Book Read Free


Page 26

by Thomas H. Ward

  “I don’t think SCOM has any of the EVB150,” Sessions said.

  “The EVB150 can be found at the Federal Reserve banks in Miami, Jacksonville, and Atlanta. Those are the distribution centers. The vaccine is taken from there to Green Zone clinics and given to those selected by the State who are deemed worthy of living.”

  Sessions commented, “I don’t think the President deems the Army as worthy. He doesn’t want us around to interfere with his plans. I agree it’s a plot to eliminate any resistance.”

  “Yeah, you need to raid the Federal Reserve Banks and distribute the booster vaccine to all military personnel that you can. We’re going to raid the Green Zone clinic in St. Petersburg and steal as much as possible.”

  “Jack, did any of your people take the first shot?”

  “Not that I know of, but I need to check that. In any case, I never took it and I won’t take the EVB150 either.”

  “What’s the matter, you don’t trust your own government?” Sessions inquired.

  We both laughed out loud and I said, “Yeah, about as far as I can spit.”

  Still laughing Sessions said, “Ok Jack, thanks for the information. Have Doc email me the link to the memo from the DPC. I’m going to pass this on to SOCOM so they can move on it right away. Good luck and keep me posted.”

  After hanging up, Doc commented to me, “I’ll bet the Army was one of the main targets they wanted to wipe out.”

  “Yep, you’re right,” I told him. “Let’s call Rico and tell him we’re on the way.”

  I called Rico and told him to check if anyone has a laser tattoo with a date on it. If they do, then they definitely have Ebola. We advised him we’re leaving Tocabaga to bring him the medical supplies.

  We arrived at Rico’s compound with no problems. It was just Doc and me because I didn’t want anyone else to be exposed. We pulled up to the front door, staying 50 feet away, and unloaded the gear onto the street.

  Rico came out and started to walk over to us so I told him, “Don’t come any closer.” He was standing 15 feet away.

  He stopped and said, “Yeah, you’re right I don’t want to infect you guys. I checked all my people and three of the nine have the tattoo.”

  “That confirms they have Ebola,” Doc told him. “What about your other people, do they have a tattoo?”

  “No one else has a tattoo. What can we do for the men that are infected?”

  “Nothing except give them plenty of fluids and keep them isolated,” Doc said. “We’re going to try and find the EVB150 vaccine to give all your people to stop anyone else from coming down with it.”

  I told Rico, “We brought you all the med supplies we could. Just make sure you keep everything clean and disinfected. Wear the suits and clean them each time you come out of the room. By the way, how many people do you think have been exposed to those infected?”

  Rico looked up at the sky, as if thinking, and replied, “I really don’t know.”

  “Where are the infected people located now?”

  “I moved them all to a small building away from the others. I have five people taking care of them.”

  Doc advised him, “Your five men also need to be isolated from the others.”

  “It’s a little too late for that isn’t it?” Rico asked.

  “No, it’s not too late. If anyone comes down with a fever put them into isolation.”

  As Rico’s men were moving the gear into the compound I told him, “Don’t worry buddy. We’re gonna mount a mission and find the EVB150 vaccine and bring some to you ASAP.”

  “Thanks for your help. Any idea when you’ll get it?”

  I thought about it and answered, “I hope in a few days. I’ll call you when we find it.”

  Rico raised his hand goodbye as we mounted up and drove back to Tocabaga. While driving I thought, maybe I’ll never see my friend again. What a terrible way for a great warrior to die.

  I told Doc, “I can’t let Rico die from Ebola.” I smashed the pedal to the metal, speeding up to 65 mph, to let out the tension.

  Arriving back at the Tocabaga Bridge it was about 6 pm. I stopped at the road block and told my guards if any outsiders come to the bridge don’t have any contact with them. Stay at least 15 feet away because they may have Ebola. If they try to enter stop them but don’t touch their bodies with your bare hands. Doc Scott gave the guards latex gloves to use.

