Book Read Free


Page 23

by Thomas H. Ward

  Maggie was on one knee scanning around and said, “We got company. A truck is coming this way.”

  “That’s Tom and Mike.”

  I picked up Lisa and she was semi-conscious. While putting her on the floor she asked, “What … happened?”

  I noticed right away that both their guns were missing along with their water supplies, tactical vests, ammo, and any food they may have had.

  I gave Lisa a drink of water and told her, “Lie still, while I check Trini.”

  I moved over to Trini and shined my flashlight on her face and clothes. She had lost a lot of blood. Her color wasn’t good. I ripped opened her blood soaked shirt to look for wounds. She had been shot in the lower neck. I felt for a pulse, but there was none. She was gone for sure. There was nothing I could do.

  Bowing my head, I prayed for Trini, “Dear Lord, please accept this brave warrior into your kingdom.” I gently pushed her eyes closed and folded her hands across her chest. Finding a tarp nearby, I covered her body.

  Lisa heard me and asked, “What did you say?”

  “Trini is gone.”

  These dirty bastards killed Trini one of our best warriors. She was a little wild, but you could always count on her. I’ll get these guys and they’ll pay for this. Justice will be served. An eye for an eye is my motto.

  Lisa tried to get up, but her neck was injured and she couldn’t move. She cried, “Why … why did she have to die!” Lisa started to sob.

  I bent over Lisa and checked her neck. The bad guys beat her up pretty good. Looking at her closer she had a couple of big welts on her face. I felt the back of her head and there was a large lump oozing blood.

  I asked her, “Can you remember what happen?”

  “No. I didn’t see anything.”

  “Do you know me?”

  “Of course, you’re Rico, my boy friend.”

  “No, I’m Jack … Jack Gunn.”

  Lisa looked at me kinda funny, and said, “Yeah, that’s what I said.”

  “Lisa don’t move. Your neck is sprained and you have a bad concussion. Doc needs to check you out.”

  Maggie peeked in the door and asked, “How are they doing?”

  “Not good. Lisa has a bad concussion and her neck is severely sprained. I’m sorry to say, Trini is gone.” I walked to the front door to unlock it for Wanda. “Wanda, guard this door from the inside. Maggie keep your eyes open over there.”

  In an angry tone Maggie growled, “I wanna kill these guys myself.” I didn’t say a word back to her. I knew if she had the chance Maggie would make them suffer.

  A few minutes later Mike and Tommy pulled up in front of the building. I met them at the door. Tommy could tell something was wrong by the expression on my face. “What happened?”

  “They killed Trini and Lisa is hurt pretty bad. No one saw what happened.”

  “Shit, how’d they kill Trini?” Tom asked.

  “They shot her with her own gun, as far as I can tell.”

  Mike and Tom pulled back the tarp and both gazed at her body. After a minute they covered her up.

  Mike spoke up, “That’s the third Amazon killed in the line of duty.”

  Maggie told us, “I was on guard. I was watching their backs from the wall and I didn’t see anyone. I let them down.”

  I asked Mike, “Did you find that missing stealth outfit?”

  “Negative,” Mike replied.

  “That’s it, the guy had on a stealth suit. That’s how they did this.”

  “That makes a lot of sense,” Tommy said.

  “Maggie get the truck and take Lisa and Trini to Doc Scott’s office.”

  While they went for the pickup we carefully strapped Lisa to a stretcher. I didn’t want to tell her that her neck maybe fractured. We slid Trini into a body bag and were all silent as Mike zipped it closed. Gently we picked up the body and loaded it into the bed of the pickup.

  I advised the girls to get to the Doc as fast as possible and to get some rest after that. The warriors drove away just as the sun was setting. We watched them until they were out of sight.

  Mike tossed me an invisible suit and said, “Let’s get these bastards.”

  My phone rang so I answered it. “Mr. Gunn, this is Sergeant Smith at SOCOM. Your drone is overhead now and here’s the live feed.”

  I held my phone out for Mike and Tommy to see.

