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Breathless (The Game Series Book 3)

Page 12

by Cara Dee

  “You’re getting harder, boy. The longer you wait, the more difficult it’s gonna get to let it all go.”

  But I don’t want to!

  I wasn’t modest by nature, but for chrissakes, a guy was allowed to have some dignity.

  When something thudded to the floor, I noticed Reese had stopped flogging me. Heat rose to the surface of my skin and turned my abused flesh into a sea of lava. It was fucking inebriating. As if my skin was alive, the pain pulsed and shifted from one spot to another, and it set off tremor after tremor.

  I dropped my head and swam in the stream of this…this…

  I couldn’t form thoughts anymore. Or maybe…because when Reese appeared in front of me and fidgeted with the loose rope that kept the burlap sack in place around my neck, my heart skipped a beat, and my pulse thrummed faster. I heard him get down on one knee, or maybe both, but he let out this low grunt only men over forty could produce.

  “It’s time to let go, little one.” Reese’s murmur gave me a shiver and brought forth too many emotions, right when I thought I’d calmed down. In my defense, I hadn’t heard his voice in hours. “It’s not healthy to hold it in for very long. Don’t disappoint us.”

  I sucked in a shuddering breath as he rolled up the burlap sack past my chin, mouth, and nose. Then he twisted the sack behind my head and reattached it, this time more like a blindfold. The fresh air made it so much easier to breathe!

  “Th-thank you, Daddy,” I stuttered in a rush. It felt so good to breathe without the bag in the way.

  He hummed and gripped my chin. “You can thank Daddy by sucking him off.”

  I wanted to. I wanted it so much.

  The second he pressed the warm head of his cock against my lips, I opened wide and felt my mouth water.

  “One more thing, Shay,” he said in his comforting Daddy tone. “Don’t be a useless puppet about this. Obey your Owners and humiliate yourself for our amusement.”

  With those words, Reese filled my mouth with cock and my brain with a combination of shame and an insane need to be perfect for him. Desire blazed through me as they used my body. River fucked me harder. Reese forced his cock down my throat. Part of me couldn’t believe how River had manipulated me into getting hard. The shame made it worse. Or better. I wasn’t sure anymore. My mind was officially fried, and I sank into a dark, addictive pit where I could be a worthless mutt and roll around in the filth.

  I didn’t belong to myself anymore.

  Control was so far gone that I’d forgotten what it felt like.

  Behind closed eyelids, I watched all my barriers crumble to concrete chunks.

  I let go.

  I pushed. I hurt. I sobbed and choked around Reese’s cock. I let it all go.

  Useless puppy.

  Humiliate yourself.

  Under the downpour of hot water, tears, saliva, and sweat became invisible. My mental block was gone. I just pushed through the physical pressure and cried my way past the pain…until I was fucking soaring.

  I was their dirty mess, and I loved it. I loved everything. I loved their grunts, growls, and lustful groans. I loved how they used me. How they pushed me down, how they controlled me, how they owned me. In that dark void, I found freedom. I started fucking it. I acted like a goddamn animal. I ground into River’s fist, I fucked it, I chased the pleasure. All the pain had faded. My fucking God, I was flying.

  Reese withdrew his cock from my mouth and came on my face.

  Hot ropes of come splattered my cheeks and stained my lips.

  I moaned uncontrollably and tasted every drop I could reach before it was washed down the drain.

  Then I was coming too.

  I wept like a freaking baby, full-on snot-sobbing, and it felt so good. River held me up. He smeared my come all over my cock. Reese cradled my face and called me a perfect little fuckhole for Daddy to abuse, and I was. I wanted to be. I wanted them to use me all the time.

  Eventually, I collapsed on the floor and curled into a fetal position.

  They’d fucked with my head to the point where everything hurt as much as I drew pleasure from it. The water was hot and my back was on fucking fire, and yet I shivered as if I’d been placed in a freezer. I felt mentally energized at the same time as I was so tired that I knew for certain I could fall asleep right here and sleep forever. I was hot, cold, crying, snifflegiggling, weighed down, lighter than a feather… I felt everything and nothing.