  Advising my men of the Ebola let the cat out of the bag. News would spread around Tocabaga like wild fire and could create a panic.

  Rick was at the bridge and walked up to me and asked, “What the hell you talking about Ebola for?”

  “We just came back from Rico’s and nine of his men have Ebola.”

  “Did you come in contact with them?”

  “Of course we didn’t. We’re not idiots. There’s nothing to worry about.”

  Then Doc reminded me, “Jack, remember we did take in some people who were in the Green Zone a while back. They may have been given the EV135 vaccine.”

  “Shit you’re right. Ok, here’s what we’re gonna do. I’ll have the Amazons check every person for a tattoo just to be safe.” I told Doc and Rick. “I’m gonna have a meeting about this at 9 am at the fire circle tomorrow. The Amazons can start checking people at the meeting.”

  “Ok, see you then,” Rick replied, as we drove away.

  While driving away I told Doc, “Let’s draft up a memo about the meeting at your office so we can make copies. Then we’ll post it.” He nodded his head in agreement.

  We drafted a memo and it simply read:


  JULY 13, 2025 AT 9 AM.





  Doc Scott, Medical Director

  Jack Gunn, Director of Security

  I contacted Amy and asked her to have the Amazons post 100 copies around the island. While doing so, they should verbally advise as many people as possible.

  I also asked that her warriors to visually check each person at the meeting for a laser tattoo. Each person checked would be stamped on the hand with the date using Doc’s date stamp. The ink would stay on for a few days. It provided an easy way to verify if someone had been checked.

  Doc and I were satisfied with the memo and there wasn’t any more we could do. We went to the Green Room for a drink and then went home.

  It was dark by the time I arrived home. I told everyone in my family, except the kids, about the Ebola plague at Rico’s compound. Tommy, Jim Bo, Ron, and I went outside to discuss how to attack the Green Zone clinic.

  It was decided that we would ask the Rangers to do a drone fly over when it was dark. The drone would provide us a live feed of the area. That way we could see, using infrared cameras, where the Federal Police were patrolling or stationed. The drone would fly over an hour before we would make our incursion.

  Tommy suggested that two men should go on this mission. He selected himself and Army Mike. They were the best we had for a sneak and peek mission. They would be armed with silenced M4s and be wearing the Chinese Invisible combat suits. That would provide us the edge we needed to get in without being seen.

  Pulling out a street map it was decided to enter the Green Zone using 3rd Avenue. Two Humvees with the 50 calibers would be used. Each truck would carry a driver, a 50 gunner, and one more man with a SAW riding shotgun.

  The Hummers would sit outside the zone and wait for the call that the vaccine had been found. Then they would zoom in guns blasting away at anything or anyone in our way. We’d pickup the men, and steal all the med supplies possible.

  Completing the mission plan I went to bed. I didn’t sleep well thinking about the new INVISIBLE WAR we would be fighting. I’d rather be facing invisible soldiers than invisible bugs. I admit that Ebola scares the shit out of me.

  JULY 13, 2025

  I arrived at the meeting at 8:30 am
and was pleased to see many people already there. Rick had set up a row of tables for the Board of Directors to sit at which faced the crowd of people.

  I noticed the Amazons were already checking people as I went to the table to sit next to Rick. Rick shook my hand and said, “I’ll open the meeting as usual and turn it over to you.”

  “Ok, I’ll get right to the point. We don’t want anyone to panic,” I told him.

  Tommy brought me a cup of coffee. I took a sip and found it was spiked with a shot of Jack Daniels. That was just what I needed to take off the edge. I hate talking to large groups of people. I chugged it down and asked him to bring me another. It also helped relieve my body pains.

  Rick called the meeting to order promptly at 9 am and turned the meeting over to me. I don’t remember exactly what was said, but it went something like this:

  Dear Friends, as you probably already heard we defeated the Red Chinese Invisible Soldiers the other day. We’re safe from them now. Good news is I was advised by Captain Sessions that the entire Military is in agreement to remove the President and the Congress. They’ll install a new military government to restore law and order. It may take a few years before we can have normal elections again under the U.S. Constitution, but things are going to improve.”