  The drone was directly overhead and we could see the warehouse and other buildings. It was flying an east-west pattern over the island. The video was being shown in infrared. If the commies were here we’d find them now.

  Tommy suggested, “Let me take the phone and go to the top of the wall. Maybe I can get a shot from up there. You guys stay here and I’ll radio you their location.”

  “Ok, that sounds good.” I told him.

  Looking at Tom, Mike replied, “If you can’t take them out then we’ll move in using the invisible suits.”

  I gave Tom the phone and he took off in a flash. With his 308, and FLIR scope, he could reach out 800 yards and kill these dorks. Mike and I slipped into the invisible units.

  Pulling the helmet over my head I saw one red light. It was north of us, in the woods, about 500 meters away. Mike saw it also and said, “Well that confirms they got one suit.”

  I clicked my radio and told Tommy we found one of them using the invisible suit and gave him a general location to search. Tommy advised back, “I’ve redirected the drone to that area.”

  I replied, “We’re on the way there now.”

  Mike and I were heading to the location to intercept the enemy. I heard Tommy on my radio and we stopped. “The drone isn’t picking you up. I can see one man with my FLIR.”

  “Yeah, that makes sense because you can’t see the invisible’s heat signature. That means the drone is picking up the guy that doesn’t have on stealth clothes.”

  Tommy responded, “I got that guy on my scope. I’m taking him out.”

  I answered, “Take the ass-hole out.”

  A minute later we heard the echo of his 308 ring through the jungle. Then we heard it again. A few seconds later it repeated one more time.

  Tommy radioed, “The target is down.”

  “Good shooting,” I said.

  Mike tapped me on the arm indicating for me to put on my helmet. I placed it on my head and saw the red light coming for us. He was 300 meters away and heading in our direction.

  Mike said, “I suggest we do a ‘V’ shaped ambush.”

  Using a ‘V’ shaped ambush we’re the top of the V. Where the lines meet, at the bottom of the V, is the target zone. We picked out a big tree a 100 yards out to be our target zone. When the enemy is near that point we take him out.

  Mike moved 50 yards to the right and I moved 50 yards to the left. We aimed our lasers on the tree. I pulled out my radio to advise Tommy what we were doing.

  I asked him, “Can you see Mike’s laser on a tree?”

  “Negative. Where is it again?” I gave him more detailed directions where to look.

  “I see the dot.”

  “Ok, keep looking in that direction. When you see our lasers paint the target, open fire.”

  “Roger that.”

  Mike and I were prone watching the tiny red spot on the heads up display come closer and closer. Suddenly he stopped moving. He was probably wondering why we weren’t moving. He could see we were waiting for him. He knew it was a trap.

  How stupid I was; forgetting that he could see us as well. What the hell was I thinking? I wasn’t thinking straight. My brain was dwelling on the fact that Trini was dead and I wanted vengeance. I wanted an eye for an eye. No, I wanted more than an eye. I wanted to make this scumbag suffer. I wanted to hurt him really bad. I wanted to give him more than just a bullet.

  Clearing my train of thought, I took off my helmet and clicked the radio. “Mike, come in.”

  A moment later Mike replied, “I’m here.”

  “These suits are for shit. The guy can see us and knows
we’re setting a trap.”

  “Yep, it appears he knows we’re waiting for him.”

  “Tommy, you on the line?”

  “Yes, go ahead.”

  “Ok, listen up. I’m taking off this thing. I am gonna stalk him using Mike to guide me to him. Mike you move around and play hide and seek with him while I zero in on his location. Take your helmet off every now and then to disappear. Radio me his position and I’ll move straight towards him.”

  I stripped off the hot invisible suit.

  “Tommy, you keep scanning the woods for him. If you get a shot take it, but make sure you’re shooting him and not me. Once you paint the target radio me.”

  Tommy replied, “I’ll know if it’s you because my FLIR will show your heat signature. He won’t show one.”

  “That’s a good point, as long as he doesn’t take off his suit.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Any other comments or questions?” I asked.

  Both replied, “Negative.”

  “Ok, let’s do this. Over.”