  It was amazing.


  I licked my lips and drank the droplets I could reach.

  I still tasted some of Daddy’s semen too.

  “What’re you laughing at, lil pup?” River’s voice had lost its sadistic steeliness. Thank goodness. I couldn’t handle any more of his games right now. What I could handle was his hands on me. There was soap too. Or body wash.

  “I don’t know,” I chuckled drowsily. “I called Reese Daddy in my head and how I tasted his come. S’funny.”

  Another pair of hands shifted up my neck, and they carefully tugged off the burlap sack.

  I blinked and squinted.

  My vision was blurry at first, but soon I was peering up into a set of gorgeous green eyes that were warm with amusement and affection.


  “There’s our boy,” he murmured.

  I smiled like some dope, but I had to close my eyes again. The water rained down too heavily.

  “You feelin’ floaty?” he asked.

  “Yeah.” I yawned and stretched out while River kept washing me. “I’m hungry.”

  “We’ve prepared a snack for you,” Reese promised. “We’ll get you cleaned up and dressed first, and then we’re going upstairs to the interrogation room.”


  I nodded, squirming as River soaped up my junk. “Okay. What kind of snack?”

  They chuckled.

  “What?” I cracked one eye open, only to notice that Daddy had moved. My bleary gaze landed on the ceiling instead, and all I saw was white tile and shower heads. Many of them. It seemed two of them were on. “We’re in a shower room?”

  “What gave it away?” River asked.

  I laughed.

  Then I scrubbed my hands over my face. It felt so good not to itch anymore.

  I’d had a question about something…

  “Let’s get you off the floor, baby.” River slipped his hands under my armpits and helped me up, but I got stuck on him calling me baby. I liked it very much.

  “Whoa.” I had to grab on to his arms. Head rush. Christ. And he was naked. “There you are.” I blinked and grinned.

  He shook his head in amusement and dipped down, kissing me briefly. “It bodes well for us that you can’t focus worth a damn.”

  I could focus just fine. I dropped my stare to his magnificent body, and my hands sort of followed. It couldn’t be helped. He and Reese had what I decided were the sexiest bodies on the planet. They could not be more masculine, with all their ruggedness, solidness, ink, and imperfections. I let my fingers brush over his chest hair and the large tattoo that covered the left side of his ribcage. Brotherhood was the obvious theme, and I remembered seeing a similar tattoo on Reese’s shoulder blade. There were two shot glasses with amber liquid in them, two male silhouettes walking through fire, one date of birth, and…a guitar. Hm.

  “Who plays the guitar?” I wondered.

  “Reese.” River gathered my hands in his and kissed my knuckles. “You ready to continue?”

  I nodded vigorously. “I want snacks, please.”

  He laughed under his breath and guided me away from the water.

  Oh wow. The halls outside the shower room were something else. It was the first time I was seeing the interior, not counting some pictures online. Red, black—mostly black—and silver were used everywhere. Black-and-white erotic photography on the walls. Each room had a silvery number attached to the door, along with a metal pocket that I knew held instructions and terms of use for each playroom. Another thing I’d r
ead about online.

  I wasn’t peering into a fantasy life from behind the safety of the screen of my phone anymore, though. I was right here, being ushered up to the third floor by two Sadists. Two very nice Sadists, at the moment. They’d toweled me off, put aloe on my back, and dressed me in a pair of boxer briefs and too-large sweatpants. They had a tee for me too, but my back felt too raw for it right now. Maybe later. I did love wearing their clothes.

  Room 11 was called the Interrogation Room, and as soon as River opened the door, it was like stepping into a cop show on TV. Grayish walls, linoleum flooring, a desk at the center of the room, one chair on one side, two chairs on the other. There was…whoa, really?

  “Is that…?” I pointed to the western wall, which had a large mirrored window. There was a door too, painted the same color as the wall.