  The crowd cheered, hooted, and whistled when they heard the news.

  “That’s the good news. The bad news is we are facing a new invisible enemy which is … Ebola. We found out, thanks to Doc’s research, that anyone who received the EV135 Ebola vaccine is in danger. If you’ve taken this you’re a walking time bomb. On your arm there’s a date tattooed. That’s your expiration date. The shot is good for five years, but after that date you will contract Ebola.”

  The crowd started to make a lot of noise and people were talking among themselves. I stopped speaking. Rick pounded the gavel and asked for order.

  I yelled, “Please hear me out! You will contract Ebola if you do not receive the new EVB150 vaccine.”

  Someone yelled out, “Where do you get that from?”

  I took a sip from my booze laced coffee and lit up a smoke while standing there. I paused a minute and took another drag on the cancer stick and replied while blowing out smoke. “You don’t need the new vaccine if you never had the first one.

  “If you were given the first vaccine please contact Doc Scott so we can issue you the EVB150 and save your life. We can’t take the chance of you getting Ebola on Tocabaga. We’re mounting a mission tonight to find the new vaccine so we have it on hand.”

  Rick stood up and commented, “This problem was caused by the President and his cronies. It was a plot to kill off the people who didn’t agree with him.”

  I said, “The Amazons are checking everyone to see if you have a date on your arm. Anyone who has a date please step forward now.”

  The crowd was quite and everyone looked at the person next to them. Finally after a few minutes one man stepped forward and raised his hand. It was Albert Madison, the retired Navy Medic.

  Albert said, “I was given the vaccine. My date is July 15, 2025. That’s just two days from now. What should I do, Jack?”

  “Damn Albert, that’s really cutting it close.”

  I yelled to the crowd, “Anyone else have a tattoo?” No one replied.

  Amy approached me and said, “We finished checking everyone and it looks like Albert is the only one.”

  I thought that’s a relief. There’s only one person here to worry about.

  The rest of the crowd started to slowly back away from Albert. Some yelled throw him off of Tocabaga. Many in the crowd began to leave the meeting.

  I shouted, “Don’t panic! Albert isn’t contagious yet.”

  Someone screamed, “How the hell do you know?”

  I pulled my gun and fired it into the air … BAM … BAM. Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked at me. I advised them, “We’re going to obtain the new vaccine tonight and give it to Albert. There’s nothing to fear at this time.”

  I walked up to Albert and told him to go home and keep in isolation in one of his rooms. As Albert walked away with his wife and two kids the crowd parted to let him pass. They were afraid to touch him.

  I continued speaking, “Starting today we’re not letting any new people on Tocabaga. We don’t know how bad this is going to get. I suggest no one leave the island for the time being. That’s all I have to say.”

  I sat down and watched the people talking to each other. They were mumbling to each other and I could sense the fear in their faces.

  Rick stood up and shouted, “Ok, the meeting is over! Go home and don’t worry. Everything will be fine.” Most left the meeting area, but a few stayed around to gossip.

  I told Amy to post two Warriors at Albert’s house just in case someone tried to hurt him or his family.

  We went home for lunch and Army Mike came along to discuss the night mission. We had just finished eating lunch and sat down to make our final plans for the raid when I got a radio call from Maggie. “Jack, you better come to Shark Channel Bridge quick. Albert’s here holding a gun to his head.”

  I told the group there’s a problem with Albert, I’ll be right back. I jumped in the truck and sped to the bridge as fast as possible. Albert was on the bridge, standing next to the guard rail, holding a gun. He was looking down at the water.

  I slowly approached him and said, “Albert, what the hell you doing?”

  “I know exactly what I’m doing, Jack. I was a Navy Medic and I’ve seen it all, including Ebola. It’s too late for me.”

  “Maybe it’s not. Let’s talk about this.”