  I preceded straight forward deeper into the jungle. It was dark now and I hate moving through the bush in the dark. It’s just plain scary. You risk snake bites, spider bites, and now even wild pigs could attack you.

  Crouching low, trying not to make any noise, I had moved about 30 yards. There was a slight breeze blowing which moved the leaves and small tree branches. I knelt down on one knee and held there for a minute listening for any type of noise.

  I had cleared my mind now. I just wanted this over with. I wanted to be the one to put a bullet in this dork’s head. Where is this guy, I wondered? Ten minutes went by with no communication from Mike.

  I heard a slight buzzing overhead. It was the drone making a pass. My radio hissed and Tom came on. “I confirm one dead commie.”

  I whispered back, “Roger.”

  In the woods we have a lot of old big pine trees. I know it seems weird pine trees growing in a tropical climate but certain species do. There’s the Slash Pine and the Sand Pine Tree that can reach 60 feet high and grow 2-3 feet in diameter. When the wind blows through the tops it makes a whistling sound. The trees grow in groups of five to ten.

  I was kneeling at the foot of one of these trees, in a bed of thick pine needles sprinkled with pine cones. It smelled good and reminded me of Christmas time in the old days.

  I heard a noise to my right and scoped it out. It was only a raccoon searching for food. I shined my laser around the area just to be sure. The woods are dense and thick making it almost impossible to walk without making any noise. Sooner or later I would hear the killer and get a bead on him.

  “Jack, where are you at?” Mike asked over the radio.

  Softly I replied, “At the foot of the big pine tree. I’m at the point of the ‘V’ for the ambush location.”

  “The target is about 50 meters directly to your right.”

  “Roger that.”

  I raised my M4 and started to scan the area with my laser. The thick foliage intercepted the beam making it impossible to see 50 meters. I needed to move closer to get a clean shot.

  “Mike, is he still there?” I asked.

  “Yeah, he’s not moving.”

  I rose up in a low crouch and started to make my way towards the target. It was slow going picking my way through the dense bushes. If I made any noise it could get me killed. It was taking me five minutes to take ten steps.

  After 30 minutes I called Mike, “Is he still there?”

  “Affirmative. He hasn’t moved.”

  I scanned the area with my laser. After a couple of minutes I saw him. I picked up the large red dot out of the bushes. I was sure it was the invisible man. I aimed my rifle and flicked off the safety.

  Suddenly my radio came on and Tommy said, “I’m picking up two heat signatures. He’s got a bead on you. Get out of there now!”

  I dropped and rolled just as a bullet whizzed by striking the leaves near my arm. I quickly crawled on my hands and knees as more bullets zoomed overhead.

  That was too close for comfort. My heart was pounding. The killer had taken off the suit and used it for bait. It was a trap. This guy was smart, but not that smart. He didn’t know that Tommy was on the wall watching him and that we had a drone.

  I crawled to another pine tree about 20 feet away. He had one of our M4’s which has a FLIR scope so he could see my body heat.

  I muttered softly into my radio, “Tommy, if you got a shot take it.”

  “Negative. I don’t have a clear shot.”

  Mike came on, “I’m taking off my suit also. I’ll circle around behind him.”

  I replied, “Negative. Stay put for now.”

  I couldn’t talk anymore because he was coming. I turned off my radio. I slid under some 3 foot high ferns, rolled on my back, and covered most of my body with pine needles. Pine needles are an excellent heat insulator. I smeared dirt all over my face trying to reduce my heat signature.

  I looked through my FLIR scope but couldn’t see him. Maybe he was behind me. Maybe he was in front of me. Laying on my back I couldn’t get a good view. I stopped breathing and tried to listen more intently. The only thing I heard was my heart beating. I laid my M4 on the ground next to me and drew my Glock. Laying on my back it would be easier for me to use my pistol if he was within range.

  This guy was good. He knew how to sneak and peak. He must be one of their best snipers. I heard him, a twig snapped, over to my right. I turned my head to look, but didn’t see a thing. I couldn’t hear him walking any more. He must have stopped and is scanning around with the scope looking for me.