  “Interrogations require an audience from time to time,” Daddy said.

  Pfft. There I go again with the Daddy nonsense.

  I was silly.

  River gestured for me to take a seat at the table while Reese disappeared into that other room with the mirrored window.

  “Are you going to interrogate me?” I asked curiously.

  “You are just full of astute observations today.” River smirked a little and sat down across from me.

  I grinned. “Thanks.”

  He chuckled, then scratched the spot right underneath the neckline of his tee and glanced over his shoulder as Daddy—Reese!—as Reese reappeared. And he brought snacks!

  “Look at how his eyes light up,” River murmured.

  I didn’t know who he was talking to; I was busy gawking at the tray Daddy set on the table. It was funny because it was identical to the pocket trays we’d had in the high school cafeteria. An apple—the red and yellow, delicious kind, not the super tart green one—a small bag of chips, half a sandwich, a cookie, and a bottle of water.

  As Daddy sat down next to River, I was informed that I’d get rewarded with the snacks for every question I answered. Until I’d finished all the food.

  I was good with that.

  “We’ll start small,” River said. “Did you go to college?”

  I nodded and forced my gaze off the sandwich. “Yes, Sir.”

  Was this really an interrogation? Interrogations were for people who were suspected of something. Maybe they could call this an interview instead.

  “What did you study?” River asked next.

  “Civil engineering,” I answered. Did I get my sandwich now? My stomach snarled with hunger. “Is that turkey?”

  “Focus,” River commanded. I snapped my stare to him, sheepish. I hadn’t even noticed I’d looked away from him. “Tell us a little about your college experience. More than a two-word sentence. Then you can have your first snack.”

  Okay, cool. I was going to pick the sandwich first. “My mom and I would go to her friend’s beach house in Jersey in the summer when I was little. I don’t remember exactly how it became a hobby, but I liked studying the coastline.” It was where she had met Dad. He’d been in Jersey for a tae kwon do tournament for the children he coached. I lifted a shoulder. “The interest stuck, so I’m gonna be a coastal engineer one day. I have my bachelor’s degree, just have to go back and finish my last year so I can get my master’s.”

  I’d get to that as soon as I had secured my brothers’ futures.

  “May I have the sandwich now?” I asked.

  “Of course.” Daddy slid the tray closer to me, and I quickly grabbed the snack and bit into it. Fucking amazing. Turkey, mayo, and tomatoes. “Coastal engineering sounds exciting.”

  I nodded as I chewed. Too bad the sandwich was tiny. Like, three bites. “I had an internship lined up at a firm in DC, but then my parents and sister died, and—” I flinched and set down my sandwich. “What’s your next question?”

  Please, please, please change the topic. I felt too good to ruin it with my personal life.

  “We know about your family, lil pup.”

  “Okay.” I picked up my sandwich again and finished the last piece in one bite.

  I caught the brothers exchange a glance before Daddy cleared his throat and pressed forward.

  “Who have you hung out with in the community so far?”

  I squinted as I thought about it. “I meet up with Ivy, Kit, Cam, and a few others at munches. That’s about it.” I leaned forward and rested my forearms on the table, wondering what snack I should go with next. The apple, probably. Then the cookie. Or the chips.

  “Tell us about a regular day in your life,” River requested.

  I could do that. “In the summer, I mainly work out and study techniques with Weasel. But when my brothers go back to school, I stop by our aunt’s place most days to help them with homework and stuff.”

  I eyed the apple.

  “You don’t live with your brothers,” Daddy stated.

  “Correct,” I responded. “I used to, but I’m more useful bringing home money. And to do that, I gotta train a lot. That’s why I accepted Weasel’s offer when he said I could live with him in Rosslyn. Can I have a snack now, please?”

  Daddy nodded with a dip of his chin.

  I dove for the apple and took a big chunk out of it. Oh, it was just like I imagined it. Juicy, sweet, perfect.

  River cleared his throat. “But your brothers like living with your aunt?”