  Shaking his gun around in the air Albert said, “There’s nothing to talk about. I don’t wanna infect my family or anyone else. I don’t wanna die from Ebola. It’s a long painful death. I made my mind up what I need to do.

  “Jack, promise me you’ll take care of my wife and kids.”

  “Think about this. Don’t do it, Albert.”

  “Promise me, damn it!”

  “Ok, I promise!”

  I was standing a few feet away from him. I could have grabbed his gun and stopped him but I froze. I didn’t know what else to say. I couldn’t speak as I watched Albert look up in the air and point the 357 magnum to the side of his head.

  Albert looked at me and said, “Thanks, Jack.”

  I yelled, “Wait!”

  It was too late. The blast blew the side of his head off and his body fell into the shark infested waters.

  I looked over the side of the bridge as Maggie came running over. She peered down into the murky water and touched my hand. “There was nothing you could do,” she said.

  “Maybe not. If he was already infected then it’s for the better. He took his own life to save his family and others on Tocabaga. He’s a hero in my eyes.” I made the sign of the cross and said a silent prayer.

  I started to walk away. “I gotta go tell his wife and kids.”

  “I’ll come with you,” Maggie replied, as she ran after me.

  We told Albert’s wife and kids, but they already knew what he was going to do. Sue cried and said, “Albert was a good man.”

  I replied, “Yes, he was. He did the right thing. He did the honorable thing to protect his family and friends. Sue, if you need anything let me know. I promised Albert, I’d look after you and the boys. You have a lot of support here, so don’t worry. I’ll take care of arranging a memorial service in a few days.” We gave her and the boys a hug and left without saying another word. What could we say?

  We stopped at the clinic to advise Doc about Albert because they were close friends. Doc was shocked and said, “He was a good man and I’ll miss him. He was a big help to me here at the clinic.”

  “Doc do you think he was contagious?” I asked.

  “I don’t think so, but I’ll monitor his wife and kids’ temperatures for 30 days just to be sure.”

  “What if they come down with Ebola?”

  “I don’t wanna think about th

  “Well we gotta think about it, so make up a plan just in case,” I said.

  “Alright, will do. I’ll set up the memorial service if it’s ok with you.”

  “That would be great. Thanks, Doc.”

  I asked Maggie, “You feel like going on a mission tonight to find the vaccine?”

  “Yeah, count me in.”

  “Ok, let’s go to my place. We’re making up the plans now.”

  Maggie and I walked in the house with our heads hanging down. Mike asked, “What’s wrong with Albert?”

  “Albert killed himself. He was convinced that he already had Ebola. He didn’t wanna infect anyone else so he blew his brains out and fell into Shark Channel,” I told them.

  No one said a word for a few minutes.

  Mike asked, “Did he have it or not?”

  I stated, “Doc doesn’t think so but there’s no way to tell now. Doc’s going to monitor his family by checking their temperature for a month.”

  Everyone was silent again. I knew they were thinking the same thing as me. What if Albert’s family does get Ebola?

  Breaking the silence Tommy said, “We’ve finished the plans for the raid, so let’s review them.” He pulled out the city map and while placing it on the table he commented. “It’s an easy plan and should be a cakewalk using the stealth suits.”

  He pointed to the map. “We take Interstate 275 to 22nd Avenue South, the gang zone. Hopefully we won’t have any problems there. Then we head west to 3rd Street south and take it north. The trucks will stop at the old USF Business College and drop us off. You’ll stay under cover until we radio you for pick up. We tuned your radios to the same frequency as ours.”

  I noticed that little Johnny was standing on the side of the room quiet as a mouse, but watching everything. He was a smart kid and liked watching us make the plans. Someday he would be doing the planning so I was happy he was taking an interest.

  Tom continued, “As you know, the clinic is located on 3rd Street between Central Avenue and 1st Avenue North. Mike and I have a straight mile and a half walk to the clinic. Once we’ve found the vaccine you’ll pick us up out front. Then we bug out and stay on 3rd Street heading north to 9th Avenue. At 9th Avenue we’ll head west taking us to Route 19 and then home.”


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