  For a few minutes I only heard the wind whistling in the pine trees. I didn’t move a muscle and was breathing very shallow. I held my breath every few seconds.

  Then I heard a soft crunch; the sound of steps on soft pine needles. They were slow uneven steps that stopped and paused after one or two strides. He was coming closer because each step was getting louder. He had to be right next to me.

  Laying on my back I saw the ferns move above my head and he stepped forward. The killer was standing right next to my legs. One more stride and he’d be stepping on me.

  Looking into his rifle scope, he didn’t see me. He had no idea I was on the ground right next to him hidden under the ferns. I slowly raised my gun and aimed at him. All of a sudden he pushed aside a fern leaf, looked down, and spotted me.

  I had a clear shot and before he could move another muscle I pulled the trigger … BAM … BAM, BAM. I fired three rounds, one round to the head and two to the body. He fell across my legs hitting the ground in a thud.

  I kicked him off of my legs and quickly stood up. Pointing the Glock at the back of his head I fired one more round just to make sure he was dead. I sat down, on his back, and lit up a smoke. After taking a deep drag I blew out a smoke ring with a sense of relief and took a drink of water.

  I looked at the dead body and said, “An eye for an eye, you dirty commie.” It made me feel good, real good, knowing I had terminated Trini’s killer. I put my smoke out by crushing it into his brain bucket. It made a good ash-tray. The wet blood snuffed out the butt right away.

  My adrenaline rush was gone and so was all my energy. I turned my radio on and advised Mike and Tom. “The killer is dead. I’m dragging his body out now.”

  Tommy said, “I was a little worried about you.”

  Mike answered, “Good job, old man.”

  Tommy replied, “Let’s just leave the bodies in the jungle for the pigs to eat.”

  I commented, “Now, that’s a good idea. I didn’t wanna drag his dead ass around anyway.”

  I dropped the body and headed back to the warehouse. It was a fit ending for the commies letting the pigs eat them.

  Arriving back at the warehouse the three of us shook hands and gave thanks to God for protecting us from evil. After that I said, “I need a drink.”

  Mike replied, “I’ll drive, let’s go.”

  Riding back t
o the bar, which we call ‘The Green Room,’ we stopped at Shark Channel Bridge. We informed the Amazons the enemy had been terminated.

  Amy commented, “Yeah, we’ve been listening to the radio chatter and figured you guys got them. Dad, you killed the guy that got Trini?”

  “Yep, I killed one of the bastards and Tommy the other.”

  “How did you kill them?” Maggie asked.

  “I used a triple tap. Then I gave him one more in the head to make sure he was dead. Tommy took the other guy out with his 308. We left the bodies in the woods for pigs to eat. How’s Lisa doing?”

  Maggie replied, “Doc says she needs to wear a neck brace for a few days but nothing is broken. She’ll be ok.”

  “She was really lucky,” Amy commented.

  I advised them, “You can go back to normal guard duty here on the bridge. We’re gonna get a drink or two and then head home. Good job warriors. Oh, by the way Trini and Lisa’s rifles are in our truck.”

  At the Green Room everyone wanted to know all the details. I just wanted a drink and didn’t want to think about it. The more you talk about it the worst your nightmares become. So I try to wipe it out of my mind. I don’t like telling stories about what I did.

  Mike and Tommy feel the same way so they blew the people off and told them we’ll talk about it later. We just wanted to have a drink in peace and go home.

  Mike and I had one drink and then went over to see Lisa at the medical office.

  Lisa said, “Boy, I’m happy to see you guys.”

  Doc Scott said, “Don’t stay to long she needs a lot of rest.”

  “How do you feel Lisa?” I asked.

  “Not bad, but I still don’t remember what happened. Did you kill the commies?”

  Mike said, “Yeah we got them all. Jack killed the one that got Trini.”

  I notice that Mike reached out and touched Lisa’s hand. Observing that I told them, “Well, I’ll see you both tomorrow. I gotta get some sleep.”

  Lisa responded, “Bye, Jack, and thanks.”


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