  Why wouldn’t they? “Oh yeah. She’s great.” I took another big bite and chewed quickly. “How is this an interrogation?”

  Daddy smiled faintly. “We ask the questions. Not you.”

  “I can answer anyway.” River slid his gaze to me. “We wanted to get a clearer picture of your mind-set before we continued to your rather serious infractions.”

  I swallowed loudly, a piece of apple gliding down with some discomfort. “Infractions?” I coughed.

  He inclined his head. “You’ve put yourself and community members at risk when you’ve lied—by omission—about why you seek out pain.”

  Oh. That…

  I lowered my gaze and returned the apple core to the tray. I didn’t feel so good anymore. In fact, my stomach started to hurt. I dropped my arms from the table and hugged myself loosely.

  “Are you gonna call it?” Daddy asked River quietly.

  “Yeah,” River responded. “Scene’s over, Shay.”

  Wait, what? I snapped up quickly and felt a rush of worry flood me from within. “Did I mess everything up? C-can I make it better? You were going to interrogate me.”

  He didn’t look angry. If anything, his eyes held an abundance of warmth. “You’re not in a state to go on, baby. And sometimes scenes don’t work out as planned, but that doesn’t mean this wasn’t a great experience. We pushed you hard and learned a lot.”

  I chewed on the inside of my cheek and flicked a glance at Daddy.

  He rose from his seat and extended a hand. “Come on, little fighter. I think we all need some rewards and cuddles.”

  Really? I couldn’t help but perk up at that. “I deserve a reward?”

  “Of-fucking-course you do.” He gathered me close and ushered me out of the room. “We’ve put you through a minor hell, and you never stopped being the wonderful little maso boy you are.”

  “Oh.” I smiled to myself and slipped my hand into his as we descended the stairs. “Even though we didn’t finish the scene.” I had to make sure.

  He stopped me on the landing and cradled my face in his hands. “Intense scenes like these have only one purpose—to expose the masochist. To see what’s left when we get rid of all the filters and push you into a place where you’re left vulnerable and open. And that’s what we did.” He dipped down and kissed me softly, lingering, and spoke against my lips. “We can safely assume there’s a Little in you.”

  I mustered a little smirk. “Nuh-uh.”

  “Yuh-huh.” He chuckled and inched back. “We can discuss your skewed definition of what makes a Little after you’ve rested. We’ll be doing so much talking tomorrow.”
He tapped my nose when I pretended to scowl. “We’ll also have fun exploring where the line goes before the masochist gives way to a defenseless Little.”

  A yawn cut me off from childishly arguing that I wasn’t a Little, but at this point, I didn’t know why I bothered. I liked calling him Daddy; he felt so safe and protective, and I didn’t have to have all the answers around him.

  “You need sleep.” He threaded our fingers together and moved toward the next set of stairs. “We’ll have all the time in the world for everything else later.”

  “All the time in the world,” I snickered tiredly. I did like the sound of that—it made my insides feel all warm and shit—but it was just a figure of speech.

  “You’ll see.” He pressed a kiss to the side of my head. “River and I think we should try to keep you. Besides, if we don’t explore a dynamic for just the three of us, we can’t lose the condoms and Daddy can’t breed his little boy properly.”

  Fucking gulp.


  Reese Tenley

  “Can we stay here all day?” Shay mumbled sleepily.

  “Hmmm.” I kissed the top of his head and stretched out my legs. “I don’t have plans to move anytime soon, but I think you’ll be bored in a couple hours.”

  Not only had we gone to bed early last night, we had slept late and only gotten out of bed to eat breakfast and then crash in our lounger next to the pool. River was dozing on and off on one side of me, Shay on the other, and fuck if I knew the last time I’d felt this peaceful.

  Weather was nice too. Not too humid. The umbrella shielded us from the sunrays yet kept us warm enough to skip clothes and blankets. It wasn’t often I could convince my brother to lose the underwear, but he’d reasoned with himself, saying the sunbed would essentially be our place to nap till lunch, meaning he could sleep naked like he did in the cabin.


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