaned. “I almost took him earlier on the couch.”

  I sucked my teeth, gathering the leftovers on the tray I’d brought out earlier. If River was impatient to fuck a partner of ours, it meant all good things. It meant he found the boy special and something extra. But we had our way of doing things, and the first fuck was always a threesome. It was the ultimate way to experience our chemistry together.

  Damn, my brother was eager. He wasn’t the type to show it outwardly, but he’d already placed lube, rubbers, and a damp towel on his nightstand.

  He was downstairs killing time with the news right now.

  Shay was asleep in the middle of our bed, tonight without the duvet, instead opting for just the top sheet. No tee either. His back was exposed, and I studied the stunning artwork as I dragged my towel over my hair.

  Two koi fish swam upstream across his spine, the waves shifting in different blue lines with beautiful but subtle shadow work. The tail of a dragon danced over his lower left side, snaking toward his front, and flames and smoke came up from the right side.

  His stepdad had trained him in martial arts, I was certain. He’d made a massive impact on Shay, and I believed the man was key to figuring out Shay’s grief.

  After returning the towel to the bathroom, I stopped at the top of the stairs. “Riv.”

  He leaned sideways and peered up here. “Ah, my nudist brother. Christ. I’ll be right there.”

  My mouth twitched. He was about as shameless as I was, yet he’d never consider walking naked around our own house. He could engage in an orgy and act like a heathen, only to leave the room and put on swimwear to go into the pool.

  The downstairs went dark before he started climbing the stairs. “He asleep?”

  “For now.”

  Together we walked over to the bed, and I let River set the pace. I wanted to watch him with Shay. The way they’d made out on the couch earlier today had stirred something in me. I hadn’t identified it yet, but I had a feeling it wouldn’t go away anytime soon.

  Shay was different.

  River dropped his boxer briefs and crawled onto the bed, aiming straight for Shay’s sleeping form. The sheets were discarded, and… Ha. That sweet boy had gone to bed stark naked. River and I exchanged a glance, thinking the same thing.

  Refocusing on Shay, River hovered over the boy and planted a trail of kisses up his spine. Shay shifted and mumbled something incoherent. I snatched up the lube and a rubber from the nightstand, ready to give them to my brother. For being such a meticulous planner and slow to jump into anything, he liked to catch subbies when they were the most vulnerable.

  “Um, wh…” Shay grunted and lifted his head, eyelids heavy, a crease between his brows, confusion and sleep written all over, just as River slid his fingers into Shay’s hair and yanked back. Shay gasped before exhaling a groan.

  “Do you remember your safeword?” River murmured.

  I poured some lube onto my fingers and climbed up to kneel on the mattress.

  “Yeah,” Shay rasped.

  With my fingers coated, I slipped my hand down Shay’s ass and between the cheeks. Christ. What a fuckable little ass. River sat back on his heels and accepted the condom from me, and his gaze was glued to what I was doing. I c
ircled Shay’s asshole with my middle finger, then slid it right inside and cursed. Either he did his Kegels, or he hadn’t been fucked in a long time.

  I forced a second finger inside him as River rolled the condom down his cock.

  “Oh God,” Shay groaned, pushing his ass out for me.

  “Do you swallow come, boy?” I asked.

  “Yes, Sir.” He nodded.

  Second time he’d called me Sir.

  What I wouldn’t give to hear him call me Daddy.

  River jerked his chin at me, indicating he was done and didn’t want any more preparations, so I withdrew my fingers. What happened next turned me on beyond fucking belief. He didn’t order Shay onto all fours; he just gripped Shay’s hips tightly and hauled him up, then quickly positioned his cock and forced himself inside. I swallowed dryly and hoped to remember the scene for years to come. Seeing River impatient and wholly focused on claiming a tight ass was intoxicating.

  Shay choked on a sharp gasp and white-knuckled the sheets, but it didn’t escape our attention how he was already meeting the pain River delivered. I eased my hand along the sexy arch of Shay’s spine, up to his shoulder blades and then his neck.

  For a brief moment, they existed solely for each other. River with his cock buried all the way in, his chest rising and falling with deep breaths, and Shay on pins and needles, eyes closed, and—I assumed—focused only on the thick cock stretching his asshole.

  A tremor ran through him.

  My brother let his head drop. I could practically read his mind. How he reveled in that first moment of taking someone, how he soaked up the pleasure at the expense of someone else suffering for him. It was heady as fuck and would never get old.

  While River let Shay get adjusted to his size, I moved in front of our boy and removed some of the pillows. I asked him if he had any limits or triggers about deep-throating, and his response flooded me with possessiveness and pleasure. He shook his head quickly, gaze fixed on my cock, and barely waited for me to get settled before he tried to reach for me.


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